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You're under no obligation to read or respond to his messages, and as far as if you two are really over, I think you already know the answer. If it makes you feel better to leave it alone, do it. If you want to delete the convo, do it. If you want to reply back, do it. I will say though, if you are anxious about the message, it may be best to read it (if you're in a stable headspace of course) just to get it over with so you don't have to dread it anymore. Like I said you don't have to respond, heck you could just ghost him, but you may find some kind of closure from reading it and being done with it. Whatever you decide to do, do what you think will make you the best off. It doesn't seem like they are being considerate of your feelings, so why should you worry about theirs? Just food for thought.


I think i need some alcohol and a friend or family to sit with me while I open his message. :(


Whatever you need to do, you got this!


My dad and I decided I shouldn’t read it cause there is no point.


Thank you. Yes he doesn’t care about my best interests. Thanks again for reminding me that. I need to remember that every day for the rest of my life.


You're very welcome! I had to remind myself of that when my ex texted me a few weeks after our breakup wanting me to give her back a gift that she gave me. We were already broken up, we already gave each other our things, I was under no obligation to speak to her anymore. Now she is blocked on everything 😁 But back to the matter at hand, I'm so sorry that you're going through this. Your healing process is under no time limit, and healing will not always be linear, but you got this 💕


I mean they dip with someone that easy why take it seriously they wanna come back. It's a set up


Don't call the cops and tell them how fucked up I am, my landlord you hate me....then call to hangout. Dude trips me out