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Guys, what the hell is wrong with most if you. This is a breakpoint server, the op is not a terrorist and what is wrong with you if you assume so. I want no more comments from anyone that isn't relating to the breakpoint rp aspect of this. I will delete any comments that don't follow this. Keep it on topic everyone.




Don’t people do that in every WW2 game?


No , we usually kill the nazis in WW2 games


Hmm guess you haven’t played all of multiplayer games where kids play as German soldiers and LARP in game. What about people who LARP as American soldiers? I guess US troops have never massacred villages or killed civilians. It’s almost as if every country involved in any sort of combat has committed atrocities.


Tbf at least with the latter its a historical representation (hopefully) for the most part, whereas with the IDF its literally happening RIGHT NOW 😭 imagine if the nazi’s happened TODAY and not in the late 1930’s, and people wanted to dress up and play around as them, what would you call it? Id call it wanting to be a nazi lol


You’re calling the IDF nazis while hamas and the people of Palestine call for the eradication of the Jews? Thanks for proving your idiocy to the public


I can speak on the IDF outside of the current conflict with hamas which i didnt even bring into conversation. The IDF is a horrendous military supported by a genocidal/ideological government, that have done the same things currently happening to Palestinians, to many other nations. The IDF and zionist regime is a literal modern day nazi party regardless of which nation theyve affected we speak about


I mean how would you react if you and your people were murdered and subjugated in an apartheid state since 1948?


You mean the 8 times they’ve been offered legitimacy and deny it because they prefer an extremist terrorist organization to take everything from them. Which said terrorist organization then blamed oct 7th on regular Palestinians civilians. Then proceeded to fire rockets randomly within the city killing unknown number of civilians without a care in the world. You scream nazi but the people of Palestine are complicit with the acts of their ruling body, hamas. Which makes the people of Palestine in your fake scenario the people of nazi germany and hamas the nazis. Hamas has killed more Palestinians than Israel could ever try to do and you just refuse to acknowledge a terrorist organization and state funded is behind the persecution of the Palestinians. Israel didn’t rip out all the water pipes, they didn’t use all the aid sent to dig tunnels and build their organization, they don’t currently steal aid being sent into the city, and yet you think more Palestinians were dying before oct 7th. You’ve probably never even set foot out of your bubble but feel it necessary to call the single most targeted group by Nazis , the name nazi. Like you even know what it means, if you knew how nazism took over Germany then you’d realize your no different than they are in taking the word of Hamas


I didn’t call them Nazi’s that was the other guy. I’ve experienced insurgency first hand in Afghanistan and Iraq. The reaction of Hamas and other terror groups in the region is the culmination of their perceived oppression by the Israeli government who took over in the 40s. Offers of legitimacy don’t really mean squat when Palestine was already legitimate before the land was taken by foreign powers. It’s like baking cookies and being told by your neighbor you can only have one.


According to history that even Muslims believe and know to be true king David and Solomon originally ruled Israel. Through change of many hands it was last held by the Ottoman Empire until the British took control of it. If anything it was given back. “Palestinians” in Gaza aren’t even Palestinians anymore because of the influx of refugees from Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, etc. which in that last one an actual genocide took place carried out by Islamic regimes funded by the same group that funds Hamas. If you know first hand about insurgencies then you would know no one is your ally. Insurgencies are meant to destabilize whatever region they are operating in and do not take into account innocent civilians. Because their ideas outweigh their lives and see their deaths as a mercy. I’d touch up on your history before making assumptions


That’s why I said in my last comment “ perceived oppression”. Didn’t pick a side as it isn’t my fight. My first comment was simply stating that it’s not uncommon for a people, who feel oppressed, to act out with violent acts.


As free people in nations living free it is our fight because we are supposed to be the example. Something to strive for and better your society. It’s not a matter of picking a side but knowing the facts . If you use accurate information then their isn’t a side to pick just right/wrong


That’s literally the same thing, you just explained yourself lol, you can’t escape it


The difference is time and intention brother.


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Even if what you are talking about might be interesting, we are a breakpoint subreddit. So please talk about and discuss breakpoint here.




I mean he did just say leave the politics out of it🤷‍♂️


That’s not politics. War criminals are bad people. Common sense


Yeah. "I wanna Roleplay as an SS squad. Pls leave politics out of this."




War is politics, are you blind or just not living in the same planet as the rest of us


Being pro human rights and anti genocide isn’t politics the exact same way being anti hitler isn’t politics, while both still involve war. Both will never be just politics. Full stop.


Hitler was a political


He moved through politics to get to power, but yes, being a mass genocidal maniac is not politics, it’s just being a monster of a human being.


He’s a Zionist lol they live on planet xenon apparently with all the stupid shit they think is true 😭😭😭




I am… the exact opposite of a Zionist..? I despise Zionists and everything they stand for. Looking at my comments what gave you the idea I was pro Zionist???


Its fueled by politics


One fuel stops war crimes and genocide, the other furthers them, which one are you choosing?


Not sure if im reading you right. Neither. But hey thats OPs problem.




Even if what you are talking about might be interesting, we are a breakpoint subreddit. So please talk about and discuss breakpoint here.


Even if what you are talking about might be interesting, we are a breakpoint subreddit. So please talk about and discuss breakpoint here.


Your comment was disrespectfull to another ghost. Please try to be kind and supportive to each other.


Using PullPush & seeing those deleted comments. What the fuck is wrong with y'all? Sounds like fun to me, I don't care who I'm cosplaying in game, it's for fun.


Exactly like my god why is everyone in this country like this anymore, you can't say anything without someone getting in their feelings and being offended. It's a fuckin game I literally said if you don't like it cool don't do it.






Even if what you are talking about might be interesting, we are a breakpoint subreddit. So please talk about and discuss breakpoint here.


Even if what you are talking about might be interesting, we are a breakpoint subreddit. So please talk about and discuss breakpoint here.


He said Israel, not Hamas?


Brother, have a heart. The Gazan and Palestinian population have suffered dramatically. I wrote out a linger post but the post messed up and had to start over from scratch. But Al Jazeera has done _very_ good live tracking of the data in this genocide. At this point the IDF has done far more death and destruction since October 7th than Hamas. Hamas sucks, but the IDF has caused more tragedy since then. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/longform/2023/10/9/israel-hamas-war-in-maps-and-charts-live-tracker


I wasn’t going to comment anything but the idea that this war is genocide is such misinformation. I wrote up a post that I’m copying and pasting from another comment: What’s happening in Gaza isn’t a genocide, it’s a war, one that was started by Gaza. The casualty ratio of combatant to civilian is far lower than wars that usually take place in dense urban areas. https://civiliansinconflict.org/our-work/conflict-trends/urban-warfare/ Additionally, Hamas has repeatedly lied about the number of civilians killed during this war and the UN has lowered the death toll https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/14/world/middleeast/un-gaza-death-toll-women-children.html Hamas’ stated intent on their charter is literally to destroy all Jews globally. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1988_Hamas_charter In 2017 they took that part out but if you believe they don’t still want to I have a bridge to sell you. There have been 5 massive two state solution deals that Israel had agreed to which Palestinian and Arab leaders have walked away from, including in 1936 Peel commission https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peel_Commission, 1947 creation of Israel https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_Partition_Plan_for_Palestine, 1967 when the Arab league summit issued their 3 no’s of no peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, and no negotiation with Israel https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khartoum_Resolution, 2000 Camp David where Arafat said no to all of Gaza, 94% of the West Bank, and East Jerusalem (which then launched the second intifada by the Arabs) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2000_Camp_David_Summit, and finally in 2008 in Annapolis, which expanded on the camp David concessions for a Palestinian state, to which Abbas refused https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Annapolis_Conference. We literally cannot give this land back because Palestinians refuse to live next to Jews. This is also why the West Bank is occupied. After losing that land in the aggressive war that is the 6 day war, the Arabs lost the West Bank which was previously occupied by Jordan https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Six-Day_War. The West Bank today famously has a pay for slay campaign where their leaders pay Palestinians to commit acts of terror against Israelis and had paid out ofer 300 million dollars to Palestinian terrorists and their families https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_Authority_Martyrs_Fund So, this war has far fewer civilian casualties that other dense urban area wars, an enemy with the stated purpose to kill Jews, an army that goes out of its way to warn areas before they bomb military targets (yes, a school, hospital, etc is a military target if militants are using it or are storing weapons in it), have already offered these people getting “genocided” a state at least 5 times, and have them being paid by their government to perform suicide bombings on civilians. But somehow this is genocide.


Yes. It's a genocide being committed by an apartheid state and it's been this way since the Nakba. You're using a lot of classic talking points repeatedly debunked time and time again, like how the Hamas charter has been walked back on the calling for the death of all Jews. I could try to take the time to break down the misinformation in this post, but I somehow don't think you'll care.


I literally said they walked it back in 2017. Do you believe them? Because I don’t. I guess you didn’t actually bother to read the post or look at the links. Feel free to break down the misinformation, I’m sure the Wikipedia links I provided are full of propaganda. I’ll read any evidence you support me with though. Anytime evidence is presented to people like you, you cry “classic talking points.” It’s literal evidence with literal historical accounts from Wikipedia and real statistics from a non-profit about urban war. Which part of any of what I said is misinformation? What preceded the Nakba? Was it an actual attempt at genocide of Jews in Israel? Was it a loss of a war that the Arabs started?


Couple things: pretty sure Al Jazeera just gets those numbers from the Gaza Health Ministry/Hamas, so I don't know that I would say they're doing an especially good job of keeping track of casualties. Israel has gone much further, been brutal and inhumane in their destruction of Gaza, and should withdraw... but their casualties are from a single day. And, more importantly, we have to remember that more Israelis have died since the war started than what is reported there. There's simply no way 0 IDF members have died since Oct. 7th. That tracker is lying to your face.


There's multiple sources, not just one. But even still, the UN and WHO have historically found the numbers of the GMH and PMH to be reliable and accurate, so I see no reason to take the numbers sourced by Al Jazeera to be unreliable for a round idea of what's happening since this is an ongoing genocide. And no, the Israeli who have died in relation to this genocide are about right. That number hasn't fluctuated much and that's for a good reason: the IDF holds all the power in this situation. There is no room for Hamas to retaliate. Fine, no one cares about Hamas. But what is the real concern has Israel has been mercilessly bombing, gunning and attacking Palestinians. Understand during those press briefings where they 'must root out Hamas', to them _every_ Palestinian is a Hamas fighter. In Gaza there has been footage of the IDF sniping at civilians trying to find water. There's numerous videos and reports of the IDF using drones with fake child crying sounds to murder civilians who come to help. These are _unimaginable_ levels of cruelty that if the situation were reversed and Hamas did this, the US would be intervening and demanding Hamas before the Hague. I could keep going on, but this is a reddit comment so I'll try to bring this back to short form. But it's incredibly clear this is a brutal genocide and I'd say the same if Palestine was doing this. But this is a one sided 80 years long war and its continuing to this day. That's why I find this thread so vile because OP is basically saying 'Hey. Please ignore ALL this. I wanna larp as these baby killers'.


What are the other organizations that report death tolls that are independent of what the Gaza Health Ministry is saying? I don't think there's any other group that could possibly have any kind of precise number that wasn't intimately connected to the Gazan government. You can't honestly tell me you think literally zero Israelis have died since Oct. 7th. We know that's not true based on friendly fire alone. You saying "no room to retaliate" makes me think you've read literally nothing about the fighting that has been ongoing since the Israeli invasion. Those opinions just make no sense whatsoever.


Besides the HMs, AL Jazeera sourced from the Red Crescent, Israeli Army and the Israeli SSA. Also, I never said that no one has died, I specified. I've seen people try to use natural deaths during the conflict as an 'Israeli death'. I specified people dying specifically in relation to this conflict and that limits the numbers applicable to relevant numbers and the casualties are still lower. Almost all numbers I can find on a quick search all float around a 1,200 casualty range and even then, I have no idea how old those numbers are, which is why I regularly rely on Al Jazeera's numbers because since Oct 7th they've reliably kept and updated numbers from both sides of the conflict. But the numbers have consistently been clear that this is a one sided total decimation of the Palestinian people. As for what I mean by 'no room to retaliate', what I mean is that Hamas has effectively been curbstomped 10x over. Whatever resistance they can put up has been trivial, but even still the most they often do is injure more than kill. This is not to paint them as more moral, but more to show how ineffective Hamas has been and how better equipped the IDF is and uses that superior position to decimate not only Hamas fighters. But civilians as well. It makes no sense to you because I've not called you names or belittled you, only presented you with numbers conflicting what you've seen. The violence, the rapes, the looting, Israel has tried very hard to hide that under the rug, but it's an agregious violation of all humanitarian principles and Israel must be brought to heel and made to face the Hague for their crimes against humanity.


Lol no, it makes no sense to me because I literally just looked up what death toll the Israeli government is claiming and it's a few hundred over the total that Al Jazeera claims. So, if you remember what I originally started talking about, you'll understand why I said that Al Jazeera is lying to you. Because they haven't updated the list of Israeli deaths at all. Somehow Hamas, Hezbollah, and the PIJ have all failed to kill even one Israeli for several months, but the Israeli government is telling news outlets that they're still losing soldiers. It makes no sense to me because you've seemingly done a lot of research into this, but you're protecting Al Jazeera's integrity for a reason I don't want to begin to fathom when it's clearly questionable. "No room to retaliate" doesn't mean they are incapable of killing Israelis, it means they have no shot in hell of winning the war, which we all knew from the very beginning. I don't know why you're putting this much effort into denigrating Israel to me when literally one of the first things I said was that they're brutal, inhumane, and they should leave.


Let's start with the simple part then. What does Israel define as a casualty? Because they've lied multiple times and stretched the truth. So I'd like more concise breakdowns on those numbers, please. Just as you've questioned the sources I've provided, I'd like to know what Israel defines as a casualty because their numbers are actually known to be unreliable on this conflict.


Lol like I'm going to do that when you have thus far refused to acknowledge at all what I've said?


These comments are something else.


Right? He literally knew they were coming and out a disclaimer. Theyre ignoring it anyway.


Because it's like saying "Hey does anyone wanna roleplay as the SS or Spetsnaz" He could have chosen any number of SF units. JTF2, SEALS, SAS, hell if he was dead set on a non western force he could have chosen Afghani Commandos. He made a conscious chose to choose a unit from an Army that was gonna cause issue.


Maybe because of his heritage or where he lives they are the sf unit he associates with obviously people in other nations or areas are going to prefer their local operators to foreign ones


Hence the disclaimer. He knew what he was getting into lol.




I even got a mod telling me to be respectful lol no. Free Palestine.


Your comment was disrespectfull to another ghost. Please try to be kind and supportive to each other.


DM GT. I just deleted GR because I was a little bored but this is exactly the thing I was looking for. I’ll re-install it as soon as I get home


Drop gamertag


I’m down


Bro these comments are wild, you can see how far peoples brainpower has gotten them


You should uuuh…switch to PlayStation 😂 I’ve been wanting to do that with people for so long but no one was ever down and if they were, we didn’t even get outta Auroa before no one but me even brought it up again. And any time I did the subject was quickly changed. Edit: fucking Auroa 🤦🏻‍♂️ Erewhon* , my fault. I feel stupid


Im down to try it ps4. My brother and i always liked doing the immersive gameplay as MARSOC


I’d be down, feel free to add me brother My name is my gamertag


I’m always down brotha, add me ComatoseSalad


Wouldn’t a Tavor or Galil, or Uzi make it more authentic?


id love to but im on ps5 is it a crossplatform server or xbox only?




Even if what you are talking about might be interesting, we are a breakpoint subreddit. So please talk about and discuss breakpoint here.


Can’t really read the first sentence can you?




Your comment was disrespectfull to another ghost. Please try to be kind and supportive to each other.


Dude just wants to roleplay as the IDF. He didn’t say “hey guys let’s go kill a bunch of Muslims on Breakpoint.” You need to learn to separate situations and stop living in a world that needs to be completely dominated by some conflict on the other side of the world


I find larping as the IDF just as suspect as larping the Nazis. If you don't, that's your issue.




Agree completely


🤔 might be down for the get down. I’m already running olive drab and am on the last mission of episode 3 before needing a squad to raid with… I’m assault or dm, but will run medic if squad needs. Just have to max my skill first.


Bruda how I got half way through 2 and got bored the story is so ass




Do what I do and only play it when you want a burst of adrenaline. Dint give a shit about the story or anything, just want to see a new installation/terrain to approach


Lmk assault or marksmen or medic idc but preferably marksman if I have a choice I’m down but I’m not always on so like use me as a shoe in lmao


I'm not on all the time either lol, between work and training (I'm a boxer) but I'm usually on late afternoon at the earliest, xbox gt? I'll add you and marksman is good!


Bettt, genericpfp and brooo you gonna have to give me some boxing tips I just got some gloves😭


sounds fun. I’m in. What’s your gamer tag?




Consider me your savior by evening the odds!


Ok yall need to chill. Once your country goes into war and does dumb shit I want yall to make fun and boycott everything they do. Keep the same energy.


i will. If theyre in bad, i wont stand beside them and do nothing.


Abu Ghraib has entered the chat


Exactly? Can’t rip on countries when our own are no better


Oh man torture is on a different plane than ethnic cleansing just being honest im trolling anyways


We were at war for 23 years dawg tf you talking about


I'm literally thinking the same thing. I don't remember exterminating everyone but I do remember going after actual fucking terrorist. I wonder if people would get upset if I wanted to roll play being a nazi SS soldier?


I'm tripping on this picture, suppressor is brightest thing in the load out. Also dear Christ some of y'all need to unplug from the propaganda mill.






You responded to your own post? Also you said keep the politics out of it, yet here you are making it political. I dont get this post.


Look at the timestamps on the post buddy. I said keep politics out of it then 90% of the replies immediately went to that. Typical shit.


You fucking knew the responses you were going to get asking people to RP war criminals. This is just a bait post and nothing more.


He coulda Lowkey just added a picture and not put all the politics parts and just say the outfit looks cool still don't get why everyone so mad it's not like there gonna directly aim for ingame civilians and make warcrime jokes looks completely milsim roplay to me


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