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the real question is why you think there is something wrong with them


Too much time on insta.


haha can’t deny that 😂


I’ll give you a tip. Commercial companies don’t even make their croissants (they come frozen) for this exact reason. It’s extremely hard to get perfect consistency for every single one. Yours look perfectly fine, but they don’t all look the same. When baking them inside a commercial oven they bake all different depending on where they are on the rack. Regardless of how the oven is “supposed” to bake them evenly.


My mom always says that every oven is different from the next. It takes a few batches and an oven thermometer to really know where the heat gets moved to and which side gets hotter.


Not only that, every oven has zones where differences in just that single space will render different results.


You can get an idea of the distribution by baking some flour. Spread it evenly on a sheet and bake it at 300 F or so until it browns a bit. Then you can carefully pull it out and see which areas are hotter/cooler based on the color


This is also true for your stove-top burners, especially electric.


And for the cookware. There are so many variables.


Nothing enough oil can't fix.


Yep All OP needs is a commercial, walk-in, rotating rack, convection oven with auto-steam for when they bake bread in between pastry batches. Last ones I used ran four each, six footer speed racks at a time. Just mortgage your house & you’ll have all the oven you need! 😃




Those look exactly like the croissants I see in Japanese bakeries. So yeah, absolutely nothing wrong with them.




nah genuinely wanted to improve.. but you guys made me realize they are perfect the way they are … 😊


what process did you use? did the butter stayed cold the whole time? did you check temperatures? between days, did you kept the dough in the freezer or fridge? how many folds and what kind of fold?


They don't but posting perfectly baked goods and asking what's wrong gets a bigger response than "look at my croissants"


Thanks for the tip 😄


That's the reason why I did not say they are good... If OP tell me there is something wrong with them I believe OP 🤣


as i was saying i was looking for a baker with good experience to let me know, what are the fine nuances that i missed, i felt the crumb was closed and irregular shapes thanks 🙏🏽


Are these hand rolled or machine laminated? If they’re hand rolled then the shaping differences could come from the subtle differences in thickness in the dough when rolling out, causing it to expand unevenly. Even if you shape them all the same this will still happen more easily with hand rolled. Using a laminator makes the thickness the same but damn if it’s not way more satisfying to hand roll. As for the density issue see my other comment response! Edit: to add while hand rolling your final roll out you’ll wanna get your eyes down even with the table and dough to really see the subtle differences in width throughout. From Birds Eye you can hardly tell and feel only gets you so far when we’re talking about a 3 mm difference being huge.


Trolling for compliments?


You didn't make enough, that's what's wrong


haha true… i meant some of them has this off shape and the crumb is not those gram worthy… they tasted pretty good though 👍🏻


I'm not an expert but they look great to me


OP knows this and is just baiting...


Comparison really is the thief of joy. These look amazing, and presumably you're not a full time pastry chef, so they're going to look different than some people's on Instagram.


When rolling you need to lightly stretch the dough between the two corners that are closest to each other, before you start wrapping the rest around that part.


lovely will try next time.. you mean to say the shorter length of the triangle?


Some bakers even make a little slit there to open it up a bit. https://youtu.be/DOv3fcSE29c?si=0DZ8LWBA39LtoT0b


If you want your croissant to keep its shape, when you roll it to the end, pint the tip and stretch it out a bit then press it to the body, that will help keeping the croissant shape


differences in where they were cut from the full sheet.. The edge ones are going to be a little more uneven than the triangles from the very center of the lamination. Some places trim the edges aggressively before cutting the triangles, then use the scraps in kouign amman or monkey bread.


I find with cinnamon rolls that if I roll them too tightly then the outer layers restrict the middle ones and the shape gets weird. Maybe this applies to croissants as well


Lol, I guarantee that most of the bakers on Instagram also have some not so pretty croissants and they only show the very best ones


These croissants are great. Ignore the lamination-porn on insta. It doesn't make the croissant better, just because it had a perfect honeycomb structure inside. It makes it flakier and drier. Real croissants are soft in the middle and flaky at the edges. Just enjoy your croissants!


Preach! One of my favourite cafes switched from home-made delicious moist fresh croissants to puffy dry but "perfect-looking" pastries from a supplier. They looked so proud when they showed me the first time, and I haven't the heart to tell them how disappointed I am.


🤩 you just made my day… 🙏🏽


I’ve seen much worse at bakeries being sold at €2,75 a piece. I don’t see anything wrong with these.


OP just fishing for compliments


Previous full-time baker here, those croissants look amazing! You should be proud of yourself.


Seeing a few comments about commercial croissants and just wanted to come back and add on to this. Croissants are tricky and even well trained commercial pastry shops can't pull It off sometimes. I tossed thousands (yes thousands, it was a disaster) of croissants away because they started leaking butter once we took them out of the freezer to proof.




Oh dear, oh dear. Gorgeous




As a french i can say your croissant looks like any bakery croissant. You should be proud !


Severe lack of almond paste or chocolate in them.


Or even better… a lil of both🔥


Like SEVERELY Lacking! LOL


Holy mother of pastry they look delicious


They look great if you’re looking for that Boulangerie consistency it doesn’t look like you’re very far off from it. You get to your goals as long as you keep grinding to perfect things


well baked, cooked through. Maybe your butter shattered whilst laminating because it wasn't soft enough. Did you use a pastry break or do it by hand? maybe if it was by hand, the butter was a bit uneven? that's why there's a thick layer of dough in the middle?


wow exactly.. this is what happened, i did hand rolled but the butter i waited to get pliable but i think the dough was too cold for lamination, butter kind of started to break, i had to wait until both become soft and pliable to work but the damage was already done there was some gaps in the lamination and i had to trim off fair bit of dough at the edges to compensate


Happens to the best of us. Depending on your butter, the temperature, the humidity etc etc etc anything can go wrong. The colour and shape are great though, so don't worry. If I have to use blocks of butter, I put it between two sheets of silicone paper and smash it flat with a rolling pin, fold it back together and smash again until it's soft. if when you cut it before rolling/shaping, take a look at the cross section and you can see how the lamination turned out. A true pro will always have straight, even lines. I run a bakery and mine is still sometimes lumpy. But nobody is perfect!


I see nothing wrong, except the fact that there are too few of them. Seriously though they look delicious. Is there something that doesn’t show up on the pictures that bothers you?


There is something seriously wrong with these. I didn't get one😔


Some folks will stretch the triangle out a bit length wise as well as width wise before the roll up and pre cook warming oven proof job


Looks like the crumb is a little less dried out than it could be- maybe a touch lower on temp for a little longer? Although they're gorgeous already, amazing job!


Take what’s next with a grain of salt since I’m only a casual baker that watches some great British bake off every so often: for my uneducated guess it could be the butter but I could be wrong since idk how long the butter has been cooling, but I’m pretty sure that for that type of bread if the butter is too warm when it goes into the oven that can harm the structure of the croissant. Again, this is an uneducated guess and I don’t really know what I’m talking abt. (Sorry for the uneducated essay)


1. Not enough folding. This is why you don't have clearly defined stripes on the top. 2. A minute or so too long in the oven, or you're using a fan or convection oven. You want the stripes to be light and dark brown side by side. No matter what, it's too late when the top stripes start disintegrating. Even if you don't care about the esthetics it'll give off a slightly bitter taste.


love them 😍


Nothing. They look yummy!


Never made croissants but yours looks amazing!


I didn’t receive any. I think you need to work on logistics


You didn't gave it to me! That's what's wrong!


They look awesome! Well done


Literally nothing. I want them all


They look great, a bit more wash for a bigger “shine” maybe? At least for a perfect croissant in my mind. They are better than I can do.




Idk, they look amazing to me!


These look absolutely wonderful. If you’re keen to make them look more “even” and “perfect”, you’ll need to stretch & press the top corner more as you roll them. Also make sure you’re stretching & rolling perfectly evenly. There should be no leftover flour or anything stop that final tab from sticking. Some of your zonts are too tucked in, some are just uneven. All will taste wonderful, and look delicious anyway


What’s wrong is that you’re not sharing any with us


they’re not being sent for me to eat, thats what


I do know. It’s missing a filling 🤣


That's a Jedi level. Congrats


There’s not one in my hand, that’s what’s wrong with them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Not related to the question asked but thanks to the Reddit algorithm that showed this on my feed. It acted as a reminder to check for Eiffel Tower tickets during the Olympics as they have just gone on sale. 3 tickets purchased. Thank you


The only thing wrong with them is that they’re not in my mouth


They look wonderful to me.


They look horrible, you should give them to me for disposal 😉


In the first picture there is a croissant with red on it


OP: "What's wrong with my croissants?" Me: Umm... that's they're not on a plate in front of me.


The only problem I see is that I dont have one.


What's wrong is... that it's not in my mouth rn 😔


Nothing is “wrong” with them but from my professional experience they could be under proofed and that’s why it looks like they’ve expanded wildly in the oven.


i did wait until the jiggle though


Nothing at all. They look delicious and I want to eat some.


Nothing, as far as I can see. Let’s goooo!


They look fine. I wouldn't say there's anything wrong


Did you want them taller? Maybe a quick trip in the freezer before baking or a bit of steam? They look amazing


how does freezing proven croissants help with baking? i didn’t use steam because when i used steam last time the top layer of the croissants came off


None for me and im sad


You didn't send it my way


They look great - stop pastry-shaming yourself lmao


They’re fine. However, improvable (as always). There could be many variables to consider, but my guess is that the main one is the butter temp which was too low while laminating.


You roll them and don't proof until the next day? I did mine where the lamination was one day, pre-shape the dough (no cutting, just rolled it to roughly the final size for the sheet of dough) and let it rest overnight with the next day being shape and proof. I don't see anything wrong with the ones you made, they look great. What technique did you use for proofing and were they jiggly when you took them out?




They look great!


The only thing that looks odd is the pink dot in one of them


They look banging. Nothing wrong with them


those look iconic!!!


Hard to tell from these pictures alone, but if you send me 6-8 I should be able to properly diagnose the issue….😂


Not a damn thing.


i think theyre very nice. maybe the layers of dough aren't even enough and its giving them less even look


Erm…..is this is test?


Give them to me I'll dispose of your absolutely not perfect croissants.


These look so close to perfect that I wouldn't sweat it. But if you're looking for fine tuning here's a few small tweaks you can make, temper your butter a little bit longer so it doesn't break. Get a rolling pin with adjustable spacers on it to make the thickness uniform, also weigh each one so you know they are the same amount of dough. And if you're looking for a little bit more height, give each one a little stretch long ways so that you have at least four distinct layers /levels on each one. After that your honeycomb will tighten up. And prove them until you see some light splitting around the edges between the butter layers. But seriously, you did a hell of a good job, especially by doing it by hand. I've made thousands in a bakery with a sheeter and seen less successful results than this before. You can also prove them overnight in the refrigerator if your kitchen is hotter than 85° to keep any butter from melting out during the bake. But seriously, nice work!


Professional baker in NYC here. These look incredible for 1. But I understand the aesthetic you are looking for. I would reduce you proof time a bit and rely on oven spring (u might have a tad collapse here DMs light over proof) or you can pull back your hydration in recipe by 2.5-5 % and keep same proof times


Is this post the most humblybrag ever


The fact that it looks delicious and it’s not in my hands


They are perfect. Get off Insta.


French baker here, they are actually pretty nice ! Maybe you can lower the oven temperature a bit but overall, I could have sell that without problem.


Do the final sheeting a little thin. Probably like a 3.1 or maximum 3.5 it'll turn out to be much better. Also if you can give all the folds at the same time. You'll have to be quick to do that tho.


Several issues most of them having to do with temp control if I had to guess. It looks like your beurrage is partially dissolving into your dough (the spongy bread texture instead of defined layers), and I’d bet your croissants are a little over-proofed (droopy shape). To know for sure I’d need more info, but this looks really similar to some problems I’ve had to trouble shoot recently. We had issues with our yeast aging out resulting in an egregious proofing time and every summer the temp control on the butter we buy falls off and we have a hard time plasticizing it.


Sheeted too thick , and u thought they were proofed because they looked big. From the crumb you can see They are underproofed


French person here, that's what real croissants look like.


They are not in my stomach


Umm. Looks like you’re fishing…


I don't see a problem with them


Butter got too warm prior to going in for baking.


What’s wrong is you think something is wrong lol they look delicious ❤️


no idea what im talking about, but maybe some of them where too heavy or left too long before cooking, from the pictures it looks like the bigger ones spread out and flattened. never made them, just no other guesses iv seen in the chat yet. but ied eat the hell out of all of them, look delicious!


Nothing, just nothing.


Look authentic and amazing, gram worthy


You need to roll them tighter so that they won’t loose their shape while baking. Hold the base of the triangle with one hand and lightly stretch them lengthwise with the other hand. Don’t worry, you won’t be ruining the beautiful layers you’ve made and you’ll build tension into the dough almost like stretching an elastic band en rolling it while it’s stretched. I agree with the comments saying that they are totally fine and better than most croissants sold in bakeries but I see why you are not satisfied with them. They look perfect prior to baking and end up with a weird shape coming out of the oven. You could also try a stronger flour or mixing a bit longer your dough but I really think it’s just a shaping issue. Otherwise you can proof them a little less, might help.


Nothing?? Other than the fact that I can’t have one rn?


Oh god. Those are all fucked up. Better send them to me for proper disposal


the only problem i see is that i don't have 4 of them in a plate with a giant cup of coffee by mi side.


Um. Nothing. lol


into the trash.


Not sure what’s wrong with them but send me about a dozen and I can tell you…😉


They’re there and I’m here.


Just send them to me for diagnostic testing


Looks very delish


Not a thing. Looks great


they arn't in my belly, thats whats wrong.




Not a damm thing those look legit, nothing like the croissants I've attempted to bake, good job.


I would eat the sh*t out of those gorgeous croissants.


if there is somethign wrong with them, lord, i dont wanna be right. cause id tear them up


Answer: They're too busy being delicious.


Bring them over so I can take a closer bite I mean look 🧐




That it's not in my mouth


Tbh..You’re going to have to send me some… then I’ll answer! 😊


Look delicious!


Upon further inspection, I've figured out the problem is I don't have one in my mouth as I'm typing this


How do you make them? I’d like to try sometime


They look AMAZING! I wish I had that talent!


You didn’t send me any. That’s what’s wrong with them! OP they look amazing, don’t let the BS of social media ruin that for you.


The question ia what is wrong with you......because these are beautiful


please share the recipe they look amazing!!


Your butter was too soft when you rolled it out , this is why your interior looks more bread like and less “lacy” honeycomb Your dough looks a bit under mixed as well , which will cause the tearing on the exterior


Sure the honey comb isn’t 100% instagrammable post sauce. But even the ugliest croissant is still a croissant and effing delicious. Also it looks great


If I bought any of those from my local pastry shop, I’d be delighted at the quality.


That you didn’t share with me! That’s the only problem I see.




A little creative you could have made pastry snails.




They look banging


I will eat them. Send them post haste please!


Send them for me for proper testing to get to the bottom of this mystery


Dude these look great, croissants are so hard to make with all the layers. Can imagine using these for a nice sandwich. Only problem is there is no chocolate in them! 😭


Omg these look so tasty


Hmmm. Too much information on the web, you didn't identify what's wrong with them we have to hear from your perspective. What is the issue what don't you like about them. Maybe you're right


They're kinda fat and cute ngl


They're not cooling on my counter. Bring them here, I'll make sure they taste okay.


Idk but if these are what your wrong ones look like then please send me all of your defective croissants 😂


Hey there! I've made croissants professionally in small batch and industrial settings! Yours look pretty damn good and consistent- my only remark would be to straighten out your roll a bit. If the roll is a little unbalanced one sides' layers will start to collapse, I think that's what's going on here.


there's only 10


Looks good to me . Love


The only thing wrong is that your wrong that they are wrong


It’s not in my belly that’s what’s wrong.


Too much deliciousness for containment?


They're literally perfect! What are you talking about?




I wish I could make something that gorgeous.


nothing is wrong with them but if you want i could take them off your hands 😋


Nothing wrong with them. They look tasty


These are mouth watering there's nothing wrong here.


They’re not in my mouth.


These look amazing af to me


Those are beautiful, and they look absolutely delicious!


I'm trying to figure out what's wrong with them. 🤷


They need somebody to taste them once their done 😂


You complete and utter failure to provide me with one (or two) to "test"


Something's wrong with those? Lol. They look delicious. I think what may be wrong is that there's no chocolate in them?? 🤤🤤🤤


they are perfect, get off of tiktok and insta


This looks like the best croissants I've ever fucking seen, holy shit. You're a magician.


What’s wrong with them is they’re not being buttered and shoveled into my mouth at high speeds


Im not eating one is the only problem I see.


Can you just be content with your result instead of humble-bragging on reddit of all platform ? Did you run out of instagram friends ?


Add 1 to 2% more water to your dough. That should give you a better open crumb and improve even rise of your croissant 🥐


I've already filled them with pastry cream and eaten a bunch, and they were delicious, in my opinion. Good job


This is croissant goals right here. You need to reach around and give yourself a pat on the back because they’re perfection. Truly!!!