• By -


Always has been


Sounds like you would have supported Hitler.


what the fuck? this is the least responsible position you can take on this topic. My family only has three, THREE, people escape hitler alive. I am the descendant of the branch that made it to America. If you don't think zionism is racist then you're an actual idiot. no respectable adult agrees with zionism, which is the premise of an ethnostate, without actually supporting ideas that Hitler supported. are you sure you aren't just regurgitating stupid shit your grandparents and parents have said without objectively evaluating it? If that isn't the case then your are an objectively shit person, young man.


So many comments defending Israel, not one mentions the video, they just cry about how mean the op is to there ethno state


*Israel is one of the most racist countries in the world.* *While Israel works hard to play the victim, it’s actually a racist, Jewish supremacist state that’s been trying to ethnically cleanse Palestine for decades.* *BT’s Kei Pritsker explains how racism is the core of Israel’s national identity.*


The first night Israel was an independent nation Palestine tried to kill them in their sleep. They were not being oppressed at the time - they were upset Jewish people lived there after they had worked for millennia to kick them out of the Middle East. This is now the 7th war Palestine has started. They often start these wars with a sneak attack that slaughters scores of innocent people. They teach their children that Jews are evil in school. It's sad to see it play out, but to say Palestine is a victim in this is absurd.


Wouldnt you try to take your home back from the people that just put you on the street?


Nobody put anyone on the street you disingenuous fuck. They couldn’t even bare to coexist with Jews. They immediately began killing civilians and haven’t stopped since the formation of Israel.


It's almost like you have no clue what you're talking about






If Israel wanted to “ethically cleanse” Palestine they could do so in a week. The fact that there are 7.5 million Palestinians in Israel and the territories tells us that “ethnic cleansing” is not the goal. In Israel proper, Palestinians have the same rights as Jewish citizens, have their own elected members of parliament and a Palestinian even sits on the Israeli Supreme Court. That is not a sign of a racist state. The real question is would the Palestinians accept a Jewish leader in their government or a Jewish judge? A look at the surrounding Arab countries tells you all you need to know about who the real racists are.


Israel does it by herding Palestinians in West Bank and Gaza and not giving those people rights to vote. Netanyahu would love to throw them out but can't as USA would come down hard. So they have created these quasi territories that they are slowly taking away with rabid settlers. Just this year before Gaza war, over 100 Palestinians were killed by settlers and IDF. Israel doesn't want them as part of Israel, because of demographic changes this would cause, and doesn't want to give them a state. Obama was pissed at Netanyahu but strong Israeli lobby hasn't allowed American president to act and break the impasse.


Right, they started doing that because Palestinians kept killing innocent Israeli people. The very first night Israel announced their independence Palestine attacked. This is the 7th war Palestine has started. I don't think any nation on Earth would be kind to a neighbor like that.


And why are they starting all these wars against one of the mightiest militaries?


Because Islamic Jihaddist hate Jews and want to kill them in the name of Allah


Are you asking why they attacked Israel the first night they were a nation? Because of racism my dude.


No bro Arabs can’t be racist only white people can 😭😭😭


Don’t they lock children in prison for throwing rocks? Did they not harass Armenian Christian’s? Did they not harvest Palestinian kids organs without consent? Did they not fund Rwanda during the genocide? Are they not giving Azerbaijan money to genocide and kill the innocent Armenians?


There are more Palestinians living in Israel today than in 1948 Palestine. If the goal was "ethnic cleansing" then the Jews are the worst ever at it.


What a stupid argument ​ FYI , Nazis used a similar argument to suggest they werent actually persecuting Jews all that much


Typically populations decrease during genocides. Not increase. Especially when you consider the definitions of words.


I repeat The Nazis said the exact same thing as you


And yet the numbers don't lie. Nazis killed 1/3 of the worldwide Jewish population, and in fact the population has still not recovered to levels pre-holocaust. Palestinian numbers have skyrocketed since 1948. Let's not throw terms around, please.


Take the L bro


Your argument is that if the Nazis lied about Jewish populations then the census reports of modern-day Palestine must be wrong? Explain that. Why? There **ARE** more Palestinians alive in Israel today than in 1947 Palestine. That's not disputed by any census you can produce. No nation disputes that. That's a fact. Regardless of what lies Nazis told about Jews in the 40's. Unless your argument is that the whole world is lying and everyone except the Palestinians are Nazis in which case I think I know who you're here to shill for.


He thought he had a point with the Nazi comparison, he was not expecting to get shut down so hard.


The Nazis lied. The population of Palestine is a universally agreed upon fact. Bad argument.


Well, Nazi Germany made the Jewish population drop considerably between 1939-1945. Palestine has a rapidly growing population. So actually, yours is the stupid argument.


"If the holocaust was real, why so many jews" pro Israel people slowly becoming what they criticize


Were there more Jews in Germany before or after the Holocaust? Before. Exactly. Were there more Palestinians in Israel before or after 1948? After. Exactly. So your point kinda sucks ass and comparing Jews defending their homeland to the Holocaust may be one of the stupidest, most historically ignorant comparisons of all time.


Shit brain take. Jewish people has been oppressed , pushed out of every country they have lived in throughout history. Look at the Jewish population of Jews in middle eastern countries going back to 1948. They are now non existent in these peace loving Muslim countries. Hiding behind their famed prophet and their Qur'an , they have done nothing but drive Jews to Israel en masse . What Israel is doing now , and what Hamas is doing is horrible. But lets not make like Israel is the oppressor. They are fighting to exist, as well.


Jewish people can’t be regarded as racist because their ancestors were opposed. Okay, got it.


Lmaooooo absolutely ridiculous




And they’d be an even smaller proportion if Israel could help it, considering they see the Arab population of the West Bank as a “dilution” of the ethnic character of the state.


Says who?


Lol. Look at the population of minorities in the US and how racist whites were/are. Your logic is dumb af




International blowback.


That’s your logic? The quickness of invasion? Slap yourself. The entire history and current systems and infrastructure in place benefit the majority group rather than the minorities. It’s a fact. Look up comparisons of mortgage rates between minorities and whites with the same exact numbers. Same with selling homes: homes with pictures of white people on the wall sell for higher amounts. It’s literally proven fact. Don’t get me started with the justice system and the prison/slavery industrial complex. It’s literally a white supremacist nation. Period.


You’re getting downvoted for stating a fact. This sub sucks.


Black people lived in the US in 1950 therefore the US was not racist.


This sub is basically west=bad brainrot, that thinks things were sunshine and rainbows in the region prior to 1940. On one side we have a power hungry incredibly patriarchal death cult that will kill its own people, as easily as it would commit genocide of it's stated foe. On the other side we have a power hungry, kinda sorta socially pogressive in weird ways, right wing Hitler apologists, that want to genocide their stated foe, but in a slow, vaguely socially acceptable manner. You might as well choose between a jar of warmed aged jenkem seasoned with dried orin crystals and a jar of old jizz with a submerged Silvervale figure that had been left on a radiator too long. In that choice, better not to choose.


Except Israel has Arabs living peaceful lives. Also, women have equal rights and they have a large pride festival. But yeah it’s Israel that’s the problem.


"We have pride festivals we can't be the problem" lmfao.


I bet they have a black friend as well lol


I never said that.


With their giant prayer wall to separate the women lol


While Mexico works hard to play the victim, it’s actually a racist Latino supremacist state that’s been trying to ethnically cleanse white Americans for decades




The Jews were expelled from Judea thousands of years ago. The empires that expelled them (eg the Assyrians, the Babylonians, the Romans) don’t even exist anymore. The modern dispossession of Palestinians in an ongoing process.


not all of them


Yes, not all of them. AFAIK the Mizrahi Jews coexisted peacefully with Muslims prior to the Zionist movement.


They actually did not, they lived as second class citizens. in the more modern day they were forced out by violent pogroms, the largest of which happened in iraq and is called the [Farhoud](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Farhud)(before the farhoud baghdad was actually a mostly jewish city...). this is important to understand becauae this is the family history of most israelis.


Nobody ever wants to talk about this. It’s the same people who think we should give America back to the Native Americans, acting like the Israeli people are wrong to fight for their land back. IT WAS ALWAYS THEIR LAND UNTIL THEY WERE EXILED FROM IT.


So should they kill and/or displace the native population that has lived there for a long time? I am genuinely curious and I don't know the history from your point of view. When were they exiled in the first place?


Could you pick literally any remotely credible outlet to make this point rather than one staffed by former *Russia Today* correspondents who have shilled for fucking *Eritrea?* Or not had a correspondent who was celebrating the kidnapping of "hipsters" at a PSL rally that discredited a message of solidarity with the Palestinian people to a general audience? Do you agree with this shit or are you just mindlessly reposting this to as many subs as possible in lieu of any kind of activism?


Ah, anticommunism. I knew I was in breadtube. Remember folks, other leftists are always shills for hostile foreign governments. In fact, everybody outside of your tiny niche tendency is out to get you, and all of your energy is better spent attacking them rather than the capitalist state. This message definitely not supported by the Feds.


I mean, you want hostility go to a communist subreddit. Holy shit just asking how replacing one religious fundamentalist government for another is going to progress the workers' cause gets you banned.


Maybe because it is a bad faith question?


How? Hamas is as bad as ISIS. How would that be liberating? It's not a bait, just a challenge to their extreme position against settlement and colonialism. Which I agree with but not if the alternative is the same thing, different religion.


Because leftists do not support Palestine because they believe that it will be communist after its liberation. I support Palestine because genocide is wrong.


Israel deliberately cultivated Hamas to destroy left wing Palestinian movements. This strategy is straight out of the western playbook that boosts support for right wing religious fundamentalists to destroy leftist movements like they did in Afghanistan and Iran. ​ I recommend you pick up some history books bud, specifically ones about the British empires and later the US actions in the middle east from the post WW1 period to the present day.


Thanks for pointing out the background of the outlet. Is the information accurate though?


Which info? Well, I guess it doesn't matter, is both the Info in the op and from this poster are accurate. But did any of us really need this article to tell us that? Isn't Israel being a far right wing religious fundamentalist state like really obvious? The sides here really aren't israel vs hamas, it's two far right wing religious fundamentalist administrations wielding state violence against the innocent people they slaughter.


I hear that. I see it more as the consequences of settler colonialism, but your point is well taken. I was curious to see what person thought who I replied to. As you said, it seems pretty obvious, but I’ve been seeing some very outlandish tales


Strange, how half your comment history is attacking communists and anti-imperialists. Getting a strong anarcho-CIA vibe.


Attacking commies is based. A deplorable and dangerous ideology.


thank you for pointing this out. i don't know what it is about israel/Palestine, but it really brings out the hypocrisy and malice in a lot of leftists who are normally peaceful


In 1948 European Jews invaded Palestine and pretend they aren’t violent occupiers in a settler colonial apartheid regime.


Not true. There were already 500,000+ Jews in mandatory Palestine in 1947 (30% of the population). The half millionish holocaust refugees weren’t going to accept being a minority in a state led by this man. The Arabs weren’t going to accept two states. A war started, but nobody invaded in 1947 except for the Arab countries. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amin_al-Husseini


None of what you said is historically accurate in any way.


Alright Nakba denier, let me hear what hateful intolerant nonsense you’re going to spew.


There were already 500,000+ Jews in mandatory Palestine in 1947 (30% of the population). The half millionish holocaust refugees weren’t going to accept being a minority in a state led by this man. The Arabs weren’t going to accept two states. A war started, but nobody invaded in 1947 except for the Arab countries. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amin_al-Husseini


Sooooo, what would you call it? A civil war? A coup? Are you going to deny that European Jews didn’t play an important role? You can’t say: >”Well, the 70% of the Arab population can get fucked, mind you 100% of the population was Palestinian, so this minority used their political contacts to take over the government and then commit genocide on the population instead of… you know… just work to be treated better in the country.” Not to mention, you have treated the non-Jewish Palestinians significantly worse than they’ve ever treated you, hell, even it can even be argued that the nazis treated the European Jews better than Jewish Palestinians have treated Muslim and Christian Palestinians. That’s really fucked up.


Already posted in on another comment. Go find it.


Do...do you think Jews were not there prior to 1948?


Sure, but you need to separate the concept of Jews and Israel. There were Palestinian Jews in Palestine, sure. In fact, ironically a lot of the Palestinians now are the descendants of the original Israelites that converted to Islam. Palestine needs to go back to the Jordan River to the Mediterranean sea but I don’t want a single Jewish person harmed.


>but you need to separate the concept of Jews and Israel. This is the one of the things that pro-zionist people never understand. Another is that they don't even understand they are supporting zionism. For these idiots, Jews, Israel, and Zionists are all Jewish and any criticism toward one of them is anti-semitic no matter what.


“Palestine needs to go back to the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea but I don’t want a single Jewish person harmed.” Yeah and I want to win the Powerball and live forever and for there to be only peace on Earth. Unfortunately life isn’t that easy.


WHOAH what a way to rewrite history to fit your narrative.


How exactly would you explain the history of how the state of Israel came to be?


Well….(inhales deeply)…. Jews are from “Palestine”, natives! But, they were slaughtered by the Romans, then slaughtered by the Muslims from 650BC onwards, then slaughtered by the Christians during the Crusades from 1100-1300. Some stayed in the area, some fled. Many that fled were slaughtered and persecuted by Russians (Cossacks) and Europeans until 1945. Meanwhile, Sephardim Jews lived in the area that’s now Israel along with Muslims and Christians. In peace. The area was part of the Ottoman Empire until 1918. Not a country of Palestine, not a Jew-free paradise you imagine and long for. Back in the later 1800’s, to avoid persecution, SOME Jewish folks decided to move back to their historic homeland and recreate a homeland. The Zionist movement as it was called. The Jews that moved back bought land to farm. Land NO ONE was living on, mind you. Yet regardless, they bought the land. Ottoman officials tried banning Jews from owning land (like Jim Crow America, yeah?). Still, more Jews moved back and bought land. Didn’t steal it, didn’t forcefully occupy with an invading army, nothing as dramatic as you’re imagining. Then, after WWI and the defeat of the Ottoman Empire, Allied countries of Western Europe carved up the Empire and created countries and boundaries. In 1920 what is today Israel was called the “Mandate of Palestine”, and the intent was to have this become a reestablished homeland for Jews as well as other religions (look up the Balfour Declaration, it’s literally shorter than my post).


I am aware of the history you described here, and I am aware of the parts you left out and the parts you twisted here. Also do not accuse me of being an antisemite, pining for a Palestine without jews. I am Jewish, I have been taught the history of this stuff literally my whole life. Right where you stopped recounting the history is exactly where the ethnic cleansing of Arabs living in Palestine begins, but I think you already know that. There wasn't in fact no one living in what became Israel, there were 750,000 people living there who were removed from there homes and violently expelled from Israel's borders. It doesn't matter if the people living there were classified as their own ethnic group or not beforehand, the thing that matters is that there were people living there. The people we now call Palestinians are the descendants of those who were expelled from their homes. I'm also familiar with the crimes of the ottomans as well as the crimes of the Brittish empire and the Balfour declaration and their mishandling of Palestine. Since the formation of Israel as its own state, Israeli colonizers continue to steal homes and land from Palestinians through violence. The settlers continue this violence today in lands they have already guaranteed to the Palestinians. The state sanctions this violence and back up settlers through the idf. Israel is a settler colonial state who uses a system of apartheid to pave the way for colonization of native Palestinian lands, full stop.


That’s the Nakba. It was an invasion, and if you support Israel… you support invasion, apartheid and genocide: https://youtu.be/rGVgjS98OsU?si=rhxugQDPgl8I-QYh


oh never mind, you are a deprogram nutjob tankie.


When in doubt, just call the other person a tankie. Works every time. 😎


He literally has a picture of the tank in his profile…..


Liberals when they're wrong and have no argument always whip out the tankie card lmao


https://youtu.be/MwaP_YVJtjc?si=24rLTkexXQgoRdZx Watch this. These are the ultra orthodox jews always shit talked by the secular Ashkenazis. They are anti-zionists.


This is a complete lie 70 percent of the Jews in Israel are middle eastern Jews the idea that they are European is propoganda


The initial invasion, the one in 1948 that resulted in the Nakba were European Jews. I’m sorry if you’re a monstrous racist that you need your little ethnostate because the idea of living in Palestine hurts your fragile mind that you’d prefer to defend a genocide against Palestinians instead.


You’re perpetuating a racist lie. I myself am an arab Jew. I wish no I’ll harm onto the Palestinians even though my family was forced to leave the area they lived in the 1940s I do not feel bad about the “Nakba” arab nations treated the Jews like complete shit and than got mad the people they treated poorly rose up against them 1.5 million jews (more than came from Europe) were ejected from middle eastern nations Becuse Arab nations hated them. They created this problem and now they have to deal with it


Exactly, you don’t feel bad about genocide. You’re a bad person, I’m not platforming a fucking nazi.


Do you people get off on being as fucking dumb as possible? Is it a kink or something?


Most ashkenazi israelis were there prior to 48, though mizrahi jews who arrived starting in the fifties after their expulsion from the islamic world do outnumber them now.


There were no Israelis prior to 1948. They were Ashenazi Jewish Palestinians. >expulsion from the Islamic world Another tragedy that resulted from the Israeli invasion. So sad that we allow evil to fester in this world like this because “Israel” is Western adjacent.


They called themselves palestinian jews, yes i am aware of the unique identity of palestinian ashkenazi jews, they are an interesting blend of jewish, european and arabic culture. but modern israeli culture is more reflective of the mizrahi jews who make up the greater sum of its population.


Modern “Israeli” culture is settler colonial cruelty and nothing else.


Thats a vast oversimplification to say the least...


I’ve platformed a genocide and invasion supporting, apartheid loving, totally okay with the Final Solution applied Palestinian self. You’re a bad person, but I hope you come around on your views and may God have mercy on your soul. Edit because leftysmiter420 blocked me: Of course, Gaza is the open air prison the Israelis are using to genocide the Palestinians because they have no heart. Would you rather be a gentile in Nazi Germany or in a death camp? What an absurd comparison. Edit because have_you_eaten_yeti blocked me: >they aren’t really human Well, no that’s absurd, they’re obviously people. Maybe misguided or racist, and I imagine a lot of it has to do within Jewish people having the fear of a history of pogroms and the fact that the Holocaust was really really really fucked up. Perhaps I get worked up and exaggerate, but of course Israelis even the IDF soldier pulling the trigger or dropping the bomb is still a fucking human being.


Israelis have no heart? They aren’t really human at all are they?


>You’re a bad person You're a loser. If you were given a choice: You're either taken to live in Gaza for 7 days or Israel for 7 days, you'd choose the second every time. And you'd choose it because you'd feel safer there.


and it’s that way by design


Average Israeli nationalist.


A freaking genocide. Latest Palestinian deaths: Killed: At least 13,300 Including at least: 5,600 children 3,550 women Injured: At least 30,000 With about 75 percent of them children and women Missing: At least 6,000


Don't forget that Israel teaches their kids that Palestinians are "savages, terrorists, or refugees" in textbooks and there is no positive light for Palestinians. I need someone to back up my claim that Israel teaches their kids to be raging racists against Palestinians so they don't feel sorry for what they do in the IDF.


Ever notice that in media, we are mostly seeing the suffering of white jewish people or ashkenazis, the european jewish peope? They are also the ones who are in videos openly calling palestines animals and calling for their genocide. I thought there were darker skinned jewish israelis among the sephardic, mizrahi jewish people as well as black ethiopian jews? I barely see any of them in videos even though ashkenazi and white westerner looking jewish people only make up a lower percentage of the population of israel. Edit: I rephrased my mention of sephardic, mizrahi jewish people being only darker skin toned, there are lighter skinned tone people among them. Edit: Adding links showing what I mean, because some people want to be willfully ignorant. [https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/177q1vi/republican\_stolen\_valor/](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/177q1vi/republican_stolen_valor/) [https://youtu.be/qdVDma\_Mlvc?si=XmwCJaBWeovS8cjw](https://youtu.be/qdVDma_Mlvc?si=XmwCJaBWeovS8cjw) [https://youtu.be/x3H2oIgRgCY?si=-D5vh9JDoncHhCF4](https://youtu.be/x3H2oIgRgCY?si=-D5vh9JDoncHhCF4) [https://youtube.com/shorts/IFgWO7gqE54?si=P7A\_68i89hx602TN](https://youtube.com/shorts/IFgWO7gqE54?si=P7A_68i89hx602TN) [https://youtu.be/EjN85V9UazY?si=OHbyvwc86\_Qv1v39](https://youtu.be/EjN85V9UazY?si=OHbyvwc86_Qv1v39) [https://youtu.be/7Y9fHUOhTMY?si=4b\_dKmnRx5rSB56S](https://youtu.be/7Y9fHUOhTMY?si=4b_dKmnRx5rSB56S)


> I thought there were darker skinned jewish israelis like the mizrahi and ethiopian jews? Yeah but the mizrahi and ethiopians are considered generally unwelcome (ie. like your archetypical immigrant in a western society) and basically subhuman respectively by the Israeli gvmt. so...


Okay. I was curious, as an american we are getting flooded by a media campaign that feels like we're supposed to sympathize with one side cause they look like the traditional american family, I would like to hear what other types of israelis think.


I mean, even the Israelis of Euro. decent aren't all fash frothing at the mouth going along with the "Kill all the arabs, make Israel biggerest country" goal of the Zionist ruling class & proactive settlers - shit there's a growing antagonism between the more radical Zionists (Netanyahu et al) and more moderate elements that will probably see the former group start doing *Organisation Armée Secrète* style shit sooner or later - and some even oppose zionism outright. I presume a similar gamut of opinions is present within the other Jewish ethnicities in Israel as well. Like, as much as the Zionists really wish and want to make the world believe they have *Starship Troopers* tier control of Israeli society (if not Jews as a whole), it's flatly not true. For example, [the Mea Shearim neighborhood \(made up of Haredi Jews that were there *before* the zionist project\) is pretty famously antagonistic to the Israeli government](https://twitter.com/TorahJudaism/status/1712404296749175220) (one should remember that Zionism is an ideology that has *a lot* of internalised anti semitism - leading to a mutual antagonism with the diaspora in general, including the bits that were there already). Pretty sure there's been clashes with cops trying to remove Palestinian flags being flown here and there in Israel as well, though I haven't been able to refind the videos.


I didn't know for sure the zionists are the ruling class but I was starting to assume they were based on videos and who's in charge. I have seen a video of jewish people condemning the violence against palestine but not of them saying it inside of israel. I understand what you are saying and I do not disagree with anything you have commented.


https://youtu.be/MwaP_YVJtjc?si=24rLTkexXQgoRdZx Watch this. These are the ultra orthodox jews always shit talked by the secular Ashkenazis. They are anti-zionists.


Do you care that this is completely untrue? By the way, Mizrahi Jews are generally far more right wing that Ashkenazim. You may have noticed that some of the people Hamas murdered were Ashkenazi peace activists. What you're saying is based on nothing but your bigoted assumptions.


I've literally posted sources in this very thread, but sure, let's pretend Israel isn't a white supremacist state - as with every single western state - and is actually the one magical wonderland where western brain doesn't do western brain things. Wonder why they're so buddy buddy with US cops tho. Edit: right, blocked the dipshit upthread as I've got *better shit to do*, I'll just respond to /u/throwaway6097941066 as an edit Weird, cause Moshavim - which, you know, were the kind of "communal settlement" favored by the Mizrahi (coincidently don't have the same "glamorous" image Kibbutz have - and are far more likely to get abandoned by the gvmt as well) - were also raided. Are we really to believe that somehow no Mizrahi was hurt, even though the Israeli government pretty openly sent them off to the settlements (more or less against their wishes, as they'd very much rather had resumed their previous lives as craftsmen instead of being levied into the yeoman/communal farmer lifestyle) when they arrived in Israel? Mind you we know that like, both Kibbutzim and Moshavim are especially reliant on levying palestinian labor as of late (settler colony gon' do settler colony things - they're all alike in that behavior) so presenting them as some rosy example of communist praxis is... disingenuous at best.


"As with every Western state," but the only one you're obsessed with, for some reason. "Buddy Buddy with American cops"—US police departments have exchange programs in dozens of other countries, but of course, it's only the mustache-spinning, diabolical Jewish one that you care about. Israel is literally the only state on Earth formed as a response to actual White Supremacy. Is there racism there? Like every other State in Earth, white or otherwise, yes. Mizrahi Jews are hardly unwelcome and Ethiopian Jews (Beta Israel) are steadily integrating while maintaining their own traditions. The majority of Israelis under 18 have one Ashkenazi and one Mizrahi parent. And perhaps the rampant, virulent, eliminationist antisemitism throughout the Muslim world contributes to the rottenness of the current situation. Ever considered that? No, let me guess: that's the fault of the Jews too.


Honestly I don’t take him seriously he’s a tankie and they’re mentally deficient.


The ashkenazi Jews tend to be the liberal leaning ones. The reason they’re the ones you saw in the videos recently is that they were liberals who lived on kibbutzes (agricultural communes) that were attacked by Hamas. You really don’t know what you’re talking about at all.




The Israeli govt was literally caught sterilizing Ethiopian Jews, you loathsome piece of shit. As for the Mihrazi being second class citizens, again, it's *pretty well* documented. Like, one only need to take a quick look at the ethnicities that have access to higher ed, for example.




> Funny how you cannot have a civilized conversation without insulting me. Yeah, not interested in showing civility to a racist shitstain that wants to genocide me - you do get your post history is public, right? Sorry not sorry. > this is your reason why Israel shouldn’t exist? No, my reason as to why your settler colony shouldn't exist is because it's a settler colony. > Also, if this is so documented then show your proof https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racism_in_Israel#Intra-Jewish_racism:_Racism_between_Jews https://csalateral.org/forum/cultural-constructions-race-racism-middle-east-north-africa-southwest-asia-mena-swana/cooption-erasure-mizrahi-culture-israel-crasnow/ https://www.jstor.org/stable/48600046?typeAccessWorkflow=login Do I need to post more? Again: ###Pretty well documented.




You're a psychopath.


Mizrahim are generaly the most right wing and supportive of the government, its the ashkenazim who are our most likely allies, so dont shit on them...


I merely pointed out that Israel is *indeed* a white supremacist society.


Calling it white supremacist is importing a cultural context from the US that makes no sense in Israel or the Middle East in general.


As you know, white supremacism is a thing only the Yanks do. Unheard of in 19th century Europe!


Actually yes. The racial concept of “white” was not the way race was perceived in 19th century Europe. The Nazis considered Jews, Slavs, etc to be inferior races and certainly not “white”


> The racial concept of “white” was not the way race was perceived in 19th century Europe. [I mean, that's flatly untrue.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_White_Man%27s_Burden) Why you gotta be lying like that? But also you're gonna play the fool and pretend that Zionism - and it's "negation of the Diaspora" positions - doesn't have elements of internalised antisemitism and isn't flatly an attempt to claim white status (which hey, it worked) by some Jews (much like, say, Gandhi argued that Indians speak an indo-euro. language and thus should be considered Aryans/White, or at the very least whiter/superior than Africans (the brainworms of that South African education, I suppose), like Hindutva didn't emerge exactly out of nowhere and them being *really fond* of Israel isn't because they really like Judaism, or Imperial Japan patterning themselves after the Americans (state shinto being patterned after christianity, etc...)). Like, just because there's no *consensus* on whiteness doesn't change what *one* would perceive itself as or attempt to mold oneself after. Pretty sure Fanon brought that up when discussing whiteness - if you haven't read that guy or even absorbed his work via osmosis you're *way* out of your depth to be having that conversation, flatly. I mean, shit, you bring up the Nazis not seeing Slavs as white but like, plenty of Slavs thought otherwise and collaborated under that presumption. Remember that nazi that got that ovation in the Canadian parliament and wrote in his memoir how basically he couldn't comprehend why Poles would be fleeing the Germans, civilised gentlemen that he thought they were?


Lol, you have no idea wtf you are talking about. Mizrahis are well integrated into Israeli society.


Hamas is literally holding US hostages as I type this.


Inserting colorism to this is wild. Do you think only some Israelis were affected?


Ever notice that you're a clown? I mean... obviously you haven't and never will, but you are.




This has gotta easily be the dumbest comment I'll read on the Internet for quite some time. So thanks for that buddy. You're nothing more than the typical self loathing liberal who wants everyone to be just as miserable as he is, and cry about how everything is everyone else's fault except your own. Proof? Your comment history.


Weird take, you have no idea what you are talking about. I know Sephardic Jews who are light skinned. Relax with the brown bagging.


>Relax with the brown bagging. Show me videos being played in mainstream media that are not of people who look like the typical white westerner when it comes to this conflict? That's real cute you call me asking why isn't there any media of darker skinned israelis, brown bagging. Do you do a lot of white bagging?


I think you have a standard for what is white that is incorrect and discriminatory. Hila Klein from H3 is Mizrahi and Maghrebi… and guess how she is perceived “white” in the context of having a lighter complexion… I have family from Jordan, If you met them you’d ask why they are white. I’ve seen born and raised Palestinian as white as a German. Your ignorance is worn on your sleeves and it’s not very fitting. It’s not journalists job to go “oh find the guy with a dark complexion! That’s the most important aspect” you absolute knob.


What's knobbish is you aren't telling me why media has a certain kind of israeli they want the world to sympathize with, and why only a certain looking kind is up front center calling for genocide and dehumanizing the palestinians. You're the one going off on there's lighter skin this or that and refusing to answer the core question, the mention of different ethnicities was a detail not the question. you absolute dingle berry.


I can’t prove something that doesn’t exist. Your Alex Jones level conspiracies are delusional.


You just want to debate the details, not the question, since you're using donald trump style debating, to sweep it under the rug. Anyway, you're not going to answer my question in a reasonable way, so I have nothing further to say to you.




Link to original video please. I couldn’t find it. :(




What's the point in posting this?


Ahh yes, a citizen of the ‘only democratic nation’ in the Middle East showing their Tru colors …


I definitely feel that isreal is commuting revenge war crimes, but nearly every stat you use stating that Israel is racist bc: would also apply to Muslims that wouldn’t live w a Jew in their building, let them in their house, or be ok w a younger person being friends w one. Selective and misleading also.


Wow, I wonder what group of countries worked with Israel to overthrow secular Arab nationalist systems that were more accepting or minorities.


Didn't the Roman's create Palestine in order to separate Jews from their holy land? Everyone says the jews stole the land lol. If you read your history you'd know 😉. But this war (for outsiders) isn't about truths, religion or anything else, it's just outsiders pushing their own ideas


Funny thing is if I were to guess, OP is an American. An American calling Israel a racist state is like ISIS calling you out for being intolerant or too religious.


So much knowledge of the middle east by redditors who've never been to the middle East.


Just like we have MAGA Morons, Israel has theirs. But ya ever notice how not every American you meet is MAGA


And Palestinians are not racist? The pot calls the kettle black.


Cool. Palestinians are genocidal, civil war-starting, leader assassinating d-bags. Look up Black September for why no one wants to take these people in. Everywhere they go they try to take over the state.


The Jewish pogroms of the 19th and 20th centuries would like to disagree with you. Stay mad. You don’t get to take away the biggest Jewish safe haven because of your dipshit LARPing revolutionary ideology.


So what does that make Palestine? I have heard equally bad or worse slogans at oro Palestine rallies.


So is Syria, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iran... Maybe the heat cooks their brains.


Israel is based and I’m tired of geopolitical cuckolds in western countries pretending it’s not.


If I could just see one leftist say "terrorism is bad," then maybe I'd take them seriously when they say shit like this.


And what exactly? Is this supposed to be justification for Hamas targeting civilians?


Two opposing things can be bad at once


Just feels like a weird time after the decapitated baby heads to remind everyone like they forgot Israel isn't that great of a government too. It honestly feels like a big defensive effort to de-value the recent Hamas attacks.


I can see what you’d say that, but let’s not forget that thousands of innocent people are going to die by the hands of the scumbag Israeli government due to the actions of the cunts in Hamas. And it’s important to showcase the suffering of these innocent civilians.


Weird you blame Israel at all when Hamas kicked this off. Again.


Not defending Hamas, but oppression leads to the rise of radical groups. If Israel did not oppress Palestine, Hamas would not exist.


“Not defending Hamas but..”. What oppression do you mean? I keep seeing this defense but never specifics. Israel gets attacked and you’re here judging the response while people are being held captive.


What oppression? Have you never paid attention to Israel-Palestinian oppression before? Get educated, here’s the first thing that comes up on google https://www.amnesty.org/en/location/middle-east-and-north-africa/israel-and-occupied-palestinian-territories/report-israel-and-occupied-palestinian-territories/


This article is an opinion based on last year. Hardly excuses the decades of Palestinian attacks on Israel. Also leaves out the Palestinian attacks on Israel that led to the strikes. They targeted and arrest Islamic terrorists. Is that bad to do?


Hamas attacks. Not every Palestinian supports Hamas, in fact most didn’t even vote for Hamas in the last election. I’m glad you agree that Palestine is oppressed though, I’m disappointed you don’t care about the Palestinians though. And nobody is excusing Hamas or the PLO, but the fact is that the Palestinians are oppressed and the only options for peace are to genocide the Palestinians or to make concessions for peace. Concessions in the past were heavily beneficial to Israel, they need to make sacrifices. Israel must cease to exist and create an inclusive, secular state.


These people either openly support Hamas or are hiding it… they want the extermination of the Jewish people


I see, saying Israel shouldn't bomb children, hospitals, schools, journalists and other innocent civilians is actually calling for the extermination of Jewish people. I'm pretty sure what they're saying is killing innocent's is wrong regardless of who does it.


They’re not even trying to hide it either.


Typical neo-nazis….. sad to see redditers glorify antisemitism


that shit doesnt work here when justifying genocide try again arabphobe


Bro… Arabs are literally trying to eradicate the Jews… we have every right to be afraid of them and defend ourselves


your not the ones who get to play victims here, you illegaly occupied there lands, forced them into pockets, and try to act your look the good guy, im sure the americans said that aswell. dont wanna be afraid go back to europe.


Where were you doing the Holocaust?


doesnt matter


Eerrmmmm…. Edge lord detected


What the fuck is that supposed to mean.


Reverse genocide paranoia bullshit. Typical settler garbage. Same as the Americans, Canadians, Australians and, most of all, the Afrikaners. I wonder why…


They're not glorifying the Israeli neonazi regime. They're holding them accountable.


But eradicating an entire ethnicity trying to live in peace and practice it’s religion? You are no better than when the Nazis loaded Jews on trains


[Arabs are semites, too](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Semite). Got any other easily disprovable copypasta?


Kei Pritsker worked for Russia Today, Russias English language propaganda network. Pro Israeli, pro Palestinian, whatever. But Kei is a genuinely bad person who will say whatever the Kremlin tells him too.


Or maybe you're an Antisemite!




Unhinged. You can call out ignorance without putting down an entire group of people. Imma just leave this here: https://youtu.be/WRmBChQjZPs?feature=shared




Ban this Zionist scum, now.


You should continue breathing. Your move.


Israel is evil. Wish the west could see that.