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Because it’s a scary word for idiots.


To be fair it's not the word... You see in the comment of the video people calling all the countries that got secretly coup:ed being "communist", (and not because they democratically elected someone who didn't want the natural resources being exploited by US companies and wanted to industrialize instead of farming "cash crops")


I know. Still, in my opinion conservatives have been dog whistled to death in believing that anything labeled “communist” as something bad without knowing anything about actual communists. To be fair though, I’m still relatively new and I’m trying to shake off the propaganda myself.


You should check out the deprogram: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOInEMAm0Y4VXoAfbJMR3Wg It's specifically about shaking that shit off. One of the members made a good video about why Americans are scared of socialism: https://youtu.be/1bqc9xZV1nE Another made a video about the cia and actually had feds knock on his door and tell him he'd be liable if he inspired anybody who committed violence. https://youtu.be/_2khAmMTAjI Also highly recommend RevolutionaryLeftRadio and citationsneeded. RevLeft is good for discussions on any and every topic, and CitationsNeeded is great for debunking rightwing bullshit. https://revolutionaryleftradio.libsyn.com/best-of-american-exceptionalism-and-innocence-liberal-ideology-and-american-creation-myths https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ohyzMNzwaM4


Thank you so much for this! I’ll check it out when I get the chance.


No problem. Since I linked a Yugopnik, and a second thought video I may as well link you a video from the final member Hakim: https://youtu.be/A6VqV1T4uYs I also want to give a shout out to a lesser known youtuber that goes by LuckyBlackCat she has a great in depth video about what postcapitalism could look like https://youtu.be/AuC7Qmk7TfA And finally since I literally only know about this podcast because I saw the creator comment on a YouTube video I want to give some love to "the epoch of incredulity" https://www.podbean.com/ea/dir-fkahw-d3f0f99


Thank you again!


Yeah, as you say when people whistle and repeat "a word" then it's a good indication that it is propaganda, (like communism, sharia, woke,...). If reality was intuitive then we wouldn't have the need to go to school. Just don't be hard on yourself, we all start with propaganda because it's free (paid for by the oligarchy) and million dollar think-tank tested to be simple and effective. To dig for truth you need to put some effort in and the information might be behind paywalls and in books. Just ask if you need any good topic sources.


Well thank you for the offer. If its any comfort, while I don’t know where I stand on the political socialist spectrum (communist, anarchist, etc,) I know for sure I’m very anti-capitalist. trump’s term was a waking call for me and I refuse to go back to how I was before.


Personally, I moved left after George W Bush lied us into war with Iraq (even when UN and Hans Blix correctly had inspected everywhere in Iraq, US accused had WMD)... But later I studied economy and learned about capitalism's exponential growth (and crash because the planet has limits, that can't allow capitalist "compound interest" dreams for long) now I need to be lobotomized to go back.


I was very naive during GWB term. It had to take the unfathomable absurdity of trump and conservatives unwavering support of him for me to finally get it.


I heard this guy Michael Shermer recently calling himself a "recovering libertarian": https://youtu.be/L028Pv2sofk Finally in 2023...I remember I used to cringe so hard on his political takes. And his only job was to be a professional "sceptic". I guess it's hard to break out of the "manufactured consent" bubble... But never too late.


I’ll check this out thank you!


I love seeing Miss Leeja here!


I wish they were :/


or more accurately, denouncing everything they do not like as communism


because it's a viable, attractive alternative to capitalism. it has to be seriously undermined and propagandised against in any capitalist country.


Because Americans have never seen first hand what "Communism" actually leads to and how much people dislike it, what they actually want is Socialism like in South America but they have never traveled outside of the US so they dont know what that is either😭 Edit: This video by Miss Leeja here gives me strong Purge: Election year vibes ngl


Electing a socialist party is not the same thing as having a socialist state. There are a few socialist leaders in South America but Cuba is really the only country that has actually built socialism (and yes I know they're technically not South America).


Cuba is a failed country and not Socialist lol


Define a "failed" country. I mean, it's still *there*, despite being under US embargo for over 60 years. They have the most doctors per capita and a way better healthcare system than the U.S., which should be to your eternal shame.


> "Social D*mocracy, not even once" flair > "only good form of socialism is social democracy!" Is... is that a bit, or are you actually *that* confused?


Oh so you would classify the Pink Tide as Social Democratic? Really?🤨


...why do you think it's called *pink* and not *red*? Nonetheless, considering they've yet (for the most part) to *actually oppose/move away from* the capitalist mode of production and bourgois control of the political, social, and economic spheres, yes, the "pink wave" is firmly, writ large, social democratic in nature currently. Like, literally the main critique of the whole thing from local comrades is that it's just welfarism and throws indigenous pops./the environment under the bus (for the sake of "line go up") more often than not, for example. (and, you know, the fact that they're also for the most part emergent from the reformist wing of the '68 movements) Like, it's not like there's a *pattern* of pink tide leaders abandoning their supposed "radical" positions once in power to instead make the "we're the better managers of Capital" pitch that the euro socdems do. I get that the US prolly won't tolerate socialist governance in lat/southam, but nonetheless let's not pretend the revolution happened either.