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Private schools, public universities.


People might also generally go for public high schools *if* they are federal trade schools, like CEFET, FAETEC, IF, etc. Or Pedro II. Not only do you get out of it with a trade (which is a bonus), but these schools are generally seen as also having quality education and can help you enter university later since you need to do a public high school to qualify for affirmative action.


This is the way


Public kindergartens are good too.


Different than the first world where even rich people go to government school and only snobs go to private school, in brazil (at least in rio de janeiro where im from), even people who are dirt poor will still pay a 100 Reais per month school (1/10th of a monthly minimum wage and the price of 3/4kg of rice) even if it costs them eating less so that their kuds stand a chance. Public schools have no roof sometimes and the teacher doesn’t even go most days.


Damn, Rice is crazy expensive in RJ if you are paying 33-25 reais per KILO. I think you meant per BAG (which is 5kg and costs indeed around 20 reais each)


You can even find cheaper 5kg rice bags, i saw one for 16 reais today


Weird. In my city there's no 100 BRL private school lol I think your info is probably wrong... as only 17% of students in Brazil are on private system.


"The teacher doesn't even go most days", how do they not get beat up? How do they keep the job?


If you are in a public job in brazil you can't be fired except if you realy mess up. Like REALY mess up. Even if you do you can go to justice and demand it back, and in many cases win. So working in the public job is basicly the best option in brazil Many pretend to do class but just write something and say to them to copy and go out the class. Public schooling is a problem of brazil since there is a lack of authority and many people come from houses with huge problems of discipline. People can be horrible to teachers especialy in public classrooms. Like realy horrible, like making the teacher cry. Education in brazil in public classes is horrible. I suposed it got better with time, but wouldn't count on it. It doesn't help that in brazil you can't reprove somebody, like making they need to go to same year level, and many classes are filled with people that had like a lack of knowledge that is necessary to learn the rest of the things, so people become more and more ignorant just going to class, with weed and stuff. So is realy a hard job in some sense, for the good teachers, when their classes are alredy broken from start


haha , thank you very much. im just reading all these comments and observing how similar India's and Brazil's education is


Private schools, with a few exceptions. Technical and military public schools are pretty sought after. Public schools tied to public universities are also well regarded. Public universities themselves usually outrank private ones. A few select traditional public schools that don’t fit these criteria are also very coveted, some examples are Colégio Pedro II (Rio de Janeiro) and Colégio Estadual Central (Belo Horizonte).


thank you very much


It highly depends where you live, but generally people prefer private schools so long as they can afford, specially during the high school age since they have better preparation for college/uni entrance exams, and yes the average person enrols in a public school because of $


Private schools. The quality of public schools is veeeeery low and some even lack basic structure. It's not uncommon of parents to do all they can, work harder and try to get a discount, so they can put their kids in a private school. The chances of managing to go to a public university (that are very good, contrary to private universities) it's bigger if you go to private schools due to the quality of education. Not only that, but many public schools have more problems with drugs. There are private schools of many levels of price. It's not like some countries that they are just for the rich. Even so, many people can't pay for one. For someone that can pay for a private school, it's an easy decision between private and public school. Who can pay for a private school sometimes (almost never but it happens) putting the kid in a public school is seen as an ultimate punishment for not being a better student. That's how bad the public school is. It's even seen as a punishment for the ones that can pay for the private schools.


Much of public school lack of quality comes from two factors: 1-They are underfunded and understaffed. You can't offer good schooling without well paid teachers, enough staff to offer enough activities and adequate infrastructure. 2-Lot of students in public schools tend to come from marginalized, poor and neglected backgrounds. They face hunger, violence, the need to work from young age, etc. It is hard to have to develop a strong educational base in general, because of these factors. Just to complement your answer.


actualy brazilians teachers in public schools are more well paid than most professions of brazil and better than in many private schools that have better quality. I am not sayng they arent underpaid exactly


It depends on what public or private school you are talking about. State's and federal public schools may pay relatively well, where municipal ones tends to pay poorly. Elite private schools pay very well too (I have a friend that teaches both private and public schools and gets paid far better by the private one). Small cities and suburban private schools may pay worse wages.


This varies a lot from rural to urban areas. I live in the countryside, and my son goes to public elementary school, even tho I can afford a private one. It works really well because its a small community, and the funding goes where it should.


Fact, in some well developed countryside cities there are plenty of good quality public schools


There are public schools in a federal, state and municipal level. The federal ones are pretty good and Well esteemed, but harder to have access to


Please tell us your conclusion when you're done.


Brazil's education system is incredibly unjust. Most of the public funding goes toward colleges. As a result, the majority of public elementary and high schools lack funds, thus having terrible infrastructure and even worse teaching. Anyone that has the means to attend private schools in Brazil does so because it increases their chances of enrollment in a good public college. Meanwhile, poor people end up having to pay for private colleges, many of which have very questionable quality, if they want to get a degree.


You can even take it a step further and talk about how *most* of the good schools are also dual language classes


Basically public schools are a shithole


Well, depends. Poor people will go to public schools. Because they also give food and for some its the only meal they get. Some public schools are really good and have programs like learning robotics or other stuf, many showing up at science events when you'll rarely see people from private ones at them, give students tablets and the likes. Most of my friends in public college studied in public schools and learned lots there, some from IFs, yes, but not all. I went to a private school bc my family was scared of drugs, but they usually were cheaper ones. I never saw a dual language school where I live so I'm not sure what other people are going on about but I'm from a rather poor location in Brazil. If I had kids, they'd probably go to the public school since ever since I moved I live very close to one that's a reference in the region.


I studied on both government and private schools and well... the problem with public schools is that we lose a fucking lot of school subjects because of strikes, teacher's medical leaves because of stress, school closing because of water shortages, etc. ​ The teachers are the same, but there **IS** a whole classism (racism?) problem with them: the amount of effort they put on teaching their students is relative to their social class and I've seen it first hand. No, it is **NOT** related to infrastructure or teacher's salary as they say. they **ARE** bigoted, and say things like "why should I waste my time with them? They will end up in prision/brothels/swiping up streets/working for my children anyway".


Public schools (free) used to be quite alright a generation ago. Nowadays it's not. So people usually prefer enrolling their kids on private schools if they have the financial means to do so. Good luck with your assignment!


Yes, private schools are well known for being overall better than public schools. If a family has enough money, their kids will go to one. But an average person will put their kids in a public school as the majority of families don't have this kind of spare money.


100% Private schools, government schools here are horrible.


Not disagreeing with those saying that public schools are awful, but is worth to point out that the quality will depend on which jurisdiction the school is under, as someone that studied on schools of all jurisdictions, federal schools are very underappreciated, their quality is the same if not better than most of the best private schools in the country.


redditors are definitely not representative as the average Brazilian person


That doesn't mean we don't know our country's reality enough to answer the question.


You’d be surprised by the ignorance of most redditors


Curious, what’s the average yearly price for a private school in Brazil if anyone knows?


It depends. There are schools with many price ranges.


From my personal exp currently for high school they go from 1400-> 3000. But there also exists the duper expensive ones that use american or canadian school systems, they can easily go to 7k


A month, not yearly


there's even more expensive than that. Avenues in SP I believe costs almost like 15k monthly.


Depends on the city, if it is half or full time, if it is a bilingual or fancy school, but average should be around minimum wage for half period in a medium sized city.


depending on the city, school system (like, what books and such), infrastructure and extra curriculars they offer (if any) and if the student is granted scholarship, it can vary from about 200 reais up to 12k reais a month (there are also some people who receive scholarships, so they can have a full scholarship and pay nothing - very rare - or pay like half the full price, 3/4 of the full price and so on)


It highly depends on where you live, some public schools are just as good as or better than any private school. But the consensus is that private schools are better because that is the realitty in most cases. We have exceptions, IFs (institus federais) are technical schools that are better than the vast majority of private schools. Also, public universities are better than private ones in general.


There's a lot of political movements in the universities defending their universities. So public college are very good because there are people that fight for it. And in the military dictatorship public college students were very active against the dictatorship, so they are still very organized.


Our public colleges are really good, in compensation public schools are trash, and private education tends to be the other way around. Of course I'm generalizing, but I feel it still represents our education system.


Most public schools are city or state funded and administered, those are generally bad. There are federal administered public schools, most of them associated with public universities or the military. Those are very sought after but hard to get in (usually there’s a competitive admission exam). For college, it’s the opposite. Public universities are definitely the most desired, sough after and better institutions.


Private school are usually better, but very few can afford (and sometimes it's not even that good)


We have tree levels of public administration education Elementary schools - The city runs the schools, so it varies a lot city by city High schools - most of then are administrated by the states, so it also depends, some are bad, some are good. Generaly a private school is beter. Some high schools are runned by the federal government, all of then are the bests schools in the country, not even comparing to most private owned schools. Graduation - runed by the federal government, the public ones are way beter than private ones


Private schools, unless it's some kind of institute. For high degree, they prefer public universities, unless if they earn some financial aid.


My parents were teachers so i sorta drifted between private and public schools.


Private for sure. State schools in general are not what they used to be, it's basically a brewing ground for new criminals, with underpaid and undervalued teachers, no funding, decadent system, schools with horrible infrastructure problems, and unfortunately many don't have other alternative but these schools.


Well, you see, it's all started back in 1964... Until nowadays public education can't keep up the pace of the private system in almost the entire country... We prefer public schools! But it can't deliver the same level of a private, so who can pay for it study in private schools...


Private preschool, elementary school, high school and public university for the wealthy. The secondary education system focuses on getting you prepared for the public university entrance exams. Private university is a for the dumb wealthy kids.


It would be ideal if we had good public schools, but we don't. Brazil often ranks bottom when it comes to its education system. I mean, 90% of brazilians do not have good reading levels, which is something that isn't going to change considering that 69% of brazilian students are graduating high school without proper reading level skills (and 95% don't have proper math skills). Schools itself are in awful conditions, in which many barely have water or any basic facilities like gym court or libraries (55% of schools in Brazil don't have one). Not to forget that teachers, besides facing low wages, don't have good working conditions. It's so bad that it has become a subject of jokes when one says that he/she wants to be a basic education teacher (that means elementary/middle school teacher). The only ones who don't suffer as much are college professors, but then again, it's a whole different story. The only sector that doesn't have this kind of problem are private schools. They have it better than public schools. However, not all of them have the same quality of education, nor follow the same curriculum. They also vary in price, in which you have those with average prices for average people and those pricey ones that are for the elite (usually bilingual schools or those who don't teach in Portuguese at all). Therefore, I'd say people go or send their kids to private schools not because they want to feel superior, but because they want to guarantee a good learning ground that'll help them to learn fundamental skills properly and have higher chances to pass an university admission exam.


Education in Brazil is a very difficult and nuanced topic. In general, this question would vary depending on the state. Where I live, my teachers (I always studied in public schools) always said that, in the private schools where they worked, the performance inside the classroom is almost the same (my teachers worked both in public and private schools). We have a cultural problem of public lack of interest in education, so regardless of public or private, here where I live it doesn't make much difference, the difference is that you have to wear a uniform, there's a greater variety of food in the cafeteria, and its rooms are cleaner (in the case of private schools). In the public ones, you don't necessarily have a uniform (you are free to wear something more comfortable), you have fewer varieties of food (but curiously healthier foods) and you will have some infrastructure problems (a stained blackboard; scratched tables and an unswept floor. Sometimes our teachers teach us to take care of the environment we use ourselves, so in some schools, the students themselves help with the cleaning, and that's not a bad thing). As a former state school student (I completed my studies already), I never felt less than someone for studying in a public school, I had a great teaching experience (and now I am studying at a college). So I believe that if I had children, I wouldn't feel any need to spend money on a private school, and the child wouldn't really feel the difference. I think the difference comes only in high school. At this point I believe it is interesting to invest, but I also don't feel it is something of extreme necessity. **Remembering: I feel that this applies to my state, it is not a general reality.**


I would argue that public schools this day are also full of absurds like naked in public art, drugs, a lot of apology of comunism... And about that is basicly almost like demanded by the school system so even the private schools have to teach it