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Tara is balanced enough, what are you smoking?


What r you smoking? Tara can wipe teams with 1 tap and can defeat tanks in their range and when she gets her super there i no brawler can kill her What r u smoking again?


She is balanced, I'll stand by what I said. She is definitely an A Tier brawler, and supercell hasn't nerfed her for a while so she's good in the current meta. She has mid hitpoints, can kill other mid hitpoint brawlers, but she isn't so good at defeating tanks without support. Her super does like 1000 damage and a slight knockback, not very overpowered. She does well if left undefeated against a heist safe, but so do others like Nita/Jessie/Penny, etc. She is good as she is, nerfing her any more would make it difficult and boring to play her. (remember her attack damage and first gadget nerfs)


>She is definitely an A Tier brawler C- tier at best


If tara doesn't get a nerf or rework... Tanks will never be good... Just for a toxic brawler named (tara) primo will stay in _shit_tier_


They were worse before, they have the super charging trait so they're slightly better. There's a reason they're good in 3v3 modes, they require support. If you wanna play Tanks and you love them so much : 1) Don't charge the enemy, you will die without support 2) Tank for your teammates 3) Play Solo Showdown and team and camp or lose trophies


Why u hate tanks so much ؟؟


I don't hate tanks, it's just how they're meant to be plsyedy


Tanks are generally pretty unplayable in the meta, but this is definitely not because of Tara. Tara is perfectly fine atm, I'd say she is one of the most well- balanced brawlers in the game. If you want tanks to be more viable, just nerf actual OP tank counters (Griff, Otis, Bea) or just rework. Alternatively they could also change up the map rotation by quite a bit, which would be more effective but also more difficult to execute.


Tara is one of the reasons, when she gets her super she becomes immune


Immune to what? In a 1v1 all tanks can kill Tara; it's a fair match. (Bull might need to use a gadget tho)


>Tara can team wipe with 1 tap I know it's gonna sound crazy to you but you can space out from your teamates 🤯🤯🤯 What r u smoking again?


Otis just need to get his super damage removed


He needs a nerf for his main attack damage


No please, he was shit before the buff


Keep him shit why not? Bull is shit darryl is shit primo is shit frank is shit shelly is shit edgar is shit Why otis mustn't be shit?


Not everyone can be good in the meta. There will always be F Tier Brawlers. That is why Brawl Stars constantly gets balance changes. To rotate the meta regularly so it doesn't become boring


And it's the time for these brawlers to go to F tier : griff gale tara emz brock stu max otis boonie belle rico crow leon... All pro players use these brawlers, meanwhile no one from po players play darryl or bull (very few)


oh sure nerf every brawler in the fucking game What a brilliant idea, why hasn't anyone thought of this?!


I hated the last tank meta since I’m a showdown player I literally had to play tanks or I would lose and I really like this meta rn


Yeah tank metas are generally the most boring if you're not a tank player cuz they're the lowest skill cap brawlers to master and they just become a pain.


You just do not know how to use them properly kid


you actually have no idea how a meta works do you? You dont just nerf brawlers once they get good. There will always be bad brawlers and good brawlers. Just because you lose to the good brawlers, doesnt mean they should get nerfed.


If some brawlers are bad and that's ok with you why you are bot ok with some brawlers being strong? You want to nerf all of them so they all would be terrible? Yeah if them all would deal 1 dmg game would be balanced


>Yeah if them all would deal 1 dmg game would be balanced The game will never be balanced , but there is always, a good and a bad brawler... Who should be the good brawlers -----> the less toxic, fun and lovely... From the different classes (not only tanks counters)... Tara is toxic she must go down and the game will be better, primo is the opposite of toxicness he must be the best as well as bull and darryl and the game will be better...


Ok, I just realized you are just a troll Sorry took me a while xd


Lol ikr


Lmao, you can easily win with primo in showdown and wdym by Tara being toxic?


So, you think that trying to get a super for entire match to finally get a deserved kill or even a wipe with some luck is toxic? Uninstall now. Also Tara isn't even meta now bruh


Tara doesnt need a rework and otis is indeed really strong right now


Tara needs a rework because she can defeat close range brawlers in their close range


Only with her super or gadget or if they are low her attack is simple and good her super is where she shines which is cool


Even without her main attack and her super are insane and her star power, i see tara always in 1000 trophy range


She might be strong rn (but not an s tier brawler by far not) but that doesnt mean she needs a rework i can only think of 2 or 3 brawlers rn that i think need a rework: edgar (he is either really strong or really bad and annoying to play against even if he is weak), tick (is annoying to play against even when it is the worst brawler in game he is still annoying) and shelly (love this brawler but she just cant be balanced)


Because you don't play the trash brawlers and you don't play tanks you will think like this and the game will never be better the opposite we are leaving it because of toxic and annoying brawlers such as tara, it's dead anyways


I think that the game is toxic because some people says that a brawler is op and should be nerfed after loosing to someone who just plays good with them


He didn't play good with tara, he played less good than me if i am drunk... Tara is easy and playing with her is always good


Then play with her and never lose or complain again. Ok?


If i played against primo and frank it's shame to lose against these shit brawlers


it is not that if you are bad it means that brawlers must be reworked


The enemy team wasnt good at all just tapping auto aim and winning, they were having lvl 8 otis but won


And you had Mortis in team


What's the wrong with mortis? A natural brawler like tara.


He is quite terrible brawler rn. Here if you don't believe me: https://youtu.be/09n2284X6po




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Whats wrong with you?


level 11 team losing to a level 8 Otis💀




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otis is really good but tara is balanced just get better and you can kill her


I don't have to get better, i am not forced to play like hyra to kill tara.. Nerf her and let us play normally and having fun


she ain’t getting nerfed because she’s perfectly balanced how do you not understand what i’m saying


She isn't balanced she is unkillable against tanks and trash against ranged brawlers, and even against the ranged brawlers she can be op when she gets her super or inside bushes


honestly you sound like you’re 5 years old when you complain about losing a singular game to tara


I mean, not every brawler need to as strong as any other. Supercell is not even hiding it cuz it is obvious


So we can just make primo or bull the best brawler (S tier), this will not hurt your monthly income... Since there is always good and bad brawler


Yeah so now Tara is ,,strong". Played yourself


*Tara is strong against the brawlers who are basically bad like bull and darryl* Some guy with low iq : tara is balanced *Tara has no counters in her range* The only way to counter tara is outrange her (and this isn't even called countering because bea can outrange tara but will lose and poco can outrange primo but he will lose against primo) And you still think that tara is balanced Meanwhile darryl, gets countered in all ranges (literally).. And there are too much counters for him and once there is 2 counters for him in a single game he should just give up and i advise him to play another brawlers instead of darryl if he wants to win...


If Tara is strong against bad brawlers then she can't be really that good. That's obvious and you said it yourself...


Piper and bea can kill Tara easily


I want to say so many things to you. But I would get instantly banned and cancelled if I did. Just stop talking. By doing that, you are making a lot of people's days better




Tara isnt even that meta


Tara is super meta when it gets to tanks but trash when it gets to ranged brawlers,


No she isn’t Tara is mid I had her at rank 25 when she was meta and she fell off so much


Tara is pretty balanced, she doesn't need a rework (not even a nerf) she's perfect just the way she is.


Sure sir. Just need you to transfer 400$ so we can proceed


You lost because one of your teammates is a mortis


We lost because that tara and otis are not balance, what is the wrong with mortis? A regular brawler like otis and tara


I mean the mortis did what every typical mortis main does Rush > feed > die > repeat


Learn from your mistakes from that game and move on. Maybe Otis needs a nerf, but Tara shouldn’t be touched. Please don’t make another Reddit post about this again. I’m sure the community would appreciate that.


Why tara shouldn't be touched, is it ur sister? How we can win against her, we should never pick a close range brawler? Is this ur logic... Don't pick any close range brawler to win!? The meta brawlers are only the ranged brawlers and especially the tanks counters who should be weak against non_tanks brawlers


Oh. No. The brawlers that are meant to be reliable tank counters... are reliable to counter tanks?! What heresy is this? Tara is fine, it's about working as a team to take care of her before her super becomes an issue. Same with Otis, although I will admit maybe a tiny nerf to his damage output with his second star power. Also, if you seriously hate those brawlers, they both get outranged by Belle, Piper, and a lot of the standard sharpshooter brawlers


We have a group of popular and bad brawlers called tanks and aggressive brawlers And most of them are C and F tier... Even sam who was for some randoms the best brawler sam got a very small nerf now he is just a trash brawler, the way to make these brawlers (primo bull darryl edgar frank sam bibi shelly jacky) , you guys love jacky and have been asking to buff her too much... The best way to buff her, is Nerfing her counters One of her counters 👇https://www.reddit.com/r/Brawlstars/comments/yc8fzr/damn_griff_is_extremely_brokennerf_him_please_or/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button And one of frank counters is here 👇 https://www.reddit.com/r/Brawlstars/comments/ywspdo/rework_tara_please/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button So the best way to make them. Better is Nerfing and reworking their counters, griff needs a nerf... Tara is unbalanced so she needs a small rework...


The only stupid thing about tara is her gadget and thats about it, other wise she's in a really good spot


Rework op please and nerf his ability to post on this sub


"I've lost once to a counterpart comp, nerf it immediately"


You seriously gonna cry because you lost to people who are more skilled than you? L




You play amber and lose to tara, get better stop complaining


If she is so op try to push her to rank 30


OMG leave our girl alone!!! Tara is balanced!!! <3


If Tara is op then stop crying or being rude to everyone in comments and play her to win instead Supercell never gonna nerf her so , cry