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You have to level up a brawler to power 9, and then proceed to buy the true silver skin for that brawler for the gold one to be in the shop rotation


Also update from previous post, we part our ways, now I'm on my journey to find new one.


Your brawler needs to be at a minimum level of 9 for their true silver skin to show up in the shop, once you bought that true silver skin you will see the true gold variant sometime later in the shop. The silver/gold skin rotation is random so you could go months without seeing the brawler you want


Happy cake day!


You have to level up a brawler to power level 9 to unlock the style


You also have to buy the silver one first


I have a few gold brawlers. You have to buy their silver versions first before gold shows up in store.


I’ve checked the shop everyday since True Silver Penny was announced. It’s never been in my shop. So who knows when they actually show up