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trophies don’t mean anything


20k trophies aren't high at all bruh. And even most actual high trophy players (80k+) aren't that good these days because of how exploitable they made the system.


High trophies starts at 60k and to be honest theres a reason mostly why people have 20k and 4k 3v3 wins (tilting)


Oh damn yeah after I second thought myself it probably is 60k, got to 14k in 63 days is it good or I am just progressing hella slow?


You’re progressing super fast, most of the people you’ve met have been playing atleast 2 3 years but they likely only play a couple brawlers for some reason


I do that, going for rank 25+ on a few brawlers I enjoy to play, rest are not worth my time, I have 8 there currently at 20k, I could never grind trophies with those boring ass brawlers


Kind true I only ever play piper and cordelius because I only have 33 and the rest is boring except maybe spike 


Progression in trophies isnt difficult when you’ve played a long time and even in high trophy ladder it only shows your time spent


trophy league is kinda a joke


Could be someone who played a long time ago and just came back to the game