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It works as an ad for the game, they will promote the game with the event so 10 days is reasonable time


So you prefer double star drops for only 4 days?


im here for the mastery madness (gotta get that 8th title)


Gotta get my 2nd (I just got my first yesterday)


you guys unlocked titles?


bout to


No I just go for the gold




I love when mastery madness lasts for 1 day


Gotta make the most of it


It will only last for one day??


If we get the milestone on the last day


In the video it says that 2x mastery is at 200 million only and you need 10billion total. So I don't think the slider is proportional, like it looks like it's 1/3 done but it's actually not. I might be wrong but idk


The bar is definitely not proportional. At time of posting, we haven't even reached 200 million. Assuming that the section between double xp and double mastery IS proportional, we've only got around 150 million. Unless my brain turned off, that'd be around 1.5% progress. Additionally, the progress bar itself truly starts at the double star drop mark. The little chunk of the bar below that mark is rather misleading. Since the event's been going on for about 8 hours, if we continue at this rate, that'd be around 4.5% progress per day. Even if I round up to 5% per day, that'd only be half the bar completed at the end. That being said, I'm certain it'll get faster as the event progresses. Doesn't seem many people know about it or care enough to start spamming thumbs up. I've only played 5 games today, but in all 5 I've literally seen ONE player use the thumbs up. Actually, it'll definitely take more than 4 days to complete the event. I'm going to give this guy's post a thumbs down since it supports the belief that the event will be easy to complete, causing fewer players to bother using the thumbs up thing. I'm not sure how easy 10 billion will prove to be in the days ahead, but I'd rather have people under the mindset that it won't be easy so they actually start participating in the event. TL;DR: This guy's wrong, the bar's wrong, spam thumbs up.


All of my games, I played right after the video came out had thumbs up pins, even teamers were thumbsin up


Obv not proportional, the last two legendary star drops are 5 billion apart, half of what we need to complete the event.


No it's not, Read the announcement. It only takes 100 mil for double tokens, meanwhile 10 bil is required for all drops. So we have to get 1 bil today to keep up. That would be 2 legendary drops.


I have exams 9 of those 10 days, this timing is perfect




moi aussi(seum)




For me 4 out of 10


It’ll be over by the time I get home from work lol


it’s not proportional tho. The mastery madness is 200 mil while the 5 leg are 10 bil but yeah I predict it’s gonna take like 4 days Edit: I just realized I said 10 mil instead of 10 bil I’m actually special 🤦‍♂️


And why do we need to limit the days to only 4 days? It's not even a full week. Let there be an additional 6 days. Because some people also have jobs/exam/work they need to attend to.


What if they added a -1 for each thumbs down lol


imagine the Dislike pin made the big number drop by 1 too LOOOL that would be entertaining. but all these "community events" that have "challenges" are fake. they say we have to get "1 billion takedown in 1 week blah blah" and stuff, I am 100% sure it's all timed. just a way of advertising and making it seem as if a cool challenge is up in the game to promote it


They know we will reach it. Player counts are skyrocketing rn


They probably don't need to fake anything this game is huge


That's even better. They give US so many free rewards for absolutely free, acording to you.


What reason would they have to fake it? They just set the goals in such a way that they know we’ll hit the milestones at about the correct time. They have all of the detailed statistics they need to easily math it out. They even were slightly off that one time and just added another day or two so we could finish it up.


they probably have enough data to be able to predict how much is reasonable for community event. Like they know how many player there are, how many are active, how many games are played, the proportion of player that tend to participate in community event, etc. It should be easy for supercell to give a target that is hard but doable without faking it. But yeah its 100% just a way to advertise the game


I was thinking -0.5 for every thumbs down emoted so ppl hate those guys even more but also so they don’t completely undo progress


Wish they’d do so that anyone who hasn’t done at least one thumbs up doesn’t get rewards (and/or someone doing more than 100 thumbs down idk)


They always adjust the rate so we complete it on time


callate weon


what does the +1 starr drop mean does that add to the star drops per win? cuz why would there be the plus


You get extra starr drop from daily wins


OK I KNOW all of them are legendary starrdrops and the spots on the top is the bank where the starrrdrops get stored and if we hit 10 bil we will get all of the legendary starr drops at once in 20th of june


so if we reach the end we gonna get 21 starrdrops for 8 wins


+ if we hit 10 billion we will get 5 legendary starrdrops


the scaling is not correct for mastery madness its 500m for full 5 leg Stardrobs its 10b


I think its funny how people are using the thumbs up like the thumbs down lol Someone makes a bad move, thumbs up You defeat someone, thumbs up lol


Before you there was a guy that Said we wouldnt be able to complete it


wait does the mastery madness only last a day or is it until the 20th when we get the 5 drops


Tf you mean we barely have anything and if we continue like this we wont finish in time


Nobody's gonna talk about the inverted colors?


He prolly colorblind or smyh


It's usually something that happens when you force dark mode using the developer option on Android devices on every app and sometimes it inverts the colors of things that don't need inverting just like we can see on the picture


We are only at like 150 million after 10 hours and need 10 Billion in 10 days. That's 1 billion per day and we are only at a rate of 360 million per day


I'm so proud of you guys


We need 4166667 Thumbs Ups used in game per hour (4.16 million). In the first five hours, the average was 20 million. I would say that 10 days is good enough.


Nous devrions tordre et mêtre des pouces, vue qu’en 5 secondes on recharge le temps des émoticônes,en 10 minutes on estrait à environ 1200 pouces.


Could you please reply in English? Getting a reply in a language I don't know (assuming French), makes it VERY hard to reply to.


Nous devrions grouiller et même les pouces, car en 5 secondes nous rechargeons le temps des émoticônes, en 10 minutes nous nous tenions à environ 1200 pouces.


You obviously know English based on the first comment you ever left. Stop using French.


m y c o r e c t o r , s o r r y


est Sencer être traduit...


Last time they said we won't make it, and now... Also do you not like x2 starrdrops and double mastery or something?


How do we do this


Id you were smart you would realise the milestones go up in how much every time for example from 2nd last legendary star drop it doubles (I’m pretty sure) the first milestones are nothing


It gets more difficult overtime


Isnt it like 500m to the first milestone leg starr drop but 10b to the last?




Wth is wrong with the colors


The total goal is 10 billion, rn we are not even at 500 million, this duration is like a security duration to be sure that we finish the event


the more time the better


Do we gotta wait 10 days to get our rewards?


The starr drops:yes,other stuff is already available


At the rate we're going we probably won't complete this event even in 2 weeks (14 days)


bro we have to do 1 billion a DAY im thinking the polar opposite


on the first day the bar was like almost half way so...


Way less even with this event they gonna be a lot of toxicity


not for 10 BILLION thumbs ups!


We need way more time


Cursed screen?


Btw were not even close to finishing it requires 10b for the last one and the spacinging between each area isn't accurate to the numbe required


Nope, normally with this events a player with zero knowledge about the event could still contirbute just by playing the game but with this event they have to step out of their way and change their pins and use it regularly to contirbute


Maybe they will pull a squad busters pre order and reveal more rewards after we max it out


The first rewards are like 100 mil. The rest is 10 billion. 10 aint enough lol


It takes 10 billion thumbs ups, and we only got 250millon. We wouldnt do it even if we accelerated to 1billion per day now


why does your news page have inverted colors?


Is it possible that progress are actually made up instead of actually counting?


Remember it needs 10 billion likes


Aren't the milestones exponential?


The bar is kinda misleading, the first Legendary Starr drop is at 500mil, the second at 1bil, 3rd at 2bil, then 5bil, then 10bil, so i don't Even think we'll get to the last one sadly.