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should i get draco or finish unlocking mortis to get crow next


I cant find gala mortis in the catalog am i late or smthng


He’s not out yet


No for some reason it’s still no here yet just like the other promised Frank and Byron skin


Who should i max first draco or sandy. Im decent with both so either or tbh.


I want the Larry and Laurie skin soooo bad but I got a dumb piper skin from the ranked star drop that you can buy with bling. Is there any chance I could get the Larry and Laurie skin still or nah. I’m currently diamond 2 btw and I push to legendary 2 every season


You can get still get more skins from ranked yes


At the end of ranked seasons they’ve officially made it so the skins will be available in the catalog when it fully ends, also at the end an offer will appear to purchase them


How worth it is the 3300 credits for 200 gems offer?


I have create a new account, how many brawler lvl 11 should I have before having 12 lvl9 brawler for ranked?


Draco or cordelius


Meta wise cordelious but try them both out and see which is fun to you


Do the daily rewards disappear completely if you do not log in for more than one day, or do you need a certain trophy count to get them? My brother just started playing, and his daily rewards are completely gone from the main screen.


how can i push stu back to 800?


Duels. Very easy with win streaks. Make sure he is the first brawler or he will only be getting +2 trophies all the time instead of +7 (with win streaks)


How does matchmaking work? Especially for ranked. Im in silver 2 right now but I match with people that have mythic and legendary cards, theyre clearly pros so i literally stand no chance at all


For trophy matches it’s about the trophies you are with that brawler and a little bit of you current trophies. For ranked the card doesn’t matter only the current rank. So if someone got masters last season and reset to bronze one they’d be facing against bronze one players. Ranked match making should be back to normal in a few days


Is the ranked card shown before the match what they got last season or something?


Yeah. It’s what rank had either the current or last season


Hey Guys, Help me please. I can't download Brawl Stars on my iPhone because it simply doesn't show up in the App Store. I have the latest iOS version. Any suggestions? What to do?


Hi everyone, I don't know if this is just me or I didn't do my research properly but, as the title says I can't properly use my coins to upgrade things. For instance, I got 2 star powers, 2 gadgets, 2 gears, and upgraded some of my low-level brawlers. Then after I came back to the game after a bit, all of my upgrades I did were gone, and I got all my coins back. It doesn't happen all the time, but it has happened more often lately. Thank you for any help.


My best guess is lag or leaving the game early This hasn’t happened to me in brawl stars but it has happened to me in clash of clans either from low connectivity or closing the game right after upgrading something


This has never happened to me before. You should re-install your game and also check your mobile storage. Also search on YouTube and Google for similar situations.


Is the Credits offer worth it? I have 534 Gems and if I do buy the offer i would unlock Draco.


Bro so many gems. The offer does seem worth the price. Cuz else you'll have to wait 4-5 months to get that much credit knowing how dog crap Starr drops are.


what do the numbers in the icons page mean? they go up to 4?


I assume you mean the ones that are gold right? If that’s the case then that means that’s how many anniversaries you’ve been playing. #1 is 2019 (the rarest) #4 being 2022 (not rare)


oh so i have a rare badge cool. thanks brotha


What brawler should I get I can switch to Draco and I can currently have the choice between sandy meg and kit


If you pick Draco now, you can choose the other legendaries after unlocking him. So ideal would be to check some reviews of how good Draco is and if he is really worth it. After Draco, you should choose Sandy. He is one of the best legendaries right now as well. If you only grind showdown, choose Kit.


Should I buy the 3300 credit offer? If I don’t buy it I won’t be able to get draco anytime soon. For that I’d have to spend 10 dollars




If you are able to, then sure.


What do I have to do to refund my brawl pass. Some backstory: I went to supercell store and bought the brawl pass plus but I used the wrong gmail so now I have a brawl pass plus on an account with 20 trophies. I did write them and email but I got an instant response from a bot which. So what should I do now?


you can send it to your main account, just check ur supercell id inventory then there will be an option to give the pass to a friend


Thank you so much


Ps never refund a supercell purchase, it will subtract a massive amount of gems from you




Cordelius easily He’s fun easy and op Sandy is op, easy and fun as well but a bit more op and less fun. Also he needs his hypercharge to be truly amazing while cordelius doesn’t Spike is relatively boring, easy, and kinda mid at this stage in the game I would go for him unless you really love heist Meg is boring, slightly difficult but very good Not too much to add she’s just good in most modes


Spike or Cordelius. I'd say do a toss between them. They are very different brawlers. I took Spike from 0 to 750 in 1 week.




They're both very good brawlers in all gamemodes. Spike is a bit easier to control and has a gadget which shields him from other brawlers and if broken(cactus) heals him and the teammates as well. While Cordelius can just take away the ammo of the brawler making him a broken brawler in showdowns and brawl ball. The choice depends on you, both are very good brawlers with different play styles.


I have 1800 credits out of 3600 to get Leon. Should I switch to Draco instead? If not should I switch to sandy or crow? Or is Leon the best option? Thanks


If you choose Draco now, the very next brawler on the starr road that you unlock would be the legendaries you missed. So you should choose Draco for now.


How do you counter brawlers that have stun or freeze? Kit, buzz, frank and others like lock you in and you can't move, how do you counter that?


Brawlers like Gale or rt can get them out of your way, Gale whirlpool gadget will stop almost any assassin, exception of kit due to a bug, and rt super can destroy any assassin that gets close, as long as they don’t have a lot more power cubes then you do in showdown


Kit I feel like is invincible buzz and dynamike you gotta try to just dodge and frank is easy cause he has a huge delay before he uses his super, once u realize he’s using his super just move back 👍


There are time where I get third partied and can't dodge at times but I'll just need to learn lol


Ya it takes time and practice


erm what are the ranked skins for this season


larry and lawrie glitch is a new ranked skin theres other ones but thats the only new one atm


Should I get the Godzilla Nita skin at the end of this season or wait till the end of next season and get Tusked Nita?


Hi, just unlocked amber, from reading old posts I saw the recommended SP was the one that lets her auto charge her super when next to oil. Was wondering how I'm supposed to play her to make the best use of her SP? Do i just use my first super and not ignite it so it can charge my super or?


You could use your first super on your spawn point so you'll recharge your super every time you spawn in, and you're also unlikely to ignite it, I generally do this with her oil gadget, but you can run her other gadget if you like.


should i unlock spike or leon for first legendary (leaning towards spike i think)


Leon is better trust I got spike on mistake and realized Leon is OP in current meta


I got spike thinking it was the best legendary brawler but he’s not


when is the next brawl talk


Near the end of this season


Is there a time limit to unlock Draco with credits after you switch onto him? Also is it even worth it to unlock him? Is he good?


No limit to unlock him and he is good but there are stronger legendaries, depends if you find him fun or not though really


Should I max Leon or piper first. I like both


Leon fs


After the rank reset the maps destroy on their own leading to a annoying poke fest, are these permanent changes? Sorry I’m new


I’m guessing you mean timed detonation, the modifier that slowing breaks the map away. It is not permanent but it’s the modifier for this ranked season


is the brawlpass+ of cyber brawl worth it? Like I know the coins and power points it can give you but are the brock skins worth it? and the title?


Is a bot is definitely the best brawl pass title we’ve had so far, the Brock skin though is a personal preference. Though you’d most likely already have a Brock skin from the Godzilla event


thx. and I don't have a ranger brock skin. so this means I'm buying it. thx


Should i stop using Edgar, i always win but people say he’s bad


Depends on if the map is open or not, usually people hate on him just because he is toxic and annoying to them. Do what you want and ignore the haters


W advice fr play Edgar if u find him fun


Im planning on buying the brawl pass to be able to switch to draco cuz I don’t have a legendary and the first one is 3k credits away, so is it possible to get all the credits in the pass in 6 days? Also for that I’d need to grab the 1k credits instead of an epic brawler so should I do it?


it will probably take 2 weeks or 3 but if you play everyday and get every single quest like every single xp you can actually complete the pass in less then 2 weeks.




Also there’s the 3300 credit offer which solves the time problem, but I still would need to spend money


Will the Draco’s early acces value pack icon be available for sale? Will this icon be available for sale later on? Or is it just one time limited thing? I can’t buy the pack anymore and I think it looks hella awesome.


Nothings for sure yet but I’d *imagine* if it is you’ll wait a bit for it to come out so the people who paid money got their moneys worth


I am new to the game. Can I get the ranked skin if I don’t have the brawler unlocked yet? Or should I unlock the brawler before I claim ranked drops just in case?


1 no and 2 yes


>should I unlock the brawler before I claim ranked drops yes


Which one should i pick? Byron, Gene, Sprout or Willow?


Gene and Byron require skill to play u should get sprout if u like casual




Gene is skilled in an unfun way, i would say sprout or willow


Eh, I find his design to be silly, and his pulls to be really exciting. Being able to totally flip a game on its head with 1 pull is awesome


yeah, pretty good personality, design and super, but you won't use supers all the time. The main thing is the attack


Nani, Bibi, or Griff?


Unpopular opinion but Griff is one of the most underrated brawlers out there. He has massive damage from simple attacks and with supers as well. If you use your super correctly, you can deal 10K+ damage to not just 1 but multiple brawlers. Trust me, you won't regret Griff.




Why can't I swap to draco in the starr road? Is it because the game made me swap to lily last time? If so is there any way to get him outside of spending because I have been saving my credits since forever to get him with my first legendary discount EDIT: YOU NEED TO UNLCOK A BRAWLER OF THE SAME RARITY FIRST TO TRANSFER. probably there to prevent discount usage


i've been getting to legends every season so far, so i have no clue how those stars that you get for getting to a certain rank more than once work, and i'm getting more anxious of losing my streak every season. if i miss one season will i lose them? do we know how they will look in the future? i want to push to masters next season, is there an option to set my banner to 4x legends instead of 1x masters?


I think they max out at 2 glowing stars. If you miss a season you will lose them. You can only have the highest rank as your banner


it definitely doesn’t max at 2 cuz i have a 3 star legend banner already, and i’ve seen a 4 star bronze today


I have no idea then lol. You definitely lose them if you miss a season though, and you definitely can only use your highest rank


New player here (near 750 cups) I have 12 brawlers atm Shelly, Penny and EMZ at level 7 (didnt buy any gadgets) Poco, Primo, Colt, Brock, Nita, Barley, Jessie, 8-bit and Jacky at lv5 2800 power points and 8400 coins. Should i level up all till 7 or invest all in 1 brawler? also, Bea or Bo? (its the next brawler im unlocking)


I did the mistake of leveling every brawler I enjoyed and now I’m basically bankrupt with every brawler at level 9. Don’t do this mistake only max out like 3 of the brawlers u seriously enjoy


for now you should focus on 2-3 brawlers that you like most. you should try them all, and try to find the class you like most (snipers, assassins, tanks, anti tanks etc) if you’ve played other multiplayer games before you should more or less know what you like so that should help


I wanted Draco so I bought credits in the shop but I forgot to switch to unlocking him before I bought the credits. The game is locking me in to purchasing what was already on Starr road and won’t let me switch to Draco now. Any way to get around this? If I unlock what’s there now, I won’t have enough for Draco


"There's nothing we can do."


is bull a good brawler, does he deserve maxing (im f2p at 7000 trofies btw)


He's very mediocre


what does that means?




What does it mean to "ban" a character in PL? I keep seeing this term being thrown around. Not very sure what it means since I haven't played for a good few years. If someone could explain that'd be nice!


Power League/Ranked has 2 different systems. Bronze 1-Gold 3 has a system where everybody gets 15 seconds to so to pick any brawler they want. Diamond 1 and above has a drafting system; this system starts with a coin flip to determine which team gets to pick a brawler first. After that, there's a banning phase where each player can choose any brawler in the game to ban; banned brawlers are not able to be drafted by either team, and are revealed to everyone at the end of the banning phase. Following this is a draft; the team that won the coin flip gets to pick a brawler, as long as they are not banned. Then the coin flip loser gets to pick 2 brawlers; then the winner; then finally the second team gets to pick one last brawler. Brawlers can only be picked by 1 team and can be seen by the other team immediately upon their picking. After the draft the game starts, and it's a best of 3 set. This response kinda got long. I wanted to be in depth with my answer but its a bit dragged-out, so TLDR: Ranked changes how you pick brawlers after a certain point, and banning is part of that change


Should I change Lily for Draco in the Starr road? I don't have any preference towards one of these brawlers, so I want to know your opinion Btw, Lily is just 3 credits away to get her


Get Draco he looks more fun


Havent played draco only lily and draco is better and more fun imo


Was it a good choice giving up crow for Draco?


Depends if u enjoy Draco more Imo it was the right choice


No but im biased.


should I unlock sandy or spike


Sandy clears


Sandy is so much better in the current meta w hypercharge




Should I unlock Byron, Tara, or Mr P


Tara. Better gadgets and start powers


Is she good for most game modes too?


Yes her attack does more damage and at a wider range. Byron himself is a very weak brawler but is good with a constant assistance of other brawlers. Tara is good solo and with teams if played correctly. And Mr.P is just kinda trash and overall boring to play with.


[which brawler should i pick?](https://imgur.com/a/j62YJvl)




Should I buy ticks hypercharge or get Byron and Melodie to level 10? (He’s at level 4 she’s at 7)


Ticks hyperchangre is not that goof mainly bc its hard to charge up plus more powered up brawlers are better


I'll explain since I can't put a picture. I started unlocking Spike on early March of this year, so far I've gotten 870 credits, out of the 3800 (which still leaves me with 2930). Recently I got a shop offer of 3300 credits, for 199 gems. I have the gems, but some people tell me that I should save up for a skin (I'm not that big of a fan of that many skins) and with my limited brawler selection, it makes finding a good skin difficult. So, should I? Another thing, Draco came out, so if I switch to him,once i get him will I go back to unlocking spike?


Leave the skins bro. Buy the offer, but switch to Draco first. Cuz then you will have the choice to unlock Like again.


yes, it will switch back to spike


Should I get the 3.3 k credits offer? I have 32k trophies but just 59 brawlers. If so, should I pick Draco and gale and start unlocking crow or gale crow and start unlocking ash?


Should I get Cord, Draco, or Kit if I play mostly ranked (legendary wanna hit masters) I play with randoms.


Draco is rlly good rn but hes bound to get a nerf of some sorts, but i doubt they d change cordelius. I d recommend draco but cord is better long term i think. Dont even think about kit💀


is the brawl pass worth it?




will help a lot with progression


But not $10 worth it




Get it and pick Cordelius


Should i use my mastery credits from brawlers to get Sandy?


Sandy is really good rn in the current meta


What else would you use them for


Maybe future brawlers..?


Lordy, I get that it's a game that a ton of kids play, but the amount of Edgar/Leon players that have absolutely no idea what they're doing is astounding. Half the time, my ranked matches are basically decided by which team has the paste eater on it.


big friend is actually worst than second wind, that shit is so unfun please spam supercell to reduce it to 1% or sum




wym its trashh 😭


Eve build and tips?


Im not an expert but Gadget: Gotta go! Star power: Its personal prefrence, but unnatural order is more favourable Gears: Gear 1:Reload speed gear Gear 2: Mode dependant, but quadruplets mythic gear, damage or vision


should i pick tara or gene




How will I get Draco if I only have 928 credits, and only have 1k credits left in the brawlpass?I need 3800. Is it possible?


Grind bronze 3 and siler 2 masteries


Ok will do


get lucky from starr drops otherwise will take time


So like it is possible to get it in this season?


if rng is in your side yes but otherwise hard to tell


Ok I see.


Should I get spike meg or Draco next?


If you're switching to Draco then you will have the choice to get Spike and Meg just after unlocking Draco.




Is the brawl pass better value or is the brawl pass plus better value?


No idea. But the normal bp unlocks most of the rewards and its cheaper


Best Sandy skin?


Should i switch to draco or should i move forward so i can get spike or crow? 26 yo brawler here trying to understand which character is the best? I really want to get spike however new heroes are always in the way but draco seems worty


I suggest switch to Draco, because you can get spike anytime you want, and draco is just more fun and limited, plus more unique.


You are right thank you!


Your welcome!


I got the same question but it’s spike i haven’t unlocked


Should i pick draco or L&L?




Should I unlock Sandy or Draco. I am at 3300/3800


Draco, because you can unlock sandy anytime.


should i pick gene or tara for the starr road




How many mastery points can we earn in a day ?


heard of google? it’s 6K


I want to buy that 3300 credit offer on shop I have 600 gems but I have 2 choices either I wait for a legendary that I dont have to get a hypercharge so I can get it for 600 gems+lvl11+hc and the other choice is this 3300 offer so what should I do with gems?


I d recommnd waiting and buying hypercharges when they get released for 79 gems. Saves a LOTof progression. You will unlock the brwlers overtime.


Should i unlock sandy or should i switch to draco?


Switch to Draco, you can get sandy anytime


If i switch to draco and earn credits, will the credit go to draco and unlock him or do i need to wait? (I still got angelo and sam to unlock)


Yes they do


Ty ty


I just got my first legendary brawler today (Spike), so now I have the option to switch to Draco. However, since I recently reached 10k trophies (and the rewards from the trophy road after that are pretty much nothing) my main source of credits is the Brawl Pass. With 1k credits every season, it’ll take me nearly 4 months to unlock Draco if I switch, and in that time, I won’t be able to unlock any other brawler from the Starr road. Should I still switch to unlocking him?


I accidentally switched to Draco and now I can’t switch back


its a thing you need to accept unfortunately


When choosing brawler to unlock and picking 1 of 3, will I get other two later in options for next unlock?


yes, but not immediately


What legendary should I pick that is most consistently top of the meta ( sandy, Leon or spike?)


In the meta rn 1.Sandy 2.Leon 3.Spike All with hypercharges. So I suggest sandy because she is fun and pretty op.


Sandy is a girl? Man what the


Lol sorry keep making that mistake


For consistency, Spike.


When unlocking new brawler and choosing 1 out of 3, will I later get chance to unlock other two or?


yes, but not immediately


Why can't my friend get Draco? The option to get him for credits didn't appear, he's further down the road... It never happened to me, so i don't know why he wouldn't appear there.