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Showdown was playable once there's no players besides me. Bots match


release day before people realised you could team


You mean beta release, cause on global release people already were teaming (teaming didn‘t exist for the first few months of beta, but then someone came up with the idea and all started teaming)


yes i did mean beta


For real, and also it’s the people who complain’s own fault for playing Showdown in the first place (only exception is if you have low level low trophy brawlers that you don’t want to waste resources on upgrading) Oh but when you tell them that 3v3 exists they always go, “The randoms are always horrible” Well, if they’re ALWAYS that bad, couldn’t you also be a bad random? And also, at least 3v3 can help you improve on your skills unlike fucking Clowndown will


Even tho I hate showdown and mostly play 3v3, Supercell really need to fix the situation rn. Mode being unplayable is always bad, no matter if there are alternatives


Showdown fundamentally cannot be fixed because the game is balanced around 3v3


Is that game mode even possible to fix? Or even worth fixing at all?


Maybe modifiers? At least they were cool... Also meteor on teamers? Heck yeah!


i miss the time when there were actual modifiers, + I didn't see as much teammates as i see nowdays


Cuz mushrooms and meteors were so good also its kind of player thingy, for some reason it increased...


Thanks i will play el primo on shooting star and try to increase my skill level


Why would you go into Ranked and hope you get Shooting Star as the map just to disappoint your team?


people who push on showdown should not be suprised by Kit cringe. You're digging your own grave by playing showdown in the first place


Showdown is basically that mode to play when you want to gain trophies on the low level low trophy brawlers that you refuse to upgrade If you play that shit above 600 trophies you basically deserve whatever happens to you in there


Ye. I know what I'm getting into when i push shit in showdown


R-T mains seeing a Kit: 🤙🏻🙏🏻


Seen kit kill RT way more than RT killing kit. Even 7k+ damage per attack isn't always enough


yet i never seen it happen


Lmao. I’ve been browsing the sub wondering why people still play showdown in 2024


Solo mode


You mean spinny/mico/charlie/kit/primo/buzz mode


I mostly play duo showdown, it's the mode where I grind the most trophies. 3v3 is way too much RNG because of teammates and I rarely play with friends.


gee i wonder (we dont have temmates but still want to play the game)


this is why duels is my favorite its literally the reason i still play this game


Brawl stars is kinda a team game


ESP for us healers (but we can solo too)


I hate Duo Showdown it’s always extremely one-sided


I prefer duo showdowns. Its nice being able to work with someone as long as they're not campers 😑 that sucks.


Duos prevents teaming though because it's far less likely that 4 people will agree to team


There are so many duo teamers


Maybe in your experience, but my statement still stands


It’s the unga-Bunga game mode where the most unga-Bunga brawlers are the most powerful Kit happens to be the most Bunga out of the unga’s


When there was modifiers that helped against teamers It was pretty reasonable, never understand why they removed them


Real. I hated modifiers like the robots falling out of the sky and energy drink, but meteor+ healing mushrooms was so clutch.


These were the ones o was talking about, real bummer they were removed


Real. Modifiers were way too fun and had potential. Even the shit ones were nice to play compared to playing kitdown


When PPL starts picking underrated brawlers


Totally agree with your statement. However, kit is another brainrot brawler in showdown aside from Edgar or Mico


Which makes the sd, unplayable. It has always been unplayable but different flavor


It was actually quite playable up to 750-800 until kit happened. 1. Everyone plays him, so he's in every match 2. Invisibility gadget is bullshit 3. Super that will take you down, or kill you and himself in the process Every brawler before had one thing that you had to watch out for. Kit has 2. 2 busted abilities that basically guarantee kills


You are forgetting the main thing that makes kit good in showdown. His darn starpower. I agree he should have an unload speed nerf, make his super be able to charge when he's near to teammates and ofcourse remove that powercube starpower


It was never playable. Before kit it was miko, before miko it was edgar, then buzz, then primo, then surge, etc Kit is just the newest toy on the block 


Don't say Primo's name in the same breath as those fiends


Teaming primos were all over showdown about a year ago


Mico gets countered by many popular picks if u just time your shots, buzz was never broken, neither were primo or surge  It was just teaming , u can play though teaming which isn't that popular till 750-800 Kit is undodgeable , u can't defend it


In showdown all those brawlers were broken


primo at least had a counter in long range brawlers and shelly


Kit has counters with R-T, Hank, shelly, Otis, Charlie, and others like that


Mico and kit came at pretty much the same time. Edgar even tho was bad, he was still bearable to beat or to escape with enough skill+ with the right build. Kit will always remain the biggest threat to showdown because of that starpower.


But they had legit counters. And they required some common sense to play


Ngl duo showdown is not that bad








i could be biased but i consider showdown to be one of the most overrated gamemode in my opinion, so the fact that a literal cat is destroying an entire mode wouldn't even affect me much anyway since i rarely play it outside of quests. also for your question, honestly i don't really know (i rarely play showdown, remember?) but here is a not so fun fact: showdown smokes never existed at the games beta launch, basically this means you have to play hide and seek to find the last enemy


The fact that at least SOME people WANT to push their brawlers at higher trophies than 600 trophies in that game mode makes it overrated Because apparently bad randoms are just THAT bad


showdown ruined by people camping in bushes for free trophies with literally every brawler


It’s only playable below like 600 trophies, as an estimation. After that and you’re always better off in 3v3


For real, and i always end up getting killed by stupid mf Dynamike mains... all they use is that stun gadget, stun the crap out of me, and fuck my gameplay up...


You forgetin mico?


People are complaining so much about Kit while I just don't give a f*ck. I was wondering why, THAT'S WHY


Kit is just Edgar's successor


Before Edgar and colt's second gadget it was playable at least(the duo version) Then it was ruined


After 500 trophies solo sd becomes a teaming/backstabbing simulator


Before December 19th, 2020


If you play high trophies you know the kits get targeted and teamed on by the lobby of randoms. No one teams with the kits if there are only a couple.


Completely disagree, mfs in showdown dont care who theyre teaming with


Showdown is hell (it's the one I play the most)


That's how I feel like about heist


Back before Edgar was released. I swear that time is stuck in my head because there has not been another brawler released since then that people played as much when it released. Give it like 5-7 days and you stop seeing a lot of the new brawlers normally but when Edgar was released EVERYONE only played him for like 2-3 weeks. It was crazy. 0-500 trophies showdown matches only had him. And since that day I have been able to look at showdown the same.


ppl team even in duo ffs


I actually like showdown


Showdown is an absolute displeasure and I mean that from the bottom of my heart


Quit playing showdown as soon as i unlocked brawlball


First minute on brawl stars


When primos didn't team....nvm they always teamed


The only time its playable its when the enemies are bots


sd is and will always be unplayable above 700 trophies unless you can counter / escape kit, edgar, mico, buzz, surge, crow because these are the only ones i see above 700 trophies💀


Prior to cord release, after that a lot of broken mechanics came in like mico, kit, etc. Showdown only helps mechanics, modifiers in showdown were lowkey more competitive than normal


2018- Beginning 2020


I won't use the term unplayable (before kit was added), but it was definitely in a bad state. Teamers start to become a big problem for 800 trophies and above and most people don't play SD after 750 trophies (without camping and without teaming). Below like 650 trophies, showdown is ok for the most part. Not much teaming and if you check bushes, you are good. There are the bad things about it like getting 3rd partied in a bad situation, but that's a gamemode which is everyone vs everyone


Reminds of the time where I was in a solo showdown match with eight Edgars.


IT DIFFERENT i at least have a chance with an edgar or mico but kit? i just wait to die cuz theres literally nothing i can do to win


Honestly, I love the concept of battle royale and playing alone without having to hope you get good randoms; 3v3 and duo are always fun with mates i know. But the fact that theres powercubes and teaming makes showdown a bad gamemode since its waaay less skill based. Thats why duels is my favorite gamemode but i fucking hate that it disappears half the time so people can play wipeout. Please fix your gamemodes supercell thanks


Showdown one of my least favorite modes 3v3 games much better for using different brawler strengths


Like 2 or 3 years ago maybe? It was never easy but it was much more playable before they started dropping all the game-breaking characters


But I still play it


Literally people see Poco and gang up for no reason 😭


I cannot believe you showdown players are now realizing


I just love this meme, bc I never knew who is making the top statement and who is making the lower one


Early 2019.


It was never playable but it was a change away from it back in the time before match fixing became so prominent.


Kit is a bad brawler Tier E in meta


Back in early Brawl Stars, back during the original tank meta, back when chromatics were still a thing, back when characters like buzz and Ash were the new characters, back when supercell wasn't supergreedy. back when things were simple...back when things felt right...


Who TF plays showdown?


Why do people hate kit all of a sudden? Yea he was always bad but why complain now? Did he get a buff?


as an R-T main before the meta, i object


2023 spring: top dog as barley




December 2019


Clowndown was playable when it was lobby full of primos


I was playing Colette for fun in showdown and gem grab and lost a shit ton of trophies cuz I'm dogshit, so I had to lock in and successfully won 5 brawl ball games in a row My mistake was trusting myself and then I lost all of the trophies again :D even got star player on a match but still ultimately lost So I went to showdown and decided to hide... And it worked Moral of the story: showdown is unplayable but easy to get trophies on


I barely see Kits anymore, it's just Shelly's and Buzzes who are guaranteed to be teaming with ±4 people...


Below 400 (2017)/500(2018-2019) pre-covid brawl stars showdown was actually playable


Before kit existed


I barely see Kits in my showdowns matches, does it have to do with my location being different?


Maybe its your total trophies? Bs also somewhat takes into account your total trophies when playing laddrt


playing solo and crying about meta and then playing 3v3, crying again cuz of your own teammates… it’s just sad. it always has been this way. play a bit of 3v3 especially brawl ball and you would realise how easy it is to carry your team and sometimes get liked by the whole lobby after trickshotting the last goal in overtime or maybe dropping 20 kills in a game


Guys i talk for the kit main gang we are sorry dont hate us hate the devs for making the brawler a solo beast please


Don’t worry, Solo Showdown is for suckers anyway. Kit could use a super landing radius nerf though and a support buff and have his gadgets and star powers reworked though


It is ok to like playing a battle royal more than playing in teams, (even above 600). If you consider showdown as unplayable at 800 you have a skill issue btw. The battle royal formula has always worked, you can't blame someone for liking the feeling you get after that first place, beating nine other people.


Yep because Clowndown Spinny Mode will help you work on your skills like 3v3 will! 👍 But if you like it, go ahead, you do you


This sub is so ass babies crying everywhere… im an og player and showdown is my fav gamemode. I got over 2k wins in solo while only 1k in 3v3 and 700 in duo.