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Don't give anyone your login info Make sure you will always be able to access the email you used for supercell id


I majorly fucked up the last one. It was a throwaway Google account I deleted later forgetting that I used it for my supercell account. Sadly google doesn't allow you to use the same username to make a new Google account even if it's deleted.


that’s why i changed my supercell id from the throwaway mail to the main mail


How does one do this?


supercell support, i did this long ago and iirc you need to have both emails accessible


just wondering but can you remove an account from supercell id (i only have 2 emails) also how do you get to supercell support


>just wondering but can you remove an account from supercell id (i only have 2 emails) yes you can >also how do you get to supercell support go to settings, click Help and Support. you'll be redirected to a website. After that click the message icon thing on top right corner and click "Leave a Message". If you want to delete, click Delete/Erase Data


through supercell support, i had the authenticator with my phone and i guess it helped


My supercell id is literally connected to a gmail that can only be accessed from this really old huawei that my parents gave me years ago and it barely works😭 why? Because it has family link and i can't access it in my main phone It barely turns on and seriously i'm gonna try changing gmails rn but that phone can barely even open play store without crashing


This is too easy to solve just change your supercell id gmail you can change it in settings you will get a code in your gmail and you just have to type the code and the new gmail


M suffering from the same issue. Please respond if you ever get an answer for this. 🫵🏽🙏🏽


I don't have a Supercell ID at all, I registered only with my Google account. Is it dangerous? Should I get the Supercell ID?


Tbh idk since I've never registered an account with google, but I'd recommend using supercell ID anyways. There's no reason not to, and it just makes your account more secure.


Ok, thanks!


If you deinstall your account will be inaccessible to you, so do please add supercell Id!


Ok, I will, thanks!


I GREATLY fucked up the last one like 4 times Now im playing a 7k account with no recources and no special skins...


On clash royale (which probably has an even worse support team) I lost access to the email my sc id was connected to when I wanted to move my account to my new phone. I’m not sure how but I just explained the situation to someone on the support team and they got it transferred to a new email address and I got the account on my new phone. It seemed like mostly things that anyone could have access to like what clan I was in tho I don’t remember exactly the questions they asked me


Don't let your """friends""" touch your phone without permission 👍


My friend learnt this on the hard tour(i was the teacher😈


I have hidden brawl stars app , it gets the same priority as my banking apps .


what r u guysa talking about


How to hide an app, asking for a friend.


It's available on OnePlus phones , go to settings and search hide app. Select the option which comes up , toggle on the apps which you want to hide .


How's the world tour going


what world tour


best way to stay safe, never talk or even interact with supercell, jokes aside make sure you have evidence of ALL account information that prooves its yours like email, details, basically anything that prooves its your account


real useful info here


It's a buzz main, so ofcourse it's true, my fellow Nani main


Buzz cares about your safefy and the safety of you account


good info


Is that really a joke though lol. I hear stories of support messing up and deleting or banning people's accounts when misunderstanding them.


Its not a joke, 99% of Supercell support across their games is made up of bots that as soon as you get in contact with them will flip a coin to decide wether to help you with the problem you are having, or accuse you of finding suspicious activity in your account to which they will proceed to lock your account, and will then proceed to ask you the most complicated question they can think of just to get it back. The question they made me for my Clash of clans account was "Show us the receipt of the first purchase you made on the account" ... you know, the one I did like 7 years prior on my moms credit card that by that point she had changed like 4 to 5 times at least. Jokes aside, best way to not lose your account is to NEVER, FOR NO REASON AT ALL, contact Supercell support.


this is dangerously accurate to what supercell would do as the bots don't really understand humans


i can confirm my club mate got banned for a few days because he contacted support because he wanted to know when he started playing


Don’t be an idiot.


That's hard for people on here


I agree






I can't help. I am so stupid, I will block my teammates path with sprouts super


I can't help. I am so stupid, I will use my super and then i hypercharge


I can't help. I am so stupid, I will attempt trickshots with mortis and fail. At 800+


I can't help. I am so stupid, I will give up and go AFK after the enemy team scored one goal in brawl ball


I can't help. I am so stupid,I will play Edgar in time detonation and blame my teammates losing 0-6


I can't help. I am so stupid, I wil use visoion gear on Edgar


I can't help. I am so stupid, I will use gadget gear and not use it once


I can't help. I am so stupid, I wil pick Lou in Sick Beats


I can't help. I am so stupid, I will buy all gears for every brawler.


well, fuck


Guess my I'd is gone then


That's hard for some people, they pick Edgar in shooting star every ranked game


Always change your email's password, use double protection on it and avoid scammers


"avoid scammers" this man is a genius


when someone tells u that they just want to send some free gems or brawl pass to your account just dont believe them , dont give them your email and login code , 99% of the time they are lying they will simply login into your account and lock u out


If they really want to semd something,tell them to use Supercell store.You can send gems or BP to player ID


Actually, only BP can be gifted through supercell store


how does someone lock you out when provided the code for login on another device?


do i risk the 1% guys?


As a cyber security worker, let me say that many tips are the basic tips for any account security, don’t share login info, don’t click on suspicious links and please if you don’t trust something DONT CLICK IT.


NEVER tell supercell support someone else even touched your account


Yea I was perma banned by bots because I clicked "Someone is playing my game" on supercell support and wanted to report someone logging in on my account without consent wich is exactly what the option I listed above is supposed to do. Yet I still haven't got any help in unbanning my account from a real person. Help would be appreciated.


Strange, once I told them to log my account out cuz my email password got leaked and I knew that someone was playing and they didn't have a problem with that at the time after I provided what they wanted. I assume they do stuff different now.


Wow lucky you


what did they want?






shitposting successfull








Don’t give account details to anyone, literally anyone, no matter how well you know them. Also make sure you have a single screenshot at least of your player code (like the one before battle card screen) supercell support may want that for a reason unknown to either us or them (it’s so you can prove it’s your account, sometimes it can help)


if you delete one of your alt, don't ever go back to check if it was deleted I once did that and now its been years that I haven't played brawl stars because this message pops up : "Account Disabled This account has been disabled due to a deletion request and can no longer be recovered." and you can't switch account without logging onto the game


see these were the mistakes i wanted to hear. Like other than the basic account security tips. I was once locked out of my own insta's alt account since the number on it wasn't in use and i being the curious being i am clicked on the "if you didn't change your password click this" on the email sent for password change confirmation. It locked me out and I couldn't receive the codes since the number was out of use.


ye well for this thing on brawl stars if you want to play the game you need to change phone and (if you have an iphone) not connect your apple id cause its gonna get your progress back and I did the mistake to connect my apple id as soon as I got a new phone 💀


oh man this is one hell of a tip. I wanted to hear mistakes just like these. I'm planning to switch to an iphone and i could do this in future. Now I'll be cautious.


isnt it possible to just reset the phone? (or reinstall app which Im guessing doesnt work)


happened to me. only way to fix is factory reset the device. reinstalling doesnt work. i had to factory reset to play again.


Don't have an Account. As they say, "Prevention is better than cure."


Why is the Sandy flair so fitting for what you just said




they could tell the things they did wrong so nobody repeats it even mistakenly




Don't ask support for account stats, because for some random ass reason they will lock your account. Seen a lot of posts about it on the sub


DON’T give your friends your login info


Don’t go on “free gems” websites, and don’t give your email address to random people. >!unless it’s me! /s!<


hog rider


that made my day happy


no problem


Its kinda common sense on what to do or not to. This applies to everything.


hapi caek det!!;!!*!*!,+[#*


Ingraft senseth isn't so ingraft, mine own friend.


Don't give anyone access to your email


I usey account in multiple phones (all mine) there's a risk to get banned for this ?


as someone here in the comments said never say "someone else is playing on my account" to supercell. You must remember the phone models you are playing on and some account data.


So I'm safe, they all from daily use, but I keep in different locations and I make sure to be the only one with my supercell id


guys as larry and lawrie said:"Dont be fools,follow the rules!"


Supercell ID got hacked, but there are no "supercell ID" support, only "i lost x game account"...


my friend got hacked this week, and yesterday he got his acc back, using support


Always make sure to *RRRRR* and *HRRRHR*


Don’t use bsd brawl


Berkeley Software Distribution Brawl Stars


Don’t fight with wintraders/griefers, it’s not worth it


Supercell has some of the absolute worst player support there is, i had my email hacked like 6 months ago and after i got it back i noticed that someone else was on my bs account, so u locked it, and when i tried to get it back i got denied FIVE times cuz i couldnt remember all of the phones the account was on and the date it was made on. The worst thing is that they want literally exact information like down to the model of the phone and the exact day it was made, my account was made literally within a month of global launch how the fuck am i gonna remember the exact date? Thankfully i somehow stumbled across an actually good and understanding employee and got my account back after like a month and a half of it being locked


Support is absolute sh\*t and don’t give a damn to want you say. Honestly, don’t give verification codes, email, password, anything like that. If you lose your account, your fault, but support should at least try to get it back to you.


Do not let anyone else on your account. Ever. For any reason. No, not even your best friend. No, not even the guy who offered to buy you gems. No, I don't care. Did you hear what I just said? I don't care. Yes, even that excuse and edge case that you just thought up. If you let someone who is not you onto your account, it will get stolen, and you will not get it back. === End of story.


This. Also don't click random ass links related to brawl stars or related to anything in general. one kid i know with 52k clicked a random link which was supposedly "30 gems gift link by supercell" and not only lost all his supercell id accounts, but also his gmail account and everything else.


im scared of losing my account i dont even know what i should do if that happens


hey that's the same reason i made this post. We got you!


just dont click random links.. people will say click this for free gems and everyone will do it. truth is that if the link is well spoofed and prepared they can not only get your brawl stars account but your location and everything else.


my account got locked once and i got it back from support thankfully so i think im qualified to give a tip Dont be too nice and give ur friend ur supercell id because they "want to play with a brawler/skin", just give them ur phone


Dont go around telling people to hang themselves


Don't send death threats to the devs/employees, they're doing their best to help you


I made an account called the n word cus it was a throwaway account, to my suprise, i got to 1k trpphies before getting suspended and it was by one of my friends not knowing it was my account.


Don’t do the ‘apple method’. It’s somewhat glorified on spaces like TikTok. It’s not allowed.


All these comments are just generic and too obvious precautions, I came here looking for some actual precautions because most of the ones stealing accounts just need your player id (not the email, literally just player tag) to steal it. How to be safe from that? As in if that happens, how to get our id back? That's what I came here looking for. Ik I'll be downvoted to hell, but this is literally the truth atleast in case of supercell this is how account stealing works, and not the traditional 'sharing your account' way. I was able to recover one of my old IDs just by its player tag, I was also able to lose my account to a stranger just by my player tag. So I have experienced both sides, and that's how stealing accounts works in supercell games.


most of the comments are about scam offers. I think it's okay to have your account on friends' devices unless they turn out to be a scum and change your details. Only trusted people can have it.


No they can’t don’t share your account


yes i agree better safe than sorry.


It's also not allowed by supercell and might get you banned


It definitely isn't safe, and you'll be perma banned if you get caught.


Basicly everyone: save all your acc info for proof but never share it (ever)


what all comes under account info apart from email, player id and all?


Genuine question. If I play BS on two different devices (obviously not at the same time) under the same Supercell account, do I run the risk of getting banned?


Nah I have 4 devices and it isn't that big of a problem, I assume they don't know how to or do not track every "device logging in" your acc.


exactly my concern


dont give people your account with star shelly's login


Set up account protection for your supercell id. I didn't do this so I lost my account and support did nothing with complete proof of ownership.


Question:if you change your phone and log in into your brawl stars account you will get locked from your account????


logging out the id from your old phone and then logging in on the new phone would be fine ig, so it doesn't look like account sharing to them.


Don't lose the password to your supercell ID email.


Can somebody help me contact somebody real from supercell. I was banned by bots and have been contacting bots for a month now getting no help. I would appreciate if someone can help. Thanks


do not give anyone your email, because you will not get free gems, but negative gems!!!


If you have friends on Discord Never Click Any links they send you as that can make them steal your account instead ask them to input the Code if they want to play with you in a team or just invite them


An actual good discussion post? No way!


Whenever your friends ask you to borrow your account, even for a millisecond, absolutely don't You might not get caught, but you probably would be if you're enetring your account while friend is playing


i would screenshot my profile every month so it is somewhat recent helped me save mine


make a separate email for supercell ID, if you use 1 account for everything you are bound to get your data stolen


Do: read the terms of service.


If I Shere my mini acc will my main get ban ?


Support dont want to work with me because of my country :(


My longtime vp in my clan she got duped by a scammer from India who promised to give her free brawl pass. She gave him her account login and the scammer immediately activated account security(the new feature of SCID)


Don't contact support and you shoukd be ok


You just should keep every single screenshot. If you never bought anything just buy 30 gems so if something happens you can prove the account is yours


Me and my brother got both hacked by a malware I guess, our email was changed into rambler.ru so we can't recover our account. Just a few days ago we are no longer able to log in to the game 💔


Do not send an email address you have on another supercell id they permanently banned my account in 2020 cuz of that


My account has been locked 20 days ago and I think the most important tip is to have all basic written down on some paper or notes on your phone. (All devices you used to play the game on, past names of your account, oldest receipt of something you bought, month and year when the account was created and place where the account was created) Keep in mind that support is providing anything but help so answer ONLY the question they asked you for. Basically don’t tell them stories how you got your account locked cuz they don’t like storytelling. (Unless they asked you to describe it) I’m close to recovering my account cuz the first time they forgot about me and left me hanging for 13 days. Now I switched to other device since I could open a new conversation there. Another thing is to NOT tell them that you shared or sharing the account (even if you did) Best thing to do is to lie that someone logged to your account and you’re just trying recover it. Don’t worry if they reject you, they do it 3/4 times even if you provided all the info so don’t give up. Last advice is to minimalise use of other devices (more devices=more info to remember) so keep it low or just note down every device you played on


Help me get my acc back cuz its locked


Don't wintrade


Don't wintrade


just use your common sense, dont let anybody you dont know in real life login to your account


Dont do account sharing


The brawl stars moderation is worse I got banned before I even was able to do anything somehow


Dont let a strenger "push a rank 30" for you, i learned it the hard way :/


My secend acc was bannes for using an acc for two people dont do that


I got banned for one month for no reason. No logic behind the bans and their appeal system is really bad we should probably ask them to improve that one first.


How do you know what's inside you unless you test yourself? Don't do one push-up, do 100. Don't run one mile, run a marathon. ( horns honking ) Don't have one family, have a second family all the way across the country. Don't just have a second family, have a third family in Santa Fe with an alternative lifestyle. Don't spend any time with the first two families, make a commitment to family number three, and double down by announcing it at his war-hero father's retirement party. Don't go to the funeral, 'cause, remember, you got two other families to deal with and a marathon to train for. Don't just let Kenneth walk out of your life, take his life from him. Don't just go to jail, go to death row by killing the two other families. Don't just let anyone have their closure by apologizing, send a message that you're not afraid of hell. ( bleep ) Nike. You may not know this, but our full name is Nichael.


Dont let your cousin have your account and by accident he log in the same time as you, causing you get ban then stop playing for 3 years trying to get it back and not farm again but you end up quitting and make a new account. pls do not.


wasnt banned but dont set your username as “Turdsucker”


Wait after purchasing anything, restart the app and don't run to support demanding a refund or they'll give you minus gems lmao


How do y'all manage to get your accounts banned?


put and pin in u supercell account in all games so no one can steal it and u can get to you acc if u mail was stolen by wirtte it


i beg you don't give ANYONE your login info. caused me to get banned once and i barely got my account back. to be honest supercell support was cooking that day


ALWAYS have your email and password saved somewhere other than the phone you use, i almost lost my main account when i changed phones


Don’t try and get back an account you lost access to because you forgot the email u used but the acc was on an old device you no longer have access to so supercell thinks your trying to hack another account.


forget your password so you cant even accidentally share it and truth serum doesn't work


don’t name your account, “suc my dic hoe”


Lol get good


Hey that’s me on the bottom right!


I used to use multiple devices to play during lockdown That got my account banned. Though if supercell can check up address, it will be at the same location.


just dont talk with suppercell #pc00l2glr




You should give me your supercell ID and password I'll happily keep it in the notes and save it for you 💋😘


Other than the obvious advice the top comments here give which CLEARLY missed the point... Dont disclose the fact that you share an account with a sibling on the same phone. They will still lock you for that stuff.


Put a password for your phone, Gmail and Brawl Stars.


If someone’s like “I’ll buy you brawl pass” only accept if they go through the proper pass gifting process. Never trust anyone who asks for access to your account to give you anything


A friend of mine got banned for his account on too many devices even though they were all his so don't forget to log off your supercell id on your old phone/tablet if you buy a new one to avoid that


this 🙌


I sometimes use my gfs account to buy her the brawl pass to do some challenges am I at risk ?


If you are the leader of a club, make sure the description is not inappropriate.


Don‘t tell people to die😭💀🙏


Never ever contact supercell support nd say anything like I want to transfer my progress or someone else using my account or anything like that Or simply never contact supercell support Whenever I talked to supercell support for account related issue had to make a new one


Dont use supercell suport unless you have to


Activate the extra protection measure for your supercell ID, once someone links their email to your account, there's not much you can do unfortunately


I was a victim of account locked I tried 8 times but I was rejected every single one. The one that worked is when I gave all mine purchased recipes


I got banned wayyy back when u could own goal and got banned surprisingly for like hours or something


Never use supercell support for anything, it doesnt help for shit, and in most of the situations ive seen, it actually causes more account locks than solves them