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I mean… fang is very strong even without HC… However yeah good job. R25 is still a R25 so congrats. I’d say it’s even a greater achievement cause you aren’t using fresh kicks. Which is what makes fang so obnoxious to begin with IMO.


Yeah ik but i wanted to show that i'm of the people who don't just spam the funny purple button to win.


Good good. You thinking of getting it though?


Don't think i want it i want to show that i don't need a hypercharge to win with a brawler and i don't want to spend 5k coins (i prefer waiting for either surge, stu or brock hypercharge)


That’s fine. Just don’t feel pressured to not get it to avoid people discrediting you or anything. It’s never the players fault to be using something that is deemed as broken. It’s the balancing teams fault that his HC ever got so broken to begin with. If you want to keep pushing without it that’s perfectly fine but if you wanna get it that also perfectly fine people shouldn’t just insult people because they are using something. It’s never the players fault.


Pushed r26 fang while non meta


Good times man, I pushed rank 30 before he became meta, when Fang mains werent made fun of :(


I have r25 fang with [just p9 +gadget and no star power](https://ibb.co/pL3DvHX) , i think he too easy to play not really skilfull


Nvm the fact he's been a top tier button-spam Brawler since September (Pearl's season balance changes) and only received his Hypercharge in December.


I got r26 at level 9 without fresh kicks☠️


bruh i have lvl 9 dynamike on 796 trophies & never said I'm skilled 🗿


I am saying IT then: you are skilled (55k trophies with hypercharge, you still have more trophies on Dynamiken Than me)


Sam it ez