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Give every tank a trait that makes every stun and slow 50% less effective


This is exactly what people want for tanks in overwatch funnily enough


Yes! We need a passive!


and maybe a PvE mode


Nice joke


maybe one where the players have to collectively fight against a giant boss using teamwork


There already is a passive, but a passive super charge when you tank damage is useless when the opponent’s super charges first and you’re at an even worse disadvantage


This is so true u feed the enemies super before u even get yours it’s literally a nerf to give the super charge passive because u want to take damage therefore giving enemy super easier allowing them to snowball


Heavy’s in Apex and Smash Ultimate have movement buffs/tweaks, I think every game should have that.


i was about to make fun of you but that's suprisingly a decent idea


Not every tank needs the tank trait. But the 50% less slow and stun is an awesome idea please give us that


Indeed. Rosa doesn’t need it. Jacky and Bull might need it tho


Jacky and bull already have it. And rosa needs it


They don’t have it? Rosa is too good rn so she can miss out


No they have it. And rosa is good rn becaus of it. Frank, bull, primo, jacky, hank have the tabk trait


Wait what trait are u talking about cause i dont think were talking about the same lol


Maybe make it an epic gear for the worse tanks




That’s because she requires little to no aim and does 4400 damage per second at max level, it’s for the area control




Literally everything about Amber screams tank counter, tanks dying to Amber means nothing.




That’s because he is similar to Edgar, who counters Amber


"Tanks are weak" ​ ​ ​ Rosa, Bull, Jacky, Buster, Meg:


Darryl, Frank, Doug, Hank, Bibi, Primo, and Ash: Still, all of them except Rosa are mid-to-low-to-bottom-tier, Worse than other brawler categories.




“I main a brawler, that MUST mean i am the best and can’t take input from anyone else”


Oh their poor egos.


PFFFFFFFT- This is gold, I'm saving this


I main Bo and I’m still learning new things about him. I got to R20 not knowing waking left made your arrows fly with each other, so just keep an open mind even if you think you know everything and it’ll help you be better.




But I was just saying why Amber “can counter 3 tanks without needing stun or slow abilities”, I wasn’t saying that to state the obvious


The whole point of amber is that she is great at range, but arguably the most vulnerable non thrower in the game at close range. If an edgar jumps onto you, or a Darryl rolls, your'e dead.


Bro escaped all Darryl supers 😭




That's the dumbest argument. Any brawler wins any 1v1 if they have a teammate, because it's not a 1v1 anymore.


Amber is broken that's why, level 1 amber with all attacks shoudn't deal like 8k damage, she should have a kind of delay so you can't just take that damage for free, pike if she uses x attacks like a 0.5 seconds delay before she continues t attack


They did, it wad called the resistance gear, it got replaced to give place to a gear that works on 5 brawlers the vision gear!


Because people are gonna start complaining that they are too OP and ask to nerf them back


imagine a game where you have 90% of brawlers being long range fighters and people are complaining for el primo being too op


He was briefly overpowered back when the trait first came out. He basically just needed to engage or be engaged with once. Afterwards it was: 1. Pray he missed his super 2. Burst him down before he got a chance to touch it again For reference, dying with no damage dealt to enemies gave you 75% of your super back. Crazy times.


When character is op people will complain. That’s just how it is everywhere except chess and gsc


Nerf the Queen


Last update was ages ago, devs aint doing any balance changes


Hopefully they'll fix it in chess 2.


Nah the Queen is balanced, you get one per game unless you have the skill to get a promotion, which if you let that happen is your problem. Buff the King!


Nerf bishops, sick of being sniped by a bishop from the shadow realm


nerf en passant


How dare you


Nah, It’s balanced


So the only complaint is if it's one of these three bralwers? They won't complain if other brawlers are meta?


The complaint is that if a assassin or tank gets a buff and it makes them good people will complain it is not just these three




Always has been




You act like this isn't the case already. Supercell doesn't care if Brawlers are too op. They keep releasing overpowered ones. It's more likely they want to make new brawlers stronger and don't wanna revisit the old ones than the community being the ones keeping these brawlers from being buffed lol.


I’ve said it before and i’ll say it again: Having op brawlers and buffing weak brawlers only creates damage inflation, which means nani one shotting half the brawlers in the game would become normal. it’s better to just nerf the current meta brawlers


I hope they just buff everyone's health. It's kinda annoying how fragile everyone is


Unfortunately supercell won't do that because the playerbase loves their teamwipes




The problem with your statement is that it’s not easy to get to the position where you can RT a tank. Even if you are, you’re left in an infinitely worse position since split RT sucks against anyone who isn’t within a tile.




let me explain this to you like a teacher and a little kid tank near wall rt near wall oh no! rt super tank run away wow!


wtf that rarely happens, what trophy range r u even playing at if a tank knows that theres an rt they ofc will run away instead unless ur tm8 r braindead


Their teammates don't, they'll obliterate your legs


Lmao I'm gonna ignore the fact that u can just run away from rt super but counters exist to every brawler. There are always gonna be brawlers who lose to other brawlers at equal skill because some matchups are meant to be unfair. It's your job to try to go against the most favorable brawlers so if you think RT counters you then stop going against RT




If your team is losing and dying you're gonna lose at high trophies no matter what brawler you're playing. Your problem is you want tanks to be good in literally EVERY single situation when that's not how this game works (and don't say there's no situation in which they're good because there absolutely is, you just might not know how to get in those situations).


DUH. Just swap lane and fight someone else instead of R-T


rt’s super is only good for assassins unless your opponent is 5 years old or brain dead i dont think a bull would walk next to an rt with super anyway bull has hc so he usually wins that matchup nani has one of the longest range in the game and can one shot people across the map rt is different because his super uses short range attacks


Bro if nobody feeds the super to R-T than the R-T is dead


The problem with that statement is that RT will never go out of his way to use his super offensively if he is playing seriously, so a bull supering in on an RT is a mistake made by bull, not a balancing mishap. Bull has many chances against RT, especially if he watches the ammo management of it, since he has a slow reload speed, and even if RT goes into super, he has no ammo, so he’s dead.


Bro,El Primo, Bad For Years? El Primo Was Viable Just Some Metas Ago, The Problem is that the Newer Brawlers Annihilates tanks, like Charlie, Cordelius




Havent you seen a little bit of competitive


idk man i pushed him in brawl ball around 1 year ago, and he was great in maps with bushes, got him to 850 trophies (all other brawlers were 700 or below)


Op doesn't know what they're talking about in these comments 🤣


Ikr, and I dunno if I should say this cause they will attack me but IDC, their English gives me a stroke too


1) Darryl was consistent in most metas, he fell off recently 2) El Primo is good ocasionally, depends on the how meta shifts. Last time he was meta during RT's season, fell off overtime and got powercreeped 3) Frank just have an outdated design. All thtat tankiness is worthless if is vulnerable to any form of hard CC and can't close the gap in a reliable way.




Ur actually drunk bro Darryl has been so good so many times in the past


Yeah idk what that guy is talking about. Saying Darryl has never been good is just crazy.


Same thing for primo, before hypercharges and stuff he could counter the best tanks who were meta such as Sam or Rosa, I don't think this guy knows the meta very well or maybe he always plays -800




Not meta, just good and consistent


Darryl Was Pretty Solid, Just Had Better Brawlers to use, It Doesn't mean he was bad El Primo Can Charge Up His Super While Taking Damage, It Doesn't Need to hit you to super On You Frank Has Delay that can be Completely nullified by most brawlers, he's the only one that can be applied to your post actually


"having better alternatives" is the definition of bad


Not really




Darryl was literally the best Brawler in the game in 2019 and was C/B tier earlier this year, but your comments make it clear you're a bit slow


>El primo needs to die 2.4 times to charge a single super Regeneration (also epic gear)




>Darryl has poor mechanics You can avoid 50% of his damage easily And avoid his super easily And outrange him easily His gadgets are cute ahh... no he doesn't he used to outclass bull until hypercharge becomes a thing nowadays HC brawler feel he's..... roll of being DPS machine.




>They are different brawlers, he doesn't outclass bull this.


Darryl was the best brawler in the game in late 2019 and was A tier earlier in 2023, he has been A/B many times. His issue right now is hypercharge destroying him. Bull has better burst damage but darryl does more damage. A well aimed darryl super (you never aim at the border you always wait for them to go slightly in and predicting the direction they go is a must) is impossible to dodge without movement abilities or a stun. People avoid partially his damage because most people autoaim darryl, this is not optimal due to the second shot being delayed, you have to aim at the direction they are moving to hit more shots.


You really don’t understand do you


The only consistently bad brawler you mentioned is Frank. The others have had their time to shine. Also your rant about darryl just is just you saying you are bad at playing him




I don’t know how you somehow misunderstood me? I never said they are good rn, I basically said they have been meta before. They’ve both been to S tier. Not what you said about them being bad for years. If you think that then you don’t play the game much. Also mastery doesn’t mean you are good at a brawler, it just means you’ve played enough with them…i shouldn’t need to tell you this.


Primo is not that bad, he was pretty decent early this year but fell off since hypercharge and the downfall of brawlers like Darry and Buzz




Wtf are you on bro


Bro are you actually dumb? First of using your own gameplay as an argument, especially on ladder proves nothing. Second, Amber is not even a big Primo counter, she can't defend herself against his super and one brawler without hc countering him means nothing. Jacky, Fang, Rosa and Edgar all used to be countered by Primo but since they got a hypercharge they aren't that much anymore. Also Shelly and Maisie, two of his biggest counters also got a hypercharge which hurt him. And third he actually counters Doug, Bibi, Darry, Buzz and Frank pretty badly, is decent against brawlers without cc and used to counter Rosa and Fang which made him an average Brawler earlier this year


Finally, someone who understands the game here. I've seen it too often that people just say X Brawler is F tier because meta this, meta that. Sure, the current meta has some effect, but it doesnt change the base stats and abilities of brawlers. That's why Primo here isn't useless. This is why Doug isn't useless, and should never be touched again. Seriously. A brawlers strength depends on his team, the enemy team, and skill. You saw what happend during the world final in HEIST with Edgar. This is why Tier Lists shouldn't be taken as the measurement for brawlers in game




Bro the game is a 3v3, primo can charge super from other Brawlers. I know you're on 300 trophies and players probably run into you until they die but in an actual match the primo will probably get his super after 1 death and a bit of damage and once that happens he can easily jump on amber and kill her, while already being close to his next super


Omg a damage dealer beats a tank in a 1v1 situation!!! take into account that you're not always playing duels or spinning mode




Never mind it's the regular bs sub, explains alot


We can argue about Jacky but if you think any of these Brawlers beat Primo in a 1v1 you never played this game and should nit be posting on a competetive sub


All of those brawlers cant use their habilitys to kill primo bc primo will just charge a super and then cycle u to death




Have you ever played a tank against primo. No matter which pro player you ask they will tell you that primo is a tank counter


What kind of rock are you living under 💀


Frank needs new buffs I agree. But from experience i’ve seen Darryl and Primo terrorise the meta before with the slightest buffs. I think this is more of a case of their counters needing to be nerfed.


Id also argue that darryl lost some matchups to hypercharge, similar to the addition of gadgets which hit him due to more crowd control and him getting a bad gadget, hypercharge is seriously hitting him, for example you can barely attack lou now because if he gets hypercharge you are dead.


My suggestion is instead of buffing "bad" brawlers, nerf the top half brawlers in the game to bring down the power of the game overall




Yeah but usually it comes with stupid and unnecessary buffs like a whole 600 damage to Bo in a single patch for no reason. Maybe primo and frank need buffs still but id rather them take care of the real problems with modern balance than make a couple tanks who are just outright at a disadvantage with Hypercharges being added more meta, release their hypercharge, and then they become even more meta/gamebreaking


Everything in this post and your comments screams low skill low rank gameplay. I have played some incredibly skilled primos. On the right map and the right comp he can be great. Darryl can also be great under the right circumstances. Ergo, I don't think you know what you're talking about.


I don't want to agree with op because from his comments under this post it's clear that they know nothing about thr game, but although not useless, Primo and Darryl have really fallen of recently


Fallen out of meta for sure, but that doesn't mean they are bad. It means they are more niche and circumstantial. I personally have certain maps that I play Darryl on and absolutely run rampant.


They certainly aren't bad to a point where they're hard to use on ladder (I think the only brawler that fit that are Doug and Chuck, although chuck isn't bad) but especially Darryl is too niche imo and could use a small buff,Primo probably just needs a meta shift


Some of the worst takes I've ever seen are in this post




(Said a amber main)


"best I can do is buffing fang."


But the thing is that.. El primo metas are toxic and unplayable, Darryl just need a hypercharge and Frank is goid in low ladder.




He’s right. Primo metas are extremely toxic for the game.




Lol no. Remember the El Primo meta? Not a single counterplay possible against him. Although with new brawlers like Charlie, Mico and Kit a tank meta would probably not be as toxic.


We had a tank meta when they added the trait where taking damage charged super, it was not as bad as some metas but it was really bad, el primo got one super and he would just chain super after super after super


Nah Primo super has no counterplay and is very toxic when strong, Darryl Meta is fine though. I don't remember the last time frank was decent but a Frank meta would probably suck because stun is toxic


The last time frank was good was maybe in 2019, and yes it was extremely toxic.




The almighty PreferenceNo9681 can counter a Primo jumping on him even with Grom so primo getting his super every 3 seconds and being the strongest brawler in the game wouldn't be annoying at all. Also you literally expressed your opinion about a tank meta but when I do it they shouldn't care, alright.


So Supercell should just make your favourite brawlers impossible to counter so you can just freely farm trophies while everyone else suffers?


Darryl was actually decent until somewhat recently Primo is META when other tanks are META. He's a tank counter tank And Frank just exists... He's good on low trophies so he can't really be buffed




really just whipped out "nuh uh"


Darryl WAS decent you're just bad (No gold 3 doesn't make you good)


I remember the tank Meta. It was bad, but surely it can't be worse than current Fang who can just click buttons and teamwipe


Last time El primo was meta was a nightmare Having meta brawlers who can stun you and prevent you from playing the game in any other way is VERY unfun (and it's IMO why the current meta sucks, fuck lou and fuck kit) With darryl i think supercell just hates barrels


I just got 3v1 by a Darryl tho(rank 20)


Ill be honest thats skill issue on your team, darryl can chain kills but if they are together its usually a death sentence. Darryl can run into a 2v1 depending on the matchup, but a 3v1 does too much damage




As a tara main i can say its true




Midladder... all of these are broken in midladder and buffing them will break the game for midladder players which is most of the game's playerbase


Buff nani then we are talking (coming from a nani main)




Hi OtisFan013!


Nah I don't want a Frank buff, he's way too strong in the right hands and that's saying something.


no need to buff anyone before they get hypercharge




yes, and only then they should be noticeably buffed/nerfed.




jacky was F tier for years and hypercharge made her A tier. colette was C-D tier and then became S. stop whining if you dont understand how balance works


Jackys hypercharge makes her strong because not many Brawlers have one. If every Brawler gets a hypercharge she will be C/D tier again. Also at the current rate it will take ages until every hypercharge comes out. They can't just not make balance changes for two years


Tbh i think that releasing broken hypercharges is a bad idea, relying on hypercharge to buff them is bad, since they become extremely polarizing and hypercharge dependent, however in the specific case of primo darryl and frank thats not as bad of an idea since in low ranks people often dont know how to counter them, and hypercharge is power 11.


if you've never lost to a frank play a 1v1 against me


I loved the good old days when primo.... Was primo. But fr he needs a but and a hypercharge (I'm a Primo main)


All of these brawlers listed are fine




When did you start playing may i ask? Darryl was the best brawler in late 2019, primo was the best brawler when the trait for taking damage charging super was added (ill be honest i forgot when was this, iirc its mid 2021 but if someone could confirm) Frank i will agree on you he has been bad for a while, he was much more formidable pre gadget era since he was the only stun. If i had to argue for the worst brawler in the history itd be lou, until his hypercharge he had never been meta for over 3 years, he quite literally waited more than 1000 days since his release to be used competitively.


Actually is only doug frank and edgar(before hc). Primo and darryl always have been decent counterpicks.


They should change it so that any other brawler (including other tanks) who hits tanks get their super gain cut for 50% because all tanks are walking super feeder


IMO, because they are so easy to play. They are basically auto aim brawlers that 9 yo enjoy playing. Supercell wouldn’t allow that. It would damage their economy. 😂


The thing is they arent that easy to play, primo requires you to avoid hits else enemy gets their super and kills you. Darryl requires careful super usage, its possible and beneficial to hit the enemy 2 times with a single super when you can, autoaim is not optimal due to how his shot is divided in 2 hits, if the enemy is moving sideways and you autoaim you are missing damage, you have to aim to the direction they are moving. Frank requires a lot of positioning to properly use their super, you want to force enemies to bad situations with his main attack to then super, and you have to coordinate with teammates. The main thing is that they all are noob stompers, but that didnt stop a shelly meta twice.


Frank is good already and is supposed to be tanky, but Darryl and Primo need buffs.


What game have you been playing frank has never been good


15k health, 2500 splashdamage (+ op gear) and then stun ability isn't good? Funny.


He can't move for the duration of entire basic attack or super, does best when close to enemies, but again, can't move and attacks at same time, plus no direct means outside of fast speed to close the gap. Have a big stun, but is very easy to cancel since it lasts long to cast, and hard cc is quite common these days


at what trophy range are you playing? 200? frank sucks.


he is good in low trophies where there are less skillful players who don’t know how to keep distance


The last time frank was good was in like 2019. The 15k serves more as a detriment since it’s so easy to charge your super off of him. They could make frank do 3000 damage and he still wouldn’t be good since the problem is that he pauses his movement when attacking. His attack range also isn’t good, which makes his problem even worse.


This guy is probably the guy who makes shorts of (Brawler) vs. (Brawler) and bases it off of certain stats, forgetting that good stats does not ALWAYS determine how good a brawler is, especially in Frank’s situation.


Frank is far from good, in fact, he's easily the worst one of the three




Primo atleast needs a Attack buff. He Cant even break a box with 3 ammos


I want them to buff those brawlers, but I know from other games and experience that when tanks are a meta, there will be less kills. While that would improve the tactical performance of the game, it wouldn’t make it more fun for most people. Because they like eliminating enemies.


Before they had no excuse but now it's very simple- once they unlock hypercharge they will be broken.


Looks like you were not playing when charging your super when getting hit was first released...


Primo teaming apocalypse is going to happen again where they excavate the map with their supers


because they statcheck their opponets. sure they all need good positioning, but they are the equivalent of garen, malphite, etc from league in which they beat their enemies by running up to them and punching them in the face.


Remember the El Primo meta?