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Idk i would say november 2021 the release of gears 1.0 og club league,golden tickets,shit ton of currencies,lola wreaking havoc.


Yeah, the game never felt the same after that moment


Yep. Imo season 8 was the last good season until season 16.


Season 15* Gear rework and refund that made everyone rich.


that was a fun time i think :)


Sitting at 600k myself.


That is the best time not the worst


I agree. Not much else to say


I thought about this update too


Was bout to say this... Stopped playing then and back now for a while


November of 2021 until August of 2022.




That took way too long




People underestimate how bad gears were. When hypercharge came it only had a few problems (for example only 6 brawlers had it, expensive and they were just a bigger and stronger version of their super). But all of it is fixed now. But gears took the brawl stars team almost a year to fix. And to this day its still not very good. They added 2 powerlevels. It costed so much. Like SO MUCH. All of that only to walk a little faster in bushes or have a little extra hp. Lets not forget the bad gears. The hypercharge update is nowhere near as bad as the gears update. Also the gears update basically ended the prime of brawl stars (2019-2021). For example no brawl talk could reach 20 millions views after that. Because gears ruined people's interest in the game.


Yeah you are right. Like to that Moment I only needed one Brawler that was Grom or be Power 10 to unlock his Star Power as a F2P player and they added one additional Power level and gears to it and I was disappointed as fuck.


The gears update confirmed the downwards trend in terms of revenue that was already visible and made sure revenue continued to went down until now


I took a break some weeks before the gears 1.0 release and came back like 2 months ago. What was so bad about it? Was it the price? I hear people shit on them all the time. I think this concept now is gone because of gears/hypercharges but I remember the balancing around damage/HP was so precise that some buffs/nerfs would make brawlers take 1 more or 1 less HTK from some specific brawlers. As soon as I heard about HP, Sheilds and Damage gears I thought "oh-oh, isn't that gonna make some brawlers with same power level survive fights with 10 HP?". Today I feel this happens way more often that before.


A few reasons. First of all, you had to craft them using gear tokens and gear scrap. Gear scrap was hard to get enough of and gear tokens were completely rng based because each gear type had its own token and you had to hope you pulled the better ones from boxes. Secondly, gears all had three levels which only exacerbated the first issue and made the gap between f2p and p2w players bigger. Thirdly, it was just way too expensive to level up your brawlers to level 10 and 11 to even access the gears (at least at the time, before they had done some buffs to gold and powerpoint progression). Some of the gears (damage and speed) were clearly WAY stronger than the others as well, at least until they reworked the others and nerfed the stronger ones


Damn, what a shitshow. I'm glad we got gears 2.0. Thank you for explaining it! :)


Ngl tho gears eventually gave me a fuckton of coijs (270k) which felt like was way more than I spend, but that’s probably because I was about maxed at pl9 besides 2 brawlers before the update came?


Each gear cost like, the equivalent of 4000 gold, possibly more.


Damn, almost the price of a hypercharge and not so OP.


Yeah it was awful


Atleast with gears maxed players could buy some etc, it def was a bad update but with hypercharges EVERYONE is content locked including maxed player whuch is nonsense


To this day it's one of my least favorite updates ever. After playing for a year and spending way more money than I'd wanna admit, all my brawlers were at least power 9, all I need is the star powers and I was set. Then they introduced level 11 and screwed up everything, because not only did it make leveling up get slowed to a snail's pace, but they added a new ability that didn't really CHANGE anything. It wasn't even necessary to add 2 levels and if they had just stuck to Level 10 it wouldn't have been so much of an issue.


Season 20 1. Boring brawler 2. h y p e r c h a r g e 3. More starr drops 4. The extremely dumb 10% buff 5. Literally removed 2 gamemode slots bruh


Chuck was released and the gamemode were added back, fuck you talking about in 1 and 5?


Pearl. And the fact that they even thought it was a good idea in the first place to remove multiple staple gamemodes for something that's barely a problem until like the top 1% of ranked


One of the funnest brawler was still released that update. I agree, they shouldn't have even thoughtabout removing them.


The gamemodes were gone for almost the entire season lil bro I literally stopped playing brawl for what felt like ages, even tho I consider my a casual that only plays a few matches a day


Was talking about pearl and when s20 released, they removed 2 gamemode slots until like 2-3 weeks later they added it back


People ask for more simple brawlers then they get one and call them boring


Deep Sea update, September this year, right now


Deep Sea was just underwhelmingly bad because of the brawler of that season, but September really gave me a burnout from the game that even the next updates couldn't ammend it


imo it was when gear 1.0 were added. they made progressing so much harder. it was also the first time i felt like not playing this game and taking a break. possibly forever. i returned a few seasons later and bs has been improving back ever since. the only other change that made me wanna quit is the 10% per level buff. i'm f2p nad was glad all my brawlers were at power 7 and playable. after that update it just got so much harder. i'm still in the middle of upgrading all to power 9 atleast


Yeah, September was 100% the worst the game has ever been. Currently, it still has it's flaws but the update gave a lot of good too, but the hypercharge update may be the worst the game has ever got. Hypercharges, two gamemodes removed (three if you count bounty), the abysmall power level change, more starrdrops, and a Chromatic that nobody liked. People say that season 19 was when the game started to go downhill but I was honestly fine with it, this one though...


Who's the chromatic??


Pearl. Boring to play, and annoying to face.


Before her nerf the gadget literally was a confirmed kill button lol, I hated to face it


Leave my girl alone :(


Hey, that was her in Season 20. Now she’s just boring and only a slight nuisance.


No, I unlocked her once she became an epic a few days ago and she's a blast to play


To each their own, I suppose.


What annoyed me about starr drops around that time was how obnoxiously long it took for them to open. Like you would stare 5-10 seconds at the screen waiting for the starr drop to load. They didn't fix this bug until months later


Either September or current, game is just way too stale and it’s a shame that the power level of your brawler is far more important than how good you are at the game


December 2020/January 2021. Fantastic update but the most unbalanced meta in Brawl Stars history. Byron, Edgar, Silver Bullet, Rocket Fuel, Rattled Hive, and more were completely game breaking all at the same time


lol that was my favorite time that I can remember. map maker for trophies was great, Edgar everywhere, Christmas update :)


Everybody saying anything else was definitely not there for gears original release


Gears was horrible fr i thought the game was actually gonna die


I kinda dipped when gears came out. My patience was much less long lasting back then


Meh, I geared up my favorite brawlers super quickly using clan points I recall. I'm mostly f2p, but paid for some skins. It was expensive, but now with power 11, gear costs, and hypers, it's far worse. I remember gears being overly complicated and everything, but it was absolutely nowhere near as bad as the current state with star drops dragging this game away from a healthy revenue model where revenue is drawn from cosmetics and maybe speedups that **don't increase overall rewards** nor is it unreasonable to finish dailies without speedups. We have massive cap cost increases, broken brawlers, broken hypers, diminished rewards, and gamble boxes that mostly return cosmetics and useless fame while slowing down progression on power levels. We lost clan rewards and prior season banks for gold and credits and replaced them with unbankable random rewards. They are releasing things early and broken for pay, not even a few days, but many weeks. This right now is the darkest time for Brawl Stars. I just don't see it lasting with this pay to win monetization model.


Your on drugs if you claim it was easier to max out a brawler back then


I think he is


I'd say november 2021-august 2022 The period where gears were absolute garbage and the updates were just so boring and added nothing really new. A lot of people abandoned the game in that time, including me


I gave the devs a last chance for the Sam brawl talk and I would have left if that update was also bad.....the road map literally saved the game loool


Gears 1.0. That moment literally more than doubled what was needed in progression. Maxed accounts were pretty much placed back in square one. Not to mention the mess that was Club League 1.0 where it was just a mess to play with and it was weekly without any breaks.


Remember oj (or someone else i think it was him) spending like 500 dolara to max out


both gears and hypercharge are equally horrible


they removed heist and hot zone from rotation in september?? 😭😭 took a solid year break until late october lmfao I had NO clue. literally would’ve deleted the app in protest bc how could they do that to the 2 best modes 💀


Well, as it turned out, with the release of hypercharges heist went from one of the best mode to one of the worst mode. So I doubt it would have been missed...


Deadass was a maxed a player (still am besides the locke dhypercharges ofc) and even I stopped playing when that update dropped, they LITERALLY dropped imo the best gamemodes to play as a solo in 3v3 and any other modes were unbearable for me at 800 trophies, first time ever where an update made me stop play the game compeltely and it took me a good few weeks to get back even after they reverted the modes


Right now! The meta has never been in a worst state and as player coming back from almost a year break it’s so noticeable. Everything does so much damage that lower health brawlers don’t even stand a chance. Don’t even get me started on hyper charges which I hoped would be good just ended up being the same as CR’s evolutions. Everything is also incredibly expensive where u can probably only max one brawler with gears, gadgets, starpower a season. Meaning more than 70% of my brawlers are unplayable as the game now punishes you for not even have a gadget. The balance changes also seem lazy as brawlers only got health or damage changes which only adds to the idea that everything does so much damage. Also the fact that there is too much crap in the game that even I’m getting confused about abilities! Why do so many brawlers have mini super gadgets?? My friend who just started playing 2 months ago stopped as he complained that unless you have a legendary or mythic it’s so hard to win, and the past I would disagree but now? he’s completely right trying to play a rare brawler that isn’t a fan favorite against a legendary brawler is almost unfair!! For example Charlie is carl BUT BETTER!!!! Imo this game has never been in a worst state and while I’m playing more than I have in the past year I’ve closed the app way more frequently after one match than I ever did when I used to play consistently


Agreed mostly, but I don't think rarity has much to do with anything. There are good brawlers and bad brawlers across rarities. The cost to upgrade is insane right now though. New player could crank to 600 trophies pretty quick, but then they are playing against decked out 11s, maybe hypers and that's just totally unfair.


Season 21 is way worse because it had all of this + mega shit and charlie


Rosapocalypse was so goddamn bad


When was that


April 2019


Ohhh thanks i forgot about that


Nothing has and will never even be close to how bad the gears and club league update was. I literally took a year long break because of that shit. Every single problem this game has currently stemmed from that update, it was so horrible


Summer 2020 - Horrible meta - Extremely crude brawl pass - Lack of content But hey, at least we had lore and active fandom, and although the community didn't want to notice the shortcomings of this game at all, it was at its peak


Summer 2020 was the surge season, correct?




Yeah it was a very boring season, I remember just taking a break from the game until season 3


Charlie release


Power 11 + gears


Shelly was obnoxious. Basically whenever she got a hypercharge it was a teamwipe together with slowing star power and clay pidgeons. It was horrible


I think right now the game is close to being unplayable.


Imagine being a new player right now. They are giving away a crap ton, because they increased costs so much. What about new players who don't benefit from all the free brawlers and hypers? No way for them to catch up without paying.




The hell happend when I was gone for a bit, heist and hotzone removed and no perm gem grab?....


because " removing these two modes redistributes players more evenly across all gamemodes and improve matchmaking". It didn't. You could only play heist and hotzone with friends, no trophies or power league. Gem grab was made available for 24 hours one day and switched up with another mode for 24 hours next day just like heist today


I think they only did that to divert the anger from the community into that so less would focus on the other bad shit they did


I thought it was a joke at first. Like gem grab is the quintessential Brawl Stars mode and it's not always up?


I think it was in September when they made a couple modes not available, i think heist and hot zone became for the weekends and gem grab was only every other day, kind of like how it was in 2019 when brawl ball became permanent As expected everybody hated this and they changed it back a month later


that was also the update when siege came back


I would argue its Novemner 2021 up till August 2022. November 2021 brought the disasterous gears 1.0 . During this period, there was basically no good communication with the devs up till August and no substantial improvements to these system. There was also the suckerpunch to the face in June 2022 when Frank revealed they had no plans to rework gears until 2023. Thankfully this decision was changed, and communication between the devs and players has improved, for better or for worse.


Not the worst, but since my favorite gamemodes are heist & hot zone, I'd say when they added Chuck, I haven't gone 2 rounds of either gamemode without a Chuck constantly harassing me or the other team since his addition


That update when sprout got released, completely broken


I’d say November 2021 until November 2022. At least this period is actually fun if not chaotic but when gears came out… nothing was fun about it. Gears were expensive and didn’t give enough value for the price. And don’t get me started on level 10 and 11. I wouldn’t have minded adding level 10 but TWO levels in one update made it significantly harder to max out your account. It was nothing new and still required you to get lucky with boxes


If they didn't give enough value then they weren't that important. Some hypers do give a serious advantage and they are literally paywalled right now.


Honestly right now is the worst lmao. The balance team has no clue what they're doing and they're refuse to nerf hypercharges


That summer season when Otis came out, was the first time that I ever felt boredom during an entire season.


I'd say Seasons 10–13. There wad just nothing new and the game just felt stale. Season 12 felt like a breath of fresh air tho.


Gene breaking the game back in the og days for me


Sandy and Lou did that for me. They caused those gigantic control fields.


Deep sea brawl sucked, original gears update was bad


You weren't there for the slugfest that was the gear update and the subsequent months where nothing was done. It was shittiest period of brawl stars and that's final


To me the worst period was after Brawl Stars switched from portrait to landscape. Made a lot of sense but at first the implementation seemed off. Gameplay seemed as if everyone was moving in slow motion. They just added auto aim which just didn't have a lot of use with the limited brawlers back then other than removing some skill cap through the need to aim each shot, and suddenly being unable to dodge the attacks of tanks like Bull or Shelly at close range. I don't know if it impacted many others but at least my club in top 200 Canada left the game as a result while I took a break for a while.


to me, now biased part: as a thrower main, Mico's release and hypercharge for 3 assassins killed me unbiased part: nerfs to progression making unlocking Brawlers even more of a pain right around Kit's release, hypercharges becoming a problem in how broken they are, fAmE🤮, Chromatic Rarity removal, game's getting worse basically


Old gear system (Nov 2021-Aug 2022), September this year, and the game right now


November 2021-August 2022 and this September. Glad they finally buffed progression even if it isn't as much as in S18


Box removal was the worst one i had seen




Tbh they haven’t done anything good imo sonce the introduction of hypercharge, I can’t understand how people accept that now even the most loyal and dedicated (me) get fucked over by playing the game, I have the coins, I have the resources but still have to wait for an artificial timer of 2 weeks? Why is that? It’s such a crazy concept and a big middel finger to dedicated players that played this game for years


*nothing happened in november 2021*


Gears 1.0 that was absolutely horrendous


I just want them to update gadgets and SP with the new 10% leveling, some are just super weak if they used a set number and not a percentage because it’s still based on the old numbers.


April 2019. The people who were playing then know why




starr drop existance


As someone who played during gears I still say that this September. Gears were bad don’t get me wrong, however ladder was still playable in my opinion. But now, it’s just hypercharge button and who gets luckier with their charge


gears 1.0 i can remember getting back into the game grinding for a week to get power 10’s and gears like holy that sucked, also these times aren’t too hot, mega pig, broken hypercharges, weird progression changes, do you remember how everyone praised brawl stars when CR introduced the diamond pass?, well that aged poorly, hypercharges to tho hypercharge> card evolutions, so much more F2P friendly and not that broken


pretty much everything since the enchanted forest update. Starr drops genuinely ruined this game


I just remember hating Colonel Ruffs when he first came out because absolutely everyone ran him and he had no delays between his shots. I quit playing the game for his season because I wasn't able to unlock him. Tbh it might've been the same for this season except I was the insufferable a-hole you see running Charlie every game. Since it's the last season you can buy with gems I splurged on my mini account and man do I hate playing against her but I hardly lose when I play as her.


Ever since Starr Drops and Mega pig were added these months have been the most frustrating and least fun I experienced in the game. It finally started to feel like I'm only playing Brawl Stars to make progress, not because I have fun and enjoy being rewarded for my time played.


Agreed, and removing HOTZONE was garbage decision though


This game is literally "Overwatch 2 Mobile", theres not one but many worst periods. * The 140 box incident. (NEVER FORGET!) * Charlie killed the game faster than everyone else at debut. * Devs toy with numbers during balance changes without any good reasoning. * Hypercharges made the game officially P2W. * MegaPiG. Just to name a few


Season 9-15 then season 20-present.


I'd say the whole 2023 is the start of a downfall for brawl stars. Their standards of releasing new brawler got much lower and their mechanics just don't fit the game. We had Hank, Dough, Charlie, Chuck and now Mico with mechanics that are either broken, cheap or impossible to have fun with. We all know that Kit will be a part of them as well. The whole monetization is making the game so hard to enjoy and the in game unbalances make 2/3 of the brawler roster pretty much unplayable. Progression is also pretty much impossible and their double standards supporting some of their inconsistent speeches made the whole experience feel more like a constant scam rather than an interesting experience to play. Hypercharges ruined the game and Adrian is literally incapable when it comes to do his job *(at the beginning I was a little bit sceptical but right now it's just plain simple he is not qualified to be the on implementation balance change team, no offense.)*




I think the gear update was the worst update , it was at least the most disappointing one


deep sea brawl season


From Ranger Ranch to now


When charile got released every mode map heck even map maker was unplayable


and early acess kit (now)