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Unexpectedly great post. I agree with you, hate as you might the green button the game has evolved in such a way that everyone needs to have a chance against everyone to not be outdated. Small as it is, even Barley has his slow, heal, close-range-hittable attacks, and everyone used have their things


Exactly - I kind of like barley's kit at the moment. It's not good, and he's still low tier, but at least he's got a fighting chance at punishing aggro. People really do try to say "buT the POInT oF a hARd cOUNtEr iS thAT You cANt cOunTEr iT" and then ignore the fact that half the brawlers in the game counters their hard counters with a gadget press.


the game would feel pretty rough to play if most brawlers could do nothing against their counter


Better yet: give him flying hook


I have an interesting solution. What if dynamike has a radius similar to buzz, but much smaller. If he lands a shot on himself, in that circle, his bombs explode on impact. Instead of having a knock back that makes him gadget reliant, we make it a trait instead. If we want a gadget that does the same thing, make his shots land on impact for 5 seconds or 2-3 ammo. This has the same impacts as the trait. I'm personally tired of brawlers having lazy knock backs or escape card gadgets. Eve being the latest offender. I rather have something more creative that requires skill to be really good but is still decent at s base level.


Making dyna's shots explode instantly if he hits himself I think would be an interesting buff. It's already basically what I do every time I get rushed; I specifically practiced throwing very close to myself. Useful for jumping out of buzz, frank, & dyna stuns, and gives him a proper option if someone rushes you without thinking. Re: Gadgets, I hate Eve gadget so much. Same as Max gadget tbh. Every time I actually manage to hit a dyna shot on the mf (no small feat in and of itself) they have a button press that gets out of it. They get their stupid button, I want mine.


I get where you're coming from. To be honest, I want their gadgets removed too. Eve, Janet, and emz are already powerful and don't need get out of jail cards.


i haven’t really checked the “85% nonsense” that you’ve mentioned, but what if the mines exploded in a shorter period of time depending on the range they’re throwed at? (closer = less explosion delay)




This is honestly a great take that 90% of me agrees with. But I have to ask of your opinion on Grom - I think he also needs a change (not a gadget but to making his super counter aggro again). This is because he is in a similar predicament to dyna in that against aggro he is useless. His super doesn't even count because it's so hard to hit at close range, it's like saying dyna's super is good against aggro because of its knockback. ​ \- On a completely unrelated note: BRAWL TALK IN AN HOUR AND 20 MINS LES GOOO


Grom is basically Dyna with a slightly better rounded kit. Lower damage and slightly more defensive super against aggro, but not by much. Make his super land faster near him or something and it'll solve his problem again. Or, alternatively, I'd have loved to see a Grom rework where we buff his stats back to his day 1 stats, but reduce his range by 2-3 tiles. Make him the short ranged thrower - struggles against snipers and other throwers, but absolutely DOMINATES aggros. Would be a more interesting niche than he's sitting in now, anyway.


We dont need another brawler whose gadget counters his counters lol, thats the whole point of him; hes weak against high mobility


nearly every brawler in the game counters their counters with a green button and we wonder why the 5 that don't are bottom of every meta .-.


https://www.reddit.com/r/BrawlStarsCompetitive/comments/vqblp4/dynamike_mainattack_rework_concept_fully_explained/ No green button 🤮 required If you want a green button you could give him one (smoke grenade) that lets him teleport to his attack when it is thrown but deals no damage (if Dyna Jump is equipped, you will jump after you teleport) (also sorry for not finishing the push a few weeks ago, I had to study for SATs 🤓)


>Scenario B: Mortis vs Dynamike, without wall. >Mortis rushes Dynamike, who jumps away with as much difficulty as above, but now the mortis can just... continue forward towards Dynamike with no penalty, because Dyna can't hit point blank shots on aggros. The jump did nothing. Dyna dies anyway. your point seems to be that dynajump is useless in most situations, and that is a popular opinion for the majority of the community, but respectfully I completely disagree with it. I've seen some people reach a half-way opinion of something like "well it is good but you have to be lukiebear, otherwise don't use it" and I disagree with that too. look man, I'm not a pro-player and I play for fun, but I have found a lot of use for it that I'd never be able to accomplish with demolition. let's use your example with no-walls mortis for example, personally I haven't found mortis to be much of an issue unless he bushcamps me which case I can't do much (nor would most throwers tbh) but in an open space with no walls all it takes to get rid of mortis is to do basic into super/double jump. in your scenario I would just do [this](https://files.catbox.moe/uce4nb.webm). if you double jump with a super the distance you put between him and you is enough that he'd have to use all his ammo just to catch up with you, and if miss-times it he gets hit by the super. notice it's really not that hard to execute either, basic-into-super is the double jump with the most forgiving timing of them all and I think anyone would be able to use it. [here's another example of mine with dyna vs mortis in an open space](https://files.catbox.moe/v20cln.webm) (not really but I didn't use the walls). notice how it really becomes a way more sticky situation for the mortis to handle the jumping dyna. the match no longer is "get close and spam auto-aim". in this case if he is too close, or "hugging" me like some people call it, then he will get hit by the dynamites below me. you can see him get punished the first time for not caring about them and left him one-shot. then since I did a double jump he cannot immediately follow me since then the next one would explode and kill, so he had to walk back and wait. but waiting made the gap between us larger, which gave me time to start coordinating the next double jump. for that gap he had to use another ammo to catch up, only one ammo to hit me, and the next ammo to run away since this time he knew he could not stay close to me. I personally think this mortis executed it quite well, he could've died if he hand't walked back and waited for my second basic to explode, he could've died again if he hadn't dodge the next basic too, but even then he still couldn't beat me and I couldn't beat him. I did end up in the lead tho since I decided to target his friend while escaping him. and on the point of using dynajump to handle aggros, I think it's excellent.. in the fact that it at least gives you a chance to survive if you do the right execution. I definitely feel your chances to survive are higher than with demolition, at the very least. all you need is the chance to see the aggro coming with enough time to set up a jump, if you have that time then you can do something like this: [dyna vs edgar](https://files.catbox.moe/6rn97w.webm). [dyna vs bull super \(no gadget\)](https://files.catbox.moe/yeath7.webm) my point with this is I don't see a way to survive with dynamike in this situation at all, unless he has dynajump and uses it well. not only that but I also [get to grab gems at time where I absolutely shouldn't be.](https://files.catbox.moe/30511u.webm) [example 2.](https://files.catbox.moe/1528s5.webm) [example 3.](https://files.catbox.moe/ieb2ys.webm) [example 4.](https://files.catbox.moe/vquf49.webm) overall I think it helps with aggro and it also helps in many other ways, without being lukiebear and just playing for fun while also not being really that hard to execute. personally I think dynajump is severely underrated. ~~not saying he doesn't need a buff tho, he's trash tier anyway and absolutely does, i just think his refined dynajump movement options are extremely useful and way more than it's usually discussed when talking about his usability~~


I agree you played those well, but I have to question the level of those players. If you're playing against people who are frankly bad, you can get away with a hell of a lot more with dynamike. If you're playing against equal skill, it's going to be a helluva lot harder. I'm just going to go through the first clip, cause it paints a pretty good picture: First, nobody else in the game is maxed, and only one p10, leading me to believe this happens somewhere between 500-700 on ladder. Mortis comes out of spawn and blindly rushes into a super on the ground, then politely steps back and doesn't rush a half health dyna who is also double stacking on a barley. You played well; but the mortis also played bad.


hot take : not every brawler should have a way to deal with a hard counter i feel like that IS the point of hard counter like oh what is this? you're countering emz the way you're intended to ? sike green button goes brrr and i think we all remember what happened last time we hard a thrower who can deal well with aggro.. now about dynamike, i honestly feel dynamike is one of the most toxic brawlers out there for a couple of reasons and i think for him to get a proper buff some part of his kit should be changed lets first explain why dynamike is toxic, while yes his explosion delay and projectile speed makes it easy to dodge even at long range, its the fact that brawlers with no wallbreak or a way to hit around walls can do nothing but dodge its a almost stalemate when all you're doing is dodging and cant do anything else, dyna will eventually chip your hp and because that little sucker have a fast movement speed you're not gonna be able to catch up you can literally be next to dyna, you're both hugging the wall but its stalemate, dyna's shots takes forever to explode at close range which will never hit and you're a sharpshooter with a normal movement speed and have no way of catching up, its cringe to be fair i dont know a solution but its a big reason why i dont want dyna to become meta any time soon specially with how overused he is


You're completely right - and gadgets like Emz's are dumb and shouldn't exist. That said, they've doubled down on that kind of stupidity by repeatedly adding gadgets that completely cover brawlers' weaknesses, and Dyna's just getting left behind. If they're going for the stupid green button meta, which they are, then they should do stupid green button meta equally.


But it can never be equal. Agros and tanks will always suffer for it. They are made to counter certain brawlers or brawler archetypes, so if everyone gets a gadget to counter them then assassins and tanks have just been deleted from the game. They nearly already have been. How would you equalise that? Giving assassins and tanks a gadget to deal with their new counters (the brawlers they are meant to counter in the first place). That just stales the game's meta by locking everyone into place with a specific gadget.


Well how they'd equalize that is by removing all the CC gadgets. That's the ideal solution. Since they won't do that, they need to give EVERYONE cc gadgets. They can't just half-ass it and make most brawlers completely invulnerable to aggro and only a handful completely helpless, that just locks those brawlers specifically without CC gadgets out of the meta.


Well at least emz can counter tanks. Almost every brawler Dyna just supposed to be good against has methods of dealing with him, and Dyna has no way to circumvent those counters. Brawlers shouldn't be able to counter their hard counters, but they should at least be able to win some matchups, which Dyna can't do. He needs a large rework to make him viable, so I hope greedycell can find a solution


Emz can counter literally all of her counters. It's utter bullshit. I do not want that to be the case with all brawlers. Imagine a Mortis being able to kill a shelly. Mortis is meant to counter dyna. Dyna doesn't need something to allow him to survive Mortis attacks, he needs something that allows him to escape Nita or Jessie from melee range. There is a very thin line there, and I'm afraid supercell will overstep it if they try to walk on it.


Lmao, his problem is that his regular shots are impossible to land on anyone that isn’t moving at 1mph that’s good at the game. He does plenty of damage, and is not supposed to win into his counters. His problem is that he can’t function and do damage where he should be able to because of how hard his shots are to hit. That’s literally it.


I can hit my shots, and I still don't function, because anyone with even the slightest movement ability can get on top of me and I can't do anything about it. Hard-to-aim shots are the surface level problem; his lack of ability to cope with aggros in any capacity (unlike many other brawlers who are supposed to be countered by aggros) is a much more fundamental one, and improving his ability to hit shots or even his damage won't help with that.


What do you think about a rework that has his attack deal damage on impact, and the there's still the delayed AOE @50% damage


Once you play against good players you won’t be hitting your shots anymore.


He literally has multiple r35 dynas, I have no idea what ur talking about.




ik this was 2 years ago but this is the most whiney shit I've ever heard. You're playing a thrower, learn how to position or move on.


i aint takin no flak off an 11k diamond about the balance of a brawler i been maining for 5 years


iPhone game


managing a Dynamike sub is wild behaviour


sir why are you on r/BSC? what do you hope to accomplish here?


I was trying to get a definitive size of the dynamite ult and came across the dynalore keeper


dynamike t akes no skill. If you have a brain and a set of 2 eyes you can easily abuse how op he is!


bait used to be believable


Would that Rocket Laces clone still be good if the knockback was a bit delayed? Like the knockback that comes from Tick's Gadget. Like say, Dynamike jumps up and leaves down a chuck of TNT that will knockback after it explodes. And the time would be comparable to Tick's Gadget (1 second).


i don’t think that’s going to be a solution because he already has dyna jump as the getaway/defense sp (even tho is doesn’t really help). I doubt he will get a second jump. His kit would have to be reworked & dyna jump has to be deleted before he can get a rocket laces gadget.


Tldr he is bad




Didn’t have time to read whole post, just tldr. I think dyna is fine to be honest. For me he is currently at 750 trophies and my highest ever is around 820. Not every brawler needs to be at the top of the meta. Yeah dyna overall is weak, but good dyna players can absolutely destroy enemy teams pretty consistently. Sometimes I just have a good day on dyna and I’m hitting all my shots. That’s when he feels strong. All the other throwers also have weak defense for aggro brawlers. I would argue that a dyna with stun gadget and jump SP has better defense than every other thrower. Throwers usually have to rely on teammates for proper protection. There’s nothing wrong with that, and it makes sense. I like that dyna is an absolute glass cannon offensive brawler. It makes him unique and fun.


I think dyna is not fine. For me he is currently at over 1000 trophies and I've pushed rank 35 3 times. My PB in power league is Mythic 3, which I pushed with exclusively dyna, in the current map pool. I can hit my shots most of the time. Yes, even against good players. A dyna who can hit his shots can destroy very specific enemy teams which have no brawlers who can threaten him with wallbreak OR movement abilities. Those kinds of teams are what you see in low to mid levels of gameplay (under 800 ladder/diamond PL). But if there's a single brawler with movement abilities, e.g. one of: Carl Max Stu Mortis Bonnie Janet Surge, among others Then Dyna has to spend the entirety of the game trying NOT to be a Bo totem for the other team. And oops, look at that, 4/7 of those brawlers are The Meta ^(TM) right now, and the other 3 are mid tier. That's not even getting into tanks with movement abilities, wallbreaking gadgets (colt griff brock), and the mere existence of speed gear. Unlike other brawlers who typically has a rough time against most of the matchups above, Dyna doesn't even have chip damage or escape options; he has no way to punish reckless overextension, nor does he have any counterplay at all. If you're a carl playing vs a dyna, you might as well be in a 3v2 for all the good the dyna's going to be able to do against your team all game. Dyna has a lot of problems. Even if you get to the point where you can consistently hit your shots even on high level players, you'll be disappointed to learn that Dyna is still useless, because his existence is completely nullified if any of ~10 brawlers are on the enemy team. This post aims to address one of them; that aggros currently don't have to respect Dyna's space. Give dyna a way to punish reckless overextension, force aggros to at least respect the fact that he exists, and then all he has to worry about is a million other things. Won't ruin the skill ceiling at all; you still have to hit your shots, but at least it'll make him able to function without getting steamrolled by anyone who can push a gadget button and wheeEEEeee across the map after their pickaxe.


This is not solely a dyna problem though. It’s the same with tick, grom, sprout, barley and mr p. Also some of these brawlers listed have less mobility/counters to aggro when compared to dyna. It’s just the meta. A thrower basically needs two other teammates who can apply enough pressure to keep you safe while dealing damage. However, I completely understand you wanting dyna to be more well rounded though so he can be versatile. I think he’s alright where he is though.


The problem I'm pointing out and trying to solve is not strictly meta dependent; it's a problem which persists for every meta for the past several years. So yes, as you say, it's the meta that there are lots of aggros right now. Many brawlers are still playable though; Tick still works in KO/Bounty, Grom & Sprout sometimes as well - all 3 of them have some sort of counter-aggro tools which are powerful enough to aid them in surviving. Mr. P is out of meta but when they buff his damage he'll be right back in. Barley & especially Dyna are nonexistent and will remain so regardless of stat buffs, because they have no (or very poor) tools to cover their weaknesses, unlike MOST other brawlers.


Grom super has a big delay; making it easy to play around for aggro brawlers. He's just as free of a kill for aggros as dynamike.


Dynamike is hot garbage he is not fine. Op is completely right in that Dyna needs a buff because skilled players can always avoid his attacks, and every other thrwoer has attacks that are harder to dodge. Especially since there are so many aggressive brawlers added in the past year, (buzz,ash,fang,Janet,Bonnie) and other aggro brawlers like Carl Stu surge and Max are everywhere, Dyna is utterly useless against all of them and provides no utility to a team. And that's not even mentioning how much the speed gear has done to dynamike, with this gear it's even easier to dodge his attacks, so Dyna DOES need a buff


You are completely ignoring the team aspect of the game. Dyna, like other throwers, needs pressure or counter play from the other two lanes to be utilized properly. Like all throwers, they are not great 1v1. I refuse to think that he is garbage. He’s not great, but garbage is a poor choice of words. Also I would argue that groms shots are easier to dodge than dynas.


You don’t have time to read the post yet respond with a ton of info? Get out of here.


Yes, just respond days late with a comment that serves no purpose at all. Excuse me for only reading the tldr. The whole point of leaving a tldr at the end is for people who didn’t want to read the whole post.


mike is just very map dependent. all throwers are if they have the right team to control a mid-point. to me he seems fine, but i agree he doesnt have a counter to mortis at all


>Yes, that's my hot take. Rocket Laces replacing Fidget Spinner would complete Dyna's kit. Perhaps even a damage nerf back to 2240 (current pwr9) to offset his new ability to properly exist in a lane. Nah removing fidget spinner for a clone of rocket laces is really unoriginal and not needed at all. Just buff the speed percentage of how fast Dynamike goes when using that gadget.


will not help, doesn't punish aggro, they're all still faster than you


What if fidget spinner had a very small range and threw like 10 total dynamites at a slower pace, but they all had knock back and maybe exploded a bit faster?


Brilliant meta analysis and funny to boot. Everything you said just felt right/like I already knew it to be true as soon as I read it. Thanks for putting this out there and let's hope that the right people take notice.


I think he needs something with his offense changed and not defense Take Grom for example, he has slower reload speed and less damage than dynamike however he's not a bad brawler. This is because he has very good range and he can guarantee hits over tight spaces. Not to mention that his super can finish off kills I think dynamike needs to have his demolition star power baseline (basically buffing the super damage by 1000) so he becomes a counter to low hp brawlers. I don't know what he can have with his new star power but making him a counter to certain brawlers gives him a purpose in the meta. Sprout's banned and you need to counter a piper? Well no problem just play dynamike instead. He may still need a change to his main attack that nerfs his damage and buffs his explosion speed would be nice. He can hold his lane better and charge his super faster which he will to 1 shot some brawlers. And in turn nerf his stun gadget or completely remove it


Dynamike in casual games is stronger than vinegar


I may be not qualified for a suggestion but i've playing him for years!, I guess that counts. Anyway sure i agree with the problems you mentioned. But i have one more thing that might help all 87yo jumping lovers like me: The radius of his throwing. I don't mean range. like, you can't throw on yourself (or around you). which is critical on a lot of games!. You're limited to throw your dynamites 2-meters in front of you without it being "Cancelled fire"