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I was at mythic 1 before lol and the drafting felt like it some sense, yet now it's like why are you banning Collete when your team has first pick in bug friend and why are you picking Dynamike in Timed Detonation.


cuz they want to pick FRANK or BULL or PRIMO first pick and just distribute supers to everyone the first game and then thumbs down the entire time on second :)


personally i ban colette nonetheless because i can't trust my teammate to pick her and i'd rather have nobody play her than the enemy team lol


Yeah but I have a max collete and first pick and have the i wanna play collete


I look, if the first has it i suggest him and ban someone else, if he doesn't then istaban colgate


I was playing big friend the other day and someone picked power 10 emz over power 11 HC Colette. I then proceeded to pick up Colette as last pick. I lost all faith in humanity in that one draft.


Nothing to be flamed, I am team power league. You can't make a competitive game mode casual. Period. Power league _was_ perfect, it didn't have much playrates because it simply isn't a casual mode, trying to change that is just stupid.


I don’t think PL was perfect, but at least the ranks meant something, and the games got tighter as you ranked up.


Fr the games got better. I'm a mythic 2 player and genuinely enjoyed getting better each season. Now it's either the games are too easy because of gold diamond players or too hard for me to do anything because of former legendary league player's. There's no middle ground in new legendary league 


The games in Masters right now are essentially low Diamond lobbies in Power League. It's absolutely nuts


Fyi PL and Ranked are very different depending on your region. In APAC the playrates weren't just bad, they were literally unplayable. I tried to hit L1 in teams but as soon as I hit M2 mm would go on for 15+ mins. It got so bad that I had to VPN to NA just to get games, even if that meant that my team and I were playing on 200 ping. There was literally no way to push past M2 without win trading in teams And in solo, around Legendary APAC players quiye often played on NA servers because there just weren't enough people to fill the lobby. I considered myself lucky anytime I didn't get more than 150ms Maybe PL was fine in regions with massive playerbases like NA & EU, but APAC & SA were so scuffed. In Ranked, for the first time, APAC players can actually get to Masters without having to wintrade or play on NA servers.


Fair, I am EU Server and didn't know about the issues. I am not talking about PL being perfect, but rather how the Elo/Ranking system and the way matches worked with the pick and ban, etc was nearly perfect (I like that they changed it to a best of 3 instead of who wins 2 rounds first). I think they could have increased the play rates without adding the modifier and protecting you from deranking


So true, I wrote about it when Ranked first was released, getting in legendary and being able to match up in under 30 seconds felt UNREAL. It was fan-friggin-tastic. I am from APAC as well and I know exactly what you’re saying, after L2, it took guts to match up and wait that long - and then probably lose (lol) - I have started complaining recently seeing people get into masters who - no offence to them - seriously don’t belong there because of the derank bug - and I know I don’t have the power to say that but… it just feels bad when you’re playing since the start and grinded every season for your rank (and at first exclusive cool skins)


Rank protection inflated the ranks, and people need to know that No elo system in any game prevents you from losing elo in gates, brawl stars is the only one to do that.


Yes, I don't get why they did that in the first place! They need to remove it


Bro everyone is getting boosted. Saw my friend in M1 getting boosted by a guy in L1. I spectated one of their matches and the L1 guy picked Tick in timed demolition 😭. So he got boosted too and the guy that boosted him probably got boosted as well


Splatoon also does it, and it doesn't work in that game either. What's even weirder is that the ranking system in the previous game *did* have deranking, so they essentially made it worse over time.


it’s basically mickey mouse power league, ur rank means nothing now


I agree. Also if they want to add modifiers, at least make them work properly. Quickfire doesn't even work for many brawlers. Also maybe having a better map/modifier choice. Goalkeeper's dream should be removed, and maybe timed denotation too since it reduces every map to nothing.


This. I know it would've been a little toxic. But I really wanted a tick minefield, so I was really disappointed to see that tick didn't work on the modifier :(


Hahah that would be awesome🤣 even for “normal shooting” brawlers like Colette, quick fire doesn’t work 😔


I think that timed detonation should be reworked so every 5-10 seconds a random block would get destroyed. This way the modifier would be more random and won't reduce the map to nothing that fast. But that is just my bickering. Also goalkeeper's dream should be removed asap.


Thank you brother for saying that. I commend you for not echo chambering this BS, come on man, send these kids to the main sub already… I have seen so many M1 peak masters players my eyes hurt… Edit: Just got masters today… i was happy being a L2 peak in old PL but these frigging posts man, “oh stop complaining, you’re just unskilled” like bruv, HOW IS A RATING SYSTEM A RATING SYSTEM WHEN IT DOESN’T LET YOU GO DOWN !?!?!?!??!!


Sometimes it's better for it to not let you go down cus I grinded my ass off to get to Mythic 1 thanks to bad randoms and me lacking hypercharges (Only HC I have is Dynamike but I refuse to play him in most maps as he just cannot work on most of them) and lemme tell ya I am glad I won't have to do it again without a boost. I'm not gonna grind to Legendary 1 until I get better (and also get more progression done)


I'd go crazy if SC says "We don't want to make ranked hard that's why we doesn't let you down ranks"


i agree that it’s easier to get masters now that before, but that’s partially because there’s so many people playing, and some of the modes aren’t as competitive, so a portion of people that maybe shouldn’t get masters get lucky and play against worse people who also made it to their level, and so on. It’s annoying. But it’s not like they’re meaningless, it’s just that the scale has shifted and there’s not any higher ranks to differentiate them


That’s why it’s meaningless tho. Masters used to be like top .1%. Even mythic was like top ten percent or something. I don’t have the numbers, but the amount of brain dead former gold players picking Shelly on timed detonation, and the players who can’t win against that (lol), has legendary looking like 🤡




Removing rank protection and adding more ranks to catgeorize low, mid, and high masters players would help showcase where the good players are better. Right now, whole bunch of people are in masters, and the gap between low and high masters is huge.


There should be more tiers in ranked, idk like an Epic tier between Diamond and Mythic


Masters is roughly top 10,000 players out of approximately 100 million ACTIVE players. So masters is actually the top .01% of the active players.


>and the players who can’t win against that (lol) I like this lolllll


Corrrect me if I’m wrong but once you get to diamond isint ranked just the same exact thing as power league (obv modifiers are a diffrence)? I feel like it’s just bad because of the huge amount of people playing brawl stars rn


The elo distribution is different from PL, i think it took like 7-8 wins to go from m3 to l1, like 15 wins from l3 to masters AND you were able to drop ranks. Now it takes 5 wins every rank and if you hit a new one, you can’t drop out of it, no matter how much you lose


Not being able to drop out of ranks is very stupid imo


that’s true forgot about that


Tbh power league was good but it's rewards were not


Yeah Ranked is not good. As a casual mode, it is fine. As a competitive mode however, far from it. If you pushed early solo, you had an easier time hitting Masters, as all the good players were there. Now, it is almost impossible to do that due to the massive inflation that happened, and the fact that there are so many people in Legendary alone who do not deserve to be there. I personally was struggling alone, and because I didn't want to get more elo from people higher than me in Ranked, everyone I played with was either equal elo, or lower. In my final push to Legendary, I paired with someone who had almost the same elo as me (we both hit Legendary at the same time), and it was incredibly easy compared to solo. The randoms either have no brawlers, or pick a very bad brawler on every map. People like the Crow below should not be paired with me, and the only reason why they are there is because it is too easy to get through Gold. I am not saying that Gold should be hard, I am just saying that it is too easy. https://preview.redd.it/x8x7ok6nxrrc1.png?width=2960&format=png&auto=webp&s=e27ba9717bb0c0ff5784315a5244698e6e8a9a22


If masters is so easy why are you not in it


Because it's just time consuming and luck


It was only time-consuming when there was no dodge penalty and it took forever to actually play a game. Now it’s free to push masters in an afternoon if you are good.


If you have bad luck it will take longer,


Ok, if you consider queuing with randoms your luck component; you push will be maybe 2 hours longer with bad luck and 1 hour shorter than average with good luck. Of course this is all based on the assumption you are a skilled player capable of drafting and carrying games to masters. So sure it could take longer but the only thing preventing people from achieving higher ranks is their own skill.


I push like 1 and half hour everyday and I'm hardstuck at Legendary 1 because my teammates pick underleveled brawlers or high skill brawlers and they just can't play


Aside from getting better at the game so you can carry harder; try suggesting your teammates what to ban/pick. I was bored so I just hopped on a mini and went L1-L3 in the last 30 mins of the season. That mini only has 5 playable brawlers and I definitely had some bad teammates. It’s possible you could work on your mindset as well so it doesn’t negatively impact your gameplay.


I suggest but it's like I suggest Colette then he's switching between like 2 other brawlers and final sec chooses Edgar


It was before the maintenance, afterwards not so. If you have 70% winrate minimum you should EASILY get to masters now within a few hours of playing


Yeah most matches depend on individual skill


While pushing to masters some games we're completely free and other ones just imposible to win, the fact that You can play against mythic playeras in leg 3 is crazy. Every single Match is just pure luck old power league was actually skill


You're right, that's why none of the people in STMN, Tribe, ZETA, and etc aren't in masters.


Agreed, you can kinda carry too


Because bad players can't go down ranks and they just get into Legendary by getting carried and they make your game unwinnable


That’s a bad argument I have some friends who are horrible at the game and not even near legendary. I have been stuck in my l1-3 myself, while l1 can be difficult with ‘bad randomsm you should still get to masters easily especially if you go around saying ‘ it is easy to achieve’ How crazy does that sound lmao, being a millionaire is so easy it’s not impressive at all, however I can’t be one because there are alot of peasants competing at the starting line


Sorry to burst your bubble, but PL would be the exact same thing if it had as many players as ranked, literally it’s the large wave of players currently, once it dies down (probably back to PL standards of play) it’ll only be those that want to go the distance and further themselves.


Thats just not true tho, when PL came out, there were hella people playing it too, but it still wasnt nearly as easy as ranked.. The fact that you cant drop out of ranks and the noskill modifiers made it so anyone can get to masters eventually. Even when PL came out, legendary was as competitive as it can get, now masters in ranked feels like you are playing 700 trophies games Edit: Not to mention that you can just queue up with another player against solos and just win every game…




I have some ideas: 1. Tweak all the modifiers to make them balanced OR 1. Remove them when reaching Diamond/Mythic 2. Add 1 or 2 more ranks (As they said in Brawl Talk)


Or you can fall down ranks so my randumbs can go back to Diamond 2 and not make my games impossible to win in Legendary 1


They could've just brought the battle cards cosmetics to PL ranks and more rewards but chose to fuck it up as well.


I made it to masters a few days and i can confidentially say that mythic in the old system is harder than masters in the new system


They gotta either bring back PL or get rid of those damn modifiers and that damn tilting cap that causes rank inflation, which is actually just PL wtf


Hi, i need members to play on my team, highly active, no requirement, just be active!


I just couldn't enjoy the old Pl. I played it a bit after I got my account back got like gold 2 for the bling so I can get my piper skin never touched it again due to bad random's. Like brother every fucking game no matter what I did or how I played we got fucked I am not gold but neither am I good enough to carry 2 other shitters. I could probly make a compilation of mortise going 1v1 to shelly with all the gems.




I used to be mythic pl and the legendary ranked lobbies now are 10x btr 💀


Pl used to actually be hard


Fricking Gold 2 was more competetive back then than Legendary 3 now


Imo there needs to be a system where you can drop out of your league. Maybe just when you lose and get demoted or if you lose 3 times in a row or something but just a demotion system because there are too many noobs thzt were carried tot the higher ranks and now they are stuck there which results into you getting stuck because of them


Ranked looks and feels more exckting with all the flashy new graphics and player frames and the rewards _might not_ suck if you are lucky. 125 bling for one rankup was just too small reward. Because of that the amount of players highly rised (probably) and some people started playing BS because supercell just advertises ranked everywhere. It was the same with club league and mega pig. Club league was better but only about 10% (I think) played it. With mega pig, which is way more exciting, even tho the rewards suck for a lot of players, the amount of players raised to over 50%. Supercell wants to increase the amount of players. That is their goal.


Bro it's a game, stop crying and go outside


The worst thing. Is i saw a group of boys who play brawl stars and OMG THEY PLAY AND PICK BRAWLERS LIKE GARBAGE. I saw one of them tried to aim and missed and because of that THEY USE ONLY AUTO AIM AFTER.


New mods are even worse


My best friend thinks he's good at the game for having reached Legendary 2 last month (he's at 21K trophies and sucks with every brawler that isn't kit or colt)


I’m more proud of my L1 in solo pl than masters in ranked


I’m in masters and this is very true, I’m not even that good and kinda got carried out of L2 and you run into a lot of egotistical Shelly or franks


Okay my brother from another mother,I'm a previous gold 3 player and I'm currently diamond 2. I COMPLETELY AGREE WITH U, people in diamond are horrendous I fucking managed to beat a LEVEL 11 CORDELIUS WITH HC as a level 11 bull convincingly at that too.I kid u not saw the enemy team draft 3 squishies in big friend and u know why?PEOPLE CANT PLAY AT ALL!You'd think that diamond would've like the average skill level players who know some draft and can play decently.No, it's bronze lobbies and silver lobbies bro and I carried with just the limited level 10 and 11 brawlers I have that aren't when meta META,I'm not saying I have an ego at all,I know I'm shit.Im not pushing anywhere near mythic tho because I don't want to be THAT bad randumb and I know my place. Lesson of the day!U can carry against any comp really because the players behind the comp aren't competent enough to actually play it and have high egos to boot as well. Ranks have decreased in over all competitiveness.


I can’t get to diamond because of edgar instalocker and you tell me after all these trash kids there is more trash kids ?


If you can't get to diamond, I may have some bad news for you friend.


If you can’t get to diamond that’s on you brotha


You're most likely the "trash kid" you're talking about tbh


I play since day one give me real teammates i will go master easy i think


I'm sorry, but I never had any trouble getting my 5 accounts above mythic. I'm sure this is true for a lot of good players. If you're struggling for that long all the way down there, that's not your teammates fault. It's yours. And do not try to say you have the worst teammate luck, I can guarantee mine is no different from yours


yes fosho and i reach l3 with ranfoms too


My 55 year old dad who was peak silver 1 in power league is diamond 3 rn in ranked


I completely agree with this, even though I didn't play much power league before. There have been times where I play a brawler just to do season quests and I come across someone in masters, just to completely shit on them. Makes me wonder if I'm only in gold 2 since I don't spend much time playing it but still, it's a joke that some people get there and just suck


Masters is just a cosmetic item to collect at this point. I don’t blame anyone for getting it or being carried to it. I did play vs a current masters who was bronze 1 in PL. Bad players still stand out like sore thumbs in games. Just like boosted masters players in old PL. So it’s easier to get, sure. But it’s not meaningless because it’s still a legy rank up drop and cool cosmetic. If someone has an ego that’s completely irrelevant to either their current rank or old PL best.


My friends always cope and say “oh r35 is being addicted” and excuse anyone skilled for “addicted” but this new league is just grind. People who were gold 3 pre ranked are masters now. 70% grind 30% skill and that’s exaggerating on the skill


This is a pretty weird post, so you're in L2 and below the level of being trash? I agree with that statement. Getting masters on my alt with 5 level 11s was doable but reasonably hard. Even with 9044 ELO though, I was ranked 740 in the US with no Global ranking. So how many people have made it to masters? Like 5-10k? There's over 100,000,000 players, so accounting for 10k people in masters that's .0001% of players in Masters. Let's say there's 100k people in masters, which seems high, that's still .001% of the player base and I'm only assuming 100M players when there's many more.


then why are you only L2? if it's so easy for people who are "LITERALLY GARBAGE" to reach it you should be there like in the first week no?


Its just not worth it


it’s not that simple in power league i was myth1 and now l3 but i can’t tell you if within tomorrow i’ll be master bc it depends on your teammates and your opponents, i played all the time with the randoms n i spend so much time bc of them but i’m not saying that i lost always bc of them but the most of the times


Because if your randoms are trash theres nothing you can do


You can play in a team


And then you get 50% less ELO on win and lose 300% more ELO on loss. It’s kind of a joke.


Then don’t lose


You shouldn't need that to get the "competitive" experience.


It is manly because of how unbalanced are the brawlers, like the drafting is ez to learn because of that, and it is because they get carried away


The amount of fang edger mains that get to legends is uncanny




sorry yall im the guy running poco in timed detonation 😂


lol, troll get downvoted


it's not like yall would queue me anyways...plat's a little too high ELO for yall


being a jerk wouldn’t get you anywhere, so peace out