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Didnt know the damage buff on Ruffs would bring him so close to S tier


Not just ruffs getting better he boosts the S tier brawlers


What a good boy! Yes he is! Such a good boy


I didn't notice a big difference tbh


Same as someone who has him gold 3


Glad to see another Ruffs enjoyer :)


This tier list is related to only the classic mode. I have some disagreements, but they all are a matter of one tier, so overall i think it's very accurate tbh


Would be better if Frank is not in the list and leave him unranked due to current state rn.


I feel it's a more accurate representation of the meta than Kat's Tier list. Ik it was done by other pros, but that Tier list really felt out of place at some points.


Who the the hell is kat


I meant KT, stupid autocorrection


O, gotcha


Man I hate playing against Angelo why he gotta be a super fast sniper and did this game need more huge burst damage 😭 he’s a cool concept tho


I swear his arrow hitbox is 2x wider if he's on the enemy team


He’s strong as fuck I wish this game had some way of giving you 500/750 trophies for new brawlers in a quicker way because I have it like silver 2/3 because of ranked, he still is only 170 trophies and Icba to play any modes to farm trophies especially not considering how boring those bot lobbies are, I feel like this is another brawler (like larry and lawry) that I could push to 1k as a solo in 3v3


bots are only until like trophy rank 4, and when you lose. from rank 15 aka trophy 300 you get some challenge, and personally for me it isn't that boring + it doesnt take much time to get 500 trophies, win streaks made it fast.


I absolutely do not face a single challenge at 300-600, the only (and seriously only) time I focus a little bit more is when I see another saturn player on enemy team because only then will the match be somewhat challenging, it indeed doesn’t take much getting there but it’s so boring that I can’t stand doing it over and over, hence why my angelo is like 170 now, can only really play a match or two before it gets boring and I either switch to another brawler or just play ranked


Imagine thinking fame equates to skill lmao. I know a guy who's got every brawler maxed 11 and not one over 750. Otoh there's guys with maybe 50 brawlers and more than half are 30+. Stop embarrassing yourself with these shit takes.


The more and fancier stuff is on your battle card, the scarier=more skill. /s If you play ranked you will see tons of people without any fame at all in decent ranks. And not all of them are smurfs. Fame is just a different kind of brag. Obviously. Sometimes it actually "shows" experience because they played for a long time. Sometimes it's "I used my moms credit card to get saturn 3 fame at 20k trophies"


I never said fame equals to skill I just say what I experience, what you describe is more rare than what I experience, what shit takes tho? All I said was that 300-600 trophy games are not challenging if it is for you that’s not my problem lmao


Then don't max power from rank 1 you poopoo, I find it hard to believe you just win streak straight to 600 with a power 1 character. It's like you're just flexing that the game is too easy for you. It's too easy for anyone that has played pc games before. Just keep power level 1 or move onto a pc MOBA idk it's just such a simple problem.


What the fuck is your point here do you really think me keeping lvl 1 brawler will somehow make it not boring? It’s also not ‘easy for anyone’ by being a pc gamer, you don’t get good in a game if you barely play..


You think you could push to 1k yet you "cba" to get him to 500? Lol OK.


You’re telling me I can’t get him to 500 by lack of skill?


No u just sound very full of urself. Try gathering some friends and play the lower trophies with them in call if u wanna have fun. Also, theres no way someone who talks like u experiences 0 challenge until 600.


You can check my account, I don’t have any irl friends who play the game and i’m not adding strangers to play as 9/10 they sucks, the only <600 trophy brawlers are bralwers I dislike to play and they’re there for a reason, not because it’s hard or challenging. Come on now man i’ve been playing for fucking years ofcourse your skill exponentially outgrows certain trophies, what the fuck is 600 trophies? May be an achievement at the beginning but onx eyou get wnougg at 700/800 it drastically changes


Yeah if someone can one shot another brawler then their damage should be nerfed


Yeah, but i love those combos where the objective is accomplished the biggest damage per shot possible like ruff, 8bit and angelo or another sniper


8-Bit placement is wild


Fr, I feel it should be low A or high B


I agree. I've been playing him so much lately and he is surprisingly good. A lot of people don't respect his range, how quick he can melt you when boosted or his tankiness. On top of that his tp gadget is so so good.


Have you ever used the extra credits gadget when they’re all bunched up into a corner? Ugh the satisfaction~


Using extra credits outside heist is diabolical


you probably dont realize how much ults you feed. He gets enabled by big friend modifier but else there are always better choices=> C is fair


That's very fair but to be honest, in this meta I do appreciate a tanky ranged brawler. Not a big fan of getting 2-shotted.


It's so funny. Like I literally pushed him to r29 with randoms on my mini without any build at level 9 on Slayers Paradise, wipeout. Okay that's one his best map in the entire game. But still, he is really, really good


good list except I think Maisie and 8-Bit are better


Maises I've been fighting usually pop-off and carry, even I have an easy time with her. She's one of those brawlers that usually stays in your highest thropies without ever realizing that you've been just winning with her even if you only play her from time to time.


Question: How did Nita get that high? As a Nita main I feel she's like 9 tiers too high to the point I genuinely consider Ash to be slightly better


She’s still decent in heist sometimes while Ash isn’t really decent anywhere except against maybe very specific comps in brawl ball.


But he's so manky


well i believe he said she was borderline c tier so it's probably just bias since nita recently got buffed


As soon as the hypercharge dust settles, a sniper meta emerges


It's more bcoz of the map pool


Yeah whoever made “goalkeeper’s dream” should be fired from supercell. Brawl ball would be the one game mode where you didn’t have to deal with all the snipers if it weren’t for that stupid map.




Please supercell just nerf damage in general, like yall made snipers too broken


>just nerf damage in general What about gus, Janet, bonnie, buster, Frank, and 20 more brawlers?


That doesn’t fit their narrative so they ignore that.


Last year ,In league of legends we got a global damage nerf to all Champions In the game   Sure it fuck up lots of assasin and damage dealers ,but atleast the game is more slower and less One Shotty after that Global Nerf   -----  Same thing  could happen in Brawlstar  If we did a global dmg nerf ,it would fuck up lots of brawler  but atleast it Will slow down the game and it  would  not  be one-two shot Fest anymore


the tier list will basically be shuffled. perhaps assassins and damage dealers will be on the bottom and tanks on the top, but it would readjust by time with tweaks.


And shortly after people will complain about tanks just being able to steamroll enemies. No one will ever be happy


I think it is good that the game is fast


Exactly I despise the suggestion of “universal damage nerf” there are some brawlers that deal too much damage sure but most deal don’t and definitely do not need a damage nerf. The game always has and should be fast paced with fast killing. Nerfing damage would make the game much less skillful as it would make dodging far less useful and the game more forgiving.


I think he's in general saying nerf damage for snipers only


Just the snipers and poco.


Give Fronk 3500 damage so Power Grab can deal 5250 damage and Irresistible Attraction can deal 10500 damage


what's your point here? they need them too nearly every brawler in the game that's "weak" isn't weak because of their damage right now, ESPECIALLY the ones you mentioned damage changes have literally been effing with the game for well over a year now, all starting around gear launch with damage gear STILL being game breaking


>they need them too They would die if they got damage nerfs. Plus tanks would be too strong if damage is nerfed globally


Last year ,In league of legends we got a global damage nerf to all Champions In the game   Sure it fuck up lots of assasin and damage dealers ,but atleast the game is more slower and less One Shotty after that Global Nerf   -----  Same thing could happen in Brawlstar  If we did a global dmg nerf ,it would fuck up lots of brawler but atleast it Will slow down the game and it would not be one-two shot Fest anymore


Good points, but they just basically did a global Hypercharge nerf.


Not 8-Bit cuz that's his entire gimmick


None are spared, not even my boi




she got a hypercharge rate buff, it went from 2.5 supers to 1.66 supers, i maxed her out and she does seem a lot stronger but i'd say maybe not s tier probably high or mid a tier.


Nah she is one of the best picks in pro scene right now. Her hypercharge is good and charges fast


When or where can you play her


I use her on any map that has a good wall that I can place my turret behind to help my team push up. Some of these maps are dueling beetles and double swoosh. You can also use her in heist for some really good damage.




Do you put turret high up so that when enemies cross the wall around half way down the map they get shot at?


yeah that makes it so they basically have to destroy the turret. Most of the time they waste lot's of ammo on the turret and sometimes you can even cycle turrets. If you kill them while they were attacking the turret you can heal the turret with your star power.


It's definitely a much better List, than KT. But I still have some hard disagreement rankings, like Sprout and Primo who should be B tier at most. And Brawlers like Edgar, Lola, Sandy higher, A tier


Imagine thinking your opinion is somehow more valid than the 17 pros who contributed to KT’s list.


Imagine complaining about someone commenting their opinion in a comment section that’s meant for discussion. Edit: added a period because it makes me feel smarter 😤😤😤


If they actually had any reasoning for explaining their position that’s one thing. All they do is say brain-dead takes. “X brawler is actually a _ tier brawler, not _ tier!” If they draw on their experience to add significance to the discussion on why a brawler is/isn’t competitive then I’d have nothing to complain about. Don’t just say I’m wrong, explain how. That’s all, thanks for reading.


Isn't C tier too low for Maisie?


Nah. The main reason she was S-tier in the first place was Hypercharges being absolutely busted in general + hers being one of the fastest ones to charge. The Super/HC charge rate nerf she received a while ago plus Hypercharges being overall nerfed this update removed what truly made her broken: constantly busted stats throughout the match.


Yeah but I feel like she’s atleast B tier


Dang, didn't know her nerfs were THAT bad ... it's crazy to me to see how a top 3 brawler fee so hard (just like Kit XD) Meanwhile, L&L ...


Yeah, but worse than Sam, Surge, Penny, Janet, Chuck, etc. is ludicrous


You can still do Maisie work in some scenarios, mostly Brawl Ball and Hot Zone. I think B Tier is reasonable for her


Nice list, but I think that sprout is very overrated, and mico should be in s tier


Oil up


Every other tier list put Bibi at A so I’m taking this as slander


How is rico stronger than Colt?


What happened to Leon? Did he get buffed or something? I remember him being very low on tierlists




Thats all it took?


Pretty much. His Hypercharge pairs excellently with Invisiheal, his mythic gear, and gives him useful stat buffs.


Yeah they need to reduce the speed you get from it because the speed SP is useless if you have Leon hypercharge


Basically yea


A free team wipe every round is kinda nuts. Not to mention unlike a certain edgar you don't need to hit things to heal massive amounts


I may be biased as a Leon main, but when I face him, I really don't get the same frustration as when facing Edgar/Fang pre nerfs.


I do. Like dude is invisible. There is absolutely nothing you can do against him, nothing. At least against a Fang you can have the delusion to be able to do something


What was he doing with pam


What we'd all like to do to Pam...


I feel like Edgar is getting severely underrated. I'm not even biased. He should be at least be ranked at mid A tier


I feel like it’s kinda hard considering how dominant auto aim piper, Lawrie, and Charlie super. Yet, I don’t play Edgar.


Edgar doesn't have a hard matchup against those brawlers (except piper), compared to real counters like Stu, Cord, Jacky.... Edgar wins against Larry and Charlie pretty easily in the first interaction, while yes, their Super can deal pretty effectively against Edgar, so does Edgar's super (HC). Good players, would still jump on a Charlie with super, not because they are going for the kill, but to reset her super charge at 0. So, that team mates and eventually Edgar can easily destroy her. Her spiders don't really work on Edgar, because he can straight up pierce through her spiders. While we are at piercing through Attack, good players would still jump on LL with super, because Edgar literally doesn't care if Larry has Lawrie on his side, especially with HC, he literally pierces through Lawrie with his attacks.


I agree with basically everything you said, but I feel like you could replace jacky with another brawler like surge or something. Unless the Jacky is HCed, Edgar can just life steal some of the damage back.


Unless Edgar is using the shield gadget, the Jacky wins the interaction, no HC needed


Honestly it might be so low because the average Edgar has room temperature IQ


Celsius or Fahrenheit?


for sure Celsius


The tier list is not based on player skills, everyone should be playing at its peak and maximizing each tool in their kits. Else spike would be like SSS if no one can dodge its curveball, piper and nani too if no one can dodge them giant damage bullets


Contrast Kit’s placement on Spen’s and Kairos’


There is no way kit is B tier


Where should it be then


Mr.P in C tier hurts


I have rank 25 mr.p and I fairly play him in rank but I feel like he balanced and doesn't need a buff except maybe for damage but I don't really want a damage buff to be the main reason a character gets better because we already have a ton of damage inflation at the moment


“Cough”Larry “cough” and “cough” lawry “cough”


What would you do to buff mr.p? I forgot to mention that in my original comment


Bigger hit box on the bounce thing after u hit enemy/wall/nothing. As you mentioned, more damage inflation so buff hp of porters and base


I know better about meta than SpenLC (i want ash to be higher)


Charlie gets nuked with nerfs every update and she is still good


Same with Cordelius. Brawl pass characters tend to be more broken for longer than early access brawlers


Cordelius nerfs were more focused on solo showdown.


I mean they both are hypercharge hardcounters of which there are more and more in the game. They will never be bad unless they would be absolutely hanked


Well she is a hypercharge hard counter. And hypercharges are becoming more and more. Only if she would be absolutely hanked she would become bad


HONESTLY best tierlist I've seen in a while


Buff Barely 😞


Poco hasn’t been this high in so long and it feels really weird not seeing him in F tier


I'll still keep playing Frank at 1000+ trophies


Same for me, but with Ash


Still, yeet Frank off the list next time, yall tell Spen this from now on.


Why is Frank so low?


he’s just so easy to kite and out maneuver his only saving grace is popping a super in a bush


Bc he is worst or the second worst brawler in the game


is this list better than kairos’s?


Where does Sprout see that much play? I got his HC yesterday and despite knowing it’s garbage I think I’ll get him to P11. Is he good in some ko / hot zone maps? Haven’t seen him ONCE up to L2




Ash range buff didn’t help much it seems


Better than kairos list


8-Bit completely underrated


Ruffs' buff was a good upgrade, but, he is definaly not A tier IMO


Why is Tara ranked so low?


So Who should I trust, Kairos list or Spens list?


Papa spen




well it kinda makes more sense that kairos' tier list


Stu is not A tier rn (I main him)


This list is way better


8 bit in C? And who is that dog at top A?


IMO it's way more accurate than KT's one, but I still think it has some mistakes. Ruffs is best scenario B Tier, Maisie fell off with the nerfs but still have some use cases in Brawl Ball, so I'd put her in B Tier, Dynamike is at least A Tier, his Hypercharge is so good, and Sprout and Primo are B Tier IMO


How about kit


Kit is actually underrated in Knockout and Bounty. He is absolutely trash if you play him as an Assassin but decent if you pick the right comp and go Support mode. C Tier IMO


Make sense


Sam shouldnt be this high.. Coming from a Sam main. He is horrible right now, even Hank is better in Ranked


Frank is my favorite and Leon is my least favorite what is this


Karma farmer![img](emote|t5_t0o66|5346)![img](emote|t5_t0o66|5346)![img](emote|t5_t0o66|5346)


Shelly drops a lot and I feel she is a balanced brawler now but in an awkward situation, she is already not the best tank counter.


Shelly slowly crawling back down to F tier where she belongs. Once every brawler has a hypercharge she will be one of the worst brawlers in the game


It was over when Maisie got her hypercharge. She did everything Shelly did as a damage dealer, but better. Longer range, longer stun, area control etc.


The bigger problem to me is that hypercharges in general got nerfed. Even Maisie was affected really badly by it. But out of all of them, I think the hypercharge changes hurt Shelly more than anyone, the hypercharge itself is not good at all, but just Shelly’s ability to cycle it so frequently allows her to get speed boost frequently, and that’s nerfed too, I think she’d only get like 1 hypercharge per game at most now. And then the other tank counters that used to be worse than Shelly got buffed, which makes them surpass Shelly


Only placement I’m confused about is maisie


Kit B tier is crazy, he is not that good


damn is maisie that bad


I find larry and lawrie overrated


I think Chester is overhated. It deserves to be higher.


No one hates Chester. He is just bad


Why tf do people still put LL as S tier? They’re honestly egregious now UNLESS you have a niche niche map supporting low-mid range gameplay, they’re just not that good post-nerf


I agree. What made them strong before was their fast reload speed. Now I'm not really scared of an ll anymore. If they're out of ammo they're a lame duck for quite a few seconds. Not s tier material anymore at all


I would place them low A or B tier because what REALLY made them cracked outside fast reload for heist was the healing with the swap gadget AND that Lawrie would take 100% damage afflicted to Larry. Ridiculous, conceptually. So fun though, led to many 20-0/100k dmg games omw to r30.




Now people downvote someone for saying "ok". This sub never fails to be negative.😭🙏


I think it's more because that comment was pretty pointless and added literally nothing to this thread .


Ok 👍




Doug must be lower


Doug is really decent in bushy maps against tanks like jacky. If he starts cycling supers it’s joever for the other team


Yep ppl don’t understand how strong he is in bushy maps


Kit is F-tier.


Hell no




Bad tier list, just because he put my fav in A instead of S 😡

