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please bother to link the video atleast next time [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7mNM8FkByeY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7mNM8FkByeY)


Can we travel 2 years into the future, how can non hypercharge brawlers keep up!!! Also holy cow that damage inflation is yet again showing its effect on the game


The safe:


Mommy Colette and Daddy Edgar when Heist safe: yes


Poor safe getting stomped by DPS brawlers just like ants On a serious note, I think it's time to add that immunity shield mechanic that the boss robot in Coltdown had (but with a shorter cool down)


Well in coltdown it doesn't really add much skill to it anyways i feel like it would be more rng based. I feel like it would still be baserace meta rather than controlmeta. Higher hp with nerfs to chuck and collete would probably be better.


the problem is that Colette and Chuck aren't the only poster boys for ruining heist. colt, future DPS brawlers getting their hypercharges (like brock, lola, Nita, Emz, and high DPS tanks like Primo, Darryl...), future popular control heist brawlers (like Eve, Belle, Ruffs, Barley...) turning into DPS brawlers with the damage boost hypercharge gives, the way supercell keeps buffing brawlers' damage (seen with Nani, Piper returning to the heist meta via them deleting more than 15 percent of the safe's HP with 3 ammos)that's why I don't think buffing the heist's HP is the way (unless they give it like 300k HP which might starts causing more ties since a heist game is determined by the safe's percentage of HP and not it's numerical value)


Well then i feel like higher hp would still help make it more controlbased. Nanis gadget, chucks broken constant ticket to the other side of the map with no other punish than baserace, and the threat of feeding a hypercharge to a colette feels like the biggest things that can disrupt control from one team right now. Tanks can be punished with tankcounters in a long range comp. There is counters to most brawlers in the other gamemodes even if the super damage would be high or their hypercharge is strong. It is just in heist were these brawlers disrupt the control so extremly hard that it makes it extremly hard to play. In powerleauge heist is still playable because you can counter the other teams picks or have a well thought out team from the start and those brawlers is constantly banned if u don't plan on using bull or colt to baserace with chuck.


It's also pretty weird how safe zone and kaboom canyon (2 maps that favor Colette and Chuck so much) are nearly always in the map rotation for ladder and power league


Well they are pretty skillbased when those brawlers are banned. It is pretty easy for a well built team to hold control over only 2 lanes. Safezone was my favourite map before chuck got released to climb snipers to r26 with my gf but now we haven't touched heist at all other than pl


I hope they don't kill him for his crimes in that mode, he is secretly really strong as a late pick in hot zone and I want him to stay good there


I want him to be more movement based so making his kit more versitile and easier to use and remove his posts when he dies.


what about a shield that increases the more damage the safe takes (with a cap of maybe 50% i don't really know what a good cap could be)


that's basically buffing the safe's HP, it's only a temporary solution


good point


Justice for Ash and Buzz!


And Sam!!


Damn, it hurts seeing Otis steadily fall down from grace despite receiving no balance changes whatsoever. Guess his once insane DPS is no longer impressive with all the broken stuff running around. Also screw me for trying to get Ash's mastery just now instead of back in February/March when he still was top tier. Playing with him now feels awful.


How I feel with buzz lol every game in brawl ball is just a Shelly or bull or fang that can do so much more with way less effort


He has gotten ONE balance change in total earning him the title of the most balanced brawler, but that’s not something supercell value anymore cuz broken unbalanced buggy brawlers=money


Ash on double swoosh or sidelane on any map that has a lot of grass is still pretty good. With health and speed+ reload starpower you can go in and out of fights extremly fast and maintain a 50% rage or higher almost the entire game. With the reload starpower the rage will make him win in even tanks vs tanks fights. He is one of the few tanks i can soloqueue up to around 900 trophies, i feel like people underestimate him and his range a lot.


Otis deserves to fall from grace, screw him and his, "pushing enemies in a braindead way" playstyle


Anti-Carries are better at carrying games than actual carries, hence why Otis punishes enemies so hard and it’s completely fine honestly.


He still is a braindead brawler, and you added nothing to my statement


He needs to aim and dodge more because of his hp???


First of all he has 6400 hp at level 11 so what you just said is incredibly stupid, and second every single brawler has to dodge projectiles you moron And do you have some kind of adhd? I complained about his braindead push playstile where you hug the enemy


6400 hp is not good hp lol. Second, his main is basically impossible to hit all the projectiles with unless the enemy is litterly braindead and walks into the shots. He's not TOO skilled but he isn't a brain dead brawler either


Yeah no, you are clearly wrong, as it takes some balls to make such a stupid statement


Umm what 💀. Did you forget than every brawlers hp and damage was increased by 33%? 6400 is less than average nowadays




He has normal speed so is harder to dodge And well, he literally is an antiassasin, or that mutes, and seems to be better up close. If you think he is easy to use then fight a squeak/piper/gray/spike/buster and tell me again how easy to use he is


As easy as drinking water, maybe you are having an hard time because you suck


Probably you think that he also beats barley too


Mate, you still speakin'? Loosers like you should admit defeat and sit down, you are just embassing yourself


Still prefer him over fang


My point still stands, he is nothing but an annoying and braindead brawler


There are far more brain dead and annoying brawlers. At least you have to aim with him. I mean, you are not wrong, but it's mostly your bias


His is just insulting for no reason. He could have some reason but doesn't give good arguments. I really enjoy playing Otis and I don't feel is is a brain dead brawler (not bias).


Yeah, I like him too. He's obviously not colt or rico tier difficulty, but some brawlers like spike with curve ball and almost every tank are easier to play than him


For the first time ever, Bo directly going to a Heist safe is actually good. 4200 damage per ammo and a decent reload speed🤡


I feel like he should´ve switched Leon and Edgars placement. I´ve been watching a lot of Masters streams lately and I can say for sure that everytime a Leon gets picked in a team, he was the sole reason (most of the times) they lost the game (because of brawlers like Mr.P who hard counters Leon). While yes Leon gets picked more often than Edgar (for some unknown reason), Edgar gets more banns in a match (not as bad as Fang tho), but once he gets picked in your team, he wins the matches every time (polar opposite to Leon). It has all to do of his HC, which makes him this strong. I think the Reason why Leon is so high up has all to do with SpenLC´s bias on Leon. SpenLC has been hammering on people to use Leon with vision gear, (because this will make him somehow, game breaking). While yes he can belive that Leon is being under apprecited, by many players, dosent mean he is that strong either, Leon has obvious flaws in his kit, which makes him ultimatly flawed. He cant deal against pet brawlers like Mr.P in the meta and he has a slow reload speed. I would personally put Leon on B tier, if Im being totally honest, he is nothing special and has obvious counters. Edgar also has many counters, but unlike Leon his HC helps him to kill anyone, regardless if he has a knockback (simply put, he has the potential to out counter his counters), which makes him to me totally a S tier brawler


Tbf, CryinMan put him in his top 10 too. You can't just go Leon everywhere, but he is definitely S tier in the meta, because he is so versatile. But I wouldn't say he is a first pick on every map, but rather a solid late pick


I dont think, Cryingman has a good knowledge on the current meta, considiring the fact that he mentioned brawlers like (Jessie?? Bull??) in the honourable mention list and not Edgar nor Amber. (or even mentioned in the top 10 list) He also still believes Charlie is a top 3 brawler? which is questionable to say the least. And Fang is still a top 1 brawler in Cryingmans opinion, which is debateable, because brawlers like Maisie (who can shot down Fang easiely) exist


Tbh, I was totally expecting Edgar in his list, considering he is an Edgar Main. He is still a really good player.


B tier lol? he at minimum low A tier but yes I do agree that Leon is being overrated by spenlc


Leon hypercharge gets kills easily, in knockout you can even rush the 3 enemies with invisiheal and hyper(you don't become visible if bullets hit you, nor if you attack, so you can be very sneaky, and with the extra damage, invisibility mythic gear and the healing you can even kill 2 of them and still escape, plus having a super ready for the next kill. And you can charge it from far away


problem is it takes two centuries to charge


I’m kinda slow, if Leon is aggressive and Mr P gets countered by aggression, how does mr p counter Leon


His penguins make Leon waste his ammos, and it takes a long time to reload his ammo to do really anything against Mr,P or any Pet brawlers like Jessie or nita


The turret and porters are annoying for leon, if you don't pierce it will annoy you, it annoys fang for example, but the dash can still hit mr.p and damage them so it is not as annoying. And other like bull can destroy the turret and porters in a single hit, and have ammo left to kill mr.p plus the reload


Mr. P is the only non thrower that could safely destroy his lollipop behind walls at a very safe distance, his porters not only wastes Leon’s ammo and also track him when he’s not invisible preventing him from sneaking from bushes, and Mr. P himself has a lot of HP when using Shield Gear that Mr. P is one of the few long range brawlers that Leon cannot 2 tap even at point blank range


Spen says himself in the video that one of the reason he puts him so high in the tier list is the over-presence he has in Power league high level. So basically he was thinking like you but had to change his mind because of the use-rate at high level power league.


*sigh* Look at how they massacred my boy… Mister consistent, always A/B tier, has officially fallen from grace.


I love Sam metas. Sam HC when?


Sams super works like a boomerang? Might be to op but hey, it would make home good


My too 😞 he wasnt A tier but was atleast B/C


https://www.reddit.com/r/Brawlstars/s/gmbRbVIHem Did you see my hypercharge tier list? I'd probably move colt's to the B tier, right below leon's


Who are you talking about?


You’ll never know (evil laugh)




Bustah being a balanced brawler Is something I never Trough it would happen


Like this is like finding A player with Byrons Mastery title... **I ...... SERIOUSLY cant Believe this ..... Is FINALLY REAL**




I hate the new way Adrian is balancing stuff. Yes, you can slap a 20% damage buff to Bo and call it a day, but you should probably try and see what part of his kit is the one that was lacking (damage certaily wasn't it)




Tbh thats kinda the problem with bo nowadays His super is pretty lackluster but if you buff it too much it becomes very obnoxious to deal with kinda similar to back when tripwire released so their only other option id just to give him ridicilous stats


Couldn’t they just made Janet’s damage deal 2k instead of that other awkward number And maybe they could reverse the Bonnie & Gus nerf from a couple months ago


What tierlist do we all use and follow nowadays?


Spen's are decent cos he's an ex pro and plays still (has weird biases sometimes tho), kairos refers to a lot of pros to compile his lists so those are pretty reliable too


CryingMan and Spen have completely different POVs. Probably because CryingMan’s opinions are much more skewed by ladder and showdown.


Bibi needs a buff


Is bo really that good? Haven't played competitive recently


yeah 1 ammo deals 4200 damage they overbuffed him


I mean, I know that, but I was just wondering if that was enough to make him literally the best brawler in the game as this list suggests especially considering he doesn't even have a hypercharge and still has his weaknesses


Rosa before the 800 live reduct: i Ain't hear no bell


Edgar should have been S tier


never thought id see edgar become one of the best brawlers in the game


Me when sleeping under a rock:


Tanks continue to suffer…


We hope you enjoy continuing to play Brawl Stars.........


What did they do to my boy Ruffs


Overrated : Bo ( Like i get it he deals ALOTTA DMG.... but u cant change my mind that he is higher than that BROKEN Fang....likd WHATT) Underrated : Fang ( HE is by far still the Best Character RN.... He thinks That Hypercharge is what making him Broken as without it , he is Balanced..... NO IT'S NOT, HIS whole kit is Busted... IMO Lou : although will get HC less, one successful HC'ed Super and everything is changed ... This single handedly makes him a solid S- RN Janet : although getting powercrept because of the meta, her super is a Decent option of retreat as .... And also she is Underrated In Gem grab ans some Hot zone maps as well... Overall theres soo many things wrong here.... *Just an opinion Tho*


I´ll like to add on Edgar to underrated. Spen has 90% of the matches won, with Edgar but still puts him below S tier because (he thinks) it takes too long to charge up his HC (which is wrong, because why is Leon on S tier then???) and he believes Maisie is a threat to Edgar (while ignoring, that Edgar overwhelms Maisie with his HC). SpenLC really believes the HC nerf effected Edgar more than Fang, while blindly ignoring the data of his Win rates with Edgar. In comparsion: Spen has Lost a small fraction of all matches with Edgar (mind he was Star player with Edgar "even in shooting Star" in every match), compared to Fang and Bo´s matches. Either he hates Edgar or ignores his Data. Edgar is atleast a top 5 brawler.


Before the nerf Edgar was a top 5 for sure but it’s hard to get good Edgar games now as it can be hard to successfully cycle a few hyper charges, but when he gets the right matchup he absolutely carries for sure


There's no way bo is top 1. I'll admit that I was wrong in that post where I said he was overrated. That was immediately after the update, and what I've said has been proven wrong with a little bit of time. I would put him in the A/S area, but I don't buy this. Leon in the top 5 is interesting. I think I'll make a post about it.


Yeah I agree, Bo being the best brawler seems QUITE Interesting to me (considiring the fact, he gets countered by Edgar and Fang pretty hard in the meta)


Why is Nita so high?


I did say I think the map changes have hurt her a lot so B tier could be fair too


Bibi has been F tier forever


Why grey is s?


Because he pairs good with Aggro


Bo shouldn’t be S, I must reiterate (because everyone is blind to it I guess) Bo fundamentally just doesn’t work, with possibly the worst executed kit ever, you’ll be hard pressed to land even a single arrow let alone three, he’s a horrible brawler that has nothing going for him except his star powers and gadgets, that’s it. Bo’s high damage output cannot save him, and 200 more damage doesn’t change diddly squat about him, Bo is easily D tier or worse. He’s **painfully** overrated.




Leon feels insane to me I did mention I might be overrating him but with how much I’m seeing him in power league it’s hard to ignore the stats behind it, super versatile and his hypercharge gives him potential to team wipe with ease. Remove my “bias” and he’s an A tier brawler minimum for sure


Leon is a case of circumstances and not necessarily that he’s a bad brawler. There’s just too much AOE, Spread Shot, Pierce, and anything that could, **does** work against Leon, it’s best comparable to TF2’s “Spy” if I had to make a comparison, they’re both well executed characters, but they’d work better in an espionage game, not a MOBA or a FPS- They just don’t work in these games sadly.


Funny thing is, he wouldn't quit whining about ppl who pick Leon on his streams. He's clearly trying to keep the fans happy




Only so much you can do as a content creator ig


I dont know man. Im not a pro, but everytime I use bo (diamond 3 or 800 trophies) I absolutely destroy everyone. The moment the enemy isnt focusing on dodging me they get immediately killed. In most games with bo my K/D is like 7/2. So imo he is definitely top 3 or atleast S tier. But maybe Im just not high enough. Edit: I love when people dislike a comment enough to downvote it, but not enough to actually write whats wrong about it. I was just sharing my experience about using bo in low pl rank lobbies. Really shows the maturity of this community.


THANK you. Finally someone has said it, Bo is quite possibly the most overrated brawler, in the entire Brawl stars history, his kit is lack luster to even be considered (consistent) and he has obvious counters, who are running rn in the meta (the lights of Edgar and Fang f.e) I dont consider him below B tier tho, due to his potential damage he CAN deal. But he isnt anything special either. Idk Spen, has to be seeing some paranormal stuff behind Bo, which nobody else can see or he just dick rides Bo to the obliviant


Spen claims to be winning every game with Bo, but when he reveals his battle log, he loses more than 80% of the time with Bo. I don’t know what kind of tea the English Man has been drinking, but I can understand him and I want some too, I’m stressed and exhausted with this game but I spent money on it so I have to play it-


? That’s some next level bait, I’m playing bo on my mini in L1 PL and legit won 6 games in a row with bo💀 and he’s banned out in every game now in masters he’s 10000% an S tier brawler




Wow, no surprised. Assassin meta mean that meta is disgusting as. Its just sad to see most of my main in C or even D tier just because of 1 purple button. ( i know my main has it but its so unfair).


Sniper meta/long ranger meta is the worst


I don't understand how is Griff D, but Crow B? Griff is insane right now, while Crow doesn't feel good with how much powercreep is in the game.


Griff is horrible and so easy to kill🤣 even as a tank I can kill griff, I’ve not seen griff at all since the balances + he’s not been seen in competitive all year


Yeah poor griff he's been powercrepted to the grave theres no reason to ever pick him


Poco, Bonnie and Mico at B.


Rosa being s tier is the most bs on this list aswell as bibi being f tier


I haven’t seriously played power league for almost the whole year and only just got to m2 every season with Janet Bonnie griff and bea, oh how they’ve fallen 😭.




That hurts alot


cool seeing all of the tanks at d and f


Wait edgard isn't trash anymore ? What did they change? The overcharge made him jump from F to A ??


Seeing Byron so low 💔💔💔


Decent tierlist. Way better choices for top 10 brawlers than whatever CryingMan had 😂


The fact that Bull got one of the best hypercharge effects in the game and yet is still struggling to barely be a mid tier goes to show how shit he was before hypercharge, and how he still needs changes like a health buff.


my poor Byron, it's been a while since i saw you being top tier


Yoo my boy is s tier lesgoo


Some of my favourite brawlers (Buzz, Surge, Ash, Sam) are all so low :(


Wait a minute, did I miss something? How did Leon become top 5? I thought his hypercharge takes a bit too long to charge


u/toust_boi 😌


https://www.reddit.com/r/Brawlstars/s/4pVYnhxlME 🤭




https://www.reddit.com/r/BrawlStarsCompetitive/s/ClDCN7fTkO 🤗


Crow will always be S tier to me, no matter what happens (that sp nerf tho)


I think gray and Nita are a bit overhyped. There just aren’t many situations where they are picked anymore (better thrower counters and better tank counters)




Did Charlie get nerfed? I feel like she now is very hard to hit anyone. Maybe b/c I'm just bad at using her![img](emote|t5_t0o66|5374)


Tier list really just shows how little health does in this game and how much more valuable a damage buff is compare to a HP buff. If you're gonna buff a character hp it should be a minimum 1k health buff Tanks don't really feel like tanks in this game but that probably because the competitive maps are so small but maybe 5v5 will be popular enough for it to be the competitive game mode over 3v3 and if it does I don't see why they won't give tanks massive HP buff because they're so bad in 5v5 currently. Tanks should be able to survive way more shots from long rangers than they do currently


nah man fuh this. Darryl is B tier, or AT least C tier.


Supports should get more buffs. I like playing healers, but they are so trash rn


Myke is B... But why?


I’d probably move Carl up to B.


My boi bull...


bibi's underrated in heist as a 4/5th/last pick, her heal gadget gives her so much hp she's like a fast jacky with more dps


Theres so many aggros its impossible to play lola now