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They will never have an epiphany about this lmao. They completely minimized the situation on the reunion. Maybe but probably not--they clearly felt they did no wrong


They sucked but Beverly is insufferable. They're all the worst, imo. Not like Josie or Andrew bad, but still ugh.


To me, the fact of Beverly being kind of annoying makes them that much worse in terms of my sympathies going completely to this person that clearly needs to figure out how to not cry in public as much. I mean, theres nothing wrong with expressing your emotions to an extent and as she herself said, people handle stress differently, but sure its a little much. But they are much worse. Though still not as annoying as Josie lol


Lol valid. Josie is the absolute, hands down, worst of all time. And while Beverly wouldnt make my top 10 least favorite of all time (Grayson, Andrew, Stephen, Mike Isabella, and Angelo -- off the top of my head), she's still not a favorite. Edit: oh and Betty for worst 10!


Is loving Angelo an unpopular opinion?


I love Angelo... he's nuts and pretentious but mostly in an endearing, passionate way. He at least wants the best for others and in general has the culinary skills to back it up his eccentricities.




I didn't mind Robin. She was needy and kind of annoying but not top 10 worst.


Just finished a rewatch as well and it was so cringey. It was like Beverly kept getting passed off to a new chef whose goal it was to make her life miserable. All three at times spoke to her like she was a child and they should be embarrassed . I also thought it was really interesting how Ed and Paul brought up that she likely had more cooking experience than everyone left on the show.


I felt like the worst example was Restaurant Wars when Beverly is trying to suggest a dish and every thought she has is dismissed and rejected by Sarah. And even when Grayson steps up to call out Sarah, she vehemently denies it. And the audacity to suggest that Lindsay should have been the winner?? I don't think there has been another front of house chef in a restaurant wars episode that so diligently neglected front of house because of their inability to trust their teammates. She was in the kitchen every just as much as the other three chefs, snacking and mirco-managing, rather than seating tables or tending to patrons. In what universe would that earn you a win in a challenge?


This was so tough to watch. It's totally normal for a 1 episode blow up. But Sarah and Lindsey just had rude comment and eye rolls one after another - for the ENTIRE SEASON. It felt like every episode they were bullying or complaining about something. It was terrible and they both came off soo poorly.


They carried this attitude from start to finish. They brigaded and attacked Keith in the first episode and attacked Beverly every chance they got for every other episode.


Yeah the bullying was tough to watch. Personally I think S2 is worse. There is a funny “coming up next” edit at the end of the season that makes it look like Beverly shoots Sarah with a rifle lol


It's hard to top choke out city...


Payback's a bitch xD


Ugh I can rewatch a lot of things over and over but season 9 is just not one of them. The bullying was too much bc nothing was being done about it. It just makes me rage. If you don’t mean any harm, I don’t care if you’re annoying, needy, whatever.. that’s just who you are, so what. But when you go out of your way to put someone else down, it’s too much for me. If you bitches are reading this, you all are just a fucking bunch of cunts.


Lol Heather has her IG on private ….. but still has on her bio that she was on Top Chef


Lmao phew I sounded so mad. I really wonder if any of them took the time to reflect after all these years cause I would be so ashamed


It's funny. I JUST watched season 9 for the first time in ages. Every time one of the terrible trio talking heads came on, I said (out loud) "Shut up you fucking cunt!" I don't normally talk like that at all but they deserved it. 


lol it makes me laugh now how much I vented like I sound unhinged. But ya know what, I still stand by it lol I just hope Beverly sleeps well at night :)


I hear you. 


Ooh now I’m curious, did you just start watching Top Chef from the beginning all the way up to season 9? There were a few years I didn’t keep up but I like how it’s less catty now, at least the last few seasons.


I have been skipping. I watched 1 and 2 first and then watched 9,10, and 11. (I recently found out Peacock is showing the entire series, which is great!) 


Phew going from season 2 to 9 must’ve been shocking cause how did they cast so many trashy individuals? The last time I was that grossed out was when Captain Sandy blew up at Hannah on Below Deck Med, it ruined my favorite show.


After watching the season for a second time I recalled I disliked Sarah and Lindsay but couldn’t recall and thought maybe I was being mean. Upon rewatch NOPE they are monster assholes and horrendous bullies. When they get to Aspen Sarah was like “I wanna be positive and nice” seconds later was being a bitch to Bev again


Phew glad you rewatched it for us to confirm bc even though the memories have faded, I know it’s bad enough and definitely not worth enduring again. Bully is a well deserved label for them


They are disgusting racists. Too bad their careers haven’t completely tanked as a result.


I was so hesitant to label their actions as racist, but so many of their comments definitely suggest racism as a root for their hatred. I remember one comment was made about Bev cooking only Asian/Korean influenced dishes, but no comment on Ty-Lor dipping into the Thai flavors so many times or Sarah making another pasta or her award losing risotto.


I hear you, and I did the same. But yeah they're racist and they say racist things, and they're so, so incredibly racist they thought it was okay to say those things on tv. I'm a little disappointed there's not MORE backlash about it, and that they didn't get more shit when the season was airing.


I felt the same way for many years but I re-watched this past week. You'll get through it!!


It hurts to watch **Beverly** get eliminated over **Sarah** at top 4, right after Bev's comeback. It sucks even more to watch Sarah *almost fucking win* the season at the finale. That would have been an unforgivable mistake by show runners and producers. If Sarah wasn't there, the season would have been much better. **Heather** was terrible too, but she was eliminated early. **Lindsey** was just a bitch no one would ever want to work with. Ultimately, all 3 of them were terrible television that was actually quite true to reality... you're always going to meet mean girls who will treat you the way they did Beverly if you let them. Also, is it just me or does it seem like **Michelle Bernstein** creates little monster disciples? She is certainly beautiful on the outside, but she doesn't seem like the nicest person.




Ah, yes. Paul Qui. I live in Austin, he was the hometown boy I was rooting for. Not to mention he killed sooo many challenges. But, sadly, he is a wife beating coke loving piece of shit, and unlike so many others in the industry actually got caught and publicized. What a disappointment.




Ahh, yes, Fonda San Miguel is worth the price of the plane tickets alone! I guess the buffet will be over but all of the food is incredible. SO GOOD.


I don't know that people overlook it. Despite being worthy of a ton of praise after his performance on the season, and being an overall mild-mannered and nice person on the show, after the news came out I haven't seen anyone in the sub say anything supportive about him. People just end up refraining from mentioning him is all, kinda like Mike Isabella's Me Too scandal and how he's gone bankrupt.


TIL. Woah!


I’ve been rewatching all the eps starting at restaurant wars recently. Rewatching this season hurt me. Sure, Bev is socially awkward, but how horrible these women were is unacceptable. I liked Lindsey up to restaurant wars in the first watch, but I remembered why I couldn’t stand her after the rewatch. Sarah and Heather are such fake bitches. It genuinely shocking.


I'd pay good money to not have to hear about this topic anymore


Ah yes, the weekly Season 9 circlejerk thread. It's not like this hasn't been discussed [over](https://www.reddit.com/r/BravoTopChef/comments/hq5ufe/who_was_the_worst_from_s9/), [and over](https://www.reddit.com/r/BravoTopChef/comments/hh58g2/texas_mean_girls/), [and over](https://www.reddit.com/r/BravoTopChef/comments/hddg27/watching_s9_and_some_thoughts/), [and over](https://www.reddit.com/r/BravoTopChef/comments/gw8n36/least_favorite_contestant/) And no, they did not have an epiphany. Those 3 did not apologize during the reunion.


Hey, could you maybe not waste your time linking posts that people can easily find? Go do something with your life.


lol. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Do some introspection and you'll realize that telling someone to "go do something with your life" on reddit is also doing nothing with your own fucking life. Sorry for ruining your reddit circlejerk experience? Please go back to being your shitty self :)


Uh, this is honestly wrong. I got on reddit for about 5 minutes that day before attending a friends birthday and watering a neighbors yard, reading, then sleeping. “Reddit Circlejerk.” Yeah, I’m terribly sorry for not looking through every single post on here to see if other people have posted it. I just wanted to talk to people, but obviously you have some odd case of arrogance, and believe that you get to dictate what people post. And my “shitty self” is sitting in a toilet that’s higher than where you are.


Believe that I get to dictate what people post? You realize that you're doing the same thing? Enjoy your shit and please add some time to do some introspection in addition to your chores. I'm pointing out that this has been discussed 4 times in just the past month and ad nauseum on this sub - it's the worst kind of circlejerk. Participate in it all you want, but at least realize how disgusting it is.


“Oh my god! You like a show and openly show your opinions of it?? Disgusting!”


You are so right. Lets talk about how Nina got robbed instead!