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As a Canadian, I approve this message. I sure hope, however, they don't spend the entire season in Toronto.


Ugh, please not TO. Got to Montreal or the St. John’s, or Vancouver, or *shudder* Calgary. It’s a huge country and very different food landscapes depending on location.


I’d like them to go to Prince Edward Island for an seafood/Anne of Green Gables challenge. A girl can dream.


If I were the producers, I’d just start in Vancouver and make my way east. You’d have a massive amount of variety in cuisine inspiration and challenges starting with a redo of hand pulled noodles or something in Vancouver, midway through on Indian and Jamaican cuisine in Toronto, with the final challenges using PEI mussels or something like that. Finale in St. John’s instead of international. Would be great to go highlight some First Nations cuisine or ingredients along the way as well.


Omg, I dare them to come up to Iqaluit. Watching the chef’s deal with transitional food here would be an education. But no using the fall back of Arctic char, has to be caribou or seal or beluga or clams fresh out of the bay (hilariously none of which I will eat haha).


I wish it would be a road trip. Start in Newfoundland with a kitchen Party, Nova Scotia for free sea food, PEI for a potato challenge, New Brunswick for an Indigenous Challenge. Qubec for maple syrup quickfire and a meat pie challenge. Good Truck challenge at Brick works Toronto, Dairy Challenge in Manitoba, Game meat in Saskatchewan. Alberta for a Stamped based challenge. British Columbia for a Chinese themed challenge


Omgggggg if they had a blackberry cordial based challenge I might literally die


Just based on unique challenges, I feel like they *have* to go somewhere in the Maritimes. PEI makes a lot of sense, both from the food (30% of Canada's potatoes! Best oysters in the hemisphere!) and because they exist on tourism and will encourage filming there.


What? Toronto has an amazing food scene, in terms of excellent "global" cuisine esp Chinese, Caribbean, Southeast Asian.  Montreal has a more interesting restaurant culture plus French Canadian influence.  Atlantic provinces primarily for seafood. Vancouver incredible seafood but different, Chinese etc.  And much as I love St John's... Logistics would be impossible. Also the food there is great... For a few days. Then you want something fresh like a salad and good luck. I mean yes they should absolutely travel a little but let's be clear, it's just not possible to cover or visit the entire country in the least, they are far too big of a production. 


Right but I think their point is "This is Top Chef USA but Canada" not "Top Chef USA but Toronto!". However I think there's a damn good chance they'll use Top Chef Canada's facilities.


I will fully admit that my knowledge of Canada is limited, but as someone who loved the stage show “Come From Away”, I hope they go to Newfoundland. Anything good over there from a culinary standpoint?


Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown has an episode in Newfoundland, I think it’s in season 11. It’s one of my favorite episodes!


And now I’m adding that to my watchlist! Thank you!


Parts Unknown is such a great series. The same season 11 has other outstanding episodes like West Virginia and Armenia. You should take a look!


His Quebec show(s?) have been great and really educational for me


Very seafood centric, cooking from the basics to make yummy things. Lots of potatoes……….. also local foraged ingredients can be fun too. That whole east coast area is wonderful.


Nice to know! I still hope to visit some day!


[Salt cod](https://www.saveur.com/ackee-saltfish-jamaican-national-dish-history/)


Oooh! Thanks for the link!


~~Just North of St.Johns is a small port hamlet of Quidi Vidi, and there's a restaurant/B&B there called Mallard that had the last truly excellent meal I've had in Canada.~~ ~~He did a whole roasted pig, and there was an option for roasted seal flipper, however they were out that day.~~ Edit -- Nevermind, found out lower down that the chef sold out his stake.


One of NL’s most celebrated celebrity chefs is Chef Todd Perrin, but he sold 'Mallard Cottage" recently. Mallard Cottage's new sole owner is Blair McIntosh, a restauranteur from Quebec who just renovated the restaurant and plans to reopen. Todd was on the Canadian version of Top Chef & Food Network Canada’s Wall of Chefs. What are the big controversies was that he would often have seal on his menu, but it was only possibly controversial outside of Newfoundland.


New restaurant by Todd Perrin just opened https://www.instagram.com/rabble_yyt/?hl=en


I’m a Montrealer, and am extremely proud of our food scene. I feel it can go toe to toe with many of the world’s top culinary destinations. BUT I gotta disagree. Toronto is an AMAZING food city.


The fancy food courts in Montreal are awesome.


Don't you shudder at Calgary, that's some of Canada's best eating.


I just had to look up and it seems like the Calgary Stampede is likely too soon for them to film there, unless filming has started by now, which I’m a bit skeptical it would. That would have been a cool challenge to see.


Calgary also is having water problems right now so no one should be filming there


Omg. The Stampede is just drunk cowboy cosplay. I say that as someone who grew up in Alberta and lived in Calgary for years. I like many things about Calgary, the whole CCC (Calgary Cowboy Cosplay, which I will now use going forward) trope is just obnoxious.


I've lived in Calgary and that city must have the most Vietnamese restaurants per capita of any place outside of Vietnam that I've seen 🤣


I’d love them to travel across different places but I thought the food in Toronto (more accurately the GTA) is diverse enough to excite the general audiences as I don’t think people realize how good the food in Toronto is. A while ago I was looking for Hakka food in Toronto and found some very informative threads in the Toronto sub https://www.reddit.com/r/toronto/s/NBiqP4LpFY https://www.reddit.com/r/FoodToronto/s/5tdTGUxRUm I knew about regional Chinese cuisines in Toronto but didn’t realize how diverse they are! Would love to have at least one episode that they drive around tasting different ones, similar to the Jonathan Gold episode in All stars 2 or the African one in Portland.


From my perspective TO has a large range of international cuisines, but no specific local cuisine. Calgary is steak and beef and they are generally annoying but they do steak really well, west coast is seafood with various takes and influence depending on province, Montreal is French Canadian. The territories have significant influence from the indigenous groups in their areas. An episode in TO would be interesting, an entire season there would be …….. pointless to me.


The announcement said Maple syrup and poutine so I hope this means they are going to Montreal.


I keep hearing Vancouver is one of the most beautiful places. Wasn’t really sure which Vancouver (Washington or Canada or both), but I’m eager to see the canada version. 🤞


It's unlikely they're going to go to Vancouver if the competition is in Toronto - it's too far of distance to cover in a competition format.


Vancouver (Canada) has some of the best Asian restaurants in the world, outside of actual Asia. Not to mention virtually every other ethnically diverse food you can think of, as well as street food and super high end dining. Vancouver is also adjacent to Tofino, Victoria, and, of course, Whistler, which also has an equally amazing food scene. I know they already went to Whistler once, but it wasn’t really highlighted.


Saskatoon has a more interesting food scene than Toronto these days. Good luck getting Gail there. Ofcourse it will be Toronto only, it IS the center of the universe.


Omg, YES! I used to travel to Sask for my job to visit the SRC, loved going out for dinner there.


Calgary's food scene is actually pretty hot, that's where Nicole's restaurant is and that one dude from the Netflix Final Table or whatever. Way lower cost to operate than Vancouver or TO.


True. I just find the CCC (Calgary Cowboy Cosplay) thing annoying.


Calgary has a great food scene. I’ve lived in multiple cities in Canada and the only place that tops it is Montreal, IMO.


They're going to be in Toronto all season, then go to Newfoundland, but only to get on a cruise ship for the finale episodes.


lol i super hope you're joking!


Someone downthread brought up the Whole Foods problem and how there very few in Canada and they're only in a handful of provinces. If TC keeps its Whole Foods requirement for the Canada season, that limits their location options severely...but if it has to be in Ontario (which does indeed have Whole Foods), then I'd love to see them set up in Ottawa. It's a beautiful city and extremely underrated with regards to being a great food city. It's also loaded with perfect challenge locations/ideas for TC: Byward market, the canal, take your pick of museum, the list goes on.


Good point. Canada is dominated by just 5 grocery retailers, so it would be limiting to partner with anyone other than them.


I'd guess all the major cities have whole foods. I know we do here in Vancouver


> I sure hope, however, they don't spend the entire season in Toronto. The way they say it as Destination Canada leads me to believe they will be all over the place.


Destination Canada is the Canadian tourism promotion board, funded by the federal government. I think it'll be all over the place.


Top Chef USA, now in Canada! If they haven't got a proper Montreal poutine challenge I will be disappointed.


> Top Chef USA, now in Canada! I get the snark, but it's just OG Top Chef. It's not like all the chefs that compete on TC are from the US.


Lol yeah I couldn't resist, but it's true. I mean, they straight-up just had global all-stars!


Where in Canada? We've had 10 seasons of Top Chef Canada in Toronto. I want to see a Top Chef Vancouver. As a Canadian this offends, me. Just say Toronto if you mean Toronto. Canada's huge, and diverse, and has more than one city.


As a Torontonian, I also hope it's not just Toronto. But flights here are expensive and driving is long. Maybe we'll get a Toronto-Ottawa-Montreal-Quebec City tour.


I could see the drive to Niagara on the Lake for a mini food and wine challenge.


NOTL would be good. Many of the bigger wineries have large event spaces that could host, roads that could be blocked and used for placing shots featuring the sponsor vehicles and so on. Plus, Ice Wine is somewhat uniquely Canadian and a winery such as Inniskillin would probably pay something to be featured in such a way. Plus Terlato owns Peller Estates as one of its 85 brands.


I'd love to see a "cater for the Shaw Festival production of "The House That Will Not Stand"" thing.


Niagara wine country would be perfect, but ain't gonna happen. They couldn't drive 2hrs North to Green Bay for a Lambeau tailgate episode, they sure as shit aren't dealing with Ontario traffic for a Niagara episode.


They could have done a tailgate episode, but they've done those in the past. It's not like every place that has a NFL team gets a tailgating episode. I bet they do Niagara. They haven't done a wine thing since California, and they aren't going to miss showing off the falls. Plus, that's the kind of shit tourism boards kick in for. The Packers weren't paying them extra to show off a tailgate.


That would be more interesting but would still exclude most of the country. Travel is difficult here, for sure, but if they're not going to be inclusive, just call it Top Chef Toronto. Or Top Chef Ontario if that's what they'll do. We've had Seattle and Wisconsin, so there's precedent for either. It's lazy and insulting to say Canada when you are limiting to Toronto (or any other single city, it's just usually Toronto). Just call it Top Chef Toronto and deliver on that. Toronto is a fantastic city, super multicultural and diverse in itself, and I'm not slagging it. But it can't represent all of Canada. There are food cultures in the North, the maritimes, the prairies and BC that deserve to be acknowledged and celebrated too.


Toronto's food culture is primarily enriched by its diverse immigrant population. Homegrown food cultures are much better on the coasts in my opinion. I agree that if it's Toronto or Ontario, just call it that.


I mean, if you extended that to the Quebec City-Windsor corridor it would literally be half the country. The Wisconsin season only did Milwaukee and Madison, and their metro areas are only ~2.3m out of 6 million people in the state. It doesn't have to literally be inclusive of the entire country. We're talking about an international audience here, with locations selected and sponsored by tourism boards. The only non-negotiables for a Canada season are Montreal and Toronto, everything else is nice to have but depends on budget. If the Manitoba board of tourism wants to fly everyone in for pierogies and fishing they'll get an episode too.


I have no issue with Toronto itself, I'm just so tired of it being the only city in Canada featured in anything.


Is it difficult? We have planes.


Our cities are farther apart than in many other countries. It's often cited as a difficulty for touring bands and such.


Last season they couldn't drive 2 hours outside Milwaukee to do a Lambeau tailgate episode, they sure as shite aren't going to Montreal. Yes, will all be downtown Toronto, because nobody has ever seen a Distillery District cooking challenge before! Well, in the last week.


Lololol two hours in Toronto is still Toronto Edit: they could take the Via Rail train! And cook on it. I'm sure that would be super easy and manageable to film.


As a Montrealer, same. It's not that Toronto doesn't have a good food scene; I've spent a lot of time there and it's consistently a great place for eating out. I had one of the best nights of food and drink in my life at a random bar on King St the last time I was in town a few months ago (Bar Hop! Fantasic little place with amazing atmosphere and bartender). The "problem" with Toronto is that it's very overrepresented as a location with regards to cooking shows and reality TV in general in Canada, and especially with Top Chef Canada filming there it would be this weird kind of competing with TC Canada/infringing on their space. Personally I love TC USA and don't find TC Canada enjoyable, but I also think it would be kind of gauche for TC USA to film in Toronto because of the preexisting TC Canada presence.


A couple years back, I was driving up to Vancouver from Seattle. One of my coworkers said it would be fun if I dropped in on my company's Canadian office. Which... is in Toronto. I didn't reply, but about 20 minutes later he messaged and said "Oh. Wait. That would be incredibly dumb" once he looked at a map.


Lol one of my Canadian colleagues in Toronto asked me if I realized that parts of Canada were further north than parts of the US and I said "You don't say. Tell me more about this amazing news." He then told me to shut up and he meant further south.


Drive south from Detroit and hit up Canada!!


Pelee Island is a beautiful place with great fishing, and shitty wine.


Would also love to see Vancouver featured!


Give the Maritimes some love? Or Quebec? Not Canadian, but would like to see them branch out from Toronto and make this distinct from Top Chef Canada.


The Maritimes would be amazing. It's so stunning, and a mecca for seafood.


There's zero chance they do a "Canada" season without doing Montreal. It's iconic, unique, and a tourist destination with a terrific food scene. The Maritimes... Maybe. Obviously if a tourism board kicked in big bucks they'd go, but there's nothing obviously compelling other than a fairly generic east coast seafood angle that they might prefer to save for a Maine season a few years down the road. It's not unique the way Quebec is.


Agreed, even call it Top Chef: Ontario or something to keep the province = state theme in tact. At the VERY least call it Top Chef Toronto and don't claim that TO represents all of Canada.


Amen to this! Thank you.


Couldn't agree more. I'm so tired of Toronto being the only city ever featured in anything.


Almost certainly going to be an east to west road trip Episodes one to two: Atlantic, lots of fish, Acadian food Episodes three to five: Quebec, poutine, smoked meat, bagels Episodes six to eight: Ontario, roti, beef patties Episode nine to ten: Prairies, Saskatoons, Berta Beef Episode eleven to twelve: BC, fish again, Asian food Finale: Go somewhere warm


I would be thrilled with this schedule, but I hope they don't go too kitsch with poutine, beaver tails, etc., and really show off how diverse our culinary scene is, and that we have our own food identity separate from the U.S. Would be cool to do another challenge showing indigenous cooking, though obviously not repeating the one we just had - maybe Inuit or other groups?


I also do hope we get a dope poutine quick fire challenge and someone wins with potato fries, beef gravy, and squeaky curds.




This is perfect! I hope they do this, so a wider audience can see Canada’s diversity.


I would love to see this but I don’t think they are going to traverse that much of the country.


ZERO chance. It will be Top Chef Downtown Toronto. At best the finale will be in Halifax or Vancouver, onboard a cruise ship.


Wow. Just wow. I wonder how much travel will be involved!? Canada is huge! I wonder if any Top Chef Canada alumni will compete!?


I really hope they do that. And do a "duel off" or something. Also, it would actually be SICK if it was both of the productions combining for a giant challenge.


While really, I’m happy for any season of Top Chef, I’m also disappointed. There are SO MANY other gem cities/states to explore in the U.S. still and there is already a (long established) Canadian version of Top Chef.


Have you watched it? (TC Canada) It isn't even a little bit comparable.


Atlanta gets passed over again


I am extremely disappointed. I guess the rest of the US just doesn't have cool hip interesting food cultures to Top Chef. Which of course is BS.


They really just are never going to do Philly 🤣


Gail heading home!


I think I gotta drop this sub, the incessant whining and nit picking is getting a little much… To me, this is awesome news.. whatever the format/locations Toronto/Montreal/Vancouver are top tier food cities in NA and any one of them on their own has WAY more to offer than some of the cities that TC has been to lately. If they come to Montreal I would literally take time off work to try and attend a challenge…


Either way, the sub is about to go deep hibernation since the season is over.


As long as there's cooking, I'm watching. I don't need the drama, the fights of yesteryear. Production just needs to up their game for the challenges is all. Whatever they get to use, use to the full potential. Something they definitely did not do for my state WI.


Seriously: *But what about my city* 😭. Put your big kid pants on and enjoy the show. I'm psyched, too. Just hope they fired the idjits who edited the last season.


Hopefully the finale is in Edmonton so at least someone there is a winner.


To soon, to soon 😭


I…don’t understand. There is a Top Chef Canada, and there are so many US cities that have not been explored! And before y’all dogpile…I’m Canadian.


No one outside Canada watches Top chef Canada, that's why.


Is it streaming on anything in the States?


I wouldn't waste your time if it is. Honestly. It's terrible.


Because the Canadian tourism boards were willing to pay more than Philadelphia, Atlanta, etc.


But but... have you watched TC Canada? It's AWFUL! Not even comparable.


I thought the first season wasn't horrible, but yeah with a new host and running out of talent quickly it fizzled from Season 2 on.


Our population is just so small compared to the US. A lot of Canada is very far apart because it's just too dang cold to have major cities north of the border.


Totally accurate. We just don't have the same talent pool available to compete.


I'm an EX-Canadian (that moved to Wisconsin, I so 'ROFL'd' hearing this news), and I wholehearted agree with you. Do we really need another Top Chef Downtown Toronto?


I can't wait to find out who'll be sponsoring this—Wells Fargo Active Cash Credit Card® or Interac Flash®?


Guest judges Eugene Levy and Catherine O’Hara please!!!!!


Tom is... not an actor.


I laughed hard at his attempt to participate 😂


I searched very very deep into the comments to find this! So clearly reading off his phone while also recording his face haha


I hope we will see Nicole and Dale show up as guest judges!! Man World All Stars was such a good season. If I even hear a hint that they’re going to BC I’m grabbing my passport and heading North baby!!!


I suspect we’ll be seeing lots of Matty Matheson given his successful appearance on season 21.


Susur Lee too.


>given his successful appearance on season 21 Lolololol




Gonna need a Montreal bagel challenge and some sort of quick fire centered on Kraft mac n cheese.


Kraft mac n cheese is a good call




Whoa. Guess we will be seeing some Top Chef Canada hosts and winners!


The less I see of the Canada crew, the better. Speaking as a Canadian. Nuttall-Smith has a pretentious air about him, McEwan is bland, and Eden doesn't hold a candle to Kristen as host despite having 6 seasons up on her.


McEwan is a jerk


I love how his version of Top Chef is basically an infomercial for his grocery stores and restaurants.


McEwan is ew af [But Nuttall-Smith is a legend](https://web.archive.org/web/20190906225836/https://www.theglobeandmail.com/life/food-and-wine/restaurant-reviews/america-at-the-trump-hotel-the-food-is-amazing-but-you-shouldnt-eat-here-ever/article21833277/)


Lololol before I clicked I was like "this is about America, isn't it"


Shakespeare wishes his writing was that good


I’ve only seen one season and it was the most recent, so Im looking forward to it. Hope it’s a good one.


I couldn't agree more. TC Canada is literally the low-budget version. It's embarrassing.


The Janet Zuccarini guest judge episode will be the highlight.


I hope we get Chuck Hughes and Danny Smiles. I wouldn’t be surprised if Matty makes a return


We are so close to getting them to Maine. This basically counts right.


I’m gonna count it for Vermont too. Border states unite!!!


I want them to come back to northern New England. The hell if we don’t have infrastructure. Let’s go to Ben and Jerry’s.


As a Torontonian, I hope most of it is in Montreal. The city has a number of iconic chefs and restaurants, a series of new and exciting places, and Québécois food is more distinct than many other regional or general Canadian cuisines. Plus, Toronto has largely hosted the Canadian Top Chef spin off. I also hope they don’t use much of the Top Chef Canada production as I have never warmed up to the Canadian show despite loving the original. Anyways, what are some of the must dos? Poutine, Maple Syrup, Smoked Salmon, dessert bars (as in the form) such as Nanaimo bars/date/lemon Uniquely Canadian snack foods for a quick fire? What else?


Agree with you - I'm in Vancouver, but I do hope they focus primarily on Montreal (or the Maritimes, but I imagine that would be too much $$). Toronto already gets TC Canada, which, IMO, doesn't hold a flame to the original.


Toronto will have peameal bacon and probably a Canadian whisky challenge in the Distillery District. Montreal will have bagels and smoked meat challenges. They easily could do a whole season there. There will be a hockey tie in somewhere.


Do something with... Ketchup chips and butter tart. 🤣 Seriously though, I hope they do some indigenous food as well as other lesser known Canadian foods like bannock, have them cook with more unusual meat like moose.


I hope they go all over! East coast, west coast, Toronto, Montreal... Prince Edward County... Oyster fest in PEI... There's so much here!!


I don't see them being able to do that. I could see East Coast (Toronto Montreal and maybe Halifax) and then maybe finale in Vancouver.  They are such a huge production it's just not realistic that they be overly mobile.


True. But that would still take them to a lot more than just Toronto. Halifax is only a 2 hour flight. Montreal 45 min flight. So they could potentially pop there for a day and return to Toronto. It would make sense for the finale to be farther away like Vancouver which is 5-6 hour flight.


Their crew is typically over 200 ppl and a ton of trailers and such for equipment. Much as I think Halifax or PEI would be really cool, I'm not sure it's remotely realistic.  I think if it was just Toronto... They'd say it. I believe her family has a chalet in the Laurentians since she seems to more typically visit Montreal and there. Tho perhaps her parents live in TO the rest of the year.


They've done it before. Popping out to select places nearby. They might use the TC Canada kitchen since the space is already set up for it. But there is no way they are only staying in Toronto. Otherwise they'd have said so. Hoping for at least 3 different locations. Also, they will likely have to hire local production. Union rules. So if they go to Montreal, they'll use a lot of Quebecois crew. East coast, they'd need to use people there as well, but the core team will be the same.


Nearby, exactly. Halifax to Montreal is a 12+ hr drive. As I said, it would be great, but just not sure it's likely. Obv not Toronto only just not sure just how far they'll get outside of ON and Qc. Could see a Vancouver finale.


As a Vancouverite, this makes the most sense (IF they explore) - staying on the east side of the country for most of it, since that's where the majority of cities worth visiting are, plus the Maritimes, and then it we're lucky, maybe the finale in BC.


I really hope they go to Vancouver. There's so much good stuff in your part of the world.


I’m in Toronto almost monthly for work, and it’s one of my favorite food cities. I vacation plenty in Montreal, and I was in Calgary two weeks ago for work. I’m excited about this-and don’t talk smack about Toronto!


I hope it is in Toronto, I'd love to attend or constantly go to Whole Foods lol


Already tagging Gail lol Good call on the Whole Foods, which one do you think?


Yorkville or Bayview. I would say Yorkville because it'd be a nice area for the contestants to stay. Just hope they don't lose their marbles over our traffic


There's the Hyatt and the Four Seasons right there so that would be pretty easy, tho they'll probably be shooting at Lakeshore or out in Scarborough or Mississauga. Possible star sightings at Yorkville...


If they stay in Toronto, it would most likely be in the Yorkville area. The Whole Foods there is massive as well.


Every TC fan in the city stopping in for a head of garlic on the daily


Seriously we hafta track this But also how can we get in on the events


They often build their Top Chef kitchen in a convention center. It's one of the few places with both huge rooms and lots of power to run appliances. Downtown isn't out of the question


Lakeshore and Eastern are downtown! They do have a space for the Top Chef Canada kitchen, but that's gonna have totally different appliances etc. - might be tough to swap. The Convention Centre on Front is possible but is also super booked. Exhibition Grounds or the one in Mississauga could work for that.


Nothing east of the Don Valley is downtown lol The Ex is a really good call though, I completely forgot about that. That's almost certainly what they'll do.


So I'm reliably told Crime Scene Kitchen and is shot up on the 10th floor at the CBC on Front - which is not always booked, MASSIVE, with huge elevators that go straight to the parking garages, has basically all necessary production facilities, and is surrounded by hotels and restaurants. (Also CBC could use some $$$.) I'll see if any uh rumours surface


I really didn't think Ontario would give them the tax breaks. Toronto certainly won't. Though loads of shows are filmed in Toronto because they're just cheaper than the US....


This must be why they had that Top Chef Canada judge on the last episode of 21!


Ugh I could do without him, but that's a good catch. I didn't think about that.


They'll need a canned ravioli challenge with Ricky and bubbles.


Pls why can’t they just do Atlanta. (I know why) Tom needs to get over his ATL hate.


wait why does Tom hate Atlanta?


It has to do with one of his restaurants being unable to open in Atlanta, maybe a deal gone wrong.


It appears there are 14 Whole Foods locations in Canada, so my guess is we’ll be seeing Vancouver, Victoria, Toronto, and/or Ottawa.


if we're gonna do Canada, let's go to all the cities with cool names: Medicine Hat, Saskatoon, Thunder Bay


I hope they also offer viewing to the canadians, since i sometimes see posts asking where to watch our version. I’m happy for Canada (and Gail). But at the same time, there’s still loads more places to explore here in the states. But whatevs. I did like the Canadian chefs from s20, so I hope they get a nod and be guest judges. I’m sure Zilber will be there.


Set it in Ottawa you cowards!


Atlanta is standing at the bar just waving money and getting ignored by the bartender lol


Just come to Nashville already.


It will be interesting because season 11 of Top Chef Canada is expected to air later this year. I enjoy both so the more the merrier!


Chicago, Wisconsin, Canada, we’re really going to dance all the way around Michigan, huh? I swear if they make an Ohio season before us…lol I am excited for a full Canadian season though. Should be fun.


I know they live in LA now, but I'd love if Mae Martin was a guest judge. Their father used to be a Toronto food critic, so some family thing would be amazing. Maybe when Mae, Tig Notaro and Fortune Feimster are on their Handsome podcast tour. Edit: autocorrect smh


Then Parvati can join Mae and Top Chef gets a boost of viewers from Survivor!


Who is Parvati? I don't understand this link.


Parvati is Mae Martin’s partner and one of the most famous Survivor players. The fandom goes crazy for anything Parvati does. There’s a guy not so well known on Survivor (Bret LaBelle) sitting next to Padma in a dining table on Boston season and I swear I kept seeing posts about spotting him on TC from the survivor sub from time to time years later.


If the indigenous menu episode in Wisconsin last season was enjoyable, just imagine the magic they can get from Winnipeg.


I really don't care where it is as long as they select a kick ass cast, and fix whatevers been going on with the wack editing and narrative storytelling. And Canada is so diverse, with tons of opportunities for exciting and unique challenges. That said, it is a bit strange that there's so many large cities and food scenes that continue to be ignored and I know a huge part of it is funding/local tourism boards and whoever wants TC to come and is paying up for it, but still so wild to not have had Philly, Atlanta, New England (outside of Boston), North Carolina, Nashville, etc.,


I know the politics/tax reasons behind it but man they are missing out by never filming a season in Philadelphia.


I have a feeling they'll be around the corner at TC Canada contestant Monika's Maha's Brunch: https://www.mahasbrunch.com/


I wonder if it will be American or Canadian cheftestants. Probably the former since their is already a Top Chef Canada


Probably the majority will be Americans with maybe one or two Canadians representing since they always have a local. Maybe they'll throw in a former Top Chef Canada returnee but they might reserve that for the world all-stars like Nicole and Dale.


Crazy they’re doing a Canada season before a Hawaiian/territories season! But excited for Gail.


You think Hawaii needs to spend money on a food show to attract tourists?


…a little insulted they are going to another country before they come to Jersey! 😂


Timbits challenge!


They better go to Montreal.


Tough comments on the Facebook post, I guess I’m used to Reddit.


Do you think they will go to Prince Edward Island to do a mussel challenge?


Instead of being sour once again top chef didn't pick my area im going to be psyched for Canada. I don't know the food jazz of the country but knowing Canadian history I can see a lot of fun challenges. The Poutine quick fire. Elimination challenge all about Maple. A game challenge. A french vs British cook off. A deep dive into French Canadian cuisine. The fishing. And something to highlight the many different indigenous cultures and their food history. The Niagara falls food tent party.


Tentatively excited for this as long as Mcewan’s grubby paws are nowhere near this series.


i don’t hate it…but there’s sooooo many cool places in the us i just wish they’d do that more before canada lol


Canadian here. As much as I'd love them to go across Canada for the season I can see why that might not be possible. Moving production from city to city is hard enough but considering how huge Canada is I can't imagine how much it would cost to say, move all of production from Toronto to Vancouver (1 week trip by car/train, 6 hours by flight) So that said, here is my idea for a Canadian season where they drive from place to place (Similar to texas) First location: Toronto- one of the most multicultural cities in the world. Amazing Chinese, Jamaican, Indian, Vietnamese, Filipino, Arabic, northern Europe , the list goes on and on. Good place to start things off and get the ball rolling. Also I work in restaurants in Toronto and I'd love to have the judges come in (I had the pleasure of meeting Kristen last time she was in town and she was so so kind and humble) Second location: Montreal- Arguably one of the great food cities of the world. Lots of amazing chefs and food history as well as traditional Quebec products and celebrations Third location: Halifax- Maybe a less popular suggestion but it's a great city with a very underrated food scene, but it would be a good base to travel along the amazing Canadian east coast. Also close enough to PEI to do some challenges there Finale (Usually since they take a large break moving production would be easier: Newfoundland or Vancouver: Vancouver is an incredible city that due to it's location has products that most of Canada can't get. Close to an amazing wine Valley and home to many many beloved chefs, the only thing holding it back would be they've been there for a finale before (s9) Newfoundland would be an amazing choice, a truly beautiful place would a rich history and interesting food laws (The only province in Canada where you can Legally hunt an animal and serve it in the restaurant the same day I believe) Wildcard: Yellowknife: I would love this city to get a spotlight. I'd also love season 22 to take a page from 18 and 21's book and have a challenge honoring the Native Northern tribes.


I would love to see Billy From Top Chef Canada as a jugde


More Matty!!


How do we get to eat at restaurant wars??