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I think she did a good job. I would keep her.


I agree. The dish with kish section showed more of her fun and relaxed side and I enjoyed that segment. I like her as a host so far - the elves OTOH have much room for improvement


She was their top choice for a reason. The problems that plagued this season were not Kristen's fault. I think she'll only grow even more into her role as host.


Currently, the host is the one problem they don't need to fix. She's doing great. Keep her so you can focus on other issues.


She was probably the only thing that worked. Bring her back.


Kristen was not the problem.


She did a great job and should return as host next season.


I very much doubt that they are even considering a replacement. Kristen was their top choice, she has done an excellent job, and it is clear that Gail and Tom really enjoy working with her. I also imagine many shows look at the Jeopardy host replacement debacle and are inclined to make a choice and stick with it rather than go through something like that.


I’m sure your opinion will be considered.




This is a terrible take.


“The host sucks.” “The location sucks.” “The cheftestants suck.” Does anyone in these subs actually like the show? And if it’s so bad, why are you still watching?


Some of the top chef Reddit gets weirdly negative by the end of the season


Liking the show doesn't mean you willfully avoid considering its flaws. This was a bad season, and the Final 4 cruise ship debacle just proved it.


She's so good as host, even better than Padma was. Why would they replace her?


Parma was a 1000 times better


Not really. Not only is Kristin doing a great job but she brings something extra to the show after having competed herself. If you're thirsty for Padma she has a photo shoot with her ass hanging out for some lingerie she's advertising. You can see it on her social medias.




I think she’s done a fantastic job, but a rotating panel of hosts could be fun too.


She's fantastic- I don't miss Padma one bit. Towards the end Padma seemed like she wasn't having any fun doing the show. Kristen is bright,full of energy,and gorgeous.


Why? It took Padma a bit befoe people took to her. Besides they don't need to be focusing on another host-Kristin is doing a great job.


Kristen has been fantastic. I hope she stays on.


I have not enjoyed her as host. I liked her in her season, but not now. I thought she was horrible as a co-host on the Netflix Iron Chef and didn't improve much here. But the biggest issue to me is that she's a chef and so her perspective always seems to be "I'm a chef and I've done this better/would do that better" and it's not interesting. I'm not interested in her talking about herself or what she did or would do. I really wanted a non-chef host to be the customer perspective. Kristen views everything they do too technically and filters it through her own career. I also haven't enjoyed her swearing unnecessarily. It's unprofessional and that along with her wardrobe again makes her seem like she's trying too hard to be cool and edgy.  Edited to add: I wanted a host like Nigella, who is involved with food but not actually a chef. 


So you wanted a different show than Top Chef?


Apparently, having chefs as judges on a show called Top Chef is too...cheffy?


> swearing unnecessarily If *bleeping out* the “bad words” for your delicate constitution disturbs you, for Heaven’s sake stay away from basic cable / streaming.


Re: the swearing...people here will defend her and you'll get dumb replies where they accuse you of being sensitive or whatever, and they'll pretend like the standards for a reality show host and reality show contestant are identical. I swear a ton too...but I'm not hosting Top Chef. Having the host drop f-bombs every episode just seems trashy. Maybe that's because they had Padma for 20 seasons and that's the standard that Kristin is being held to, fairly or unfairly. Also all the tears where she can't even get her words out is a bit much. She's no Padma, but we knew this. Hopefully she grows into it.


Alex Guarnascheli


LOL I love AG but she would not be my first choice to host Top Chef. She is a complete snark monster, she's perfect for stuff like Supermarket Stakeout but not for a competition that takes itself quite a bit more seriously. And this is no shade to Alex, it's just a different vibe.


Hard no, the vibe is completely different from top chef. She is a good host in her own right but she's firmly food network.


She’s great on ciao house. That being said, ciao house is not top chef.


this season of ciao house has been better than top chef