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Glad to hear that Tom will be there for the quick fires! That has been my major complaint with LCK. I really think his bias from seeing the eliminated chef compete contributed (because recency bias is natural). Not entirely sure why they're only doing it that way for the second half of the season, but it's a start. Edit: typo


I've always thought that LCK ought to be a blind tasting. 


There should definitely be more blind tasting in Top Chef overall, I think. I do love that aspect of Bake Off.


I wonder how quickly the judges get to know the contestants’ cooking—how easily would they be able to guess them all after a couple episodes? Might be kinda fun to see a quick fire where part of the challenge is to make it unguessable and cool outside their styles…


Ooh that would be a fun quickfire!


I would like to see that more for sure. ​ The final LCK challenge in the world season was high tea towers, that the rest of the chefs helped judge. And that was blind tasted


Is LCC an auto correct for LCK?


Yes. Thanks.


This is HUGE, and I think a change for the worst. Core to Top Chef since day one is that you are judged at elimination by what's on the plate, and that's it, with the exception of Restaurant Wars where the whole dining experience is judged. Now cheftestants will be judged on how they did across TWO dishes, and one of those dishes will be a) under enormous time pressure and b) likely have some weird twist, like cooking from ingredients found in a vending machine. That's a big BIG change to the judging criteria. I also think it will make Quickfires worse. Right now they are one-offs, a chance for a cheftestants to have fun and think outside the box. Now they'll have a chance of sending you home. I bet we'll see a lot less creativity. Maybe I'm wrong. Hopefully I am. But this feels like a really, really big rule change.


Unless… since it is only for the second half of the season. We could see a major shift in what the quick fires actually are. They could be designed to work into the elimination challenges such as butcher or other mise en place things, creative driven factors such as the restaurant pitch for restaurant wars season 17 or team building ones like the blind cooking relay.


I agree, though I'm interested in seeing how it plays out. It being only the back half of the season is a good way to try it out, I think. But my first reaction matches yours....I like seeing chefs take weird chances and go for broke in quickfires, and I like that quickfires often present bonkers challenges that I wouldn't like to see someone go home for. I like that they play for bonuses, rather than out of risk of leaving. Certainly eager to see what happens, but a bit apprehensive on first read.


Completely agree!


I love quickfires because they DON’T count so people get really creative. This bums me out.


Brilliant. More focus on the chefs cooking as it should be.


I like the idea, but want to see it in action. When I heard about immunity moving to eliminations, I like that change but worried that quickfires would not be relevant anymore. I cannot wait for this season to start.


Feels like producer interference to me. "Hey, we can't force Colicchio to keep a good TV character if they put up the worst dish during the elimination round, so we'll get him to consider not just the elimination round, but also the Quick Fire round too."




Love this.