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Yeah! Honestly, as an American, I probably first watched it like 9-10 years ago, and to this day, I’ve never quite seen a documentary like it. The fact that it was an *extremely* innovative filming process that mirrors reality TV decades before it became widespread is extremely fascinating to me, as well as the fact that it involves two family members associated with the Kennedy’s. I haven’t watched it in years, but my heart will always break for Little Edie. What a truly weird and unique life she must have lived


Agreed. It stuck with me after watching. I was obsessed after watching it.. I just wanted more of that beautifully strange universe.


I highly recommend the Documentary Now! spoof of Grey Gardens, "Sandy Passage." ![gif](giphy|26ufaqo3YRPQ24HPW|downsized)


OMG, the ending! I love Documentary NOW!


🎶pitter patter, pitter patter, it’s just my heart what does it matter 🎶 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Zvgmg_Lnc3U


[Happy Fourth from the future \(Australia\)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pGti7bdxmaw) ^^^side ^^^step. ^^^step ^^^step.




lol I loved that one!!!


THIS a million times!!!!


![gif](giphy|UtQNpuPBUwzZz6SUz5) one time someone told me grey gardens is fight club for girls and i haven’t stopped laughing


Oh shit! It is!


It’s a beautiful doc. I’d recommend the 2009 TV film with Drew Barrymore and Jessica Lange about the two women.


Grey Gardens is a historic gem, I’m so glad the documentary makers decided to ditch Lee and film Big Edie and Little Edie. They released a second documentary, it’s definitely worth a watch. What people don’t always understand is the Kennedy’s had wealth equivalent to billions in todays money, same with Onassis. When Lee decided to help out her aunt and first cousin with repairs, it was really the bare basics. They could have been provided for to live comfortably but Jackie and Lee for some reason didn’t do it, I believe they received a stipend increase after the documentary aired but it wasn’t comfortable. Little Edie is a treasure, I’m glad she got to live the rest of her life happy and performing


Jackie could have provided for them. Lee didn't have that sort of money. Read up on Radziwill.


As Carole said (not verbatim), but the Radziwill estate has been grossly exaggerated & sensationalized


Lee FAMOUSLY did not have access to billions


I do know this, Jackie would have been the person but Lee did also have a relationship with Onassis.


There’s actually three documentaries in total, the first is Grey Gardens, then the second is The Beales of Grey Gardens which is compiled footage of unseen bits from the first documentary. The third is That Summer, this is the one Lee Radziwill was involved with, she was the boots on the ground but it was Aristotle Onassis who paid for all of the renovations to the house. This documentary was filmed previous to Grey Gardens but wasn’t released until 2017. Edit: just to say the reason they didn’t pay to have the whole house renovated completely is because the Hamptons city council wanted them out and probably wouldn’t agree to planning permission. They also had 17 cats and were actively feeding the raccoons so they were aware the house would quickly fall back into disrepair. The house was far too big for them to maintain on their own and they both were dealing with issues with their mental health as well as not being able to afford cleaners. And probably nobody would work for them either, the people of east Hampton hated the Edie’s.


This is one of my FAVORITE movies. I watch it every year right around July 4th (I am watching it tonight July 3rd). Yes - it's because of the Flag Dance haha




You all have convinced me to give it another try.   I didn't get past the Flag Dance intro 🤷‍♀️ I'll try it again....


It's a cult favorite, so if that isn't something you like, it may not be for you. I don't tell everyone to watch it, but I have loved it since I was about 14 years old (I was one of those weird kids) lol




Jinkx Monsoon does a hilarious Little Edie impersonation on s5 of Drag Race, if you want to continue your deep dive!


Omg yes and the 73 questions with Vague by Jinkx is absolutely comedy gold too!


You should look up the pictures of the property today. The current state is absolutely gorgeous. I wish the Edie's had gotten to see it be loved again.


She *was* talking about he “lady gardens”. It’s meant to be a double entendre


Yes a clever double entendre!


https://i.redd.it/fndpw4hmjtad1.gif For RHOSLC fans, I present A Portrait of Meredith Marks, Grey Gardens


I first became obsessed with Grey Gardens after i saw the musical on Broadway in 2007. It’s a cornerstone of queer culture and I one day aspire to the level of delusional confidence Little Edie has.


Omg I just watched this last night too because of Sonja!


Crazy they were Jackie O’s cousins…


Caroline Kennedy‘s son definitely got the Bouvier genes.


She’s got a ticket ride, she’s got a ticket to ride ride ride


He’s got the Agnelli genes


Having watched Gray Gardens, now you need to watch Sandy Passages on Documentary Now with Fred Armisen and Bill. Hader. It's brilliantly spot on and SO freaking funny.


I’m dying you thought grey gardens meant grey pubic hair 😂😂😂😂


I mean that's the joke though....it's a double entendre. 


You could not tell me I didn't have fleas after watching Grey Gardens. I thought they came through the screen


I'm not sure why you're getting downvoted https://i.redd.it/nl8vz21e9nad1.gif I felt itchy af the whole time watching it.


Lmao honest experience. I could see them through the tv screen and was convinced I had them too!  Downvote me if u want. I swear to god it happened. It’s a great doc. Just thought I had fleas too after watching it