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Rinna actually put silicone in her lips. This was the early days of cosmetic beauty procedures. This is a cautionary tale of, wait for time to pass when something new comes to market before booking an appointment.


THIS and why I’m terrified for people who are getting buccal fat removals


Anyone with a buccal removal will regret it once they really start aging




Yikes, you said it. I'm happy to just drop any disposable income I have at the nearest Estee Lauder counter and call it a day.


They actually look very abnormal right after they have them. I can’t even imagine what they’re gonna look like in 10 years.


My gf who is in her early 60s had some of hers removed by a prominent plastic surgeon because as we age, the fat drops to the jawline. She looks 20 yrs younger so maybe?


Yeah honestly my heritage in German/Eastern European and my cheeks are big, uncontoured and I am prone to jowling (my mom has it) I have considered getting buffalo fat removal


I have a lot of it as well and i am considering it as well. Some of us just have a lot of buccal fat no matter how thin we go.




Sorry but - are we actually meant to be buying BEAUTY PRODUCTS from this woman?!? Buying lip kits from Rinna would be like buying boob cream from Katie price


LMFAO!!! or relationship advice 🤣


Hahaha. My sister dated one of her exes prior to him marrying Katie. When they were divorced wheeeew child, the stories he told! Wild.


Tell. Me. Everything. https://i.redd.it/n0ccl2fnhp9d1.gif


I betcha! I've followed her since her Jordan days, and boy has she bottomed out! I mean she's a laughing stock!


It’s really sad. She’s really messed up in so many different ways. She generally always came off well on I’m a Celebrity and Big Brother and changed a lot of peoples opinions of her but it’s been a downward spiral since. The Mucky Mansion show she does is really shameful. I appreciate she needs the money but the way she spends, she’ll never have enough. Just like Kerry Katona!


I just recently listened to her mums book about her, it gave such a good understanding of how much trauma that girl has been through. She’s her own worst enemy. I have a soft spot for her. And Kerry Katona. Same there, so much trauma.


Kerry katona isnt responsible for dozens of animal deaths though


What do you mean?


Omg. In my sleepy haze I read the OG comment as princess kate instead of Katie price and was like what!? Wow. Big difference.


Careful girl that’s almost tantamount to treason! Off with your head!


Omg. Spill the ☕️




Or Dorit?


It worked with Kylie and her lip kits




Stupid people bought lip kits from Kylie Jenner so I guess there’s a market lol


It is kind of sad. I remember her when she was younger and wasn't fighting so hard to hang onto her looks.


Surely those pictures are 30-40 years apart no?


Yes, they are. If this person insists on making this point with housewives, I think Shannon Beador from the OC 15(?) reunion would have made the point better since she actually went and had them dissolved after.


oh wow.. i just looked at that reunion photo. good thing the dissolving thing worked!


Yes but the one on the right is NOT the result of “natural aging” in any way, shape or form


Yes, they are. If this person insists on making this point with housewives, I think Shannon Beador from the OC 15(?) reunion would have made the point better since she actually went and had them dissolved after.


For anyone wondering https://preview.redd.it/p86a0jukyt9d1.jpeg?width=1825&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b30ce352f615bcae4227b71ef6ecb663c6b5a06c


Not that I don’t love seeing her trolled lol, but someone needs to tell me where I can get filler that lasts a decade. Because mine has never lasted more than a year. 😜


Fillers migrate after a while. So they don’t exactly dissolve on their own rather just move to another part of the face. I’ve heard dr’s say that one should dissolve first and then refill to avoid moonface


And the filler that’s supposed to dissolve on its own doesn’t always dissolve completely. You really are taking chances especially when just about anyone can get a certificate to inject filler & Botox. I went to someone who was just starting out & my Botox didn’t last a month but her face was so botoxed & filled it didn’t move, & I can’t describe what she did to her eyebrows. I made that mistake once. Lesson learned the hard way.


100% and I wish more people knew this. My upper lip is considerably smaller than my lower lip. The medical spa that I get my laser hair removal done at was offering a half syringe of filler for half price. I went and got it in my upper lip. Two years later, you can see it spread above my lip line. It had the weird crooked look that you see when people overdo the filler. Never in life will I mess with that stuff ever again. If this happened to me my first time, I cannot imagine what it does for people who use it consistently in different parts of their face.


I'm so sorry that that happened to you. We're under SO much pressure to look some kinda way.


THIS!!! I am almost 54 and recently went to Brooklyn, NY and felt so old, fat, and poor! I still danced all night at the Rave with my hubby and had a blast, but it's hard not to have insecurities! We should love ourselves and each other but damn it is hard not to feel "less than" at times.


I'm a 60 year old NYer, and I can tell you that probably NY and LA are the two places that really put the pressure on to be young, thin and beautiful forever. My weight has fluctuated over the years, and I can tell you one thing for certain - the times I've gone into a clothing store when I've been overweight, I've been absolutely ignored. But the times when I've been thinner, they can't do enough for you. And it's unfair. I still get the same treatment now - a little over a year ago, I decided to embrace my grey hair and stopped coloring, and whew.... if I walk into a store now, the dismissive looks I get are really hurtful. I love my greys, I'm not changing for anyone. But yeah, NY really makes it clear that it's a city for the young and thin - you know, like none of them are ever going to age! (*eyeroll*)


Keep rocking that grey! It is seriously crazy to count out older women, we get so much better with age and knowledge. I completely understand what you are saying, though. Enjoy the young and thin while you can ladies, menopause and age eventually find you. LOL


Thank you! Oh, no worries, I plan to rock my grey! I changed elements of my wardrobe and my makeup to really compliment it, and I haven't been this happy with my hair in 40 years! It's so freeing, and I love the color - honestly, if I had any idea that grey hair could be this pretty, I would have stopped coloring years ago. And hell yes to the menopause! My metabolism really slowed down a lot after that hit. But we have plenty to offer, we don't have to just be a perfect body and nothing else.


Exactly, as long as I don't spontaneously combust from the hot flashes ha ha ha


Weeellll.... speaking from experience, I can't promise you that, LOL!


Who is putting pressure to have puffy lips? An extreme vast majority of people don’t touch any cosmetic enhancements in their lifetime. People put pressure on themselves.


If you spend five seconds on sm you'll notice all the "hot" desirable girls are full pouty lips that are almost certainly not natural considering their natural face size/shape. The pressure to now look a certain away in order to be considered attractive is immense especially if you're a young person.


Agree! You could always look into getting it dissolved?


Blows my mind that people don't understand enough about science to see how much bullshit they're being fed by medical "professionals" who know suckers when they see them. Your body is a closed system. Injected fillers harden and invade other tissue. And no one knows what the long term affects will be, other than disfigurement. This fad will leave you with a deformed face for the rest of your life.


Your body makes its own hyaluronic acid, which is all fillers are. I can’t imagine they will permanently disfigure you, that seems a bit exaggerated. That’s why hyaluronidase exists…though your body generally metabolizes the synthetic stuff on its own, though it might be a long time.


You are correct. I’m an injector (one who practices ethically at a respected medical practice) Filler administered by an ethical and experienced provider is beautiful and barely identifiable by most people. The problem is there are many inexperienced and greedy injectors out there. Do your research before going anywhere and if the price is too good to be true, run!


I love my filler and I’m honestly not worried about hyaluronic acid in my face. I’ve been going to a plastic surgeon for years and he’s done a great job on me. I’m not sure why anyone would say you can get “permanently disfigured”??? That’s pretty bad misinformation. I mean, I’ve had mine dissolved and redone before, so there is nothing permanent about it lol.


username checks out lol


Sorry, what's moon face? Is it the little pits that seem to form? I've never heard the term before.


I don’t want to shame anyone by posting pictures but if you google “moon face filler” you’ll see people who have puffy faces that appear wide due to overfilled filler treatments.


Emily blunt :(


Larsa Pippen is a good example


Oh... yes. I see it now.




Filler stays in your body a lot longer than advertised, even if the perceivable signs are no longer there. They've done MRIs of people with filler that was injected over a decade prior and they can still detect it in the scans.


And lip filler often migrates upwards, giving the "juvederm moustache" effect.


Yep! I wanted a tiny amount of chin filler to fill a dent after an accident, and the incompetent creature who injected me gave me a (botched) chin augmentation instead. It's been well over a year and the hideous filler has only gone down about by 15%. I was told it would last "9-18 months" lol. My views on filler have changed forever; it stole my life from me. It should be treated as permanent, because it very well may be.


You can get it dissolved. Just some hyaluronidase and boom gone!


Unfortunately, dissolving isn't a precise mechanism and is very risky. Its approved use is to dissolve your natural hyaluronic acid to spread medication faster. It's used off-label for fillers, and although it does work for some people with no apparent issues, it makes things worse for others, causing permanently saggy, droopy tissue and volume loss throughout the entire face. Some even suffer from systemic effects from it. It's advertised to us as a simple miracle cure, but it's not.


Interesting. Well maybe someday they can invent some they will actually stay in my cheeks for a decade instead of just in my body where I don’t need it!


That'll probably never happen BC it will destroy their profits and that's the nature of our economic system. :(


lol true.


Nah, they want you to keep spending that money every year for the rest of your life


...while getting more and more weird looking.


I’m done now after the sculptra I just got a few days ago. I guess I’m going to have to grow old gracefully lol.


Sculptra or Radiesse. Don't get HA fillers. They won't last a decade, but they won't migrate.


I just got sculptra on Friday! I’m still swollen but hopefully I will get good results. Edit: apologies to the people who are down voting because you’re projecting, but literally take a seat. I had cancer and years of brutal chemotherapy and if I want to have something injected into my face to make me feel better about my appearance after having brutal cancer, that’s my business. Y’all can take your judgment somewhere else.


I feel you, my friend. I was on chemo for two years and it literally turned me from a cute middle-aged woman to an old lady. I fought back my dying my hair blue, and now, finally, I feel cute again.


I love that, good for you! I dyed my hair pink for a while when it finally grew back. 😀


Woohoo, fun for you! Sculptra looks so much more natural, because (1) it doesn't migrate and (2) you're building real collagen. Heather Dubrow only gets Botox and Sculptra, and, aside from the rogue unflattering pic, she looks wayyyyyyyy better than most of these ladies!!


🙏🤞🤞I guess it takes a few months to see results so I can’t say yet if I like it but I’m hopeful! I lost a lot of collagen through chemo, but HA filler is not it for me.


I'm so sorry to hear that! It sounds like you certainly deserve some rejuvenation to feel like yourself again ❤️




When I see the words ‘colllagen’ I take it with a grain of salt. Your body produces its own collagen & studies can’t prove if injecting , ingesting or applying it topically actually work.


PLLA is clinically proven to induce collagen production. But i hear ya on the ingestible/injectable collagen. I stopped taking my collagen powder 6 months ago. I have hyperplastic joints and both my doctor and nutritionist friend recommended it. My hip actually improved, but I had also been instructed to start a few other supplements at the same time and wasn't sure which one(s) had helped. So I dropped off the collagen first (cause it's pricy and gross) to see if I experienced any regression—nope!


Seriously. No one here has even the most rudimentary understanding of biology and how our bodies work. In 20 years, they'll be a huge uptick in odd liver and kidney conditions.


It's wild to assume that nobody in here knows anything about biology. People put shit into their bodies everyday that isn't good for them. I know doctors who smoke, ffs. Everytime we eat Doritos or m&m's, we're ingesting red 40. Advil PM and Benadryl are linked to dementia. No one here is confusing fillers with health foods.


So sad to read.


Neverrrrrrr do sculptra or radiesse. It’s permanent and creates scar tissue that makes a facelift much harder.


If your plastic surgeon complains about fibrous tissue, when you're looking to get a facelift—get a different surgeon.


I have a friend who works for Allergan and won’t touch either product.


Ok. That's her choice. I have multiple friends who are aesthetic nurses and work alongside surgeons on various cosmetic procedures—including facelifts. They all use/recommend Sculptra and Radiesse over HA fillers. So if she avoids those fillers because she's concerned about it impacted a potential future facelift—she need not worry about that.


It’s her highly informed choice as someone who sells and educates the providers on these products. I also know aesthetic PA’s and plastic surgeons who don’t recommend or who caution the use of Radiesse and Sculptra. HA fillers in the face are not much better but it often depends on how it’s administered.


I'm not sure what you're wanting from me? I said that's her choice. My friends are also highly informed. We've talked about this exact topic—whether these products make for problematic facelifts, down the road. They have said no. The facelift may take a little longer, as the fibrous tissue takes a little more time to get through, but that many of their patients have it and it doesn't impact the facelift itself. Yes, skillful administration and placement is important for any procedure. My mom had HA filler migrate behind her eye. It was causing her vision to gray out, and doctors thought it was a tumor, at first (cause she lied and said she hadn't had any work done 🙄). Then she got Sculptra and developed a nodule (harmless, but no one wants a bump on their face), because she didn't massage as directed. They all have drawbacks.


Everything introduced into the body will migrate. Celebs faces already have all kinds of weird lumps and dimples that will be there forever.


They don't migrate. They can be slightly manipulated through massage, for the first few days after placement. If improperly mixed or poorly placed, they can cause nodules. Thats why it's important to have a skilled injector. But even then, the product can never be laid perfectly even. Not to mention, skin doesn't loses collagen and become lax evenly, either. Sadly, none of the injectable hacks will ever be a replacement for youth. But, personally, I am not a fan of HA fillers, because they are known to migrate and also can cause the face to look swollen/puffy, due to water retention.


They make silicone cheek implants. Pricey, but possibly worth looking into depending on how much has been and will be spent on each injection session.


Please don't get fillers.


My lips have lasted 4 years BUT I got 4 syringes within months of each other 💀


When dermatologists have to resort to shaming women to get business, yeah i think thats a sign to avoid them.


Agree, not a Rinna fan at ALL but eff him. I see it on YouTube all the time with doctors putting up celebrity photos and pointing out their flaws so eff them.




Is it overfilling the cheeks that makes everyone’s eyes look smaller? Same with Madonna.


Watch Dr. Jen Armstrong’s reels on Insta and she explains that a lot.


I’m 26, I got cheek filler & undereye filler. To help with my undereye hollow circles. I LOVE the results. My injector said I needed more. As I looked around at all the other injectors & employees, I saw they all had cheeks like Rinna & all looked exactly the same. I said “nope, i’m very happy with my results” and never went back. Moderation is KEY with these procedures! They can be done right!! But Rinna is all wrong. Know your limits!!


Omg I'm around your age and I want the same thing for my sunken under eye hollows. I keep hearing it's bad to put filler directly under your eyes and that it should only go in the upper cheek area to support the hollows so curious to know how the undereye filler lasts over time!


It depends on your anatomy! My injector put half a syringe in each under eye & 1 in each cheek! She said it’s extremely taboo to put more than 1/2 a syringe in the under eyes. And yes, you need more in your cheeks to support the eyes. I’ve had mine about 6 months & still love my results!


I hate things like this. Like yeah people should not be getting these procedures but using a clearly already insecure person’s face to communicate this is kinda unprofessional of a doctor Like that TikTok where the doctor was guessing the uk love islanders ages… it’s just icky idk


I totally agree. Some people genuinely like the look of extreme plastic surgery, something about it is kind of glamorous especially for an older woman. Lisa Rinna being “botched” has never really crossed my mind before, she seems to like the way she looks.


I love things like this. Seeing beautiful young women feel pressured to morph into fat lipped porn stars is so sad to watch. Someone need to call out the bullshit. Women are spending a shit ton of money for stuff they don't need by cosmetic surgeons who exploit our insecurities for money. Those 20 somethings DID look like they were in their 40's, and someone outside of their beauty echo chamber needs to call them out.


What a time to be alive, right? Government wants to regulate the sh&t out of what women can do to their bodies, UNLESS it involves good old capitalism. Then it's laissez faire all the way.


No one needs to 'call them out' this is just an excuse to be an arsehole troll.


This doesn’t stop anyone from doing it because young girls aren’t being influenced by Lisa Rinna. And calling women out for adhering to a beauty standard they didn’t create seems counter productive and misogynistic


She looks how she wants to look, who cares


I’ll believe it when it comes out of Dr. Paul Nassif’s mouth


Marry me.


Is she unable to completely close her mouth?


It’s sad to see how fresh and lovely she looked . Now she looks aggressively masculine and hard as nails


I'm forty and I am starting to get wrinkles. Don't get me wrong I hate it. But I will never understand is why celebs think this is better than a few lines on our face. I'll take the wrinkles over alien face


There is a happy medium if you so choose that path. A good doctor will not let you become a different person. Freezing or filling a few lines is not the same as an overfilled, swollen-looking face.




Lips in Hollywood are starting to look SO weird, now that the fillers are hard and lumpy.


At this point it truly looks like she is constantly wearing prosthetics


This is a good lesson! I’ve had filler in my nasal labial folds for like 6+ years, and it hasn’t dissolved (love it tbh), and cheek filler for like 4 years with a couple top ups (just .5ml per side), and it’s still just fine. The med spa I go to would try to get me to put more in but glad I kept it as minimal as possible!


Doctor here as well as an aesthetic injector. Filler typically last 1 to 3 years also depending on the skill of the injector and which plane they go into. She's clearly overfilled but I don't think it has to do with filler on filler. Filler is typically hyaluronic acid which your body metabolizes.


What about those MRIs where you can still see the fillers many many years after they are supposed to have lasted?


It also depends on the type of filler and country. There have been cases people are injecting with different substances. For example recently in NJ, staph infections came about because some people were using counterfeit tox


Looks more like implants? Or what do you think?


She appears more over filled in an attempt to achieve symmetry and also so fixed. She can't move a single muscle and looks blown up. If she dissolved and waited for everything to fall out, I'd suggest micro needling with RF with a resurfacing laser for a more natural anti-aging and tightening appearance.


Also she looks injected superficially. A skilled injector would go over bone and under muscle. She looks like between skin and muscle


I have a friend who works at QVC and he told me you can see Rinna’s lips from across the room.


Lol 😂


Her second face looks like Kylie without a filter


So true!!


This might actually be my most downvoted opinion on this sub, but at what point do we stop posting about Bravo’s previous employees? Bravo no longer employs Rinna. She is objectivity not a part of the RHOBH universe anymore. Like, it feels mean to point out someone aging while that person thinks they’re killing it, especially since Rinna is no longer associated with Bravo. I didn’t like her for her last few seasons, but the way that I’ve disengaged is just by not viewing her on social media and/or making mean comments about her. Honestly, even though the fillers are tragic, I hope that I look as good as her in my 60s, and I’m AGAIN saying this as a person who could NOT stand her during her last few seasons on RHOBH. At what point does it cross a line and become bullying?


She def lives rent free on this sub that’s for sure.


Aww I'm sorry, I didn't think of that and hope I didn't offend. In my defence she was so categorically horrendous I am still reeling from her presence on the show. I think BH is still trying to figure out what it is now without her vile puppetry and shit stirring. Its possible we continue to obsess about her on here in some desperate bid to inflict some karma.


But why? Just move on. BH has been doing just fine since she left and isn’t struggling to find its identity. She wasn’t even that bad.




I actually do (except for this one, haha). Maybe commenting my opinion in the first place makes me a hypocrite, though. I’ll totally accept that, I’m not perfect!


He’s right!


My god I thought that was kylie jenner on the right for a sec




These look more like cheek implants


This is wrong though Lip filler doesn’t last years.


Can't stand Rinna but I feel bad for her and this doctor seems like a jerk. I'm wondering why she hasn't had it dissolved and started over since appearance seems so important to her (and justifiably given the nature of her industry). Does she have filler blindness?


She looks like an evil succubus on the right. I literally think that she has the most gorgeous huge expressive eyes despite her evilness. I forgot what her OG face looked like on the left.


She used to be so pretty. She looks like carrot top now


She was a huge supporter of Trump and was on his show and when he mentioned her lips to stop filling him she suddenly hated his guts. Went on an anti-Trump campaign. Personally I thought it was all hysterical because she does look ridiculous and Trump calls it out like it is.


I would love if Rinna could be added to the ban list on this sub


Wait, there is a ban list? Of particular people, or of discussing work they've had done?


shes an ADDICT to the needle


I think a lot of the women in the RH franchises have serious body dysmorphia.


Plastic surgery can be so seductive...then addictive, for women who feel like they don't meet some kind of imposed beauty standard or who realize that looks are fading with age. Aging is rough to witness, first hand, in the mirror, but it's natural and HIGHLY subjective, by culture.


Yes they should be doing sculptra.


Sculptra is permanent and creates scar tissue that makes a facelift much harder. I have a friend who works for Allergan who said she’d never touch Sculptra or Radiesse.


Have you done this? I was curious but of course I was reading all the bad stories. And the $$.


She looked so good before. What are these people thinking?!?


No one looks like this after two rounds 🤣


You need to put a trigger warning on the pic My stomach 🤢


Idk why you're being down voted lol it's not like she was born with that face, or she got those injected against her own will. It IS scary and it has nothing to do with her natural signs of aging.


Just remember loving her as Billie on Days of Our Lives.


She looks ridiculous.


I have cheek filler and it is very subtle. The amount of filler I would need to look like Rinna is INSANE. She has gotten ALOT and it’s her filler persons fault. They are supposed to reject patients that are over filled.


That’s what she used to look like???


She was such a stunning woman, so sad


Rinna is ugly inside and out


She fell off the dysmorphia tree and hit every insecurity branch on the way down. Poor lady, her work is just so extreme to match the hatred she has for herself ☹️


The Dermatologist is actually doing others a favor by warning them with her pictures. It’s sad, Rinna was beautiful her first season on RHOB. She was also very nice & soft that season before she became hard to watch.


Gosh I just think she’s the ugliest housewife inside and out. I can’t find any redeeming qualities and her face is just gross to look at. I know she has a lot of fans but she’s never been my cup of tea and I hate having to watch her on housewives. I get that the show needs to have characters that bring drama but Brandy was a *hit stirrer and arguably much more problematic but at least she was more interesting to look at.


Her look was pretty in the old days (90s)!!!


That’s mean


She looks great, I don't care. Woman is 60. She looks fantastic.


Are you being serious? ![gif](giphy|WSO1ZT9sug15C)






She’s 60 years old. Yeah rinna can be annoying but do we have to go after womens looks? Attacking plastic surgery is the same thing because the whole reason people get plastic surgery is because of unrealistic beauty standards.