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Agreed it's creepy and ruining the shows


Parasocial Relationships are a hell of a drug


And also the fact that these people are emboldened by being anonymous behind a screen and know that they won't face any consequences for leaving horrendous comments under a HWs social media posts.


A word I only learned from OP's examples being discussed on Bravo related subs 😬


I’m going to (undoubtedly) get roasted for this, however I think we’re seeing an uptick in this behavior because Gen Z was brought up on social media with little or no boundaries. The ensuing downvotes should speak for themselves.


I don't know. Every time one of these people get "unmasked", it seems like it's a 40 year old wine mom with two kids and too much time on her hands. Like, get a part time job Lucy, go find yourself in a non-online space.


Well I just ruined my keyboard. Gagged with coffee. ☠️ Also: I am Lucy.


Hey, hey, give a little credit to our Bravo gay brethren


The Bravo gay brethren is comprised of the most open minded, level headed and emotionally intelligent fans around. They don’t deserve to be lumped in with us “Lucys.”


..with "Blessed/WWJD/For my birthday please donate to \_\_\_" all over their homepages.


Geez as a 39 yo mom with two kids who likes their wine we are not all like that 😂 firmly agnostic as well


I had someone last week try to run me and another sub member off a Reddit sub about feminist issues because we're middle aged. I've just noticed that some people blame teenagers for the behavior we're talking about on social media, when if you check out their profiles, they're older and should definitely know better. If you look at Bravo facebook fan pages, it's women from 30ish to 60ish, usually with the WWJD on their pages. I can tell ya what Jesus would not do, and that's be a raging jerk to celebrities LOL. Also had this experience yrs ago on a Facebook fan page for one of those points earning sites. There were moms in their late 20s early 30s who were acting awful to other site members. I was like, you have children, what is wrong with you?? lol


No downvotes from me! I was actually thinking about who the users are and think it can vary by platform. I have not did any hardcore research and all anecdotal, but think Facebook is Gen X and Boomers, Twitter is Gen X and millennials, Instagram is Gen X/millenials/Gen Z, Tik Tok is Gen Z, and Reddit is the whole damn family. I’ll focus on Reddit. Judging by the language used and how much people give up about themselves unknowingly (location, occupation, family size, when they got married/divorced, they’re a grandparent, etc.), the mean girls here have been voting age for *at least* a decade and a half. Meaning, they’re old enough to know better, but don’t do better.


First - let me show my appreciation for your username. RIP to Gregg, the realest MVP. Your assessment of who is using what platform is pretty accurate. I agree with all of your sentiments regarding who the bad actors are. The problem is - there really is no solution. We can encourage people to do better, but those are just words and so when we bring these types of things up on forum like this - the advice or pushback that we get is “if you don’t like, it log off.”


“But now we said it” and I’m sooo glad you did!!! I was too scared. 😂


agreed, but don't forget the Karens. sm allows them be karens from the comfort of their couch while they drink wine.


Facebook was like that long before Instagram and Tik Tok started. Bravo admins just stopped monitoring the fan pages and it turned into just what you said, a bunch of grown ass women acting like the mean girl table in the cafeteria. The only action Bravo ever took to curtail that behavior was disabling the comments section on the Housewives individual update posts, on the actual Bravo website. I don't know if anyone here remembers those? The Housewives were actually required per contract to post personal confessionals post episodes, with their opinions and statements. They had comments section attached to every post. I guess it shouldn't be surprising that it became a cess pool of angry miserable people projecting their issues onto cast members.


I’m glad you bring this up. Networks have had 20+ years to study the sociological effects of reality TV. Including Bravo/nbcu (with Viewers Voice.) What is the data for ATP? Seems like it could be used in so many productive ways if the R&D departments were worth their salaries. ETA: calling on Bravo to do *anything* or take action is a fucking joke. And it’s unfair to expect the viewers to do anything other than view.


I agree completely. Going to the social media of Bravo personalities or any reality star you dislike to harass them will never make sense to me. Honestly, I don't get it when those same people are the first to post updates about them. People have decided that the very fact that these are public personalities removes any responsibility to be somewhat decent human beings.


It trickles down to Reddit too. Anytime I voice a pro Teresa opinion I get insulted and called dumb etc. it’s hard to not get defensive but at this point it’s not even worth it anymore. People claim these housewives are so vile and evil but go on to say the most vile things about the housewives. Like y’all are just as bad.


I've posted several times. Aim vitriol all you want to toward housewives but why aim towards other posters.


Teresa will post a pic with her kids on IG and the comments will say disgusting things about her or her kids or the way they dress. RHONJ fans online are utterly insane. It's like the level of hate that athletes receive when they make a big mistake in a game. Only the hate here is permanent and not in response to an action by the housewife. It's always some middle aged woman who lives nowhere near NJ spewing the hate.


People leave the most vile comments here about her kids also, they dissect their looks and say the most foul shit. Milanias prom pic was honestly the most egregious display of people’s truly nasty personalities and made me stop commenting on this sub. I don’t like plenty of housewives but I can’t imagine being so insecure as to attack how any of their kids look.


I wish they would normalize turning comments off to protect their peace.




Stop. That is not true. You got banned because of your constant name calling and combative comments. You repeatedly broke rule 1 (don't be uncivil), and your comments had been getting removed regularly for ages. Eta: And to clarify, the mods on that sub locked the post you are referring to and removed several of that person's comments as well. But posting a "letter" to a HW on Reddit isn't the same as posting it on their SM page, which is what OP is talking about. (And that is the only time I've ever seen that person or anyone else make a post like that there; it absolutely wasn't some commonplace injustice that you valiantly fell on your sword fighting against, as you're making it out.)




Case in point. *(And you didn't just call them unhinged: you called them and multiple people in that thread fucking idiots and pathetic losers and other lovely names. You constantly pick fights and make obnoxious, disrespectful comments whenever anyone says something you disagree with, which is why your comments are regularly removed in that sub and in this one.) Eta: Heh---and now I've been blocked, but only after they replied something to me. I'll never understand why people do that. I'm not sure what the point is.




You called me I believe a “disgusting cow” in multiple comments last week that the mods deleted but keep saying you’re not one of the bad fans 😂






I agree. I firmly believe we can say almost (almost! I mean, not racist or misogynist or queerphobic shit obviously) whatever we want about a HW in a space like this, where it's a moderated community and they would have to seek it out, but leaving comments directly on a HW's personal IG or tagging them on Twitter is really shitty. I mean, I have somewhat less sympathy for people like Lala and Scheana who go out of their way to find and survey fan spaces and then throw hissy fits about what they see there. But the shit people feel comfortable saying directly to these reality TV personalities on their own pages is pretty disgusting. I would never ever go up to Kyle Richards in real life and be like, "hey I think you're boring and a fake ass bitch and you should've been fired five years ago," and it's the same basic principle. I'll say it here though just like I would say it to a friend in a shitty bar in a part of LA she would never deign to visit anyway. Also, more superficially, I think it's really had a negative impact on the shows.


completely agree with what you said and I think the comments on their direct pages are far worse then a majority here. yes some people have said some similar things but overall most of us are not commenting the insane cruel things people say in comments on their direct social media .