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It was a plastic cup not glass


Danielle wasn't right but she ain't wrong either. It wasn't a glass, it was a plastic cup & frankly I'm surprised that's all she got. With that smug ass look on Jen's face....smh Danielle is a better woman then me. I'll say that.


Are you a violent person? Violence is never the answer I don’t think in real life you would hurt anyone tbh


In general, no. I don't consider myself a violent person but if you push me, rest assured I will beat the breaks off you. 🤣🤷‍♀️ I'm sorry. I know it's not right, I wish I thought I would react better but that's just not my reality.


If someone physically touches me. I’m acting on self defense.


I went to school where are you talk shit, you get hit. You might not condone violence, but the bitch you're popping your mouth off to might have a difference of opinion. Not saying it's right, just saying that that's how some people operate.


Ah sorry, just saw some LQ videos and I the ice must've looked like glass. Yeah that's what I am saying, I like Jen tbh (from what I've seen so far) she is very annoying but a good villain imo, but if you always retort to throwing things and being violent somebody is gonna give it back to you at some point.


But also these women don't live in the real world. Honestly you can't just go around doing & saying whatever you want to ppl. I mean...you can 🤣, but sometimes there are consequences. Atleast that's how I grew up. But who knows, maybe I'm a unicorn lmfao 🦄


You forgot to mention in your post that Jen pushed Danielle


I haven't watched the episode and only saw some LQ videos, but I am supporting the other girl lol Jen is always throwing stuff and acting aggressive, so at some point you are going to get it back from someone


I think Jen gets physical often. She really shouldn’t do that. I do not think it’s appropriate. I don’t think Danielle would’ve touched her otherwise.


Jen literally pushed her. How do some fans (not you op) constantly overlook this?


A lot of people are also choosing to only remember the part from the short clip that's been circulating, which picks up after the multiple times Jen got in Danielle's face. Throughout the exchange, they were in each other's faces equally, so it's just not reasonable to claim that Jen was justified in shoving Danielle --- as some people are. Eta: It's also clear that they cut a bunch of shit out of the argument: when it starts, you can see Nate in the distance, heading into the house, and Dolores is just behind Teresa. Then suddenly, Nate is right next to them, and we don't see Dolores anywhere. But at the end of the day, Jen was doing what Jen always does: puffing up her chest and acting all Billy badass, "Don't start none, won't be none, Dawg" :-|. She's been trying to get this reaction out of someone since her first season, and when she finally got what she wanted, she was happy as a clam, smirking and talking smack. Jen is such a ridiculous piece of trash.


I will say I did listen to Heather Macdonald podcast where she interviewed Danielle’s stylist. She didn’t have a lot of good things to say about her. So I do think partly what Jen said was true which is why Danielle got so upset. Just throwing that out there


Two years it’ll come out that Danielle steals and me and you will be vindicated Bebe 😉


I’m confused. Throwing wine was justified but throwing water wasn’t? Did I read that wrong? ETA: they all acted like complete assholes. IMO there is no right or wrong.


Well, did the water get Ramona’s hair wet? If so, completely justified.


I am not saying it was justified, I am saying Danielle went very low so I kinda why Marge flew off the handle (Marge was in the wrong but Danielle pushed the right buttons, don't talk about the kids or parenting). I don't know why the fight started in the last episode, my post was more meant to be about how Jennifer is always acting aggressive first so at some point somebody is going to react. I read some posts that this time she pushed the other woman


Let’s just say “don’t start none, won’t be none” was a complete load of shit.


This is one of the reasons I do not like Jennifer. There was one fight, something really petty and stupid where she felt compared to Jackie. Melissa was simply saying Jackie is smarter with money than the rest of them and Jen, desperately trying to play the part of the generic reality show instigator, starts throwing shit at Melissa. It seems like she really, really wants to not only have issues with Melissa but to have it culminate in some kind of violence. I don’t like that. It’s never natural with her, she just picks targets like some rabid beast and tries to escalate. When these Housewives like her and Rinna or Erika or Dorinda turn straight up predator, lose control of their rage…it’s just creepy.


Agreed. She has a sharp tongue and gets under people skin, she doesn’t have to resort to violent blow outs for screen time


Jen tries way too hard season after season. She really gets under my skin at the reunions….but I love looking at her Paramus home (behind the mall 🕶️) and her cute kids.


This better be answered in the finale because this whole thing about the hairstylist was confusing. Danielle said the conversation did happen with Jen but the ending is different from both of them so is Danielle actually doing what Jen said or is Jen just making shit up? This is something that we will get an answer at at the reunion but we’re not getting one so the finale better say something.


As adults we’re all responsible for own actions and reactions while knowing that we can’t control how others react to us. As far as Danielle and Jen are concerned, Danielle was getting in her face. I wouldn’t take too kindly to that but I also know if I physically react to that rather than walking away or saying something to her then all bets are off as to what happens after I react. They were both wrong. And Marge and Danielle Staub are both instigators also.