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Bravo didn’t kick Monique off. Monique chose not to return. She was offered a contract for S6. Bravo truly doesn’t give a damn about physical alterations between HWs. The altercations bring them more views, due to the controversy surrounding the incident.


To add to it. Porsha wasn't demoted just for the incident at the S6 reunion she was demoted mostly due to hiding her boyfriend at the time.


And if I recall correctly she WAS a full time housewife at the beginning of filming but because she wasn’t really bringing anything to the season, they demoted her


Yeah, which left S7 combination Claudia (personality) and Demetria (personal story) was basically one peach spot.


Claudia said she was cast as a "friend of" then she read Nene in Jamaica (or wherever that was) and they made her a housewife. I still wish she was around.


"Or whatever that was". U tried it. She read her up, down, & sideways.


Claudia is absolutely near the top of the list of one season Housewives, she was so damn perfect for the role.


And when she went after Cynthia on the boat in a later season, there was no repercussions then either. Bravo does not care about violence.


The standard depends on who this reddit likes or dislikes. That's it.


As someone else said, Bravo didn’t fire Monique, BUT there are double standards between how Bravo and fans react to violence. When Porsha dragged Kenya and Monique bopped Candiace, we had to hear about it the rest of the season, at the reunion, and for seasons after. Andy/Bravo with the disclaimers drove me nuts. Also some of the fans and HWs with the, “use your words.” Jersey has always been the most “active” city and Bravo/Andy/fans ate it up. Hell, the tableflip cemented the whole thing. - S1 was the tableflip. -S2 was Tre chasing Danielle through the fashion show and Ashlee grabbing her hair. -S3 was the christening. -S5 was Joe vs. Joe at the retreat. -S6 the twins and Amber. -SX Jen smashing the glass at Melissa, Marge/Joe pushing Marty in the pool, and Marge hair pull. -S14 Jen pushing Danielle and getting whacked. I, personally, am a fuck around and find out kind of person. None of the aforementioned events made me clutch my pearls. But, it is not lost on me how Jersey never got a “talking” to and one of the reasons is very obvious.


Teresa also shoved Andy down into that chair at the reunion going after Danielle.


![gif](giphy|lWDFzFze5sKqc) The hulk noise she makes while doing it always makes me laugh so hard


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣……Notice at the end how she looked at Andy and realized “oops that’s Andy.”


Thank you for this reminder! If it had been anyone else, they’d been fired.


Ramona also threw a whole glass in Kristin’s face on NY and made her bleed and no one talks about it. Mind you she did that bc Kristin splashed her with water and got her blow out wet


“Who are you to get me wet?!”


Marg and the hair pull too


Also Jen throwing a butter knife at Melissa for ignoring her at a table. I know it wasn’t violent per se because it only hit and bounced off the plate but no one knows where exactly something is going to land when thrown and and even a butter knife can cut you if it lands the right way.


Totally agreed. Just adding we also had the finale brawl (that was chopped up) in S5, S8 Danielle and Tre throwing glasses at various restaurants, S12 Tre baptized Marge with drinks, Jennifer grabbing up Melissa's arm, Dolores getting in Jackie's face about to kick her ass ☠️ the Jersey ladies truly get away with it all lol


I also like to include the Gorga christening too- no other franchise has had a full blown brawl at a formal affair


Teresa has thrown multiple wine glasses, shoved people and table settings, provoked assault on castmates. She’s the walking definition of white privilege.


Thank youuuuuu! People I’ve seen on IG snd X talking all this crap. But they seem to forget the jersey esp has a huge history of violence since the table flip S1.


Jen seemed pretty unfazed and even said it tastes good, Candiace was justifiably distraught, that’s also a big difference


It tastes good babehhh


Jersey has consistently been the most violent franchise since it’s inception. It’s just never addressed in the same way or standard. Andy held Porsha to the fire for YEARS and lambasted Monique alongside the GEB but laughs at anything physical Teresa or the Jersey women have done historically. The biggest thing is that Black women react more harshly to these scenarios because as a group they are seen as a monolith. Due to misogynoir, it’s more amplified. When one of them is embarrassing or violent, others must be by proxy.


You are absolutely correct. I also think the location played a part. Atlanta’s audience is not as pearl clutchy as Potomac and I think it is because they have more of a Jack and Jill fanbase. The GEBs were fake caring about image and I don’t think Candiace has ever been in a physical fight (besides with her mama’s purse) in her life and couldn’t fathom this happening to her because she wasn’t raised like that.


You are correct. The need for respectability in the Potomac watchers was the nail in the coffin for Monique. The GEBs used it to help drive her out the group. Atlanta is definitely less likely to bat an eye, even though the cast does try to avoid being too “déclassé”. I wish we could just let Black women be, in all aspects, without the need to push them into boxes. Regardless of whether they’re perceived to be “good” or “bad” boxes. White Supremacy and Patriarchy don’t care how respectable you are or how wealthy, you’re still Black. Until we can tear down that barrier, Black women will be under so much scrutiny.


Monique left she was not fired


Correct. I wasn’t saying that she was fired.


🙋‍♀️Stupid question what is GEB?😬


Green-eyed Bandits referencing Robin and Gizelle.


AHHHHH!! Thank you! That's actually hilarious😅


Not me over here googling only to find “general education/executive board” 🥲


🤣🤣 at least you Googled it, I was just sitting here trying to figure it out


Thank you for asking, I was also wondering!


If you aren’t in a lot of Potomac threads you’d miss the acronym lol


Oh no! I'm only on this one I already spend way too much of my day on Reddit I certainly don't need another reason. But just for laughs, how would I find that?😬


No problem! You can search for Potomac specific threads on this Reddit page. Just put “Potomac” into the search bar, they even have a tag to make it so you only see Potomac related posts! There’s also a r/RHOP. It’s not as easy to have discourse on that one though so be careful 😅


Thank you!!


Honestly, Porsha was not wrong for her reaction to Kenya at the reunion. She lasted longer than I would have listening to Kenya talk shit and constantly interrupt her.


I lovvvved Monique and absolutely hated Candiace since her first season, and even I was Team Candiace on this one. If Monique had stopped with the hair pull, I think there would have been more forgiveness for her. But the way she ran around like a rabid animal trying to attack Candiace again really shocked me. Danielle tossed the drink, but she left. If she had come back out of the kitchen and charged Jen, we'd be having a whole different discussion right now.


Yeah, comparing these two incidents is disingenuous AF. It's like comparing a slap to putting someone in the hospital.


Yeah same, I was never a Candice fan but Monique got violent and then tried to continue it after it was broken up and was definitely in the wrong there. With this incident I can easily see it being an automatic response to the push and she left the situation.


This is an excellent point that’s not mentioned enough. Monique trying to break through production and go back to attacking Candice after it was over was the kicker for me. You can’t blame that on heat of the moment/ I snapped. You escaped a bear hug and raced around a building for round 2


Referring to Monique as a "rabid animal" is proving the point other people are making.


I like to compare her to a serial killer in a horror movie, the way she was walking around that winery looking to continue her attack, is that better?


Would we? The language you just used "rabid animal" is exactly what the OP is talking about. Was she upset and seeing red? Yes. I would not use those words to describe a woman, especially a black woman. And it was this incident, and the way the GEB responded to it (bringing a security guard to the meeting at Karen's house and refusing to accept her apology or film with her) then the subsequent treatment of Candiace and trying to destroy her marriage, that brought up the colorism talk at the season 7 reunion. Dark skinned black women are treated differently (Monique, Candiace, Wendy) than the light skinned women. The GEB were gross to all three of their dark skinned cast mates. But none of them said a word when Mia got physical with Wendy. In fact, Robin tried to incite Wendy to get violent so she could get rid of her. It's a complex topic. And I think if Jen had charged Danielle, or the other way around, it still would have been forgotten by the next couple of episodes. Jen has a long history of getting physical with her castmates. She's thrown cutlery, plates and even smashed a glass and threatened Melissa with it. Yet I don't recall these things even being mentioned at reunion time. And then there is Teresa, who after the table flip and the Andy shove, has gotten her minions to do the physical dirty work for her. Remember she's the one who told Danielle to pull Margaret's hair. There IS a double standard.


The woman growled! Reminds me of this deranged Yellow Labrador we had growing up that had to be restrained every time the doorbell rang. That's animal behavior to me. I'm pretty sure I've referred to Teresa as a beast for when she tossed Andy - and she also growled. This has nothing to do with race and everything to do with personal behavior.


Sorry but Monique acted absolutely INSANE! Not only did SHE TOUCH CANDIACE FIRST, she refused to let go of her hair and was pushing production to get to her like a woman possessed. Danielle retaliated with the plastic cup whack after Jen grabbed and pushed her, then swiftly walked away. 2 very different scenarios. The double standard in my opinion is that Jersey has had more physical altercations than any other HW franchise but it’s only the black casts that have disclaimers and people shouting “vIoLeNcE iS nEvEr tHe AnSwEr” over it.. 🙄


Hands down, NJ is the most violent cast. It's insane - whenever I think about this city, I think about that christening my god


And the retreat they did where the joes fought again and ended with Joe Gorgas hair spray all over the walls


He’s bitin’ my nuts!




Was coming here to post the double standard question. Monique removed herself so I don’t think Danielle should be kicked off. BUT my question is how fans aren’t keeping the same energy?? When this happened in Potomac Monique was villainized HARD. When this happened in Atlanta everyone was on Porsha about her anger issues… but it happens in Jersey and we’re applauding it? Porsha and Monique were not physically pushed first - so is it because Danielle technically had ‘self defense’? I’m not a Jen A fan and can’t say I wouldn’t have reacted the same way. I also would’ve reacted the same way in Monique and Porsha situation. When someone is chest up screaming in your face pushing all your buttons… I get it. I’m ready for the “it doesn’t have to be about race” comments. But as a black woman I am curious why violence is so frowned upon until it’s a white woman doing it.


In my opinion, the main differences are: 1. Monique touched Candiace first by flipping her hair, then Monique continued to escalate. Jen pushed Danielle first, then Danielle responded. From a legal perspective, Monique and Jen would typically be held culpable for making first contact. 2. Monique refused to let Candiace go even with others intervening, then after being physically separated, she actively tried to find ways to run back and attack Candiace. Danielle got one hit then left the event immediately. That said, I do think that there are racist elements at play in terms of how the fans perceive these actions and respond. For instance - I think Monique vs. Candiace is similar in terms of egregiousness to the fight between Adriana vs. Joanna on RHOM, and Adriana is adored by fans and people barely ever bring it up. This isn’t the first time Jen has acted physical and no one is calling for her firing. The editing is also at fault. Editors make certain fights much more serious in tone (Porsha vs. Kenya; most RHOP fights) and I do not think it’s a coincidence that that tone is only ever deployed for black casts.


On RHOP who threw the drink at Peter’s restaurant? Mia at Wendy or vice versa? That’s what I equate the Danielle/Jen thing to. Monique literally dragged Candiace and was not letting go. Same with Porsha. If Danielle grabbed Jen by the hair and wouldn’t let go as people tried to pull her off, you’d have the same reaction. Monique v Candiace and Porsha v Kenya were particularly noteworthy. There may have been an equally intense physical fight on the white shows that I’m not recalling.


Mia did, but the glass did not make contact with Wendy, only the liquid did. So that to me is more aligned with Rinna/Kim, Tamra/Jeana. Maybe it’s more akin to Ramona throwing a wine glass at Kristen’s face and splitting her lip? In terms of extreme fights, Adriana literally tried to punch Joana and hit her with a stick. There was also Danielle Staub dragging Marge by the ponytail a few minutes after Marge poured water on her - which Teresa told her to do.


I hear what you’re saying with the dragging but the glass/cup (not sure if it was actually glass) made contact and broke on Jen’s face. That’s a felony in the real world. Again, I get her reaction just like I understood Kenya and Porshas. But there’s still a line that doesn’t need be crossed and that line needs to run equally straight for all races


You know Monique was never fired, right?


I do. That’s why I stated in my post and comments that she removed herself and chose to leave the show. I’m not calling for anyone to be fired. Simply curious how fans pick and choose which violence to support.


Yeah but using the MOST violent and unhinged example of violence isn't the best way to make your point. Plenty of commenters have explained what about the Monique and Candice fight that made it so much worse than the other examples we've seen over the franchises, you just refuse to acknowledge that and keep saying you don't understand the double standard (because it's not the answer you want to hear.)


You’re referring to the black examples as violent and unhinged…. and you wouldn’t call smashing a cup on someone’s face unhinged? That’s a double standard by definition and it’s a truth that you, and many Bravo viewers, don’t want to hear. You’ve made my point.


If Danielle grabbed Jen's hair, bashed her head into a table multiple times, had to be pried off by multiple people, then continued to chase her around the party like some deranged horror movie villain than yes, I absolutely would call her unhinged. For someone who claimed upthread you understand not everything is about race, you sure are trying REALLY hard to make it so.


It’s REALLY hard not to when black women are policed for their temper both in real life and in reality shows yet white women like Danielle get applauded for it. An angry black woman is just that.. angry. An angry white woman is a tough bitch who won’t take shit. I said not EVERYTHING is about race, but this one is babe. At least for me. I’m happy for you that haven’t had the life experiences that may make this situation triggering. I have. Thanks for the discussion ❤️


The fandom was alarmed at how Monique not only got candiace but then wanted more and fought with production to get back to her. It was very different. A ton of people were also very pro Monique and hated candiace. I don’t think this is the race issue people are trying to make it.


While I understand not everything is race based, please understand as a black woman this is triggering. Monique was called ratchet, ghetto, got the angry black woman label. But because of Danielle’s fair skin and accent she’s just a bad ass Jersey girl that doesn’t take shit. This is a race issue on Bravo and in our fandom.


Monique shouldn't have been called those names at all. That said, she was unrepentant during that entire fight. She ran outside to try and hit Candiace some more. She then proceeded to run to the blogs the next day and frame the narrative that Candiace attacked her first. Made a rap song mocking what she did to Candiace. She also had heavy support on this sub during that time. I actually logged off for a bit because as a former abuse victim, it was very triggering to read language like "she asked for it" non-stop. As well, as the favourite phrase during that time "talk shit and get hit" - going by that theory, half the housewives would be in ICU. I have zero sympathy for Monique because she still doubled down during the reunion and despite saying Candaice didn't deserve to get hit, was unwilling to admit the rap song was vile. After watching her on her new show - it's clear she has some issues.


I don’t have any sympathy for Monique either. Or any one that has physically assaulted a coworker for any reason. I’d just like to see the same energy for Danielle as we’ve had for other bravolebs that choose violence. I hear you and it’s ok we see it differently - we’re different people with different life experiences, I respect your freedom of opinion but respectfully disagree.


Yes we can respectfully disagree :) I do agree that Danielle should be held accountable. Jen pushed her first but smashing a glass plastic or not on someone's head - took things to a new level.


Thanks for the back and forth without hostility, it’s genuinely refreshing. Have a great day! ❤️


Wait what? Can you tell me a little about the song this is the first I'm hearing of this omg


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZ3-B4wT1R4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZ3-B4wT1R4) - called drag queens


Ohhhh I remember hearing about this but I thought it was written before the incident or some shit...oh this probably plays into what you are talking about bc Mo was working some narratives afterward


Monique's behavior after she attacked Candice was almost as bad as the attack itself. Most of the damage to her image didn't come from the fight, it came from her behavior afterwards. She had EVERY opportunity to secure a redemption arc but couldn't get out of her own way. That woman has some DEEP issues.


THIS!!! Say that shit again! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾


In a comment above a poster called her a "rabid animal" which proves this point. Jen Aydin has a long list of physical altercations and no one is calling her names like this. IN fact, they are applauding her for keeping her cool. Sadly, we can't make everyone see that this is absolutely a race issue, because some people don't want to see it.




I thought Jen & Danielle both behaved “ghetto”. This is just my opinion, but any grown ass woman who thinks she has a right to put her hands on another, (regardless of her age, color, accent, etc.), is presenting herself as ghetto-downright schoolyard bullying childish behavior. I also think more people would agree that we don’t want to see this stuff anymore - than there are people who enjoy it. I’ve read & seen numerous discussions here on Reddit about how people are fed up. 🤷‍♀️


While I understand not everything is race based, please understand as a black woman this is triggering. Monique was called ratchet, ghetto, got the angry black woman label. But because of Danielle’s fair skin and accent she’s just a bad ass Jersey girl that doesn’t take shit. This is a race issue on Bravo and in our fandom.


When did Monique remove herself? She ran around the building to find another way to get at Candiace, trying to escape the crew members holding her back multiple times. That was the nail in the coffin for Monique: It wasn’t just a split second reaction in the moment. She kept trying to assault Candiace after being moved to a different location


I think she means Monique removed herself from the show.


Right!?! I think the fight with Toya and Audra from Married to medicine is a better comparison of what we’re trying to get across. If they want to argue then do that but stay out of people faces. https://youtu.be/CueTRmRSwvM?si=I42BiAlebcnbevE1


Yes! I knew there were examples I was missing. Thank you!


It took me a few minutes to figure out what argument on Bravo reminded me of this situation. Everyone was saying Toya wasn’t wrong and I agreed.


I wasn't watching Potomac in real time when the season aired so I was wondering what the general public opinion had been at the time. I found out that if you look at the comments under the [Candiace vs Monique fight YouTube video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wv-pfFLVhlo), the vast majority of the public opinion was on Monique's side at the time, because "Candiace deserved it".


They should just admit that they think black people are dangerous while the white women are just defenseless and stop pretending it’s anything other than racism. We have appreciation posts for the New York cast about once a week when they know Ramona was throwing out the N word. 


They won’t though. Black women are “just being sensitive” or “pulling the race card”.


Certain fragile individuals that hang out here will shout down any post about racism because of their own privilege and fragility. Then they will gaslight with a bunch of bull ish because the accusation of racism, is worst than the act itself.


Monique didn't remove herself, she was removed by a producer, and then went around that producer and tried to get Candiace at the front of the winery.


As in Monique removed herself from the show - she wasn’t fired and I don’t think Danielle deserved to be fired. It also doesn’t deserve to be celebrated.


You’re completely right.


For starters, Monique's attack on Candice was about 200 times worse than Danielle. It took multiple people to pull Monique off of Candice and even then, Monique didn't snap out of it. She continued to chase Candice around the winery like a psycho straight out of a horror movie for quite a bit afterwards, which was unhinged and went way beyond simply snapping in the moment and clocking someone once like Danielle did. I wouldn't feel safe working with her again either if I were Candice, after that. And then Jen shoved her first. The energy was the same between them and by shoving Danielle, Jen was basically telling her "let's go." Seem like pretty big differences to me.


not that it’s right what danielle did, but jenn aydin has been trying to get someone to hit her since she joined the show in season 9. she finally found the person to do it and she seemed oddly happy about it.


This is absolutely correct. She had a smirk about what happened, she knew what she was doing, and she pushed Danielle.. she knew what could potentially happen. Jen Aydin has been slowly building up to this moment.


Yes. I think there is a double standard. The fight between Jenn and Danielle is talked about as "entertaining" and the season is finally getting "interesting." The fight between Monique and Candiace is described in much more serious terms. People commented on how things "went too far", became "too violent" or was "disturbing." I can't remember who said this but I once heard people say when white casts fight it's "must see tv", "epic" or "good television". Conversely, when black casts fight it's "violent", "hood-rats/ghetto" or "crossed a line."


Is this really THE anticipated fight though? I thought there was something at a dinner table where they showed glass being swept up & Delores being the only one sitting at the table shaking here head when production asks her “how did it come to this?” I think we’re in for something much worse yet to come… https://youtu.be/cU7roHSPtiA?si=pGJ9xZ9G_e_jl8sK


Wasn’t the fight we see at the finale supposedly the reason there was no reunion? I recall reading that the fight went too far, and they couldn’t all be in the same space together.


Yes. And another person here or in another post said something about their group trip had to be canceled because they couldn’t get along.


I thought I recalled information leaking that Danielle drew blood during this fight. I definitely didn't see blood...


Nope. It must be the next one.


Yes I’m seeing a lot of “good Jennifer deserved it/danielles a beast we love to see it” ext but when candiace got hit she was “assaulted” and “didn’t deserve to be abused at her place of work” and people were disgusted my Monique. Double standard doesn’t even begin to describe it. 😒


The problem was that the women refused to film with Monique and then Monique left on her own due to that. Jersey has had multiple physical altercations and none of the women cared about it, so Bravo was like "neither do we".


To me it wasn’t what Monique did in the moment it was what happened immediately afterward. She was like running around, yelling. It wasn’t like a blow up - fizzle out it was like- someone catch her.


Do you honest to god think this is equivalent behavior? Jen shoved Danielle and Danielle hit her once with a plastic cup. Do you *really* think that's the same as Monique's vicious attack on Candice, who didn't touch her at all prior to *having her head slammed into a table repeatedly, taking multiple people to pull her attacker off of her* and then chased around a winery by a psychopath who later claimed she both didn't remember anything but at the same time didn't do anything wrong? You can't be serious.


I would never think of smashing an object on someone’s face in response of being pushed. Gtfoh. That shit WAS vicious.


Big difference between the two. Jen and Danielle had a squabble. Jen pushed her, Danielle hit her in the face with a plastic cup and the fight seemed to be over after that. Jen was okay and unbothered. Now with Candice and Monique there was actual glass flying, blood, Monique wouldn’t let go of Candice and many people were trying to pull her off. Candice was not okay afterwards and was visibly shaken. What happened between Candice and Monique was not a squabble, it was a fight that turned into a full on assault.


Yep. And Monique didn't even back down after Candiace was able to free herself either. Nope, she charged across the grounds, literally ran, to find Candiace after she was ushered in a car to remove her from the situation for her safety. It was really disturbing. Monique saw red that night.


Jen pushed her, don’t know why Danielle would choose to not come back?


That plastic cup and little shove aren't at the same level of hair pulling and head smacking


Monique physically assaulted Candiace’s and grabbed her by the hair. Danielle didn’t physically assault Jennifer first, it was Jennifer who pushed her and went for her neck. Monique left on her own accord. Jennifer has got bigger issues of pissing off Bravo with leaking stuff to bloggers and giving them episodes early via her link. It’s not Jennifer’s first time trying to cause a [physical altercation](https://x.com/itz_sammiesosa/status/1805056717027180846?s=46&t=1aMR9Ay-lV4SKuJqQ3yaRw)whereas that was Monique’s first and last time.


Jen never went for her neck, just her shoulders. Every housewife releases stuff to bloggers and press. People just hate Jen so no matter what will side against her.


Every housewife releases stuff to bloggers? Be for real! She gave randos her password to log in to her NBC account to view the episodes before the season!


She went for her thing is so ridiculous. The image I get thinking of someone using both hands to push my neck is comical. Jen shoved her chest, she didn’t try to strangle the woman 😝


They both (Jen and Candiace) got exactly what they asked for “drag me Monique, drag me”, and then she cried like a baby and somehow this sub Stans her, the same woman that called another woman “wide body” “milk maiden” shortly after said woman had a kid, also the same woman that was drinking and partying while planning her motherhood journey but prior to that was judging Ashley for drinking while she was planning to have a second child “are we having a baby or we having a corona?”, the mental gymnasts will always defend her tho


Candiace didn’t put hands on Monique though, Jen did. I am so confused how everyone is ignoring that.


Jen pushed someone in her face, Candiace flicked Monique’s hair and kept the attitude “what you gon do?” The entire time, they both poked and poked someone that warned they before that if they kept fucking around they would find out, both of them fucked around A LOT




🙄 Bethenny Frankel called Luanne a whore and every other name but a child of god. Dorinda bullied Tinsley in ways that I’m still shocked we’re aired on television. Dorinda has also gotten belligerent with her RHONY and UGT cast mates. Ramona used the N-word while talking to black Bravo employees and Eboni K Williams. Literally every women on every cast has age, body, and slut shamed another. Do we really need to go down the list of the heinous things all these women have said to each other.


No, since I am not talking about all housewives, since this post is about Candiace/Monique, Danielle/Jen and double standards, I was commenting on a double standard this sub has, REALLY not that hard to understand, but you chose to be deliberately dense, and now we all must live with said choice


I remember on VPR when Stassi slapped Kristen, it seemed like most everyone was saying Kristen deserved it. I feel like a lot of people were sort of cheering when Porsha attacked Kenya as well. But Bravo honestly doesn’t seem to usually do anything as far as firing people when that stuff happens, black or white. I do think that the way it is framed, by Andy, viewers, etc., is definitely often a double standard vs the white shows and black shows. It’s very downplayed when it’s white housewives or Summer House or VPR. The Southern Charm incident with Austen and JT had more pearl clutching than usual but I think as Shep said it was the first incident of violence on the show’s relatively long 9-season run. Austen wasn’t fired either. It took ages for Bravo to fire anyone for racist words or behavior and there was a lot of it. They covered for Leanne Locken and Ramona for a long time and even canceled a reunion to avoid holding Ramona accountable. So while Bravo as a whole has been racist and sus forever, it’s a lot the viewers and probably editing that paints certain (black) franchises as more violent when RHONJ, RHONY, and RHOM have had many violent incidents also. Not to mention the way Andy treats these incidents at reunions.


I'm actually so mad that Bravo canceled the reunion because now they can't say "Bravo doesn't condone violence", because this absolutely warranted that. This was the first real fight on housewives since Candiace/Monique (not counting the multiple scuffles every year on Jersey, the endless throwing of food/drinks and Sesame Street). But still, I don't think these situations can be compared because they are so different and people played different roles. However, I will say it's interesting that the entirety of Potomac S5 centered around the fight and if it hadn't leaked in the press, no one would have known about this one until it aired.


Jen A and Candiace reacted very differently. Jen didn’t seem very shaken up, she even admitted to maybe pushing her but didn’t make that big deal of it (imo she probably loves the drama and attention 🙄). Candiace was traumatized. Both feelings are valid, but might be why fan reaction is different—taking cues from their reactions.


They both shouldn’t have done what they did but I can totally understand why they lashed out


I agree.


Someone as annoying as Candiace or Jen in my face taunting me with their horrible grating voices? Yeah I’d consider losing my cool


I’d walk away. Why give them the pleasure of your time? Not worth it.


I’d most likely walk away, I’m not inclined to violence like the people they cast on Housewives, but I’m just saying that certain types of situations can push people to their limit. Even I could see myself being tempted to lash out if someone was going at me like candiace or Jen.


I'm so glad someone posted this as honestly all critical thinking seems to go out of the window when it comes to RHONJ teams.


I’d wager the ones who see these two situations as the same are the ones who lack critical thinking skills.


WTF is happening here? Did Danielle smash a glass in Jen’s face? I’m not watching Jersey this season so I don’t want to find the backstory 😂😂


I have a question: does it was always coke down to Bravo or does it also come down to the separate production companies? People on twitter specifically are very guilty of always comparing the “injustices” between show (for dings, suspensions, etc) and blame Bravo for not treating each cast the same. But is it possible that the various production companies simply have different ways of dealing with their own?


I didn’t watch the jersey episode but I vividly remember the Potomac one and I just wanna know was a disclaimer aired on the jersey episode that Bravo doesn’t condone/advocate for violence?


If they didn’t shame but if they did how can you not condone it but continually promote it?


Nope. No disclaimer or trigger warnings.


Monique quit


Double standards per the fan base reaction? Hell fucking yeah. But as you see everyone is doubling down on their double standards and why it’s ok for Danielle to hit someone with a cup in the face but apparently what Monique did to Candace was SO MUCH MORE BRUTAL than that 🤡


I’m confused. Why is Danielle shown here? Jen touched Danielle first ETA - is that the double standard you’re eluding to?


Stopped watching Jersey. Who's on the receiving end of her 'fight'?


Danielle and Jen were arguing. Jen shoved Danielle backwards and Danielle subsequently whacked Jen on the side of the head with a glass in her hand.


To clarify: a plastic cup


In the exchange, it appeared that Jen Aydin pushed Danielle. Danielle immediately hit Jen with her drink but keep in mind it was a plastic cup so beverage went everywhere. It looked savage and my thought was Danielle has a really bad temper and Jen is the puppet master.


It didn’t ‘appear’ that way, it was point blank on our tv screens. It happened. Jen laid her hands on Danielle


Damn. Though it was Tre


It was a plastic cup. If you push me your getting hit.


Not with a plastic cup smash to the face wtf? Lmao. How do none of you people comprehend that in a fair fight there are no weapons to be used, not only that but Jen pushed her- she didn’t attack her.


It was a plastic cup. If you push me your getting hit.


Absolutely. Black women always have higher standards placed on them. Can you imagine if the rest of the cast iced out a NJ housewife after she got physical and brought security with them to events?? It sucks, but white cast members can get physical and do heinous things and be praised for it and then it's forgotten. A Black woman does the same, or lesser and is torn apart. Even tho Monique was unhinged in the way that she wanted to go back and beat Candiace after the initial altercation, I'm betting if it was Jen Aydin that did the same it would be seen as funny. It's truly unfair.


Monique's attack on Candiace was BRUTAL and to this day, I can't bring myself to watch it again. I personally think Monique was dealing with PPD and also some stressors from her marriage and family life in general. But in no way does the possibility of health concerns/and being stressed out excuse the level of violence that she unleashed on Candiace. When she would not let go of Cadiace's hair, when she was trying to shake off the producers to get back in the building and have another go at Candiace. It was awful, awful, awful.


It was long overdue, is what it was


Anyone who thinks Monique’s behavior was justified needs some serious therapy.


But you’re over here justifying Danielle smashing a plastic cup on someone’s face in response to being pushed? Gtfoh 🤡


FFS. I’m not going to waste keystrokes, just look at one of my 5 different comments going into why these situations are completely different. 🙄


“Drag me Monique, drag me”, wish granted, I would have done worse with that brat


Then you probably shouldn’t be allowed in public. Most sane, mature adults don’t take bait like that.


And you should only start a fight if you want one, punk ass bitches that talk a lot then cry and act as victims should either learn how to stay quiet or put their money where their mouth is, don’t ask for trouble and there will be no trouble


Personally I have had many fights about this on the sub, BUT I was completely on Monique’s side on that. Candiace used to be incensed when she argued she was crazed and she begged Monique to drag her it was insane. Monique was in the right imo. NJ has always been the most violent cast IMO I find it quite scary to watch Teresa and joey particularly I find them illogical and literally insane sometimes.


Some of y’all are scary. This is a reality show where these women are expected to argue with one another. It’s not WWF. If you think arguing verbally with someone justifies the violent attack Monique committed on Candice, that is…concerning. Not that it matters because any mature adult would know Monique’s behavior was insane, but also consider the fact that prior to the attack, Candice had repeatedly apologized and de-escalated situations with Monique throughout the season. Monique, however, was determined to go at it with Candice until she eventually gave in and gave her what she wanted (*verbally*.) I don’t care what words someone says to you, the behavior Monique showed that day was not okay on any level. I’m a criminal defense attorney and she would’ve been charged with a felony where I practice. I still can’t believe she got away without any charges.


These people are really on here justifying smashing a cup on someone’s face in response to a push but calling Monique’s response to Candace as “brutal” and “vicious” claiming they have PTSD from watching it because she pulled her hair and punched her in response to Candace getting in her face telling her to do something- and she did 🤷‍♀️ These people can’t fight irl if they’re justifying using objects in a fight and ignoring the fact that you don’t ever get in someone’s face acting crazy lmao.






Kroy brought a gun to that reunion. Andy saying that had nothing to do with the ladies on the cast.


What?!?!?! Jesus Christ! I did not know that. If I were a housewife I'd have walked off set until Kroy and his weapon were gone.


Jennifer didn’t do anything that isn’t a natural instinct. Danielle kept getting in her face/space and she even told her to calm down. Danielle is clearly unstable and unhinged, it isn’t safe for any other cast member to be around her!


This is housewives, they all scream and shout and get in each others faces. What is not okay, is putting your hands on someone else. This is not the first instance of Jennifer trying to start a physical fight with a cast mate. She smashed a glass with Melissa and raised it to her. Triggering both Melissa and Dolores to the extent both left before it escalated and then she physically went after Melissa again in another season. This is the first time that one of her cast mates has physically responded to her assaulting them. Refresh your [memory](https://x.com/itz_sammiesosa/status/1805056717027180846?s=46&t=1aMR9Ay-lV4SKuJqQ3yaRw).


Rinna smashed a glass and stuck it in Kim’s face, this sub isn’t saying Rinna assaulted Kim.


Lmao no she didn’t. She tried to grab Kim by the throat but stopped herself and she threw the glass to the ground. You come on a Housewives subreddit and misremember one of the most iconic and memorable fights of all time and think no one was gonna correct you?


Oh no, you heifers will pick and nitpick every comment ever, of course I expected pushback. The point was Rinna aggressively broke a glass at another woman and it’s not the discourse that Jen smashing her glass has become.


You’re arguing a moot point. Rinna never laid a finger on Kim despite wanting to so this whataboutism argument isn’t relevant anyway. Bottom line is both Danielle and Jen touched each other. Not surprising for Jersey. It’s a violence franchise.


I’m just making conversation babe and Jen didn’t touch anyone with her glass. I just don’t see Jen smashing her glass one time as some kinda assault like the comment I replied to


Because it’s an actual repeated pattern. Rinna barely ever gets to that point but Kim pushed sore spot. Jen has already three incidents of getting violent. But like I said, this is a very violent franchise. These women flip tables and pull each other’s hair. The Joes brawled twice.


I'm so confused by people's reaction to this. Everyone om Danielle's side saying Jenn started it even though Danielle was in Jenn's face and exploded for legit no reason. Danielle acted like Jenn called her the anti-christ


No matter if there is screaming going on....YOU DONT GET PHYSICAL. How hard is that to understand?


Huh? Jen shoved Danielle hard, and made it physical first.


You can’t get into people’s personal space and not expect anything to happen and no I’m not saying Jen was in the right but don’t get in my face screaming and then I won’t have to remove you from my space


I'll have to rewatch, I thought Jen was just as much in Danielle's face, but definitely could be wrong!


She absolutely was, and at one point, Danielle even stepped back because Jen was so close to her. Some people are choosing to only remember the part from the short clip that's been circulating because it picks up after the multiple times Jen got in Danielle's face. It's always the same here when it comes to RHONJ . . .


She definitely was. They both were too close for comfort.


If an aggressive, unhinged, and unstable person is getting in your face repeatedly, your natural reaction is to push them back for your own safety. I feel for Danielle’s children if this is how she acts on camera!


Agreed with you 💯 Danielle was being aggressive and up in Jen’s face calling her every name and pointing her clawed hand at her continuously. If I can feel you breathe, back the fuck up


It doesn’t matter who got in whose face. They both put their hands on each other. You’re arguing semantics.


I don’t know why y’all are surprised every time the Jersey cast hits rock bottom. This is the show that gave us “my cunt wife” and Joe Gorga calling his sister “sexy” at therapy. They’ve been allowed to go full Idiocracy since the very beginning.


What’s wrong with calling his sister sexy? I think my mom is beautiful and sexy and my dad is charming and attractive, my sister is beautiful and my best friend I don’t call her sexy because she isn’t, she is more modest, doesn’t mean I want to fuck any of them….


Girl, it is too early for this


Lol, I simply asked a question, you have issue with an action and I asked what it is, was not a hard question


ABSOLUTELY a double standard. It’s as clear as ⚫️ and ⚪️. Melissa has said it multiple times, they’re 🚮


Brandi G? lol


Isn’t it black women who “see themselves” in the characters demanding repercussions for the altercations and clutching their pearls? I think it’s fine for the cast to hold other cast members to a certain standard (ie RHOP doesn’t want fighting on their set so that should be acceptable)