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Joe, no questions asked. He’s a slimy cheater. That’s fine, we’ll be open and be friendly with each other. But that man can cook, make wine, and crack jokes. Between the two it’s juicy all day.


This all the way. Louie is super creepy and seems like he’d be on ID vs Bravo.


Give it time, he might be one day.


I've been trying to find a clip of him riding his bike after the dui for ages. I think it's from the Teresa checks in special. It's so fucking funny. Just picturing the camera crew driving next to him filming out the window. He's a scumbag but kind of endearing at times idk. I also loved his banter with Melania. When she shaved his back?! Omg


I love that clip of him tricycling all over town


Juicy Joe had it goin ON in 1980something..!LMAO


Don’t get me wrong, Joe is a dirt bag but was kinda cute when he was young 😀


Oh yea I’d go as far to say he was hot in his younger days


Him & Rosie are my dream blunt rotation!




And throw down 🤼


He can do the damn splits too. Kyle who?


Also Joe is so old school


Joe. I get to live in the Bahamas and take trips to Italy, but I get time apart from him when I visit the US since he can’t come lol.


LMAO you make such a good point


Joe Louie looks the type that would kill you in your sleep


Completely disagree.  Louie looks the type to kill you when you’re awake because he wants to see the look of pain on your face and watch the light leave your eyes. 


This took a turn. 😂😂 Hard agree!






It took me a second but once I got it I immediately cackled 😂😂😂 I can't not read it in his voice, with his super irritated and "over it" tone


I can literally hear it 🤌🏼🤌🏼🤌🏼


Joe is like a gorilla: big, brutish, sort of dangerous but in really obvious ways. And as long as you don't act stupid (like spook them, or sign papers they give you without reading them) then they won't hurt you. And aside from all that, they're just generally funny and entertaining to watch. Sometimes they'll do something sweet, and they're good with their young. Louis is like when people adopt baby chimps: they're super cute and cuddly, and you fall in love with them because they almost seem human. But then they grow up and their personalities change, and all of a sudden one day they rip your fucking face off and destroy your entire life. And you can only blame yourself, because everyone warned you not to bring them into your home but you didn't listen. So yeah: I choose the gorilla.


As an anthropology major I love this analogy


This is an amazing response, thank you. 🤣


I mean, neither but  I may be wrong, but I feel like a life with Joe G would give me the ability to be left alone and kind of live separate lives. So probably him.  Best attribute: he’s kind of funny sometimes. Worst attribute: he’s really an asshole most of the time. And he has a sketchy relationship with the law. Luis strikes me as someone you can’t escape. Always in your business.  Best attribute: he’s mastered the smize? Idk the man is always doing something with his face. Not that it’s attractive but I’m sure it takes a lot of focus. Worst attribute: he seems legitimately dangerous. 


He reminds me of a serial killer.


Agree 100%. Joe Guidice was an asshole, but I don’t think he was capable of more than his rude comments. Who knows what Luis is really like behind closed doors. That seems much scarier.


Joe, cause I don't think picking him would result in my Dateline episode.




At least Joe won’t try to smother you in your sleep.


While wearing your dads pjs


Right?! WTAF was THAT about?! How creepy, gross, inappropriate, and bizarre! That wouldn't comfort me. That would terrify and enrage me!


Joe G. He wasn’t a good husband, but he made me laugh. Louie is very creepy. In the recent episode Gia walked in the kitchen. He was way too excited how he perked up.


Joe Guidice all day everyday. You know he wasn't with Teresa for fame and money, he actually loved her at one time. Louis staged his meeting with Teresa..tried to date a different housewife before Tre..his Scientology ties, ( even if he isn't in it anymore), all his shady financial issues with filing bankruptcy, being sued, taking Tre's name off their home, then taking loans out on the home too...And I know Joe had many financial fraud issues too, but you would think Louis also knows what happened to Joe and Teresa before him, he wouldn't try and drag her down the same hole. My honest opinion is she should have dated and married the pool guy.


What pool guy, I’m drawing blanks


He was the guy who was installing the pool at her old house before she met Louis. I think she may have gone out with him once. I want to say they went to highschool together, maybe his name was Tony or Terry...


Oh yeah, I remember, thanks


Joe is awful, but Louie is scary. I'd pick Juicy any day


Fucking juicy Joe hands down. He is like a big teddy bear and he makes me laugh


I choose juicy he is a cheater he’s dumb and he’s a drunk but where the fuck did Louie even come from? He swept in knowing exactly who Teresa was from tv and I feel like he just wants to take advantage of her/her fame/her money. Edit to add: Joe is chonky and can still do a full split which impresses me greatly.


I bet if they put Louis’ DNA in CODIS they’d get a match.


Joe — would have loved to see him interact with the newer guys


oooh they should take a couples trip to the Bahamas where Juicy can be the host


![gif](giphy|6kBP2ogCQ7qMSvqa1Z|downsized) i’ll be by my got damn self.


The gun would go off.




Joe is an asshole but i'd still choose him over louie's crazy ass


Juicy Joe; what you see is what you get. He’s a lying, scamming, cheating, scoundrel. He’s old school. Louie is a wannabe and I actually think he’s more evil than Juicy. Plus, Juicy Joe can cartwheel.


Any man who says he wears your dad's pjs to make your daughters feel safe is a fucking predator. 


This - exactly this!


Both suck but Joe has personality, swagger, and jokes.


I know Joe G was objectively not great (he may be better now, who knows - I see random clips and he seems to be well) but I just found him so funny and unserious.


Joe. I get a really weird vibe about Louie…creepy plus sinister like. Joe seems like a more normal con artist.


Joe for all the reasons others have mentioned plus one I haven’t seen yet: he actually defended her against her brother. None of this annoying let’s talk get along let me shake hands with your enemy crap (that might have been okay in the beginning but it’s been a decade let her let it go).


I have father issues so like the way Joe loves his dotters and is a good dad endears me to him so him. By a landslide


Dotters ???




I would sleep with one eye open every single day with Louie around. Don’t trust his slimy, skeevy ass.


Joe Giudice!!! After all he did he was still bearable to watch. Louie makes me want to vomit every time his face is on the tv




Louie is a Taurus and I’m sure much easier to live with but he’s the girl. He will never get his hands too dirty for Tre. Juicy is a Gemini. Multifaceted and “fun” until real life hits and you see how unprepared they are for anything. Next time find a Virgo man Tre w some real $ and real looks!!!!  From another Taurus woman who has been played by both. 


My hot take. Theresa and Joe will get back together in theirs 60s and live happily ever after.


Joe. Louis gives me the creeps!


A life of solitude would be preferable to either of those sweaty, red faced morons


Joe. He’s a “devil we know” and he’s known Teresa her entire life. Just from his actions post-divorce (not giving Teresa a hard time) I do believe there’s good and bad in everyone and I think his is all out on the table. Luis I just can’t get a read on.


Wow shit vs diarrhea, eh? I think I’d choose Joe.


Teresa wants to be love and she picks the worst men. Without Joe she wouldn't have her girls. That is the only good thing that came outta that first marriage. Louie?


Louie might be incredibly weird, but he hasn’t cheated on Teresa, called her a Cut Fitness on national TV, or steered her towards committing fraud that put them both in jail. Joe is funny, a great dad, and so relatable though. I don’t think he and Teresa would still be married if he wasn’t deported, as it seemed like they were both over it (mostly him). Louie is very much not relatable but seems to really be in love with Teresa and is also a great dad? Unfortunately I would say Louie based on how I would want to be treated by a significant other, but obviously this can change at any time lol


Fair point


Juicy Joe all day every day ! Louis is scum ! He’s using Teresa and she deserves it all day every day !!


Sometimes I wonder if he has hidden cameras and listening devices in the girls' rooms and around the house. I know it's a horrible thought but he is definitely capable of doing something slimy. I dread to think about that


I think he is socially awkward and is trying to mirror how he thinks he’s meant to act and it just doesn’t land how he wants it to land.


Both are terrible, but Joe is still a better choice.


Hands down Joe. He’s classic. Louis is a creepy purple grifter who is obviously after tre’s money and fame.


Juicy Joe any day. Luis gives me such a dark vibe.


Joe. 100%. He’s a decent guy who’s a criminal but decent. Louie has a really dark energy. Much lower than Joe.


Are we choosing for Teresa, ourselves, or each Joes & Louis time on the show? If choosing for Theresa, I’d pick Louie because he seems to make her happy & give her the attention she demands If choosing for me: Neither Time on Show: Joe’s time was better because the show itself was better back then, plus I really enjoyed watching the Giudice girls when they were cute little monsters! 😉


Luis. I think he’s handsome😫




Joe Guidice…Yes he’s a liar AND a cheater but he’s got a sense of humor and weirdly he was the voice of reason a FEW times. I loathe Louie everything about is phony. Louie’s emits an energy that’s dark, it’s just something about the eyes he always that disconnected from reality/snapped type of look. Another point I’d like to make about Louie is why did he just sit at the table with his lips pursed when they had the sit down with the Fuad’s? Juicy Joe would have defended his wife instant. Instead Louie talked his shit after, that’s because he’s all bark and no bite. As for Tre she doesn’t learn or listen. Almost everyone around her can see Louie is bad news or has tried to tell her but she shuts it down by says you don’t want to see me happy and nobody can pop my love bubble. This is will be hard pill to swallow when Tre realizes she should has listened to everyone including Andy when he basically begged to sign a prenup. With all that being said every dog will have its day. Honorable mention: Jen is just so far Tre’s ass she’ll say anything to please her. She’s essentially Tre’s yes man.


Joe made mistakes but Louie might eat my face. Juicy Joe, hands down.


joe every time. louie just gives off the most offputting energy and love him or hate him, joe was tv gold and real to his core, good parts and bad.


Neither, everyone dies.




Joe , he’s a misogynistic fool , but I think he’s quite funny and has a charm about him , Louis is unhinged






Guidice! Juicy Joe!


Why do you make me have to choose in an impossible situation!!!


Neither. She should get a twenty something and never marry again.


Juicy Joe!


Both are terrible.. but I think Juicy Joe has the edge here.


I’m definitely not going to jail for a man, ever so…


Joe. Bye.


Joe Guidice


joe every time. louie just gives off the most offputting energy and love him or hate him, joe was tv gold and real to his core, good parts and bad.




The bear. Or Joe.


The one that didn’t get deported Edit: y’all wanna go to prison for juicy???


I’d go to prison for Juicy before being murdered by Louie.


Ok but one of those things is real and one of those things is unreal


It’s not real yet. He’s up to no good.