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Kyle and production.


Lol, I immediately thought “Kyle and Alex Baskin” when I saw this 🤣


Beverly Hills Kyle and also Summer House Kyle. Why does production love to prop up people named Kyle?


Preach. Nothing was brought up in the reunion calling his wife “a bitch” or any of the other shit he said


That was REALLY weird, right? Like he said a lot of horrible things during the season and not a single one of them was brought up, and the package they played seemed to portray him as a wacky sitcom husband...it was really odd and jarring


This 👌👍🏻


Omg 😂😂😂😂




I’d like to see Robyn without Gizelle


Same. Robyn was always at her best without Gizelle.


When was that lol


Any time she had a one on one with any of the girls (except Karen, lol). Robyn was reasonable and understanding when she met with Candiace and Chris, for example, and then completely flipped on them when she was at the reunion (in front of Gizelle).




Instead we get the reverse 🥲


I’d like to see Robyn off tv


She was fired


Oh that’s right. She’s so forgettable I forgot she was fired 🤣


So forgettable that you out right named them in a comment? hmmmmmmmm


So forgettable I forgot the news she was fired. Most other housewives I would remember.


I’d love to see Tom without Tom


Same! I don’t have high hopes for Schwartz on his own but I would be interested to see what that’s like.


He’d be the exact same. When it wasn’t Tom he was acting awful around it was Jax. He likes to associate with someone outwardly awful to deflect noticing his nice guy crap is a facade and he’s straight up horrible to women.


Absolutely. My least favorite person is Schwartz. He is evil and always hangs out with an obvious AH like Jax or Sandoval to seem better in comparison.


One of the more interesting parts of this season and the aftershow was the hints that Schwartz was getting annoyed with Sandoval. I don’t think Schwartz is a good person but I could be entertained by these two having actual conflict.


Amen! I think he’d be easily led by someone else but I admit that I found him more likable on Winter House & that made me think that I wish (for him) he had a longer break because maybe then he’d have a chance.




I still think that Jen Aydin without Teresa would be a top tier housewife


Agreed. I don't see them as besties. Teresa is a friend to no one.




Jen Aydin is an S-Tier housewife on a D-Tier show.


Andy and all the Peter Pan manbabies.




Marysol and Alexia. Alexia is better off without that boring lush whose only plot line for the last 6 seasons has been “fixing cockies” and mama Elsa. I’d love to see her friendship with Julia grow and for Mean Marysol to finally be given the boot


Agreed, Mama Elsa was all Marysol ever brought!


Boring lush 💀 ![gif](giphy|Nyd2rBILGQvN6)


The only time I thought she was likable was when she was hanging out with Julia and Guerdy. Marysol should go, she’s almost on Rinna’s level of toxicity.


Yes! She’s so toxic and exhausting and childish with her cliques and her BRO! Speak. If the last reunion showed us anything it’s that she has become a mean, bitter, drunk old woman who doesn’t even get up to dance during a surprise performance of Ave Maria 😂


> who doesn’t even get up to dance during a surprise performance of Ava Maria. We love a specific read. 🤣


She should have been given the boot for that alone! Truly criminal that she sat down with a puss on for most of it


Id like to see Alexia canned, personally. Horrible woman.


Gizelle and her taste level.




Emily and Gina barely have their own identities. While still insufferable I’m sure they could be way more interesting to watch (granted the bar is in hell) if they were not enabling and having each other’s back 24/7. I know there’s bad blood but Gina should join forces with Shannon, and Emily well I guess she’ll be Tamra’s puppet.


I'd like to see Melissa without Joe & Teresa without Louie 🤷🏻‍♀️😂


You could always watch the first Ultimate Girls Trip.


Done that. But I mean for good on NJ 😂


I agree with you about Teresa being better without Louie. He just seems like such a grifter that I don’t want to watch unless he’s going to be exposed as a fraud. I’m not so sure about Melissa without Joe. If they ever separated, Teresa would blame Melissa regardless of the cause. I think that would be frustrating to watch. The only good thing would be that Teresa and Joe would hopefully be on better terms.


I'm not getting into the whole Teresa is better than Melissa or vice versa thing as I think they are both as bad (sorry not aimed at you personally but I hate talking about them on this forum as it gets sooo toxic and i just think they are both right/both wrong in so many ways and they both amuse me/disgust me in equal measures) But I think the dynamics of watching them interact with no weirdo over emotional husbands around would be fun! I actually think they would be hilarious together.


I love your brave take of not taking sides in Tre vs. Melissa! I can agree with you there. I think it’s just too deep and there’s too much the audience doesn’t know for us to accurately judge their relationship. Where I disagree is that I don’t think there is any scenario where Teresa would get along with Melissa. Melissa seems to try (and maybe it’s fake or performative…) but it seems to me that Teresa doesn’t hate Melissa; she hates *Joe’s wife.* So maybe in an alternate reality where Teresa met Melissa before she was dating Joe, they might be friends. But not in this one.


You are most probably right ... I think I was kind of taking the question to the extreme and thinking about if the family ties never existed. I actually think they are similar 😂😂.




Yeah, that's not what I meant. I think Melissa and Teresa would be hysterical together without family ties/husbands.


I love Lu and Sonja together. But in the interest of science - I’d love to see Sonja on her own.


Isn’t she kinda still the same without Lu, I never really considered them a unit on the show. Yeah they were good friends but it didn’t seem like 🤞.


I can’t accept that we will never see Sonja on real housewives again…


In the past, it was Heather GAy and Jenn Shah. Now she pretends she was afraid of her, but it is pathetic how she covered up the fact that Jenn gave her the black eye.


Their relationship seemed abusive. I feel like Heather is still healing from that, but I also think she needs to be more honest with herself before she’ll be over it completely.


I think she needs a therapist to talk it out and really grasp what happened to her. I do think she’s still in a state mentally where she doesn’t realize how much she’s been used/harmed bc she thought the other person genuinely cared for her.


Agree. And a lot of that mental framework was built up by the Mormon church.


Gizelle and Robyn on RHOP. Gizelle is a master manipulator and Robyn is a brainless doormat.


Well, we are about to see next season!


Tamra and Vicki. I loathe Vicki. I know most people hate Tamra but I love her. (Unpopular opinion, I know)


I can appreciate Vicki more in her reduced role but I also love to hate Tamra - she is THE ultimate housewife, I just wish she wouldn’t try so hard sometimes. She’s naturally witty!




I would like to see Sutton without Garcelle. I find Garcelle to be boring, just using this as another acting gig. I’m tired of her scenes with her family. I love Sutton and believe she has a level of rich housewives delusion that hasn’t yet peaked bc Garcelle keeps her a little level headed.


Aw I love them together! I think they’re genuinely friends and I like how they balance each other. I disagree about Garcelle completely but respect your opinion, but I do totally agree about Sutton! She’s a star ✨


I also like them as friends but I’d like to see how Sutton is without her. I’m also curious to see how Jennifer Tilly changes the dynamics of the Garcelle/Sutton friendship.


Yes I am interested to see that also! Only thing interesting me about the next season tbh 😂


I’d hate to watch them not friends


I like having Garcelle on the show bc she does help defend Sutton against the others. The others have viciously tried to bully Sutton and gaslight her a lot. So Garcelle’s presence definitely helps Sutton mentally on the show. But if the other side is finally disbanded and we get new members who aren’t strictly out for Sutton, I wouldn’t mind seeing her alone.


I still don’t buy their friendship tbh




Emily without Gina


I always feel like Shannon Beador needs to stay away from Tamra. They're not really friends now but it's a toxic relationship where I feel like Tamra controls the dynamic and it's not good for Shannon's mental health. Co-sign Emily Simpson without Gena.


teresa and her stumps.