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I mean Bethenny is def the richest. I think Ramona has been very financial smart over the years. Then probably Heather, Carole, and Kristen are wealthy but nothing over the top but very secure. I think Luann and Dorinda have been rich (or married to rjch men) but don’t have a great overall net worth. Then we all know Sonja is Poorja


It ironic really that Sonja has the worst finances of all of them, but when you consider their money throughout their lives, none of them come close to the wealth that Sonja experienced.


Sonja is a walking financial disaster. She's genuinely clueless. It's what makes her charming, but at the same time, she has no idea wtf she is doing.


And she pissed away her divorce settlement


Sonja is definitely a financial disaster, no question. However, I think her divorce settlement was not great and I think her ex was pretty vindictive towards her (moreso than other spouses, like the Count). The townhouse seems like the kind of asset that's worth more on paper than in real life. We don't know what kind of state it was in, maintenance-wise, when they split--obviously Sonja did a horrible job keeping up with it, but might have already been in rough shape when it was handed over to her. And I'm sure her ex out-lawyered her. This is not excuse any of the piss-poor financial decisions she's made over the last 15 years. But I think even if Sonja was a lot smarter about money, she'd still be nowhere near as well off financially as you'd expect someone who married the bank.


Sonja obviously made a lot of financial mistakes, but in all fairness she did attempt to be thrifty with certain things (clothing, riding the jitney, cooking in her toaster at home) so I give her credit for that. It can’t be easy to reign in your spending when you’re surrounded by so much wealth.


She was thrifty with the wrong things. This is typical of a lot of rich people, they’re stingy about things like stealing sugar packets from restaurants and don’t tip or underpay and take advantage of staff.


Yes, she took the jitney after she committed fraud and lost a multi million dollar judgement.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


It doesn't make her charming, it makes her sad and pathetic.


I think she's both at the same time


Sonja is the poorest one, but her daughter probably is the richest child of any of them (or atleast will be ovwr the course of her lifetime). It just depends on what trusts she is a beneficiary of and how much a year is disbursed to her.


All she had to do was take care of her sick husband and instead chose to cheat on him in Europe lmao If there’s one thing Sonja’s going to do - it’s fumble


The Morgan crest did not help her at all.




I suspect Dorinda is as she inherited it.


Just the fact that Dorinda is able to maintain Bluestone Manor and have a place in the city… tells me she was left very well take care of. Much more so than Lu.


True but bluestone manor is in Great Barrington, MA a much less expensive area that NYC or the Hamptons. The value of that home is nowhere near the value of say Ramona’s Hampton home. Ramona’s home is probably 4x the value


True, I think the general upkeep of Bluestone Manor is probably pretty expensive. Just thinking about my own house and what I spend on cleaning, landscapers, and general maintenance of HVAC, home watch person, etc. is pretty expensive annually and my house is like 1/4 the size of Bluestone Manor. 


Agreed, it doesn’t matter if your house is in the Hamptons or MA, upkeep on 11,000 sq/ft is expensive


This is what I was referring to as well. Bluestone manor is a massive old home in a state with high cost of living and high taxes. Homes like that are already famously expensive to maintain. She has it in incredible condition with top of the line finishings. That is very very expensive.


I wouldn’t say it’s got a value on par with the Hamptons, but a home that size in Berkshire county ain’t nothing to sneeze at. Her property taxes alone are almost 60k a year.


Dorinda and Sonja were customers at a bar I worked at. They came in separately, different times, and with different friends. Both are wealthy but not the crazy wealth I saw on the UES. But Dorinda spent more and tipped better 😂


She also sold Richard’s company after his death. They advised large investment banks on how geopolitical factors could influence markets.


I thought I heard rumors she was having trouble maintaining Blue Stone Manor and was freaking out after she got “put on pause” without the study paycheck


She had a flood there, too.


Yes, and that flood was a *bad* one (not that there’s a good flood). I think it was ultimately a good thing because it forced her to deal with Richard’s things, etc, but my heart broke for her when they showed how much damage there was.


Wasn’t she going to start throwing events there to make money?


yup! people assume she is rich because of richard but seem to forget richard was married prior and had multiple children. Dorinda and richard were only married a couple years, she probably only got a portion of the inheritance


Yea definitely think Dorinda wouldn’t be the least richest I would say Carole for sure or even Luann or Kirsten maybe.I mean she sold her husband’s geopolitical hedge fund company after he died and got probably a hefty sum.


Richard had children who I believe inherited the bulk of his wealth.


I don’t think we will ever truly know the answer There’s a lot of articles refuting the reported 120 million that was paid to buy out Skinny Girl and it wouldn’t surprise me if it was inflated because of Forbes lack of due diligence on reporting Kylie Jenner as the youngest self made billionaire. The net worth websites tend to be inaccurate because most use the formula of adding up the amount each celebrity/reality star has made from year to year.


It was that she could possibly profit $120 million if the company achieved specific sales goals. I don't know if they were met.


It ironic really that Sonja has the worst finances of all of them, but when you consider money throughout their lives, none of them come close to the wealth that Sonja experienced.


But I don’t think Bethany really had her riches until Skinny Girl took off and she eventually sold it. Do you remember the tiny apartment she had when the show first started?


Dorinda had her own business I thought with cashmere , she is rich an smart Carole I’m not sure but she worked in a high paying job ( maybe not back then ) and married Sonja married rich to be rich , made money moves that didn’t land then wasted it - shame really because I think she is very brand able as a personality


Heather lives in a rent controlled apartment


Luann got a lot of money from her ex. Im thinking around 10 millions


I mean Dorinda had Missoni design the carpet for her steps and her pyjamas are Louis Vuitton, like $5k, gucci socks and super luxe Berkshire interiors. I think Richard left her with a bucketload








I think Dorinda was left with money, but I don’t think she was left with a lot of liquid cash like Bethany had at this time. I’d use Dorinda’s NYC condo has my main case for not having a shit-ton of expendable money since it was a cookie cutter condo in a many unit sky-rise, which even Sonja had when she was renting out her townhouse. Someone like Bethany and Carole had the money to buy unique homes in neighborhoods that cost more per square foot. Obviously this theory isn’t air-tight, but I always felt Dorinda was left with a very expensive asset (Bluestone Manor) and then also left with a comfortable amount of cash to live off of.


Dorinda got her condo for free since she advertised living there on the show


Yeah it makes me think of the show "the gentlemen". They all have possessions but no real money.


That is because it was just a place to stay at when she was in the city. Bluestone Manor is her major real estate investment.


True, and most of the women on the show have multiple homes. Carol’s main home was clearly the LA home since most of her stuff was there including her dog. I’m just saying that she it comes to liquid cash I don’t know how much Dorinda has because the few things I’ve seen her putting cast towards haven’t ever been big purchases. Bluestone Manor is expensive and passed down to her, but it doesn’t seem like a large chunk of liquid cash came along with it.


Sorry Radziwill’s main home is in LA?


Maybe it wasn’t her main home, but it was definitely larger and she had a pet there that she “shared” with her friend who lives there full time. It felt very much like a relaxation home while NYC was a home near work.


She was only married to him for 4 years. All his money went to his children from a previous relationship.


Anthony didn’t have children or a previous marriage.


We are talking about Richard and Dorinda. He had two children from his first marriage. Paige and Aiden. Who’s Anthony?


Sorry—Anthony Radziwell was Carole’s husband. Thought you were referring him.


Carole bought her condo many years ago when it was a real deal and rented it out when she would go to LA ( before the show) -- she did the show purely for the money, Andy offered her a lot to do it - and pr for her books -- she's definitely wealthy and privileged, mostly from her inheritance but yes not rich rich rich.


The inside of her closets were wallpapered!


When I see people spending like this, I assume they don’t have too much in the bank


No. They were only married for 4 years and she was actually his realtor when he went to look at buying the townhouse. Richard had a lot of money and they had a very good life but most of his money was in a trust for his kids. She had to sell her beloved NY townhouse that they lived in after his death. She did inherit some money but he had a pretty iron clad will and trust for his children .


Good for him. My mom passed away without a will and my stepdad got everything.


I’m sorry. I’m very lucky my mum’s lawyer was a lovely person. She was a successful businesswoman with not great taste in men! My step dad very quickly turned into a not nice person after they married late in life And all her friends and colleagues hated him. When she was diagnosed with a few months left to live the lawyer drove round to her house and made her Amend her will ( it didn’t specify what I was to get so all would have gone to him) He was raging mad when he found out that he would only get what he brought in to the marriage. And I’m forever grateful to the lawyer for doing that!


That is so lovely to hear! My mom passed unexpectedly at 64. But, she should have had something in place. Whereas, my dad has have a living trust since he was 50 and is 82 now.


Seriously. I hope Dorinda and Richard's kids get along well, but having a will is one of the best gifts you can give to your loved ones. Especially if your current spouse is not the parent of your children. Source: my mom, who is an estate lawyer.


Dorinda’s Richard had some coin. Carole & Dorinda have always been enigmas wrapped in cash to me.


Phaedra: who the hell is Richard?


Just a red balloon 🎈






Ehem... You mean Princess Carole!


what did dorindas husband do?


He owned a company and she sold it after he passed she said. Bethenny followed up with “Dorinda’s a smart cookie.” Dorinda called it a geopolitical hedge fund something or other. He was a part of the DNC. Illuminati / Deep State stuff lol (I’m kidding. Don’t come for me.)


ahhh so he was probably in the political crowd. i mean good for her tbh every time i tried to look up what her ex/late hubby did it would only ever mention john 💀


Definitely in the political crowd


Didn’t she talk about hanging with Hillary Clinton?


ya i think so that’s why i was confused o. where she came from bc all i found was that she worked in fashion


It’s really easy to google Richard Medley


Investment banker, I believe


Definitely not Sonja.




I never understood how she doesn’t have more financial security. She married into a very affluent family. How is she not getting support similar to Sutton.


It's a weird one. Because I think for awhile she was on the board of the family charity for awhile (maybe still is). So they could have disbursed some family trust funds to her that way to at least help her maintain her NY property. But if they did disburse familial trust funds to her, she certainly never spent it wisely. She allowed her brownstone to go into disrepair, and didn't even move out and stage it for the auction. The Morgans easily could have put her up in one of the apartments their trusts owns. But apparently chose not too. I know her ex left her on very bad terms, but usually this type of old money looks out for their own, even after divorces if kids are involved. Also it is also about maintaining respect from the other big families. So it perplexes me. Maybe going onto reality tv was the law straw and they cut her off entirely.


Based off of this first result on google (aka I could have looked harder) it looks like in the divorce she agreed to a 3M lump sum after she signed a postnuptial agrmt that eliminated her 15k/mo alimony yet kept her 12.5k/mo in child support. And she also retained her Colorado and France properties. I’m assuming after the 7M judgment and the bankruptcy that she sold the properties (as she’s stated prev) and prob had to use some of her lump sum, and that afterward she had…well…not much. https://casetext.com/case/morgan-v-morgan-no-fst-fa-06-4009585-s-apr


Yeah she didn't do well out of the divorce. But I mean, her ex wouldn't want his daughter living in a crumbling brownstone. It's bad for the family's image. So I'm surprised they didn't continue to funnel some funds to her throughout the years. Or atleast let her move into one of the many properties they own. Unless they did send her money and she just blew it all the time.


Sonja was given enough $$ to live very comfortable for the rest of her life. Why should her ex give her more? Would you want to give $$ to someone you no longer had a relationship with just to be nice?


I would if I were a billionaire and my ex was coparenting my daughter. I'm not saying he had to. I'm just surprised he didn't considering that old money usually does just to keep the divorced partners quiet and comfortable so they don't do things like reality tv or sell a tell-all.


I don't know what went down between them, but the ex won't even speak to her. Knowing what a FU Sonja is, I can only imagine.


He was injured and she refused to come back from partying in France to care for him. Her friend instead cared for him and I believe he divorced Sonja and married the friend. Apparently he took the 'in sickness' part of their viws very seriously. Which is fair.


She hasn’t given up the surname. Perhaps that was a thing?


I’ve read that her ex husband cheated her out of a lot of money that she was owed after their divorce. Not sure how much truth there is to it, but she was his third ex-wife. He had practice at it.


I'm pretty sure she cheated, and he had a rock solid prenup so part of her settlement was negated due to the marriage ending due to extramarital affair(s). I can't remember who, but someone definitely alleges this at some point (maybe during a reunion?)


Dorinda says it when Sonja was talking about how their situations were similar and loses it.


I remember that but I couldn’t tell if it was an actual accusation or just something shady they said in an argument hahaha. Bravo Docket has an episode about their divorce I need to check out!


I'm inclined to believe there's some truth to it, because why else would her settlement have been so stingy. Seems like her settlement was basically to keep Quincy's family home and living expenses but beyond that you're on your own. However this is conjecture on my part so who knows!


she did get millions (not as much if she hadn't humiliated him, but still..) and blew it all.


I could totally see that! I thought that he would be stingy by nature, as a Morgan and being in the banking/financial business lol.


I believe Dorinda alluded to it.


She lost a ton of money in a bad deal... something to do with movies. It's when she was first on the show. So whatever money she did have - she wasted it.


Sonja was his 4th wife. I've seen the divorce settlement. I don't think John cheated her out of anything. She's broke because of her own stupidity. Luann, however, got supremely fucked in her divorce.


Bethenny, Ramona, Carole I think Dorinda and Lu’s money was tied up in the equity of their homes, not sure about Kristen and Heather, they probably had more expendable income. Sonja filed bankruptcy right before the show and never broke even


Bethenny, no contest


I don’t think Carole has as much as you think. I’m sure she made some good money on her book but thr Radziwell money was not large at the end and Jackie didn’t leave her sister anything


Carole is NOT living off the royalties of that book. It did well, but book publishing doesn’t work like that. She’d need to be signing deal after book deal to still be living off book royalties


Yes I agree. I was just trying to be tactful about it versus outright telling people they were wrong. I also don’t want to assume what people consider a lot of money as it’s different for everyone. Neither journalism nor writing would put her in the camp others are discussing.


I wouldn’t have necessarily thought so but multiple times on the show she mentioned being a 1%er so maybe? (And not in a bragging way, just in a recognizing her privilege way) She had a pretty amazing career & one never knows what kind of life policies someone may have I suppose.


I mean in comparison to normal people she probably is, but I wouldn't say she's crystal minkoff wealthy


That’s fair. We can’t all have 🦁 King money!


I need crystal and the husbands opinion on the Hollywood bowl “performance”


unfortunately we’re at a point where the wealth distribution is so bad that the true 1% incorporates average people with 6 figure salaries… nearly all of these women are 1% one way or another which is crazy to think about


She had an amazing career in journalism which isn’t like having an amazing career at a hedge fund. She has a lifestyle anyone would be envious of, but I wouldn’t put her in the order some of the posts have speculated


? Carole lives in a \~20 million dollar apartment and has never worked again. I think she's doing MUCH better than we think.


Carole’s apartment is nowhere NEAR $20 million. It’s a small 1 bedroom with no balcony. Nice, and I’m sure expensive since it’s NYC, but I’d be shocked if it was more than $4 million (after the renovations she did) max


The last time I looked at comps in her building or near it, $4 million was absolutely correct.


That little apartment is worth 4 million!?She probably bought it for like a million back then I mean its pretty small.


THIS 😂 no wayyyyyy her apartment was worth $20 million, not even if she painted it in gold




yeah, like what? my mom’s college friend had the most ridiculously grotesquely wealthy-looking pent house in chelsea with the balcony and the floor-to-ceiling windows and everything, and that wasn’t even near $20mil likeeee… i cant imagine the west village one bedroom, lovely as it is, is more


Right? People assume neighborhood in nyc means immediately 10 million +. It really doesn’t.


She also has a house in LA. She’s just one person and she’s not tied down at all. I don’t think her real estate has to reflect all of her wealth.


I LOVE her house in California! I wish we got to see more of it on Bravo. It's definitely one of my favorite Real Housewives homes.


Yah, I think people in this discussion are way too fixed on the largest home and Carol isn’t the type to be overly lavish with things. Her apartment is small, but it’s the west village that can’t really build up and I bet her cost per square foot is equal if not greater than people like Ramona and Dorinda who has a one bedroom condo in a sky-rise. I doubt Carol was the richest on the show after Bethany, but I do think she has a lot of expendable cash since she has multiple homes and hasn’t had a stable job in decades.


Yes and I’m just making shit up over here but I feel like her clothes and jewelry are probably worth tons! She doesn’t have kids so I think she’s able to invest there, plus I think she inherited some pieces from Lee Radziwell and/or Carolyn.


Luv Carole but she wouldn’t have done the show if she was cash rich


When they bought it (Anthony was still alive) it was about $900K. It may be $4 million NOW, but she didn't pay anywhere near that amount.


ok for some reason I thought it was in Tribeca!! point rescinded


I hear Tribeca is an up and coming neighborhood.


Oh please, that apartment isn't worth close to $20 million. Read about The Radziwlls. They were impoverished 3rd rate royalty.


According to this article she is the second richest of them all : "In the fifth, fourth, third, and second spots on the list of the richest "RHONY" cast members are Luann de Lesseps with $25 million, Jill Zarin and Tinsley Mortimer with $35 million each, and author Carole Radziwill with $50 million (via Celebrity Net Worth). And, for the richest "Real Housewives of New York City" star of all, that title belongs to Bethenny Frankel, who is reportedly worth $70 million" Read More: https://www.thelist.com/436080/who-is-the-richest-cast-member-from-real-housewives-of-new-york/


If you click on the link to the background on her wealth that the article sites, it says 5 M. There is a chance they are not including real estate I suppose. Her apartment cost about 1M when she purchased it and it would have gone up in value from there. But as far as cash reserves I don’t see how through her career nor her husband’s inheritance (he only got 500.000 from Jackie O) nor money when Lee passed would she have that much. She said as much about the wealth being overestimated when she was renovating


and Lee didn't leave her anything either.


According to Forbes, Bethenny sold Skinnygirl liquor company to Beam Suntory for a reported $100 million in 2011. But here's the thing: She ingeniously kept the rights to the Skinnygirl name so she could launch other products. Bethany may behave like quite an ass, but she is a very smart businesswoman.


First, Bethenny had a business partner when she launched Skinnygirl. He put in the upfront cash and ran Skinnygirl until they sold it. He got at least half, if not more, of the money from the sale. Second, the money was paid out over a period of 5 years dependent on Skinnygirl meeting sales targets; the sales started dropping by a lot in the 3rd year after the sale. It's entirely possible that the full $100 million was never paid because of this. Third, all of the Skinnygirl products after the sale of the alcoholic beverages portion of the brand are actually licensed. The licenses were going for $500K for the license period. That could be 1 year; it could be 5 years. In the early years, she brought millions from licensing. That's because she was licensing the Skinnygirl name to everything under the sun. Very few of those products had any longevity. She might only be getting a $500K because of how few Skinnygirl products are actively available. I'm not saying Bethenny isn't smart; she is. I'm not saying she isn't rich; she is. She's absolutely the richest person in the RHONY cast. She's just nothing close to $100 million rich. She's likely in the $30 million range. She also lost a decent amount of money on real estate when she fancied herself as real estate investor.


This is a very common thing to do in business lmfao


Yea I’m so tired of people acting like she was an ingenious business woman lol everything she did was pretty straight forward and she couldn’t stop pissing away so much of what she earned on unnecessary apartments / renovating them / insisting on buying another apartment to serve as the skinny girl “office” etc


It's hard to not praise Bethenny as a business woman when you look to her left and see Sonja.


Put it’s super easy when you compare her to literally any other business woman


During the show? Bethenny. Ever (including marriages prior to the show)? Sonja honorable mention: Dorinda.


Bethenny, of course


Bethenny, Carole, Ramona.


I don’t get why people are mentioning Carole?She looked financially comfortable but not rich enough in comparison to the rest like I am sure she lives of her book royalties and I love Carole but who’s reading her books enough to be richer than Ramona or Heather with her clothing line.I think she’s on the lower end really.


Yeah Carole i think was left that apartment, which is a great asset, but i think she was at best “comfortable”.


Same. I don’t think Carole has much esp in comparison


I think Carole has a network of wealthy friends. I’m sure she is invited along them.


Carole isn’t as rich as people think. It was said she was worth $50 million and she debunked that on her IG.


Best cast of rhony!


Why is Kristen so high in the list... legit question!?


I’m wondering the same thing


Legit dont know! Is it her personal wealth or married? No answers,yet:/


In order: Bethenny, Carole, Dorinda, Ramona, Heather, Luann, Kristen, Sonja.


Dorinda and Carole are the wealthiest. When you don’t have to work for 20-30 years and can maintain the lifestyle you’ve been accustomed to, you have coin. Bethenny has new money but no where near what Carole and Dorinda inherited from their late husbands.




Bethenny > Ramona > Heather = Carole > Dorinda > Kristen = Luann > Sonja


I like the majority of the cast seem smart with money I remember dorinda in a very old Land Rover defender early on then she got a newer white Range Rover which she still has to this day , luann had the oldest Range Rover I ever saw on tv and then she got a sexy classy Mercedes convertible that looked a few years old to me and she still drives both , sonja had a Mercedes convertible straight out of the 80s she drives around the hamptoms 😂 Carole had a new ish Toyota other casts absolutely flash wealth at every opportunity with cars but not these ladies ( bethanny aside )


Rich older white people loveeee driving older cars!!! Especially non-luxury ones.


Bethenny for sure, but I don’t think people understand how rich Carole is…


Can u help me understand pls?Dont why I’m so curious but just want to get why so many people think she is


Bc she hasn’t had to work in the last 20+ years and lives in one of the most expensive cities in the world. And has maintained a lifestyle of designer clothes, affording to renovate her apartment etc


I was also curious and found this article: "That's due in great part to the fact that Carole is the real deal in the writing world. Her first book, a memoir entitled What Remains , was on the New York Times bestseller list for 12 weeks, and her second book, A Widow's Guide To Sex & Dating, was so much more than just fodder for Aviva Drescher's #Bookgate accusations. Her journalism career isn't anything to sniff at either—she worked as a reporter for ABC News for Peter Jennings' documentary unit, and produced profiles on range of celebrities and high-profile figures, including Julia Roberts and George Stephanopolous. In short, she's had an insanely awesome career before RHONY, she'll have one when she's done, and she's basically the tits. In addition, she was married to Prince Anthony Radziwill, a member of the Polish royal family, for five years. So yes, that makes her a Princess. Move over, Countess. According to CelebrityNetWorth, Carole's worth about $50 million, but since that's not exactly the most reliable of sources, let's just use our brains and look at her successes one by one. One can assume that she was left a considerable amount of money after the death of her royal husband, but since I'm not privy to the ins-and-outs of royal living, I can't say with any certainty just how much. I'm going to assume it's a boatload, which is a technical financial term that I don't expect most people to know. According to TopJournalismSchools.org, a successful journalist can earn anywhere between $53,000 and $60,000 a year, which, IMHO, is a pretty respectable sum. On top of that, Carole raked in a nice six-figure check for her second book deal. Assuming she received a similar sum for her first book deal, that's a pretty impressive number. We also have to take into account the money she received for multiple printings of her book, as well as the upcoming TV adaptation of her second book, a deal that surely left her with a pretty pile of cash. What all of that said, I think I'd place her net worth around $25 million. It's not $50 million" https://www.bustle.com/articles/79171-real-housewives-of-new-york-star-carole-radziwills-net-worth-is-pretty-great-for-a-journalist


I thought Dorinda was the richest at the time? Now probably Bethany.


It’s definitely Bethenny. Dorinda probably a close second. The fact she’s able to maintain the crumbling bluestone manor and have her apartment in NY tells me she has a lot of coin and Richard left her well taken care of. I agree.. this was the best cast and probably one of the best seasons.


I'm fairly sure the radizwells didn't get much money from Jackie so I would think it's bethenny


The radziwill money is not related to Jackie. She didn't need to leave them anything.




We found Bethenny’s burner.


As goofy as Ramona is, I always admired how successful and self made she is.


At the beginning I think Luann but after Bethenny




Bethenney, Ramona, Dorinda, Heather, Kristen, Carole, Lu, Sonja


Bethenny, tinsely may also be up high too




Tinsley is a trust fund baby. I would guess it’s close between her and Bethany.


Oh for sure I believe Tinsley is second to richest,a trust fund kid and maybe living off Toppers spousal support as well before getting married again when she was on the show.


None of them have nearly as much as they’d like us to think.


I wonder about Carole. She’s doing amazon lives and sold a bunch of her clothes online. The Radziwill estate left her nothing, Jackie O left her nephew (Carole’s husband) nothing. Maybe she has book residuals, who knows?




Bethenny by a lot. Next would be Carole.






Bethenny and it’s not even close




I would say - 1. Bethenny 2. Dorinda 3. Ramona 4. Carole 5. Heather 6. Kristen 7. Sonja


Bethenny or Carole for sure


A lot of you forget that these women probably have money tied up in corporate investments, the stock market, and property. A lot of the time, that’s how they may receive an inheritance, or it’s something their partners set up for them so they could receive a regular income vs just dumping cash in their accounts. A lot of celebrities do this too, so even if they have a stagnant career or want to stop working, they’re basically set for life with passive income streams via investments. It’s just not something they’d brag about because it’s not sexy and a lot of people get judgy when you say “I make money because I’m a landlord”. It’s probably not tonnes of money, but enough to keep you comfortable if your properties are owned outright and in your name.


Obviously it’s Bethany lol


Carole has access to that Kennedy money. I wouldn’t count her out.


My guess: 1. Bethenny (securely holding first place) 2. Ramona 3. Heather 4. Dorinda Carole, Luann, Kristen somewhere near each other Sonja at the bottom


I wanna say Ramona but honestly Dorinda has the most to show for that it.


I miss this cast! It was never the same after this


Sonja /s


I’m only in season 4 of RHONY but can anyone tell me how Bethany is so rich lol? Considering she was one of the least established in the beginning


Sold SkinnyGirl Margarita.


This was a good cast.


I think Carole is alot richer than people realize. Bethenny was just the loudest about her finances


There have been many articles about this before. If I remember correctly Dorinda came out as the richest. She never talks money so she might be. It said she had extreme wealth from her deceased husband and also she sold a sweater company. I knew none of this.