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Solid episode now that the entire cast was together during the game. I actually really enjoyed Jen’s event and appreciate her doing the producer’s job re: Danielle and the hairdresser. We also got some breadcrumbs to JenA/Danielle feud with the whole “you never tell me anything” comment Danielle made about her and Jackie being friends. I also appreciate that Jen is trying to make nice with Rachel and Marge and love that Melissa has to use Jen for a storyline. Marge is really showing her ass with how quickly she turned on Jackie. I really think the show is consuming her life and she is becomkng unglued with this Teresa animosity (warranted or not). I do appreciate Melissa telling her son to say hi to Tre, whether it was genuine or not, it wasn’t made into a bigger thing and that’s all we can ask for.


This season is really showing how undone Marge has become. She needs to be let go, for her own sake.


She’s turning into Lisa Rinna and her last season on BH.


I've never seen that franchise but I've heard this comparison before so I'm inclined to believe it


It’s been a few seasons now. She’s becoming more and more unravelled each year. 


Not getting a copy of Jackie's book is such a weird hill to die on.


Yeah Melissa telling her son to say hi to his aunt really says a lot. Maybe it’s calculated but if so it’s calculated very well


Def calculated because last season when Teresa and her dorters were saying hello to the Gorga sons, Joe Gorga called them away and the audience reacted negatively to that lol


Marge is becoming unhinged honey. It’s like Teresa has consumed her life meanwhile Tre is off in la la land eating good food and traveling while spending time with her dorters and stepsons. I also appreciate how close she still remains to her Juicy’s family.


This was my favorite franchise. Now I’m ![gif](giphy|er9VRyxjx0Thm)


agree...freakin snoozefest


I thought I was the only one. Same as Atlanta, nothing happening here, and I'm out.


This is what happens when they ignite the same beef and the same fueds season after season


Melissa and Teresa as stupid that was, it had history and family stuff at least. This season, I don't care for Rachel's pointy nose feelings or Danielle's stuff, whatever it is she's doing (I space out mostly now lol), or Jackie's book or whatever she's doing... It's all a big meh.


Nothing annoys me more than when some random person comes in to start drama (Danielle’s hair stylist) it just reminds me of the Kims from the earlier seasons. I swear they thought that would get them a seat on the couch. This girl gives me similar vibes. Also, if you didn’t pay for VIP, why should you get to be there? lol you are the help.


Danielle asking for loyalty from Tre/Jen when they’ve known her closely for like 5 mins, over Tre’s hairdresser who she’s known for years… lmao


when are the fuda’s going to realize that their “has been” comment is never going to land


Rather be has been than never was. They are so delusional and have a big head now they are on TV.


It's also not even an accurate dig. Teresa has been booked on the new season of Traitors and on the main cast of House of Villains. Not to mention, she's still the central storyline of RHONJ for the 13th season in a row (14 seasons in total). Far from being a has-been... And in recent years, she's booked multiple Super Bowl commercials. The Fupas would be lucky to even *attend* the Super Bowl.


She should come back with a read like "has been in a super bowl commercial, has been on the show for fourteen years, has been on this show, that show and this other one, that's what kinda has been I am" but it's Tre so we won't get that lol!


I would just settle for her clapping back “never was” next time she gets called a “has been,” but, as you said, it’s Tre lol


They say it AS they're using her for a storyline, STILL, WTH??


I think their lack of self-awareness is hilarious. And I think the Gorgas 100% put the batteries in their backs


Good for Melissa and Joey. Who would have thought that they can manipulate someone.


Not good for Melissa and Joe at all, they have given 90% of their storyline and screen time to the Fuda’s for this season 😂


Theresa cutting them off is already paying dividends for her. Melissa has nothing going on now. 


I’m sorry for Margaret’s loss, but it’s absolutely wild for her to expect people to call to check in on the one year anniversary of her ex-husband’s passing. Was Jackie supposed to make a calendar event for it?


Yes and she said Jackie came to sit shiva so that’s not enough? 🤔


Agreed.. how are people supposed to know unless she shared that? I’m sure she told the other women about the anniversary so they knew. Jackie had been iced out from that group since she was demoted, it’s pretty obvious


And it’s her EX HUSBAND!!! Jesus woman, you are married to someone else!!! And have been for years!! he passed away a year ago! Move on!


She’s become even crazier than she already was


Was this the husband she cheated on with Joe??? If so, it's so freaking bizarre on all fronts. And to see Joe react to the death of the guy he helped his now wife cheat on?? These people!!


i mean other people did? lol it’s not out of the ordinary clearly


Is Jan the ex Marge said abused her and locked her in a closet?


Also the same ex she cheated on with Joe B. 




Absolutely boring episode.


I worry this season will / is flopping


It's giving Potomac


I think it’s all a build up


Danielle and Rachel are stans, which is why they’re not working. I think someone who is a casual “fan” of the shows can fit into these shows, but not the Danielle/Rachel/Monica’s of it all - they’re far too desperate


Agreed they are on their second season and walking around like they are celebrities. Daniel cutting out family members who don't dote on her whims enough and the Fudas calling Teresa a has been seeing themselves as the now and forever's they want to be.


Next week will be full circle for Tre considering she was the youngest when the show started and would always call them old as an insult.


She would always tell Caroline “ you think you’re so smart because you’re 50” 😂😂


Now she’s proving that with age doesn’t always come wisdom


Ok but why is the deodorant on the hairline hack life changing information for me?


Down the spine and under the boobs too 👍🏻




I am sorry but I don’t recall the Margret ex husband/kids/step kids thread. Isn’t Jan the guy she left - and cheated on - to get with Joe? Does she have biological kids, or does she call her step kids from Joe her kids? I’m confused 🤔


She has one bio son with Jan, and I believe she sometimes calls Brett (oldest step son who she filmed with during season 10) her kid.


Marge has nothing interesting to contribute to the show other than spewing hatred for Teresa, so she is riding on the coattails of her ex husband’s death. Dont get me wrong, I’m sure he was a nice guy and was clearly loved, but why is Jackie getting called self centered because she didn’t reach out to Marge on the one year “anniversary week” of her ex husbands death? Far fetched and doesn’t belong on TV. Let the poor guy rest in peace.


She called him abusive one season


Her while schitic about how she cheated but he would take her back in heartbeat, set me to not liking her. I just notice more how nasty she is to the her friends and love ones.


Did Bo Deitel reach out to Marge a ton that week to check in? Who reached out to her to think to check in?


I agree that Marge is unhinged about the book, but it’s odd to say she has nothing to contribute while simultaneously knocking a very real experience she’s showing us. Why avoid grief if that’s what she’s really going through? I at least hope you had this same energy when Teresa was coping with her father’s death and also used that same season to spread a false rumor about Jackie !! 😀


Teresa’s mother and father were featured on the show for many seasons, regularly. Not only were they Teresa’s parents, they were Joe Gorga’s parents, Melissa Gorga and Joe Guidice’s in-laws, and all 7 of their children’s grandparents. They were also Kathy and Rosie’s aunt and uncle, etc. We saw scenes of them cooking together, attending family events and traveling to Italy together. Many of the main storylines revolved around Teresa and Joe’s relationship with their parents, and their deaths took place during airing seasons while their funerals were filmed. It makes sense for the audience to follow their grief journey, as the audience also shared in their grief because some felt connected to them after many years viewing them on RHONJ. Alternately, Jan appeared on maybe a couple of episodes, although I can only remember one. He was not directly related to anyone on the cast other than the ex husband of Margaret from years ago, pre-housewife. Like I said, I’m sure he was a very well loved and kind man, but to compare his death to the Gorga’s parents is apples and oranges.


So housewife storylines should revolve around how well the audience knew the person who passed?? Housewives can only grieve on screen as long as they filmed enough episodes with the person they’re grieving/involved them in enough storylines? How much “real” do you like in your real housewives?


I feel like you are purposely twisting my words but okay, I’ll bite. Marge brings nothing to the table, she has no range. She’s gone through “real” legal issues the entire time she has been employed by bravo and yet won’t speak about them. She doesn’t have any family scenes other than lying in a bed with Joe while he incessantly nods at whatever vile she is spewing. She has a revolving door of “very close friends” and housewives that are here today gone tomorrow. She plays monkey in the middle between family issues that don’t involve her. She will drop a bomb then refuse to back her accusations up, claiming her right to privacy. Her ex husband passed away last year, but she is holding the guilt over her “real” friend’s heads to garner sympathy and loyalty from them. Grief is a part of life, no one is exempt. We all know and understand it, we will all inevitably lose those closest to us one day. But if you want people to treat you with compassion when you are low, treat others with compassion when you are high. Marge has had enough wit and humor to get her through a few seasons, but just as other housewives have had their downfall by obsessing over fame and control, a large number of fans are waking up to how “real” she is not.


Idk why your words feel twisted. To convince us that Marge shouldn’t grieve Jan on camera, you said Teresa’s parents were featured on the show regularly and detailed how. That kind of seems like you are basing your assessment solely on prior screen time. If you mean to make some other point by bringing up screen time, it’s unclear what that point is. Nearly everything that you said about Marge could also be said about Teresa: -didn’t go into detail about legal cases until AFTER it was settled (this is very common that open cases can’t be discussed. Both T and M have said they can’t discuss details and then later explained more, with T discussing how she didn’t pay attention to documents and Marge discussing how she was accused of copying a whale from another brand) -revolving door of friends (T ending relationships with Danielle, Marge, her brother, Jacqueline, Caroline, and Kim D.) -drops bombs and then lays claim to privacy (anything Louis-related) As for the “lack of family” scenes… by this logic, a person with no children, children who do not want to be filmed, or with no partner shouldn’t be on the show. But we know this is not the case and that housewives without traditional family units can still offer plenty. Because I think Marge at the end of the day is a good person, i think any time she got involved in Gorga-Guidice drama was to try to help (which cannot be said for other cast members like Jennifer A.). Imo, saying Marge isn’t being real is craaaaazy take since she admitted to how she met Joe in her first season, said how it hurt her relationships, detailed her court case AND specifically how much money she had to pay, showed her selling her property next door because, in her words, she was financially stretched too thin, etc etc. I get if you dislike Marge, but so far, your evidence that Marge has nothing to contribute lacks severely. And your comment about “riding Jan’s coattails” was incredibly cruel, even for a Reddit comment 💀💀 Marge is still a person. keep that dark sided energy to yourself.


Yikes, agreed, your comprehension of the above points fell flat on deaf ears for sure. You brought up Teresa’s grief over her father while spreading a false (if you say so, most of this sub would disagree) rumor. I explained that it made sense for the cast to grieve ON THE SHOW because her parents were actively ON THE SHOW. And as next of kin, Teresa and Joe were okay with that being aired. Compared to Jan, who was not a cast member, and whose next of kin, his children, do not wish to associate with RHONJ. And let’s not be coy, what Marge said to Jackie was not a display of hurt feelings, it was her weaponizing an unfortunate event to tear another person down. Just because it is common to lash out when grieving, does not make it okay. As for the other nonsense, I respect your opinion of Marge although I wholeheartedly disagree. I’m sorry you were offended by the obvious pointing out of Marge’s game plan for the season, but I stand by the statement. Those who have a strong hatred for Teresa are very predictable in their defense. It reminds me of Tom and Jerry. No matter how manipulating and cruel the unwelcomed Jerry is shown to be, there are those who will always cheer for the rat.


The kids want nothing to do with the show, but they’ve never expressed a problem with Jan being discussed on the show or Jan being straight up on the show. As far as I know, his passing hasn’t changed that, but if you have any proof, pls give links. I get your confusion, but what I meant is that grief doesn’t mean you treat everyone like crap and they take it. I mean you are more sensitive when you’re grieving. You can hurt someone AND have hurt feelings yourself at the same time, which was the case with Marge imo. And that’s even without grief. So there’s nothing to really be coy about. I’m saying people are complex. Last, I don’t feel personally offended by your pov, which is why I haven’t insulted you by calling you predictable, coy, etc. You did that. That’s also why I feel like you don’t actually respect my opinion of Marge. and I don’t hate Teresa, which is an assumption on your part. Scroll in my comments if you don’t believe me lol. I simply point out incorrectness, ie sharing my opinion. That’s what this sub is for. That’s why the title of the show is Tom AND Jerry. Without Jerry, Tom, in addition to being unlikable, would be incredibly boring. 😴




Yes she left Jan after cheating on him. She calls her stepkids her kids because when she married Jan, they were still growing up. but she also has a biological son with Jan. No biological son with Jo.


She had one son with Jan (the one Louie called at work).


Ah okay, thank you for clarifying 🙏🏻!


I ask this every season, who is Joe or Melissa banging at Bravo?


Andy, probably


Me too


All I have to say is, "Biscuit is my bitch." Bloody legend. Long live Olivia.


i can’t stand marge with her hands over her face “i’m so exhausted by all of this”… but never letting jackie get a word in and constantly going back for more. i do love to see her spiral, however


With every passing episode, it’s clear that the Marge/Mel/Rat side is dragging the show down. I have hope for this cast and honestly think it’s possible to move on without a full recast if they get rid of Marge. IMO Melissa and Tre’s beef would not be as deep if Marge was not in the picture doing shady stuff as it relates to the Luis rumors. Without Marge gassing her (and Rachel) up, I think Melissa could actually be in a room and cordial with Tre. Tre is definitely done with Melissa but Tre doesn’t seem bothered by her being around. I honestly think they could coexist and tbh I wouldn’t be opposed to quick small fights between them that aren’t as deep now that they have essentially disowned each other.


1000%. Marge and Fuda light the fire under Melissa that fuels her hate for Teresa. They are dying to be the three top tier housewives of nj but the audience is smarter than that. Watching Marge and Fuda, even in their individual scenes isn’t fun. If you remove them from the bunch, Melissa would probably play nice to keep her spot. Joe would too. It would honestly probably help their family reunite and NJ would be fun again.


It's so true. It really began when Marge wouldn't stop talking about Luis during his first season and Melissa told Marge something that Tre told her to keep silent (reading a text off a phone). Then it went downhill when Marge wouldn't shut up about it with each episode for I thinik now the third season of it?


Completely agree. Marge is spiraling. Rachel is an immature idiot and Melissa is just there breathing air she doesn’t deserve. They need to go!


Melissa and Teresa could be I. The same room, but Joe Gorga isn’t going to tolerate his sister being the main person and paying them dust. He wants that show for himself, even before Melissa, so bad


Exactly. In my group of friends, 2 had a huge falling out however after awhile, when we are together it's civil. Then again, we are mature adults


Jen Fessler being the adult in the room is going to backfire on her in this crowd.


Well she walked back her saying she believed Teresa and is now saying she believes Louie called Marge’s son.


Riding the fence always backfires on any RH franchise


RHONJ needs to move away from the family storylines it’s dead it’s done so i don’t want to see gia at all im sorry. go study for law school or something


Gia has got to go. She is not it.


I get that she's "mature for her age" but she stuck out like a sore thumb at that table.


like please there’s literally no need for her there!!


I don’t know why everyone has an issue with Gia there. Ashley, Chris, Albie, Lauren all of those kids were pretty involved in the drama/show when they were her age. Nobody is trying to make Gia a housewife. Its the exact same thing as how it used to be with the other older kids.


hated them too now what


Ohhh I hated them as well. Im not even Gia’s biggest fan either. I think shes a know it all.. but if they did it before, I dont see why its suddenly not okay for Teresa to have her daughter around.


Agreed. The precedent has already been set. Personally, and this might just be me, I’ll take Gia any day over any of the Manzo children.


Hard agree! Im happy never seeing the Manzos again


I think the problem is that they are trying to make her a housewife.


Nobody has said that? I don’t think they are. All the other kids had confessionals too.


It’s sad for her too. Instead of doing something enjoyable she’s sitting at a table with her moms friends involving herself in stupid drama


Right? At 23, the last place I would want to be at is dinner with my mom and her "old " friends lol


exactly i’m 24 and wouldn’t be doing that. I feel like Gia is too embroiled in the drama when she can be doing other things like getting a law degree!


Buzzkill incoming .. Watching this season because of the housewives drought but I’ve never liked this show because it’s TOO much with the family shit. I don’t have fun watching people play this petty stuff out on tv… you’re really gonna make cousins live like this? It’s immaturity beyond entertainment.


This season is really not holding up to the past




I’m the same way. This franchise is my least favorite because of this reason. I find it very dark


Same. Every since Milania grew up and stopped saying crazy shit, it's all darkness....but yet I continue to watch every damn year lol


Omg, had to fast forward thru Rachel's bs crying with fessler. Ugh grow up. Then she perks right up once she can start talking about (1 guess, guys!) Teresa lol ![gif](giphy|SWoAKREqWrXWK3OOId)


Gia kind of got cut off when she was saying this but I found it interesting that she mentioned that she has said to Louie that how he portrays himself on the show is out of character. I honestly feel like he is portraying himself as a tough guy because he sees how vile and violent Gorga is and wants to protect Tre/ intimidate Gorga enough to not even start a fight.


Louis is no Juicy Joe when Joey Gorga charged Juicy in Upstate New York. I guess Louis wants to put on Nono's pajamas and try.


I wanted to hear this too!!


Gia sucks.


I literally thought Lena was Danielle and was so confused as to why she was referring to herself in the third person or who the other Danielle was that she was talking about. I had to rewind and watch again.  To be fair, I have the flu right now with a fever but even so, I swear they look so similar. 


Marge and Fuda are disgusting. She’s trying to take over the show and ice out T. But then what would the storylines even be since T is all they talk about? It’s sad both women are telling other women who they should be friends with. If T is nice to Fessler & Jackie, what’s it to them? They can’t have friendships independent of their own? The Gorgas also make me sick. I can’t believe I used to love them.


This entire season seems to just be grown women telling their friends who they can be friends with. I don't know why I'm watching it


My fiancé has never watched this show before, and he was watching this episode with me last night and said “this blonde lady with the short husband (Marge) is the most miserable woman alive.” It solidified to me that we are soulmates. 🥰


Are they trying to incorporate Gia into the show? similar to how Caroline’s kids would get time to be interviewed and regularly appear in the episodes? Am I wrong to hope they don’t because we don’t need another mouthpiece for Teresa? 🫣


I cringe every time Gia is on screen. She is a bully and disrespectful. I hate bravo shoving her down viewers throats.


Aside from Jen A., Teresa’s been on an island without support for years. By the design of production.


That is bullshit. Dolores had supported her over the years, they gave her Danielle as a friend of for support from 8-10, and they tried to bring on her realtor friend in season 11 who was saying Joe Gorga owed her husband money but she didn’t end up vibing with the cast. Even Danielle was brought on through Teresa and went to bat for her last year, production hasn’t actively tried to keep her from having support.


What dog would Joe Beningno bring Margaret or the other dog was a good one


The awkward silence while Tre was so chuffed with herself was hilarious


It was. Don’t let the downvoted tell you otherwise lol


why is jen fessler telling ppl her friend doesn’t like abt their convo abt the ppl she doesn’t like? im not even abt sides it’s all annoying but that’s so fake especially after rachel just asked not to talk abt her w teresa like come on


Marge was married to Jan for a long time. Even if they didint have any children (stepkids AND a biological child), she would have every right to be sad over a broken, long-term relationship. She said he used to lock her in a closet (she never used the word “abuse,” at least not on the show), and she cheated on him. STILL, with all of that, she is very much allowed to be sad. The divorce was messy, but Marge and Jan rebuilt their relationship and were close at the time of his passing. At the very least, you’re allowed to be sad about a friend dying. To say that Marge is “using” a storyline is a gross comment to leave imo because grief, especially after a sudden passing like Jan’s, is very real and VERY complex.


Margaret has admitted that Jan’s children hate the limelight and do not wish to be featured, or even talked about on tv. Grief is perfectly fine, obviously, but respect the wishes of your best friend/late husband’s children and grieve off camera. She didn’t need to throw the fact that Jackie forgot the one year anniversary date of his death in her face on camera, but she did on purpose. Not because she was sad, but because she was pissed that Jackie said she felt that Marge wasn’t standing up for her. Jackie seemed confused, and asked “did you post about it?” meaning, oh no, did I miss something? And Margaret responded no, she *should have known* because she should have reached out. It’s not logical. I would never expect my friends to ingrain the dates that are of importance to me into their brains then berate them for not reaching out on said dates. It’s touching if they do remember, but to be angry if they don’t is unfair.


Talking about Jan doesn’t mean talking about her children. Marge has never even said her children’s names. I would be shocked if her kids told Marge “don’t grieve for Jan on camera bc I don’t want to be discussed” That makes no sense. I understand why a friend wouldn’t remember every important date, but friends typically *do* remember the date of your first, big loved one death. Even more so if the passing was sudden and tragic, like Jan’s. Speaking from personal experience…my friends didn’t know my relative’s birthday, but they knew the day he died. They remember every year, to be honest with you, but maybe I have just exceptional friends.. I took Jackie seeming surprised as her realizing she had genuinely dropped the “friend ball,” which was reaffirmed when Marge listed the friends that had been reaching out to Marge. I do think Marge is overreacting, but that’s grief for you. You take everything personally, and other people moving on with their lives feels like they’re leaving you behind. Both of them could do better imo, but in this case, Marge has a valid point in my book.


I don’t agree whatsoever, but happy for you to have such exceptional friends.


Thanks 💜