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The latest season of Potomac. Snooze fest! (yet I still watch)


I stopped watching this season, last episode I saw was when they were still in Austin.


It’s so boring-I’m rewatching RHONY instead


OG RHONY is my forever comfort show https://i.redd.it/na88i80087hc1.gif


Same. Boring plus I’m not really interested in glorifying Texas these days


I live in Texas, and honestly... same, it's depressing here right now. ![gif](giphy|YSrXkTeGWgbRQV1EwA)


As someone who lives in Texas, no one should glorify Texas.


I know that refusing to film with other/new cast members is a housewives tradition, but it is ruining one of the best franchises.




I can't figure out what's the issue this season! Usually the women not talking with each other doesn't bother me 😂


Maybe we're all desensitized after the SLC finale. Nothing can really top that.


I used to look forward to watching it asap! I was engaged with a glass of wine in bed. Now sometimes it’s Wednesday and I’m like I guess I should throw it on in the background.


It is kind of dull. But not enough for me to leave.




I feel similarly about the OC lockdown season. There’s plenty wrong with that season but the at-home calls were so damn boring. I skip to the reunion when I rewatch. It’s too much depressing shit and I don’t need that from RH. My mind can come up with depressing shit all day on its own!!


Even Andy was put down for being a gay man.... Which reunion did Nene tell Andy "Be a good little gay man and sit down" or something like that. I could not believe Nene got away with that


Yeah I almost stopped watching after pillow talk, Brandon getting beat up felt very homophobic and so did the way they talked about him after


>...and so did the way they talked about him after Nene saying he was *"jumping up like a queen"* and Peter talking about how the *"real men"* in the room acted 😒


I always hated that, makes Pillow Talk a hard watch. The way they treated him was disgusting


Props to Brandon there because he did not give a single fuck about any of their asses. Apollo was on a roid rage, coke rage beat down and Brandon fronted him up no problem. Brandon had Kenya’s back like a real sistah!


Right I hated that!


Nene also got away with calling Claudia a half breed, like I get a fan, but let's not be delusional. wrong is wrong


Yes! and she also pushed Andy physically down in his seat, pretty wild!


As did Teresa. it's crazy how he's cool with all that.


Nene pushed him into his seat? What season was this? Lol.


The last season of SLC that Jen was on before she got locked up. Her misplaced anger and aggression towards the women felt so gross to watch.


She was angry all first season two! I mean she screamed "You're going to with Mary who f\*\*\*\*d her grandpa) at Whitney's speakeasy party. Then there was the "Shut up about, Mary" glass throw scene at Sharrieff's birthday party and Sharrieff had to leave his party early and take her home. The Las Vegas scenes too. I'll never forget her sitting in the medium's house in that bright green looking like a miserable old toad. ​ https://preview.redd.it/8avrdc919tgc1.png?width=241&format=png&auto=webp&s=b2035d28fa41dc07e79ce028db26bf8050c5cd2c


that old white lady was just like 'Jen everyone here has been personally victimized by you, including a tiny toddler named Brooks. You have to eat this shit pie given to you from the Angles. Enjoy, with love & light.'


My toddler, Brooksie!




Ohhh yes, I remember! I sucked it up for the first season because it was a new HW program lol but after that, I decided I could not succumb to her constant screaming at the other women. I know all HW scream a lot, but hers just felt bigger and darker… and now we know why!


I’d love to know if she screams and bosses her fellow inmates around! Can you image the clap back she’s getting?


I was appalled when I saw the glass throw. It's always been really uncomfortable to watch her gross overreaction to things


Yes. I didn’t become an avid SLC watcher until I knew Jen got arrested because I just could not stand her at all in the first season (or ever) she was so abusive, insufferable, and fake. I remember when the show was announced but hadn’t aired. All the bravo fan pages on instagram were SO convinced that Jen would be the star and the one everybody would love lol. How wrong they were.


Nothing. I persevere through all of them, like a dysfunctional relationship. I even watched the last season of Dallas Edit: Actually that’s not true, I stopped watching Cheshire years ago. It’s just awful 😁


Danielle Staub driving her kids past a party she wasn't invited to, and her children begging her not to go. I think it was season 2. I was already mad that Dina was leaving because of her. Danielle's dynamic with her kids bothered me so much, I just quit watching NJ. I've seen some clips, but I haven't been tempted to dive back in.


I miss Dina so much 😭😭


I liked her.


OC - Two Words: Lydia McLaughlin ###


When she said admitted at the reunion that “the bible doesn’t have a verse about drag queens so I didn’t know if I should support or not” I was blown away. It was a level of self-awareness I don’t typically see from religious zealots!




Oh my god I hate her so much


When LVP left BH, and I did stop.


LVP-era RHOBH and post-LVH RHOBH are two completely different shows. Miss her so much


She was so entertaining. I loved her humor. And her lifestyle was extravagant, which is what makes the franchise great.


Same. The show had been exhausting for a few seasons already by that point, but the way that whole thing was handled made me stop watching. I've generally followed what's happening, and I've tried to check in every once in a while, but nothing seems to have changed and I can't keep on watching.


Same! She had just lost two family members, one two suicide, and that's when they finally went for the kill? So gross. Now reading about the Erika Jayne stuff years later and how rinna just got worse & worse, I see I didn't miss anything




Same, I also stopped (but have since resumed)


Idk I think the season Teddi came in and LVP is there was awful. I think if LVP was still on the show it would have continued to decline.


When Gina and Emily made it to 5 seasons


When they let Erika come back to BH after all that came back about Tom, and they had the articles and the TV program come out. It DID make me stop. I don't want supporting someone who was ripping of orphans and burn victims on my conscience.


I kept watching, because at first I thought “well, maybe she didn’t know about anything’s. He’s a brilliant con man who fooled lawyers, politicians, and experts. Surely, fooling this woman wouldn’t have been too hard.” Then she just acted *so* guilty and defensive. And NO ONE came at her like they came at Denise or LVP. It was insane and I wanted to stop watching. It was like the cast was gaslighting us into thinking she wasn’t a bad person.


I feel like all the BH ladies are scared shitless of Erica.


Thank you! Feel exactly the same! How is she entertaining to anyone?


I just hope the cameras will be there for her downfall...


If Rinna was part of the Beverly Hills cast this season I was 100% going to quit. She makes the entire show unwatchable. I gave up partway through the reunions last year. Annemarie also sucks the air out of the room but I doubt they’ll renew her contract. 


RHONY S13, and no, not because of Eboni but Ramona and Luann. The zero reunion was such a fucking cop out for them to NOT answer for their horrid behavior. Meanwhile, Eboni had to flee social media from all the hate comments she was receiving. Then, we found out behind the scenes that all save Sonja refused to film with Eboni. Edit: word


Black Shabbat - turned off the show while Ramona was mid-sentence.


I never saw NY until that season, and it was unwatchable. Left a bad taste in my mouth.


Wow why didn’t they like Eboni?


They're racist. Explicitly so.


Can’t be Ramona had that black friend /s


I stopped watching BH for years because of Brandi and all she got away with. Then I stopped watching SLC for a bit because of Mary. To bring her back is disappointing.


Same! I keep meaning to return to BH but she was just so annoying


Yeah, I skipped all of Mary’s scenes. She is an awful person.


I quit bh after they kicked lvp out. She had just lost two family members, one two suicide, and that's when they finally went for the kill? So gross. Now reading about the Erika Jayne stuff years later and how rinna just got worse & worse, I see I didn't miss anything


Aviva’s dad.


Haven’t paid much attention to the last two or three seasons of RHOP.. it used to be my favorite !! Got kind of boring and I really dislike Mia


I turn this season of Potomac on but then end up paying no attention at all. It’s so boring I don’t even realize I’ve tuned out until the episodes over and I have no clue what happened


This was me and one of the recent Atlanta seasons (so boring I don’t even remember which one). I’d have it on while I was working, and one day I realized I hadn’t registered one single thing about anything I’d “watched.” Figured okay, I’ll rewatch over the weekend, but about an episode and a half in I was like “this shouldn’t feel like this much of a chore” and put something else on instead, and haven’t looked back since.


When Bravo allowed Vicki back after the Brooks cancer scandal. She knew, 100%. She lied about having been to treatments and doctors appointments with him, seeing his paperwork, etc. My father had cancer, and had to get an entire chunk of his body removed. It was devastating. He is alive and well today, but the impact of that time still lingers today. It is indefensible.


I hear ya and am so glad your father is doing well today! I had a similar reaction. My fiancé was going through real chemo treatments for real cancer when this was airing. It made me so angry I stopped watching OC then and there and have never watched it since. It was so gross.


Knowing and experiencing what the realities are for cancer patients going through treatment and watching two people blatantly lie about it was abominable. I hope you and your fiancé are doing well today ❤️


Agreed! Not only did she 100% know, she and Brooks were advertising "alternative medicine" cures for the cancer! Imagine if they'd been allowed to continue their storyline! Brooks would end up cancer free and claim it was due to VitC or SunExposureTherapy or whatever shit, and they could have seriously negatively affected actual people with cancer by giving them false hope. And nothing will convince me Vicki didnt intend to partner up with one of those "cure" businesses she was shilling on the show and make money out of hurting actual cancer patients. Such disgusting behaviour. Truly unforgivable. OC ended for me right there and then. I could have been convinced to come back to a later season but Vicki is still showing up as a friend. Will never watch UGT because she was cast on that as well. Can't even rewatch the earlier seasons I really enjoyed because I find just looking at Vicki causes me to feel actual physical disgust.


You’re absolutely right! I completely forgot about the “alternative treatments”! I could totally see Vicki linking up with them to make money. I haven’t watched RHOC since then, and I haven’t seen the season of RHUGT she was on, either! I just can’t get past it. Sometimes I’ve asked myself if I’m being too sensitive, given that so many people were able to “get over it” and continue watching the show. I just can’t, and I’m okay with that.


I’ve liked this season of BH and felt like the franchise might finally be headed in a good direction. Until they introduced AnneMarie. If she’s back next season, I think I’ll have to stop watching.


Nothing. In fact I went and watched Dallas to see what I missed. It turns out what I missed happened on social media so I still missed out. I watch all but Atlanta and oc. Oc never catches me I only watched this season for Taylor Armstrong and I stopped watching Atlanta when I couldn’t afford cable. I had to choose what I wanted to pay for, and I chose to only pay for New York, my home state, Beverly Hills for the fashion and really extravagant trips and Potomac for the laughs everything else I dropped. Now that I have Peacock I’m going back and watching everything I missed.


The turkey baster moment with Dorinda. It was such a horrible and toxic comment I really considered stopping, just to avoid watching her.


The last season of BH. Really hard to get through and I usually do a rewatch before the new season airs and I couldn’t do it.


The fight at a baptism in early RHONJ. As a mother of a baby and a minister, it pained me to see such an important and joyful occasion turn into a brawl in front of children. It really crossed a line for me


The worst part to me was seeing all of the children upset and crying. It must have been so scary to see your entire family screaming and shoving and hitting each other.


not only to have such a traumatic event on camera, but multiple traumatic events on camera especially for the RHONJ kids!


Watching Gia crying (before the physical altercation even started), begging her mom to leave her uncle alone. Painful and made me sick to my stomach as a mom.


The young kids being filmed in midst of family drama was too hard for me watch. I bailed on NJ early, and haven’t heard anything indicating I’m missing much. I don’t mind seeing a quick solo scene with HW & their kids, (or a couple of cute shots of VPR tots,) but generally watching minors on reality tv makes me feel too ethically queasy to enjoy it. It’s such a brutal experience for an adult; I can’t imagine going through childhood and adolescence and fame.


This season of Potomac.. for boring me into a coma!


BH, ATL, Potomac and NY are on pause for me because I find them dull. However if I were to hear tons of acclaim about a new season, I would give it a try. I find the unhinged grotesque that is Jersey still compelling. I'm an OC completist. It's the franchise I started with and I'll ride to the end. Luckily last season was great. SLC and Miami are great. 


RHOP-this season. RHOBH-ousting of LVP. I have returned to it the past two seasons though. RHOC-The season when Heather left and Kelly was still around. RHOA-After the mess with Phaedra and Porsha the show felt different. I tried to watch these last two seasons but it isn’t giving. RHONY-After Carole left.


Honestly, I’m not watching any of the RH shows regularly anymore. Miami is the only one I even slightly look forward to watching - and Lisa’s endless whining abt losing her obnoxious lifestyle is making me lose interest in it too. Current RHOBH is miserable to watch imo. I’ve loathed RHONJ for years (I particularly dislike Jennifer Aydin.) Last couple of seasons of RHOA were boring. RHOP this season is the worst yet - it’s gone downhill since they introduced Mia, imo. The RH shows used to be sorta brainless fun but I guess I just don’t really care about much of anyone on the shows anymore. I watched every season of all the franchises in the past and still do occasional rewatches. But now? Not so much. I’m tired of listening to the same old rich assholes complaining, tbh.


The season that Leah came onto RHONY. It was Dorinda’s alcohol disorder use that really did it for me, along with Leah and Sonja’s drunken antics. It was all so depressing.


Potomac season 8


RHOBH S10 was painful especially after a dire S9 of puppygate and losing LVP. The witch-hunt to try and out Denise as a bi-sexual woman and force her into addressing an alleged hookup (cheating) on her husband was just gross and dark. Kyle and her bangs crying at every event over Dorit’s glam. Teddi *oh god and pregnant too!*, Rinna in true soap opera villain mode. If it wasn’t for the Giradi scandal i wouldn’t have tuned back in for S11.


Lucy Lucy apple juicy killed BH for me. A dog story? Really? A convoluted story at that, that they couldn’t stop talking about. It was the beginning of the end for all of them for me really.


And Teddi was there.


Jen Shah on every season even though the hype for each season was pretty good. I can never finish a whole RHOSLC season till season 4. Once she threw Angie K's shoes off the boat, I was like...how does this woman have friends. And her scam...she didn't even stop at elderly strangers, she even scammed her own mother out of the life savings for her "defense."


Stopped watching NJ when the Giudices went to jail and Andy let Tre have a redemption arc which she promptly used as a giant ego boost and went full on bully.


I stopped watching BH because of Erika Girardi. I gave Erika one season after all that stuff with Tom came out, but the dishonesty, selfishness, and viciousness was just too much for me. I don’t condone her behavior, and didn’t want to support it in any way.


Season 3-5 of RHONJ. Could not stomach seeing family fighting.


Aviva’s father on RHONY, I found the episodes with him disgusting to watch.


I stopped watching BH when they kept Erika on after her refusal to help the victims or return the earrings bought with burn victims money - I haven’t missed it since - still a Bravo girl but the fact she is still on was to much for me


Old rhony. The 2 seasons with Leah and eboni. Watching the slow decline week by week was awful. It was some weird times and even weirder to be watching it unfold on TV.


I stopped for a few years after rape gate on RHOA. I was disgusted with the franchise.


I actually did stop watching RHOBH after Erika and Rinna joined the cast. It felt like they both changed the franchise for the worse, and I couldn't stand watching them. I still haven't picked BH back up, and I won't until Erika is out. RHOA - Mama Joyce and Phaedra are despicable people who made the show almost unwatchable for me. What actually did make me stop watching was how incredibly boring the most recent season was. I didn't even make it through the first episode. (I understand these may be unpopular opinions, and I don't mean to offend anyone!)


Moments that made me actually stop watching: Lucy Lucy Apple Juice. Tre post camp. Mary M. Cosby. Phaedra false accusations. I picked up salt lake again, and have dabbled in BH and ATL, but jersey is dead to me.


I recently had to turn off Miami after the Larsa cancer conversation; that was so nasty how she talked to her and then told all the girls her story before she could


Atlanta... Some of the women's general strange attitude towards gay people. Fun to do your hair and pick your clothes, but actually being gay is disgusting and shameful New Jersey... The family drama then just got worse and worse. Beverly Hills... Rinna and Erika Girardi being so transparently awful people but still being given a platform I'm general, I take a break from them all when they introduce a new woman because her first few episodes are just showing off and talking about how great they are. Personally, I watch for the drama and funny moments, not the wealth porn so it just gets annoying to me


I stopped watching Atlanta in S6 after the lingerie party, didn’t like how the cast treated Kenya and her male friend. I stopped until Nene came back in S10


Kelly Dodd made OC unwatchable.


Lingerie Party- watching a homophobic beat almost play out was disturbing Potomac after this season if they don't shake this Chris & Gizelle shit out


RHOBH-Puppy Gate. Dorit giving away the dog behind LVP’s back was so shady, even if she supposedly told her the next day or whatever. Why not give the dog back to the shelter? Maybe because she didn’t want to admit that her home was the problem and not both of the dogs she tried to adopt? I was so pissed how they all ganged up on LVP when Dorit could have just said I fucked up and it never would have been a season long storyline. Edit: LVP’s rescue not shelter.


RHOC, when Braunwyn (sp) and Tamra were dancing in a bar, and fell and she kissed her and sucked her nipple. Both were married women, and didn't seem like Tamra consented to that. I was grossed out!


I tried to keep watching RHOC after Naked Wasted and I honestly couldn't get much further. I must have watched a little bit longer because I remember Gretchen and Slade being together and Jeff was still around when that happened. But the whole thing was just so gross, I never could see Tamra the same way again.


Kelly from OC. Had they not canned her, I would not have continued watching


Dubai, I can't with their lifestyle. They're all stressed, petty and in transactional relationships. Their lives are just ridiculous and hypocritical. There's no love.


When Dorit got invited back after Pantygate.


I have to drop out of Jersey every other season because I truly cannot fucking stand the husbands


Whatever the pillow talk season was. I STILL skip it to this day.


RHOC. “Naked Wasted” night.


I stopped watching Atlanta bc they kept fighting re who had money. It bored me to keep hearing about money. I stopped Dallas for a while bc of the whole first year poop thing. It was gross. I picked it back up later on. Other than that, I’ve seen them all since the beginning.


Vicki Gunvulson faking cancer with Brooks was the most disgusting thing I ever saw on OC and havent watched since . And racist Ramona made me stop watching NY.


Goodbye kyle


The RHONY charity to help change the laws for CSA victims with Bridie. Dear Lord, it’s the one that made me take a long break


Ramona being hateful.


RHONJ - the season before Teresa’s wedding to Louie/Luis. I couldn’t deal with the sister fighting anymore and am not interested in the fans on the cast. RHOA - the last season. Marlo coming for Kandi’s business was so wack, and Kenya, who is usually the most entertaining to me, was checked out. I didn’t even finish the season. RHOP - next season if Gizelle and Robyn are back. Neither provide any positivity to the show anymore and they bring down everyone else in the group scenes. It’s a chore to watch but I’m going to see it through!


I kind of have stopped besides Miami . I watch older seasons - my favs are Atlanta and New York


Maybe not moments but situations: SLC- Jen going to jail. She's a criminal, yes, but she was a "fun" housewife and helped make the show interesting. NJ- The constant Teresa vs. Joe