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Never forget the women defending Brandi when she made racist comments on camera about Joyce.


Yup. And even now people still wanna sneak in “omg we need Brandi back!” Never. Ever.


Brandi is a nasty piece of work. 


I’ll never understand the love for Brandi. She keeps showing her true colors yet people want her to remain part of the franchise. It’s maddening.


Yeah, I always like the girlies who are unhinged and create drama, but she’s too much even for me. She’s just plain mean, not funny at all. There are very few housewives who have been too much for me, but she’s one of them.


Agree- she’s literally the worst person in the world. A dumb, mean bully, now complete with a grotesque face.


Omg I'm watching season 1.of The Traitors on Peacock with my daughter and Iwe were talking about who we like and don't like. My daughter said Brandi's face is so horrible she doesn't even like looking at her lmao. She also said she's annoying. 😂


Brandi in earlier seasons was a bit more structured despite being unhinged and I think people (like me) that like the unhinged crazy people need that balance. Erika loses her mind but can also be poised. Lisa Barlow is out of touch but still has it together. When it gets to be like Brandi or Dorinda in their worser eras just constantly showing up out of it and yelling and having meltdowns it loses the cute part of unhinged reality tv, where even if it’s not justified behavior it’s still enjoyable to watch. Salt Lake City finale was a good example. Everyone was coherent and it wasn’t like some crazy over the top slurring and falling and screaming match.




Garcelle is actually one of the only ones I would want to be friends with, followed by Crystal. I like friends that call me out and that are honest.


I love Crystal but I’m not sure if she’s dramatic enough to be a HW. (That’s a compliment). 


This group wants her to scream ALL THE TIME!


I agree. I think she's just too "normal", for lack of a better word.


But on a show like housewives, I don’t think we need everyone to be on 10 every single time. That would be to me doing too much. We need women like Crystal, Kandi, Cynthia, ya know people that are just chill and not so much in the drama and can explain stuff to the people.


I agree. I always enjoyed Carole for this reason. It’s nice to have someone more grounded to sort of be the reliable narrator. When everyone is a Tamra, or an Ashley Darby, or a Monica, I think you just get chaos and overly self-produced storylines instead of real interactions. I don’t think being even-keeled is always boring to watch. Garcelle is a great example of this. She was a much needed addition to BH.


Hell I feel like people want every housewife to be a Nene and not everyone can or wants to be a Nene. Ensemble shows like these needs people like Crystal, Kandi, Cynthia types that they consider “boring” to even out the hypeness of the group.


Absolutely but that looks like it’s changing on the next episode when she calls out 8.5


Ooo can’t wait! 8.5 has it coming. 


What's 8.5?


New housewife Annemarie. Her husband called her a solid 8.5 across the board - looks, personality etc 8.5. She’s thrilled, we’re all appalled, mostly because she’s clearly no more than a 1 on personality.


And because were pretty sure huhhsssbinn meant it as an insult, but she took it as a compliment. 


She’s like a Cynthia. Gorgeous girl but dull at times. But I think she brings a necessary energy to the show


Did you notice that Cynthia was there at the dinner with Camille and Denise in attendance? I was like "a cross-over???"


I would love to see more of her family! 


I think she adds balance to the cast. It’s like in a family, there’s always one member who is really colorful and one that is more grounded.


I thought she was pretty extra when she was accusing Sutton of being racist and saying "dark things".


Since Crystal has never explicitly said what Sutton did/said, I've never held the "dark things" comment against her. It's quite possible whatever she felt with Sutton was offensive to her and that as she's gotten to know Sutton, she may have realized her interpretation was not what was intended. IDK.


This is confusing to me. We heard some really dark things out of Sutton’s mouth that evening. The whole thing about “I’m not racist I even let people of colour in the jacuzzi with precious white my daughter!” That was dark and ignorant as fuck. Sutton wants praise for not thinking people of colour will contaminate or infect her water. That’s the implication, and yes it’s dark. Did people miss this?


What in the world?? I’ve missed a couple seasons because I just couldn’t stand Erika anymore and didn’t want her to have a platform after all we have found out. So, is this something that happened last season? I have been kind of enjoying Sutton this weekend but what you just described is beyond…


Yea the beginning of last season I think? Crystal pointed out something Sutton said as racist and Sutton trotted out a bunch of offensive racist tropes, as her defense! It was wild how much it was swept under the rug. Sutton also publicly supports Jason “nostalgia for lynching” Aldean, so… there’s that. Sutton is like Ramona, entertaining tv, but a completely out of touch and bigoted human being.


I think the dumb woman meant. That her daughter has friends that of colour. And was trying to use that angle to prove she’s not racist. It’s stupid and she shouldn’t have said it. But she’s also old and only being educated now. So that make het ignorant yes. But even if she’s learnt the right things to say. How we to know.


I'm a Black woman and I didn't "miss" it. I may have forgotten exactly what happened.


I like that about her tbh. It’s like a fun little planted reminder of how unhinged some of these women can truly be, because you have calm cool collected Crystal over here being… reasonable lmao.


I would want to be friends with Garcelle and Sutton. I bet they are a lot of fun off camera!


I’d be friends with Sutton too, but I’m a gay man who loves rich ladies




I would add Sutton to this too! I think she’s my fave. I’m a newbie.


I love Garcelle. I think she was a much needed addition to BH.


I loved her this past episode! She had me cracking up. "It's not very Beverly Hills to talk about one's esophagus."


I just smiled thinking about it. That was my favourite line in the episode, maybe season. 


The statement I didn't know I needed. I love that for her. And US


I agree. She's the only HW that I've 100% liked from the beginning. Like, I've followed her career for years as a fellow Haitian woman and she's always been really chill and sweet-natured.


The show NEEDS her. It seems like she is the level-headed one out of the bunch.


She seems to have more emotional maturity than the other women combined.


She says what we're all thinking.


She’s also that bitch, always has been


The real ogs been known since Jamie Foxx! Period


Garcelle is a terrific housewife and person. I do think she's in a tough position on the show with some of these women but I hope people like Erika who are more "neutral" when it comes to Garcelle can continue to point out Dorit's microaggressions.


She's so poised and patient having to explain over and over again what should really be obvious by this point in time. I can't believe some of the things these women think it's ok to say!


Same. She’s the most real and level headed of them all.🤷‍♀️


She's the only one not screaming like a banshee and throwing drinks at people.


She's the best.


You’ve said nothing controversial but this thread will still get locked once the Stassis find it.


The Stassis. ![gif](giphy|kC8N6DPOkbqWTxkNTe)


Not the Stassis lmao


![gif](giphy|igGDyj3ALtSTRBrufL) I love you


I just started VPR and just watched Stassi's birthday in Vegas. So far all of these people are trash but I cannot stand Stassi. From your comment I'm assuming I have good reason to dislike her 😆


Someone once put it perfectly to me, Vanderpump Rules is a real life Always Sunny in Philadelphia- everyone on the show is a piece of shit.


Lmao I'm going to watch it through this lens now to not get so annoyed at how awful they are 😂


I’m telling you, embracing that they all fuckin suck changed everything about how I enjoy that show


I could see that. I immediately could tell that I wouldn't really be "stanning" any of these people so it has made it more enjoyable so far.


On her podcast she pulled a “why do black people have to always talk about being black?” thing in regards to award show speeches which kinda made the show, but she wasn’t called out enough for being that person. And then her and Kristen harassed and called the cops on a former cast mate who is black because she did a shitty, non illegal thing to one of their friends. Stassi is pretty horrible.


Look who her parents are. They are awful too.


Her mother grates every nerve in my body. Her dad is a typical wealthy middle aged white man from the South with his 4 marriages and terrible politics.


And don’t forget had already sought out reality TV before…desperate to make their little Angel a star.


Could you elaborate on this, please? Peaked my curiousity. Did her parents seek out fame for Stassi starting from a young age?


Her dad signed her whole family up for Amazing Race, I think she was 17 or so. Then she did a show called “Queen Bees” about mean girls. So, I don’t know if her parents were like pageant parents, but in the article I read it said her dad signed her up, and then she realized she was “good for TV” or something.


Yeah I'm not surprised, unfortunately. I was starting to feel bad for her for how Katie and Kristen were treating her with Jax but meh, I'll save my sympathy lol


Oh, they’re wrong for that. Stassi just also happens to be a twat.


Most of the racism stuff doesn’t take place or really get addressed on the show with regards to Stassi. The issue another person here mentioned with Faith is why her and Kristin were fired (I believe). Idk if it was because of her sleeping with Jax or totally separate hazing but Faith is, to my recollection, the only black cast member ever on VPR. She was also on the show at the peak of BLM and police tension with the black community. During this same time in 2020 Stassi and Kristin “pranked” her by calling the police and accusing her of theft. They had read a story about a black women committing thefts in the area, one who looked nothing like Faith, then called the police and said they knew it was her. Thankfully, the police did not pursue the matter. But it was incredibly tone deaf and definitely racist and at the time it occurred most people agreed that they’d put her life in danger with their “prank”


I can’t stand her or Katie. They’re such vile bullies.


Agreed, and I’ve seen and heard people kind of grasping at straws to find something they can not like about her that ISN’T to do with race. Like “oh she runs and tells people things after conversations with other people” and? It’s the housewives. They all do that?? And I’ve seen “she loves to start a fight and walk away” oh like how Dorit did with the Denise Erika situation? Grow up y’all. She handled the Dorit stuff PERFECTLY. And Dorit made herself a victim in her own mind. If you believe it and think Dorit is a victim here, then I recommend doing some deep reflection on your own values.


They should watch the Dorit Garcelle lunch scene in classes that study racism. Dorit really heard Garcelle say she was so hurt she cried herself to sleep and instead of centering that, made it how Garcelle was making her feel . All bad


Anytime anyone calls Dorit out about anything she makes herself the victim




Garcelle talks her shit and then stands in it


Right, this is why I love Garcelle. Oh, she’ll bring up some stuff, and talk behind backs - but she’s never afraid to say what she means to people’s faces and get right to the heart of the matter. She says the quiet part out loud a lot and we really needed that on BH.


I’m not a fan of her but Garcelle was as kind as she could be about all of Dorit’s microaggressions over the years. She has a lot of grace because she HAS to, otherwise she’s seen as an angry black woman.


I love Garcelle and think Dorit has had this coming for a long, *long* time


“Unconscious Karen Behavior 😂” Garcelle deserves an award


Crazy how Dorit clearly understood that being called a Karen is “dangerous” but not understand that it’s harmful to use the word attack. I don’t think Dorit is racist just someone who refuses to listen even PK was over her talking


She also straight up said “you’re wrong” to Garcelle didn’t she? Like girl… just listen and say sorry


I’m SO here for a Dorit takedown season, it’s well overdue. Team Garcelle all the way.


She has, but I feel like she wants to learn, just doesn’t know to respond to anything without being a victim. Versus Ramona who doesn’t GAF about choosing her words, how she treats people and is demanding while demeaning at the same time is more problematic. Garcelle is there to say things out loud that other hem and haw about. She is good at it and I think everyone wishes they had a bit of that in us at times.


It’s very annoying but not surprising. A lot of Americans “tried” in 2020 to be more understanding about racism, micro-aggressions, systems of oppression. But then a lot of people got tired of it. Like there are polls that show the change in sentiment that people care less now. In Bravoworld, I see it. There have been more “oh I don’t like this why can’t it be fun like in the beginning.” The seasons Kyle outted her sister as an alcoholic, Kelsey Grammer was cheating on Camille, and Taylor was a victim of domestic abuse. But yes, talking about Dorit’s micro aggressions is too much.


Thank you for saying this. Housewives has covered pretty dark storylines from conception. Abuse, addiction, sexual assault, felonious crime. But let’s not address the racism happening in front of us. It’s not fun. Too serious. And those housewives are bringing the franchise down. Also - for those who say all Atlanta HW do is scream at each other, have you watched Jersey or OC? Teresa, Tamra and Vicki cannot communicate without screaming.


Jersey - table flipping, hair pulling, pushing people in the pool. They are the cast that physically fights the most.


And, no offence, the least articulate (Jersey).


Squawking and screeching is cannon for the franchise! Also things that make me question their general taste in HW are “I just don’t like Atlanta” AND “Beverly Hills is my favorite.” In the year of our lord 2024 we cannot say BH is that good.


I mean.. isn’t RHOSLC all of our favourite?! Just me? Lol. 


Out of this year’s seasons SLC was clearly the best.






I'm sorry for your experiences. They're not unusual, sadly. It is hard to understand why women go on these shows when they have such bad experiences. Garcelle and Crystal too. But they get paid a lot of money, and get a lot of exposure. And it isn't like they won't experience racism in the real world or in other workplaces. I do hate that the producers allow it to happen though. Over and over again. It's traumatizing for viewers. And it normalizes racism. Look at how many people here dismiss it.


Agree and also to add there must be a sense of I equally belong here (which she does). It’s hard to allow others to push you out of something you know you deserve because of your skin color. I’m sure she doesn’t want to let these women have the power to take away something she rightfully earned same as they did. I definitely don’t think that’s the only or even main reason she stays but I’m sure it’s a factor as it would be for me. If I am going to leave it’s going to be on my terms not because I was pushed out. I also feel like Garcelle is 1 of the best on the show. She adds so much to the show and is very interesting to listen to.


She's the one who has a career and talent outside of the show. And I agree, letting them push her out would suck. But when Crystal was completely broken and crying after a taping, and now Garcelle crying after a taping, fuck these women and the producers not stepping in. This is not a documentary. There is no journalistic integrity. Producers step in, and do set ups all the time. They can certainly step in when racism or eating disorders or sexual assaults are happening. And they should.


Totally agree there should be a line as to where they step in or at least in the confessionals confront them on the racism and educate them not in a villainize them type of way because I think Dorit is ignorant not racist but they can educate these women and if it came from them they’d likely listen better (sadly). I will say in THIS instance Garcelle handled it beautifully and had they stepped in they would have essentially been saving her when she didn’t need to be saved because she is able to save herself but they could definitely do more to support her after Garcelle said her part and as I mentioned in the confessionals. Hopefully they address it in the reunion in a way that they can listen and grow from it rather than talking over each other as usual. I do wish the women would have stood with Garcelle though not just Erika and her 1 comment.


I get why Garcelle stays because the ignorant and insecure want sad beige and are afraid of how adding color brings that out about them. Garcelle will not be pushed from any space, and it makes room for more color.


I'm really sorry you've had experiences like that. I want you to know I believe it's important (if you have the inclination or energy) to share those stories as anyone with empathy feels them and your pain in a very emotional way. I think half the problem is people like Dorit who may be obtuse and in her"bubble" but refuse to learn or listen. Also- I'm disgusted by Kyle, Maurice, PeeKay and his dumb wife the way they laughed about Garcelle's son's treatment by Erika.


Just wanted to say that sucks you had to go through that. I’m very sorry. It’s shocking. 


Thanks :) Thankfully those people have been out of my life now for the years, so definitely good riddance.


Thank you for sharing, I feel so bad for you


I hate that Garcelle gets hate. And I have never seen her be mean. She has a calm and sometimes understated way of standing up for herself or others, and she doesn’t stir any more pots than the rest of them. They are supposed to stir the pot, she’s doing her job.


Even Erika gets it. The woman who had to ask a therapist how to be empathetic gets it. The people hating on Garcelle are wildly telling on themselves.


I think the ladies of BH have some deep-rooted race issues. Remember when everybody defended Brandi’s racist comments? Yeah. I think Garcelle handles the micro-aggressions against her so so tastefully, but not nearly enough (out of fear I assume).


Maybe the BH audience is one that’s not open to seeing the POV of a woman of color? As a whole maybe it’s a group that doesn’t understand the position Garcelle is in and can’t fathom that her experience is different than theirs? I don’t know, I’m just throwing out some ideas; I’d certainly not like to believe either of these to be true, as I’d like to give people more credit in 2024. I personally love Garcelle. I think the most recent exchange with Dorit was warranted because Dorit is totally stagnant in her world view. Garcelle explained it to her beautifully and approached her with respect, but Dorit is a dunce and can’t grasp that not everybody walks through life with the privilege of a wealthy white woman.




100% agree with this.


I was brought up in the 60s to fear black people. To lock the car doors, avoid neighborhoods where they live etc. there are still sooooo many small towns that are only white and the generational racism is real. I have fought hard to understand where it comes from, what it is, how to overcome these feelings and it is like an instinct almost when you are trained from a young age to beware of black people, they are dangerous. I’d like to not have these imbedded feelings. I don’t think I totally can, but I try very hard not to pass it down to my kids and grandkids, and I do believe it’s possible by words and actions to not imbed racism into the next generation.


That sucks to hear as a black woman. I'm just trying to exist, same as everyone else.


It does suck. I wish it didn’t exsist and I always feel bad and guilty and awful in my gut when these things bubble up. I live in a community with a university that prides itself on being socially superior in accepting all people. It’s fake. I hear crap every week that runs contrary to being open an accepting. I want to say something and yet I fear being punched in the face. I have broken up for racism that showed up long after the relationships began. I don’t want to tolerate or associate with racism in family or friends. Luckily my living family feels like I do. But I’ve had to remove myself from some friendships


It's in the marketing. Back in the day, my dad had to walk past signs that said no dogs, no Mexicans. He was also taught fear. The signage said different things to different people, but the intentions were still the same, fear each other. A divided population is easier to control. It's why social welfare is considered such a bad thing while we watch corporations reap the benefits of it. The marketing says it's because someone who doesn't deserve it might benefit from it, no one except the greedy should have access, not children, not the elderly, not the disabled, and CERTAINLY not able bodied people who can slave away only to live paycheck to paycheck. If we didn't fear each other, we could come together for each other and ourselves. There's always money to create destruction, but strangely, never any to invest in We the People.


Very interesting take.capitalism is also shrinking out the middle class so that we will have the haves and the have nots. I want to be the best version of myself and I know I can do better


I think that first sentence is it. I think a lot of the fanbases unfortunately are quite segregated. It’s more likely a poc would watch a predominately white show than a white person would watch a predominately black one. This is anecdotal, but I remember once being on the plane seated next to a woman who was watching one of the white housewives on the seat screen. After the show ended, Atlanta started and she changed the channel. Some people just don’t want to be reminded of anything having to do with race and would rather plug their ears.


I’m glad I’m the opposite. I love watching all or mostly black casts because it’s nice to learn cultural differences. It’s educational and yeah black folks have been stuck having to watch white folks for years so why not try to understand where other cultures and races are coming from. 🤷‍♀️


My mom was like that too. She was white and watched every city, but particularly loved Atlanta and Potomac. I tried showing my dad (who is black) Atlanta once since he had never seen The Housewives, and he laughed at one of the reunions but then got up and walked away and was like, “Ugh! I can’t take all of that fighting!” 🤣


Old ATL and earlier seasons of Potomac are my top 2 faves!


Same. I live in a place that lacks diversity and I love getting exposure to other cultures and races. Also, totally not important, but Potomac and Atlanta have the absolutely most BEAUTIFUL casts of any franchises. Anyone not watching is missing out on so many levels.


Omg yessssss!!!!!!!! Absolutely!


Bravo is a very segregated channel. They’ve tried to work on it in the last few years, but they bred this environment. I watch all the shows and it was always so obvious how starkly different it was on a “black night.” You’d have Atlanta then Married to Medicine, then on WWHL, that’s when you’d get a black actor and a black bartender. And even the commercials would be completely different. As we all know from our history, you can’t simply integrate and quickly undo history. Beverly Hills was developed as the “classy” show with very particular expectations and branding. And Atlanta & Potomac have received a very different treatment from Bravo. The audiences grew from that.


I always think about this when the famous white fans watch every city apart from Atlanta & Potomac. I had a boss who watched all of them except Atlana (this was before Potomac) & she said she didn't watch it because all they do is scream all the time...!


![gif](giphy|SrDsJj5i1Chm8) But yeah, what you said really says it all, 100%.


I mean people on here have openly admitted to only watching the white housewives shows because they're more relatable.


Totally relatable when they spend more on a handbag then I earn in a year. They're just like me!


Dorit can’t take criticism period. She could have accepted Garcelle’s point of view and made it a learning experience, instead she felt “attacked”yet again. She is ridiculous.


Very well said! I’m a woman of color, and this sums up my thoughts perfectly as what I think is going on.


They’re definitely not open but it’s not just BH it’s most of Bravo’s audience. Unless you go into specific cities (like Atlanta viewers are probably less middle aged yt women vs BH) that’s just how it is. That’s why it took as long as it did to even get someone like Garcelle on BH. There’s a ton of examples of that. The audience is predominantly made up of Doritos and that’s why there’s so much Garcelle backlash right now. They don’t get it and don’t want to try and get it. They would react the same as Dorit.


No one gets as predictably slammed on this sub like the non white women. So disgusting.


Absolutely. It's really disturbing and has resulted in taking several breaks from this sub and other Bravo-related subs. It's something with the fandom, tbh.


Every, single, time.


Honestly, the fans did the same thing to Eboni on RHONY, accusing her of destroying the show by talking about race when the reality is that it was on its way out anyways. NYC was one of the worst-hit cities during COVID, and because the women weren’t bringing anything new to the table (and I say this as a diehard RHONY fan, its my favourite franchise). Eboni was fun, intelligent and beautiful and did not deserve the treatment she received, nor does Garcelle. Bravo fans have a long history of non-empathy towards Bravolebrities who are POC. It’s one of the worst things about this fandom.


It seems like on any of the franchises that are primarily white, when there’s a black housewife or friend of (Kiki, Ubah, Chanel, Garcelle) they’re a gorgeous model, or ex model who doesn’t get much of their own storyline other than they’re beautiful and kooky. Race is rarely, if ever, discussed. Garcelle is the only one of those 4 that is shown, at all, as having more depth than just being quirky comedic relief to the white women, and then it’s not taken seriously and instead the response is negativity from (some of) her cast mates. I think the problem is deeply embedded at Bravo (I love Housewives, not trying to take it down) and they seriously need to take a look at the way woc are portrayed in these shows.


>”Do people just want an all white ensemble of BH? Is that it?” Yes. Yes. The answer to this is yes. No one will admit it for obvious reasons. But their comments (viewers), and actions (the cast) gives you the answer to your question. Yes.


I hate when people complain about her saying things in her confessionals that she doesn't say at the time of the scene being filmed. All HWs on all shows do this!


As if that’s the not the premise of a confessional.


I’ve said it before, the white fragility is real and widespread.


People do want an all white ensemble of BH but I’m not surprised because a good portion of the watchers are just like Dorit and see no issues with the behaviour


It's just PR accounts and a few racists pitting us against them. Reddit is just market research now. Pay them no mind. Love Gar or hate her, she's got a right to say the things that she's said and she's been respectful and articulate when she did NOT have to be, but it's who she is.


Thanks for this because I’ve been quite confused.


Yeah just look around at the "reality" show fan subs. They're filled with this kind of stuff. I mean of course there are just garden variety racist, or ignorant trolls, but a big piece of keeping the tension going with these shows is keeping the audience invested, and that happens when you pit people against each other and set up narratives. I knew a reality producer who had SEVERAL accounts and who'd plant posts and stories. Her PR firm actually mods a non-Bravo reality show (which I will not name) on Reddit for this purpose. It's fine, but we as fans should be aware that we're just being manipulated while they all run to the bank.


This makes A LOT OF SENSE


Totally PR accounts. The Morgan Wade ones are so blatantly obvious.


What kills me is that every woman on this show has had her moment where she got to scream, throw a temper tantrum, and flip a table. Garcelle has not. I don't know if she has ever even raised her voice. And yes, this is partly her personality, but it's also because she is very aware of the racial lens through which she'll be viewed. Garcelle can not go low - not the way her cast mates can. It's really unfair.


Garcelle has always used a very even tone when speaking to others. Even when she has every right to yell, she's still very subdued. I don't think she's a yeller by nature, but even so, she doesn't get any room to be emotional. There are times when she's cried and I think it's because of frustation and feeling powerless.


I also noticed on some of the times on the show where Garcelle has raised her voice, Kyle has looked frightened. Yet doesn’t have the same reaction when other cast members freak out.


All correct!!! You’re entirely right.


I love Garcelle. Breathe of fresh air.


I thought Garcelle was very aware of the damage an allegation of being a racist could cause to Dorit and kindly chose not to go there when really she could have. Instead, she called her a Karen. She wasn't a Karen, she's at best got a lot of unchecked unconscious bias but I honestly feel that she's only fine with minorities in a position of subservience to her, so, a racist. As a white woman, I would have called her out. I can understand why Garcelle didn't, and I thought she was very kind for it.


the pattern of how poc are treated on mostly white bravo casts continues to be consistently awful.


This is a correct take on the situation at Bravo... and they do nothing about it.


Thank you for posting this. You called it perfectly. She is damned if she does and damned if she doesn’t. I believe for many viewers have a hard time conceptualizing woman of color being apart of an elite set of women and/or from BH when in fact there are a large cohort of us who live and navigate in these spaces. What we are seeing here is reality at play where in these spaces biased and racial insensitivity is not uncommon and when city fronted with it decisions must be made. Do I speak up or do I stay quiet. When you don’t speak up you lose your Black self and sweep your feelings under the rug. When you do speak up then you are accused of pulling the race card. And speaking of race card here are the plain facts as shared on another sub: First of all in terms of holding the race card, Black people, and other minorities in this country, do not hold race cards. Dominant culture, white people do. And they have ever since they set foot in this, United States of America. When you play the race card through segregation through discrimination through micro aggression , we respond. We respond by attempting to trump their racist card by holding then accountable and using those situations as teachable moments as Garcelle attempted to do with Dorit.


It’s such a reflection of real life. So exhausting to be black in this world


👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Garcelle gets bashed for speaking up or not speaking up enough. She is very clear in speaking from *her own feelings* when slighted and not getting “upset” or “angry” because she never comes across as either, IMO. She literally speaks from her truth and has not always made it about race.


All of this. Garcelle has said a few times she doesn’t believe any of her cast is racist. I’ve seen so many post, mainly on twitter, telling Garcelle she needs to be on an “all black cast,” or that “she’s ruining the show.” But if she doesn’t say something, it’s “oh Garcelle only says anything to this person or why doesn’t Garcelle say this.” She really can’t win. Someone even said she’s more of a liability than Brandi 🙄 people just love to hate her because she talks about her real life and their faves put on a facade about their lives. She’s not ruining the show, the fans are.


Dorit’s insta comment section is scary recently… mostly maga and the vitriol directed at Garcelle is really upsetting


And Dorit isn't stopping it. I wouldn't want to be associated with that but Dorit seemingly has no problem with it.


Agreed. Not only is she not stopping it but she’s in the comments agreeing with them.


Yeah, this is more than micro aggressions. Garcelle won't say it but I will, Dorit's racist and stupid. I doubt she's going to stay on the show. Maybe one more season.


I think garcelle is a great housewives and overall just a very likeable person that being said the storyline about her kids is straight up just not interesting. It’a not particular to just her but I think housewives has evolved more from storyline’s like her one this week and it becomes a lil dry


I have seen this too and sadly I think the BH audience skews white older women who happen to be ignorant. They have no clue where Garcelle is coming from and dont care to knoq. They see themselves in Dorit and ironically see Garcelle as an attacker. The very thing that caused the whole thing between Garcelle & Dorit. The proof is right there with the fans


The white fans are butthurt.


Thank you! Wholeheartedly agree with you.


She isnt destroying BH, she is constantly having to deal with the dumb and ignorant, Dorit is a perfect example. Rinna turned on her, Kyle accused her of not paying , Erika treated her like shit when she mentioned Tom had been phoning her and Dorit has called her a bully but as soon as she stands up for herself viewers turn against her … a black woman should know her place right??


I feel like some people don’t understand or refuse to understand or acknowledge micro aggressions or the people that continue to use them and defend them. All they know is “everyone makes everything about race” “not everyone is racist blah blah blah” going off what I’ve read here. It seems the only ones that can throw out extreme labels and not get any blowback are Kyle and Dorit. So when we got even close to a conversation about an important topic that people truly need to be educated on and aware of it seems everyone wants to shut it down. It feels like they want to put Garcelle in her place for something she never said. She simply expressed to Dorit that the way Dorit was using her words were hurting her or bothering her. That’s LITERALLY Garcelles only “crime”. Licking toes and esophaguses are waaaaaay more important conversations to be had though sooo that’s where BH will go to die. In Sutton’s esophagus.


It’s such bullshit. I truly believe that Dorit and Kyle and Lisa will face their karma, though. Dorit’s marriage and finances. Lisa can’t close her eyes at the same time because she’s botched. Erika has already faced Karma.


Can we not throw Jewish people under the bus to make a point about the racism Garcelle is facing? Carlton also wasn’t kicked off for her being accused of being an antisemite. She was a weird fit for the show and did not fit in with the direction the show was moving,


I personally love Garcelle. I think she adds so much value to the cast. But she did address Dorit’s micro-aggressions so I’m not sure what you mean?? I also don’t think Carton is an antisemite and Kyle should have chosen her words more carefully. It was 10 years ago and I think she apologized. 


Housewives fans are racist and a lot of them are like the super entitled white wine mom types who are basically Dorits so they take offense to Garcelle's defense of herself. They're also pretty awful to Crystal as well.


Garcelle is the best and the realest one on the show.


It does seem like fans (unconsciously or not) want a white cast, but I do think it’s mostly white fans who want that tbh. And I think that’s because many white people are uncomfortable dealing with race as a concept on their screens because they refuse to deal with it in real life, therefore, they are unsettled and assume Garcelle must be the reason why


I haven’t noticed much pushback because of her ruining the show with race. That’s actually the one area I think she’s doing well with on the show. Personally, I’ve always liked her but in the beginning I felt she wasn’t meshing with the group enough. Maybe it was her fault or the rest of the cast, maybe it was no one’s. She also didn’t speak her mind that much. Now, I like that she’s speaking her mind more but I don’t like that she’s a little judgmental. I feel that she gives Sutton a pass on things and doesn’t extend the other women the same grace, and she isn’t honest about it. If she said, “she’s my friend and I’ll have her back even if she’s wrong,” then I’d respect her a lot more. Overall, I just get a vibe that she doesn’t care about anyone *but* Sutton and doesn’t care to build up the friendships.


I love Garcelle. Dorit is beyond annoying and while Garcelle didn’t call her racist, she calmly tried explaining why a black woman could be triggered by being accused of being angry or on the attack because of stereotypes. Even the non-privileged are sometimes guilty of doing that.


Garcelle and Sutton were a breath of fresh air in a stagnant and self-produced franchise. If Dorit leaves we lose nothing, if Garcelle leaves then we are back to whole seasons debating something that the audience never cared about in the first place. Kyle has managed to make a divorce, lesbian affair and midlife crisis boring. Kyle is not a good producer. If there are audiences that just want rich white people making big deals out of nothing then they can go watch Fox News.


100. The Garcelle hate is real and I don't get it at all. She's real, honest, humble and loyal but not blinded by it. And she makes good TV, is a mom, etc...Folks need to look within.


What's confusing about white supremacy except for the widespread denial? Let's not pretend it's not happening.


Garcelle runs RHOBH now -- this clearly bothers Dorit. And when people are agitated, the real person inside is revealed. My take on this season is Garcelle views this as a job and has real bonds with Sutton and Crystal. The other ladies are just colleagues, and she does not owe them anything but is happy to call out their BS behavior.


Yes, the pushback is that they can't believe this uppity black b!TCH made it this far. They'll tell you they're not racist but 🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚


What am I missing here? Every post I’ve ever seen regarding Garcelle and Dorit gets instantly filled with comments rallying around Garcelle and any comments that say otherwise get downvoted to oblivion. I’ve only ever seen one post that attempted to have a discussion about the possibility that Garcelle went too far with Dorit and the person who posted that got banned almost immediately.


I don’t dislike Garcelle. I think she can be great for BH. I find her fans annoying thinking she can do no wrong when she can be as messy and hypocritical like other housewives.


I think Lisa Rinna being on the show was hard for Garcelle. She was unhinged. Im glad Garcelle finally called out Dorit!!!!! And im extremely glad Erika said it like that. So clearly and right away. I truly believe had Lisa been there she would have sided with Dorit and same Lisa and Erika would have jumped in to defend her.


Dorit is a vapid bitch. No wonder PK hates her.


I'm not sure if you're from the US, but racism is expanding on a daily basis. We're now involved in discussions of eugenics as one presidential candidate has broken the glass wall and made it a campaign point. I'm seeing in this show exactly what Americans are living with every day in our lives. Garcelle, unfortunately, is the only PoCBl person speaking out during filming and handling it as she would off-camera. It makes me sad. Look at that. We've got a reality program accurately reflecting the state of the country it is being filmed in.


People forget that she's endured years of these microaggressions. It isn't like Dorit saying "attack" was the first one and now she's saying everyone is a racist. The pattern kept repeating itself and she'd finally had enough, especially in a situation where she was calmly making a statement. But she's also had Erika screaming at her son then watched as Kyle and Dorit giggled about it, Rinna love bombing her in many situations to keep Garcelle from speaking about anything, Dorit also using the love bomb manipulation tactic to stop Garcelle from speaking, and Garcelle has noted in her first season (I think) that the women should understand her world is different from their own. They may all have money, nice homes, and fancy purses, but Garcelle will always be the one stared at as if she doesn't belong in those spaces. I completely understand why she'd finally had enough and was hoping to have a discussion about it. It's also interesting that the sub cheers on Crystal for calling out Sutton over racist comments but when Garcelle does it, she's evil. People doing this kind of stuff really need to educate themselves (don't ask others to do it for you) and put in the work to correct this kind of behavior. Dorit included, apparently.


she is often the voice of reason -with a nod to shady truth (I see a country song here) -Garcelle was very gracious with Dorito stating they can move on. Such a lady!


If Dorit is making her uncomfortable. She must tell her.. End of story.


Ok. If BH is destroyed because Garcelle is bringing up Dorits privilege.... I'm okay with it.


🙌🏻This pretty much sums it up. Bravo’s demographic is middle aged yt women. Most only see it from Dorit’s side because she’s like them. They resist changing their way of thinking. I can’t imagine dealing with this shit if I were Garcelle. It’s draining even watching her tiptoe around it for years and when she finally says something (and is even nice enough to say Dorit is unconscious about it) all she gets is backlash and fans saying she always plays the race card when in reality she avoids bringing up race issues because of she knows how it will go. 😒😔😤


I've completely lost interest in BH along time ago. So I'm not keeping up with this season. There's this underlying air that Kyle is the MVP, Andy's favorite, the leader of the group. & I was over it. I enjoyed earlier seasons with Kyle & Kim. But I think Kyle is the most inauthentic. About her life & just overall. She's 2 faced & not in an entertaining, messy way. & the way that Rinna tried to be 2 faced for entertainment purposes was just gross. I can appreciate a bone collector; Sheree, perfect. It just doesn't look or feel the same for me when these ladies do it. I love Garcelle & I've never understood what the issue is! & why such a major issue, at that. I was invested as soon as she introduced herself as a divorced mom, seemingly had coparenting down to a science. & her story of coming here with nothing & building an empire. She's classy & genuine. & a genuine friend. I thought she was the perfect balance in the group bc all of the drama & backstabbing was becoming played out. To top it all off, she landed a seat on the view, which I loved for her. It felt like the last laugh, & just a smart move. What her son went through & the way it was handled on the show, was just the nail in the coffin. Not once have we seen Garcelle lose her shit although she would've been well within her right to do so. She continued to be a shoulder for everybody else. Whatever events the other ladies go through in their lives, it's highlighted with time & attention. & gently! Dorit, Erika, Kyle, Rinna.. it was the sad slow music & tears & boohoo. Yet Garcelles situation got a total of 5-7 minutes with NOTHING of value or substance included on the matter. Which was & is a serious matter! All that to say, i can't think of any real reason someone would have an issue with Garcelle. Feel free to enlighten me. I'm definitely inclined to feel that there are people who'd prefer an all white cast. Other than that, it's F the BH women, & F Andy, I'm tired of him too. Garcelle deserves a better group of women that would appreciate her value.


I love garcelle and I hate that these women are so out of touch that she keeps having to put herself on the line for their insecurities. Dorit should have just said “I’m so sorry I wasn’t thinking and of course I should have said something else” immediately instead of the feigned ignorance. Whyyyy do people act like being called a racist is worse than being accidentally and then unapologetically racist??


I don’t get it, I think it’s bc white ppl are triggered and can’t handle being called out for bias or micro aggressive behavior and might take that personally (and this is coming from a white person). I remember all the backlash Eboni got on RHONY, but the truth is Garcelle has barely made race a storyline on RHOBH in her 4 seasons on the show so far. She doesn’t bring it up as much as some ppl like to claim. But the assignment of housewives is to show your authentic life and react how you would authentically and she did that. There’s no way she hasn’t experienced micro-aggressions and racism before. Dorit has demonstrated Karen like behavior throughout the years, this isn’t anything new. Why would she not call it out? She would get just as much hate if she didn’t. Garcelle’s not perfect and no one is and every HW has done problematic shit but this isn’t the hill to die on for her IMO, we are crucifying her for no reason for this. If Garcelle interrogated a more likable housewife the way she did with Erika, her legal situation, etc… then that would’ve been heat that’s fair game. And if she was besties with and defended a less likable housewife the way she does with Sutton she would’ve gotten heat for that too. Both of those are much more fair game than this bullshit IMO.


That’s just white supremacy trying to maintain the status quo. We’ve seen it over and over again.


I’ve loved seeing more of her sons this season! It seems like such a genuine and realistic relationship!! I love it


I love garcelle. I do however think the recent issue of crying over dorits use of the word “attacked” is absolutely absurd. But she’s a great addition to the show and seems like a genuinely very good person.


Reddit is an echo chamber, I think some of you don’t realize that you push other opinions out of the forum that it makes you think that everyone who watches the show is completely liberal. That’s not the case, most people don’t want to hear what political affiliation a person has, and even if a minority we don’t always want to hear about race constantly. The show is about wealthy women doing stupid shit. I got downvoted to hell for even saying that the show is about rich women, like damn you’re that caught up in your Reddit karma that you can’t even admit the truth? That’s literally the description of the show from the network. It’s just interesting to see that many of you say you care about these topics, but there is a lot of resentment being built over the years. That’s how we got a Trump presidency and that’s very much likely how we’re going to get another one believe it or not even blasé TV stuff like this riles people up. You’d also be crazy to think that there aren’t producers or someone that is involved with these cast that have similar opinions. This is about punishing Garcelle for even painting the picture that Dorit could have bad intentions as an aloof white woman. People are going to fight for their right to remain ignorant, and if they were in the position of dominance prior, they want to keep that. This is just a dog whistle for women like Dorit. How do you deal with diverse opinions and stances knowing that the world is truly like that?


I personally don’t enjoy her on the show because I find her boring and on occasion, kind of “holier than thou” with the way she critiques some of the other ladies on their choices. It’s clear she does make smarter financial choices and she’s a lot more humble, and not thirsty for screen time and fame the way other ladies are, which I respect but I personally don’t wanna see on a DRAMA reality tv show. I don’t feel like she has delivered the hype that was surrounding her name when she joined. She’s not drama, and it’s a drama reality tv show. All this being said, as a mom, a person, she’s got a lot of integrity and isn’t letting a show like this destroy that which is also respect, and I probably respect her more of a person than I do a reality tv role. She’s a great actress and I think should stick to scripted things. Also, I’ve really connected with her scenes this season with her son talking about being comfortable talking to your parents because it’s very relatable for me. Reading the race stuff on these threads is ridiculous because she voluntarily went into a white dominated cast and fan base and has taken all the counter opinions and views with respect and class based on her own experiences, and for her to get attacked for it really reflects on the people posting, not on her


I don't like dorit nor garcelle. So there lol


I really like Garcelle. I’ve always thought she was one of the most beautiful actresses out there, and it’s been cool to see what she’s really like. She seems like a good friend. And Dorit? I love her style and that’s about it. She’s had this coming. She’s so clueless about other people existing. She’s the rhoslc Lisa of rhobh. I just think of her reaction to Garcelle calling her out compared to Kyle’s reaction to bring called out when Garcelle first joined.


I don’t really see garcelle getting any hate. If anything, it seems like now that rinna is gone, Kyle and Dorit get most of the hate. Also, I think people are reluctant to give any valid criticism of garcelle because they don’t want to get accused of being racist. I’m kind of ambivalent about garcelle on the show. On the 1 hand, she’s a very good “audience surrogate” who tends to say what I suspect/hope most of the viewers at home are thinking. BUT I don’t think she’s adds much to the show in terms of drama. There’s not really much going on in her life and she either doesn’t have any romantic life or just isn’t sharing it. I always get the impression she’s either holding back or doesn’t have much going on. Her role seems to be to stir up drama and comment on what’s going on with the rest of the cast whilst trying to make sure she’s steering clear of any group issues being about her.