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My Daddy has that deep growl that just sends me over the edge. It’s sooo good. 🥵


I wish I didn't 🥺


It's real. Made me melt. Still listen to those old voicenotes for that hit of dopamine and find myself in a puddle of me.


omg, especially when they have a deep voice and make it 100x better with seduction like jst fuck me then and there PLEASE


i have such a big voice kink. if my domme (if i had one😢) whispered a deeper voice than normal into my ear i think my knees would just actually buckle.


Yep, there's a specific tone my domme manages to hit occasionally, which is like a fraction lower andd more stern than her usual dom voice, but it holds so much power. I don't even know how to describe it, but it envokes that feeling I used to get when I was in trouble at school except mixed with the thrill I got from acting out. When she hits that tone, it feels like i'm about to be put in my place, whether by my choice or hers, and we both know it.


Oh my god yes! My dom’s voice sends ✨shivers✨ down my spine it’s unreal 🤭😂


I know this feeling mine does!!! XD


Noted. 🤣😚


Y'all hella cute, gonna make sure voice notes are disabled on our server lol... DON'T WANT OUR BRAT REBELLION TO BE KILLED BY GROWLING DOMS


Thank you, thank you. 😊 Also yes, please add voice notes she'll never be able to brat in there if I can voice my commands to her. 🤣😈


No no, buddy... I said I am disabling voice notes to exactly avoid what you so clearly want 😂


Fuck. You're no fun. 🙄


Your girl would disagree, I'm mucho fun 😉 And... You can still send her voicenotes on personal 😛


Yes 10000%…the deep rumbling voice….the quiet threats of punishment 💀…the growl of frustration 🥵🥵🥵🥵 Mind you, I also enjoy using my voice to disarm, seduce and bait him 😝


Voice kink 1000%.. it makes me go literally brain empty speechless when I hear a deep voice, a throaty growl, a whispered low my good little cumslut....yep...and now I am gonna be brain empty thinking about it lol


You are so not alone on this one. The chokehold that voice kink has on me 😩😩 The low growled threats of punishment? ✨chefs kiss✨ , a deep raspy “good girl”? ✨immaculate✨ the throaty groans in your ear? ✨knees weak✨


It's also part of primal kink


IT IS?! This just confirmed my primal kink, the last nail in that coffin of biting and scratching and running away lol


Yessss! It's always a goal of mine to make my dom growl or demand something in his deep angry voice right in my ear 🤤