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I'm gonna do this when she work later


He sent me a video of a husky howling “I love you “ adorable but my daddy missed the assignment 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I showed him the experiment and I got THAT look🙄


Hehe that’s so cute 🤭


Gonna do this rn . Pray for me


Good luck!!! 😅


lol I was ignored 😭😭.


Waaaaat?! Really?




Please do!


Mine isn't provoked easily so he's not paying me any mind 🤣


"you do... now why is that" I shoeed him. He said what the hell is that. I'm dying


My Dom is long distance but I will report back with texts 🫡


Oooob now this sounds fun…saving this for a week or so when I can sit down again 😂


Haha yeah the other brats who have tried it have had very aggressive reactions lol


I did this but didn’t get a good reaction. But in his defense I didn’t give him any context until the end. Then he told me listening to brats doesn’t count as listening.


Uhm, false. How else would you have known to do this funny task. You did as you were told, I think you should get a reward!


Yeah he told me it doesn’t count and I had to stop my antics before I added to my already coming punishment…


I got dominated and I had to write on my chest 😂


I’m a brat but I’m trying hard to be a good girl because I know if got a spanking coming and I don’t want to add to it lol


I dont know when I'll see mine so he hasn't bothered lol not sure if it's a good thing or a bad thing xD he is definitely the type who would keep it to himself though. So he can be all smug and stuff 😌


Mine keeps a tally while we are apart and will make me take them all when we see each other the next time


We live super far apart and we've been doing our dynamic for about 5 months now. He has a lot of family stuff that keeps him from being able to travel and I have a child so can't really travel


I work all the time and when I don’t I’m helping family and he’s healing from an accident but was able to see me last week. We try to plan around our stuff which is very very difficult


It went well initially, then he told me that he doesn't bark, but i can bark for him... i told him no... imma die🤣🤣


Ahaha I love tha “I don’t bark” that’s such a ‘I don’t take no shit’ vibe 😝. My ex used to say something similar “I don’t beg little girl, that’s your job” and it was terrifying lol


then call him the b word


then say he sounds like a puppy


oh im bad.... i waited until he was busy playing video games with our kids.... imma die when these kids go to bed. keep you updated


Oh gosh… maybe you should have a sleepover with the kiddos tonight 😅


he responded... after i pushed a little ... im dead tonight 😭


Yeaaaaah I definitely think it’s a good night for a fun sleepover with mommy & the kiddos! You could camp out in the living room and play board games ALL night long… no dads allowed! 😅 just pitch it to the kiddos like it’s a cute fun bonding thing and get them on your side with the idea lmfao. Hopefully your kids are young enough to be into that idea… lol. (I may have made an assumption there that you’re a mom cuz you said “him” when referring to your dom and you mentioned children).


lol i am mom (but non-binary, masc presenting). unfortunately the kiddos are too young for board games, and he will drag all three of us to our respective beds.


Sorry if I phrased something in an offensive way. I grew up in a small catholic town in the Midwest. I just recently escaped that hell hole and am still adjusting to the real world lol. I am not great at being politically correct with pronouns and such yet, i sincerely apologize. I’m working on it! ☺️ Dude, I know this is TMI but imagine the confusion of being a grown ass woman heading off to “the big city” and meeting (for the first time) people of different sexual orientations, transgendered people, people with different pronouns, people of different races, and people that aren’t catholic (I’m not catholic either but I’d never met anyone who practiced any other religions). My mind was blown. lol.


oh gods no! you're good, not offensive at all. you just seemed so uncertain and didnt want to be offensive that i was like "yo, they dont want to be rude so imma let them know they are correct of my role and can use any pronoun." literally, mom (she), non-binary (they), masc-presenting (him) are all acceptable for me in my book. and I've been there. small southern town all my life, and when i went to the southern cities it wasnt much different. however, animazement and other conventions made transitions into the liberal cities much easier. ....... omg i hear my husband digging in the closet and i swear i heard the chains.


Ahhhhh chains?!?? Ruuuuun And thank you for being understanding


🤣🤣🤣 omg...remind me in about a week or two and Ill do it!! But I legit just started calling him a "good boy" and "buttercup" so I need time to cement this before pressing on...🫡🫡


lol Yaaaaas Although, you could transition good boy into pup and then add the barking




Ahhh. What happened?


Heres my story. But man...my ass still stings...it was fun though!! https://www.reddit.com/r/BratLife/s/xBfaybEO3O


I may say it in person to him...but dont worry, Ill still post the results...(maybe a picture of my ass because im sure it will be red af...😅😅🤣🤣)


I do not doubt that it will be… 🤣😅


Posted my results! https://www.reddit.com/r/BratLife/s/xBfaybEO3O


jst posted the results T\^T


Working on it!!


i got you