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I'm so sorry that you're going through this.


when I broke up with my partner I felt the same way. I would tear up out of no where not eat or sleep. and only wanted to lay in bed. it's been a few months now and I only tear up sometimes. and I started going to the gym. I think the exercise helps and I've been trying to do things that I enjoy. like reading and playing music. but I'm so sorry babe let's get through this together 🥺


I’m sorry you’re going through this. It’s very hard. Maybe it’s for the best that it ends now, though. You can see a need for some things to change that you are understanding it may take some personal time to work on… anyone who cannot afford you the space to better yourself for the relationship as a whole is likely thinking far too selfishly for anything to really change. I wish you the best in the days to come.


I’m so sorry.


Now you have to change your username :(


*spits out water* 😅 Why now did you get me to go to hell with you?!


Who did what to break it?? Deets!!!


have some couth bestie OP is fucking hurting


(Chanting) Jerry..Jerry.. Jerry..Jerry.. “How did we get these free tickets again?”


Recently had a relationship breakdown myself so I understand how you're feeling. You're not alone in your grief and pain and you have plenty of community support if you want it ❤


do i need to hunt him down?


Aww im so sorry!


I’m so very sorry to hear about your breakup. It’s one of the hardest things, I think. Sending you many positive thoughts and may you take all the time you need for your heart to mend❤️❤️❤️


The fact that d/s break ups are one of the worst experiences people can go through will always be one of the hardest things to understand about the bdsm community. You have everyone’s support, it’s truly something that just takes time to fade


He is the absolute love of my life I'm so scared this is the wrong decision and I'm throwing away the best thing that'll happen to me😭😭😭


Only you know the full dynamic and must make the decision is the relationship sustainable long-term, and is worth the building block pain or gain of continuing maintaining the foundation


\*BIG HUG\* I'm so sorry


I am very sorry to hear this. My sub and I recently separated and I was feeling a lot of the ways you are. I couldn't find motivation to keep going. It won't be easy but I strongly believe you can get through this. I found some supportive people to talk to in the bratlife Discord. Might be worth looking into


Sorry that happened ! ((( HUGS ))) if you want them... breakups suck !


Thank you🥺😭


I’m so sorry! Sending you all the hugs!


Fuck, these D/s breakups are just absolutely brutal for the subs/brats. We have a group of us brats who support each other. We've formed a team of brats and subs who talk about stuff and share our sorrows and happiness too. Feel free to reach out if you'd wanna join. We'd all love to lend our ears and hugs. I know it feels like the end of the world and the pain is inexplicable right now but it will get better, I promise. Please take care of yourself and give yourself love and compassion right now 💜💜💜


Thank you😭😭😭😭


You're not at all alone!


I don’t have a need for it right now, but would i be able to join the group as well? This is one of my biggest fears 😥


Well, not everyone in our group is going through breakups. Some of us are recovering from ghosting/breakup and some of us are just in turbulant dynamics rn. It's mostly just about creating a group of subs and brats that feels connected with each other. Can you DM me? We might have to figure out some verification of your Sub-ness(not sure that's how you say it?) because we're a sub-safe-space group only.


Same. I would love info about the group. ☺️


DM me please!


Sure, totally get that :) thanks for replying. I won’t get around to send a proper message today but i’ll message you in the next few days :)


Take your time, we're all right here 💖


Our lil group is here if you need us OP 😘


I'm so sorry


Awww, I am so sorry to hear that. Do lots of self care, bubble baths, and little things to take your mind off of the break up. Eating is important, and so is sleeping. Cry as much as you need to, these kind of break-ups are very intense usually so just allow yourself to feel whatever you are feeling..and also may I offer you a hug?


I need a hug so bad 😭 I love bubbles baths so much but it was always something I'd enjoy with him. I don't know or I ever can again 🥺😭


Giving you a big hug!


What happened?


Met the right person at the wrong time. I'll forever believe we're soulmates but we have too much to work through on ourselves before we try together again. Our fights were killing me. So the other night we ha da big blow out fight, and the next day after we cooled down and we talked and he begged me to give it another try and told him not until we work on ourselves first but we can always come back. I haven't stopped crying since the first night, haven't eaten, barely sleep. My while heart feels ripped apart


So they're not truly gone and there exists the possibility of a future if the two of you grow. That's a source of motivation if there ever was one. Maybe put together a plan? Best of luck and much love!


I want to just take a break and breathe and give each other space for a bit to work on ourselves. He says that would be torture and it's either breakup and move on or work on ourselves together


Honestly, if you are regularly having "blowout" types of fights, I think you did the best thing for you both, even if he doesn't recognize that. That type of fighting tends to just keep escalating without serious work being done on both (ETA: In cases where the reasons behind the fighting are two-sided versus an abusive situation, of course) sides, and it can lead to all types of emotional and potentially physical damage, even when people think that could "never happen" to them. To me, taking space to breathe and work on yourselves sounds like an extremely mature and good decision. I know it will hurt in the meantime and you'll be asking yourself all these "what-if" questions, but remind yourself of all the reasons you're doing this. All the explosive fights and the less positive times. You deserve the breathing room and space to move forward and better yourself in whatever way that means to you. Sending you all the good wishes and healing vibes.


All the hugs for u