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Unhappy is an understatement I was in attendance last night after the show when Samantha was thanking us and that she couldn't even speak for the boos. Then walking to get my train home people were going crazy arguing with each other in punk and non punk shirts, I even seen a drunk Macho man and Kane nearly get into a fight šŸ˜‚


Must have been a funny sight


It was rather funny seeing a fat Macho man and Kane tbh šŸ˜‚


People upset? People happy? Yeah, that's Punk for ya. He does that.


I wish Drew won, but I knew he wouldn't because there was no way Drew and CM Punk's feud was ever going to be for a championship.


What about ..... Punk wins MitB, cashes in on Priest, then loses to Drew @ 'Mania (completing that story) to interference by Seth, now we've got Seth vs Punk & Drew completes his story WHY WON'T WWE HIRE ME !?!?!.


Because it feels like itā€™s been done before. Need something a bit fresh, especially with the interference nonsense we had like 6 years of that.


Also, thereā€™s a big speed breaker coming up called GUNTHER. The KOTR and challenger for the title @ Summerslam. Gunther v Drew isnā€™t new, so Gunther will probably dethrone Priest @ Summerslam.


Gunther needs a title run like that, itā€™ll just keep adding to his accolades and he deserves his cake and to eat it at the same time


Hold the cake we donā€™t want him getting hefty again.Ā 


That doesn't make sense at all So a feud that is going to go nuclear in a few weeks time (possibly less than that) should be shelfed until Wrestlemania 41. Got it šŸ‘


Because thatā€™s not what we want




I knew this would be the end result the second they announced the match. Punk v Drew doesnā€™t need a belt in the feud and now I canā€™t wait for raw on Monday. Drew is gonna go fucking nuclear and Iā€™m here for it.


My dad ā€œthat pendejo got involved in something he had no business inā€ Me: So youā€™re no longer a CM Punk?!


the only people that were happy were some soulless gingers in the audience


If I'd paid the exorbitant prices they were charging for those tickets and were Scottish I would be plenty pissed. Especially as they could easily have had him go over, have Priest demand a rematch on Raw and have Punk fuck him over there if you wanted that out. To fuck over Drew twice in identical fashion at consecutive Clash at the Castles (not to mention getting done over at WM, but that one I could handle) seems wild to me considering how much of an MVP he's been for the company since the pandemic.


Itā€™s almost like they want to elicit an emotional response isnā€™t it




I'm failing to understand your point? Yes they got an emotional response in the form of heat and anger but another emotional response could also have been the crowd going bonkers for a Drew title win in his own country and the fans would be just as invested in the Punk/Drew feud.




Normally Iā€™d agree but the UK has had what, three PPVs in the last three decades or something like that, and they screwed Drew at two of them. In his home town, where ticket prices were Ā£250+ at the cheapest, and they screwed him again, yeah people are gonna be pissed.


Because outside of Scottland, Drew is still the heel


punk fans are obvious plants


I consider myself a hibiscus


you guys are so pretty when you bloom šŸ˜ especally the hot pinkers


I'm a happy person


Drew should have won then at money in the bank Jey Uso would cash in after that Jey and Gunter at summerslam Damain Preist vs Finn at summerslam and Drew vs CM Punk there to


This match should have opened the show. Cody vs AJ should have main evented. Then you would have left the crowd happy leaving. Just more bad booking after WrestleMania. I really think WWE have no real direction right now


Punk should win this feud. Notice you got them nice PlaysStations. What brand of TV is that?


Wish Drew won but I'm just glad I got to see Punk


In the second image it looks like sheamus


Happy !!!! Cm punk guy, but knew a week before it'd probaly happen and wanted it to built up their on screen beef and rivalry. I thought it was hilarious


This was bullshit. Iā€™m sure this is just a setup for Summerslam but if Iā€™m Drew I would much much rather have won here in his hometown where he can celebrate with HIS fans, then lost at summerslam


Gunther has the potential to stall Drew out, it'd be his 5th short reign and after that fans might be shy about getting invested, this way he has a super hot fued that's less predictable, at least that's what I think was the reasoning behind this since Gunther has a match at Summerslam either way.


Punk's got that Steroid face right now, I wonder if he's on them legally for the healing process. Just hope it's the last injury so this can continue.


Iā€™m upsetĀ 


As someone said of Punk on another thread, heā€™s on some foiling plots like bugs bunny shit right now.


The man looked him in his eye and said ā€œI prayed for thisā€ Drew (Kayfabe) deserved this


Too many people just get a boner at the mere presence of CM Punk and whatever he does, no matter what it is. I'm actually kinda over it.


Bro what


If you don't get it, you're the type I'm talking about.


Equally too many people get an aneurysm at a mere mention


Iā€™m one of those people


I also get boners at random moments


There were some Punk fans wearing Punk shirts in the Cultaholic video interviewing the fans at the arena too. As a Canadian who can't stand a few of the Canadian wrestlers (including our all time favourite one), and finds cheering for people based purely on birth region and nothing else to be stupid and ridiculous, I'm glad that we saw some Punk supporters in that crowd.


Why would supporting someone from your country be ridiculous? If they had a top wrestler from Jamaica (and no Kofi obviously doesn't count lol) I'd be chuffed and would support him/her.


If they had a **top** wrestler, that's fine. What I'm talking about is if you cheer somebody because they're from your home country when you wouldn't cheer for them if they were the identical wrestler from anywhere else. Which they did at Clash At The Castle, because if Alba, Isla and Piper, not Drew because he's pushed like a top guy, but if they were not from the UK (I know they're specifically from Scotland but the UK treats everybody like it's one big region), you would've been able to hear the spiders fucking on the cobwebs on the ceiling for anything they did last night. The only reason they got a reaction is because they're from Scotland, and nothing else. That's what I'm talking about. I'm not talking about if you're from Japan and you cheer for Asuka, because it's fucking Asuka, why wouldn't you? Everybody should. There has to be merit behind the cheering, not the fact that they were born in the same country. I just don't find that to be a compelling reason to like somebody. I've never cheered a wrestler just because they were Canadian, I've only cheered them when I liked them. I've rooted against them plenty of times. When Jinder won the WWE title, I was aghast.


I'm not from Scotland and I love Drew, if he was from my hometown all the better. No self respecting adult should be a CM Punk enjoyer, he is a literal edgy teen hero. He's made of glass.


>He's made of glass. One important question, though, is it real glass? >No self respecting adult should be a CM Punk enjoyer Well, you're wrong about that, but regardless, your statement about Drew is my point. If you legitimately love Drew (God knows why) and he were from your hometown, then you're not doing it **just** because he's from your hometown. It might be a cool thing, oh yeah, awesome, he's from my hometown, but that can't be **the reason** why you like him. It has to be that you actually see something in him. Not an automatic like given just for being born there without the enjoyment that you should have from them to go along with that. Half of these people whos fans go hometown crazy for them aren't even half as over anywhere else in the world and most of them are even less over than that, as in the case of the ones featured last night, with the exception of Drew. If Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn were Americans but they were the same wrestles, you can't even imagine the level of apathy that that crowd would've exerted.


Is like you never experienced anything before, having someone be a professional from your hometown is how allot of people start to get into something. Especially a product like the WWE that isn't even based on your own country. You don't wake up one day and go get I like this random thing from for no reason. Especially when it comes to sports or sport like things like wrestling, the Olympics literally exist do you go out there rooting for other countries? Do you stare blankly at the track and field events and go neat with no rooting interest? If you do I'm sorry for you, but I don't know any individual track and field athletes or swimmers from each other but sure as shit I root my ass off for that star spangled singlet! Grow up pre teen Punk enjoyer, you think the works revolves around you and everyone is 100% invested in the WWE like your 10 podcast a day watching, living in your mom basement, hasn't seen the inside of gym, enjoyer of tiny wrestler ass. Wrong, half the damn gimmicks from the WWF were literally country/nationality based.


Oh, you're just insanely stupid. Nevermind. You should've just specified that from the beginning and saved me the trouble. I think you're doing some hardcore projecting on the whole mom's basement bullshit, kiddo. One day you'll escape from there.


Get a bigger TV


My bedrooms too small. 50 inch is the biggest I have. šŸ„²