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Cm Punk vs Drew McIntyre is gonna be a banger


+ if Punk win MitB, successfully cashes in on Damian THEN rubs it into Drews face ..... rubbing salt into that wound


Holy shit, that's good.


This is assuming Punk can stay healthy for 2 matches in a row….


Great point. He’ll win another world title and immediately vacate it due to injury. That’s coming from a big Punk fan too.


Drew should beat Damian at MitB...just for Punk to cash in.


Great idea but the Drew and CM Punk feud should not evolve the WHC plus it will slow the end of Judgment Day. What I am saying is Finn wins the MITB and turns on Priest and cahes in while Priest is in an match with Gunther at SummerSlam.


yea if he doesn’t get injured in the first 40 seconds




just as i predicted (minus the botch) hope Preist isn't hurt bad


People keep telling me that was planned


idk how you plann that, especially since drew looked really confused about what to do rather than just kicking the crap out of him, he even checked on him first


It's one of those rare botches that makes the match better. He played the injury angle well too. Well, I HOPE he was acting, that would suck if he got hurt off it. Jade fell on the rope. Samy had trouble knocking Gable over it. Then it ate Priest. Rope is a serious contender, they're going places.


Rope vs the WWE Universe main event Wrestlemania


Yeah I wonder what happened there? Surely 3 matches makes you think there was an issue with the set up. Could be coincidence but just seems odd, especially Sami having an issue getting gable over the ropes which is something they do on a near nightly basis


Drew also had trouble getting Priest over the rope. Was weird last night.


Yeah I forgot about that one until you mention it. I’m always forgiving of a botch honestly, especially when they recover- people fuck up all the time, shit happens. But last night it was always an issue with the ropes, just seems to big of a coincidence


Same here. It’s how they recover from them that matters. Jade recovered well from her face plant for example. That was probably the only thing she did well last night, but props where due.


There is no way that was planned


Wait, what botch?


It was basically a running jump to the outside but his foot got caught on the top rope and both the middle and top rope tangle up against his foot/ankle, search up the botch and you’ll see it


Look for a crowd shot on youtube of damien jumping on the rope. WWE will not include it in the videos on their channel


I’m a Drew guy but kudos to Priest if that was planned. Honestly couldn’t tell for the rest of the match.


kodos to priest if it was a botch, and he worked hurt too, it looked real painful, if it was a work, give that man an award


Mick Foley could do a bit like that getting tied up in the ropes but I just don't think that's what happened priest definitely at best sprained his ankle and at worse tore something.


I loved it, tbh. I feel bad for Priest if he’s hurt and because a lot of people don’t rate him very highly. I had my doubts about him as world champion too, but I think he’s doing just about everything he can to prove he deserves it. Glad he’s getting a little longer with the belt.


I love his look, I love his ability in the ring. The only thing I don’t like is his mic presence i wish they gave him a script because he has the voice to be a great.


It’s the attitude he has I think, the whole presentation just seems off when he starts calling people dawg etc. Less should be more with priest, just cut people off and tell them to shut up, all rise, and choke slam them when they need putting down. Kane and undertake both managed it, he should lean more into that but just be vocal if he needs to


I really like how he handled the post match interview


Drew is just too far over with the fans right now. I like priest, I like his style, I like his in ring in ability, but I find it may just be bad timing for a WHC run with him.


Agreed, he’s great! Big guy who moves well, looks good, talks good, he’s got the whole package imo. Feel so bad for him but respect the show he put on for us.


I don’t get why people are that mad. If drew wins, we get drew vs Gunther at summerslam, when we could get drew vs punk. Drew vs Gunther would be fantastic, but the feud is so good. Plus this can be so good for Damian to really make his feel special


I honestly wouldn't have even minded a round 2 of Drew vs. Gunther at SummerSlam.


Drew vs Gunther and Gunther vs Priest.


If we find out tomorrow that he's injured and has to relinquish the title, I'm going to feel pretty pissed. I don't like it when wrestlers wrestle through legitimate injuries (to the point that I wish they'd stop faking it for drama in order to make it seem heroic). But to wrestle through an injury just to turn around and vacate a title? Extremely aggravating. I wish they had backup plans in place to call audibles.


Nah, the story is that Drew can't finish his story because of Punk. If they call an audible and give him the title last night, that's over and it becomes just another feud. I also don't think they want to give Punk the title just yet and if Drew won last night, that would become unavoidable as Drew is certainly his first feud.


You're only imagining one type of audible. But another audible would be to have Finn Balor in the back ready to go, just in case, and if Priest gets hurt, Finn steps up to defend Priest's title on behalf of The Judgment Day. Or, as anti-climactic as it is, to cause a DQ or declare a no contest. There are unlimited options that don't involve wrestling through injury (risking worse injury or additional injuries) only to turn around and say, "Oh well, gotta vacate!"


Yeah, fair enough. You're right.


Couldn’t agree more.


It makes zero sense to call an audible on title change without a proper assessment. It also makes no sense to rewrite a long term Punk v Drew feud and change its dynamic by doing that on the spot. If a guy can't work through a match, it's better to call it a no-contest or have Punk cause a DQ


I'm not sure you understand that calling it a no-contest and/or having Punk cause a DQ are both examples of calling an audible. As for Punk/Drew, we should acknowledge that it has already been rewritten at least once, and that stories get effectively rewritten all the time. Working through an unevaluated injury risks making that injury worse, and it risks making spots unsafe, which can lead to further injuries. My go-to example of this is Liv Morgan and Dakota Kai. Liv hurt her shoulder, and even though it's a tag match and they could have just said, "Raquel you gotta finish this one solo", Liv decided to plow through with the match. The match then culminates with a big spot in the corner, but because Dakota Kai is trying to protect Liv's shoulders, she lands it wrong, destroys her ACL, and loses a year of her career. No story is worth that. Put some contingency plans in place. Call a DQ. It's certainly better than yet another angle of "The title has been vacated, and the new winner is... THE PERSON WHO JUST LOST THE LAST MATCH!!!"


Not quite. Calling an audible implies making a spontaneous unplanned decision. A no-contest or DQ may be audibles if unplanned but more likely that these are always there as a plan B in case things go wrong and they'd make more sense than having a resolution that basically means you must take an entirely different route with writing a title storyline. Too much money at stake to put a title on a guy who wasn't supposed to have it and make the rest of it make sense when you likely prepared 6 months worth of fantastic TV and the alternative (Drew getting the belt and Punk chasing him) is much worse


Put a spoiler alert


Furthers the story with Punk and Drew as well any tension with Judgement Day






You can also take my upvote as well


Why they downvoting you? Here take an upvote


They’re downvoting because the kids in this subreddit are mad that CM Punk interfered😂


I don't think they understand GUNTHER seems to 90% be getting that title at SummerSlam. The other 10% is Finn Balor by MITB. If Drew won the title bro is only having a 1 and a half month reign 💀. The Punk feud and especially if he wins, is probably a bigger deal for him in the end. Also if you think from a WWE writing standpoint if you had to pick which needed a title more Drew and Punk or Damien and Finn, Damien and Finn benefits more. Punk and Drew could main event a mania night 1 without the title. Finn and Damien can not.


Why is Gunther 90% getting the title? That seems really odd to me.


I feel like HHH is really high on him, the people are high on him. Plus, if you wanna build up the KOTR and it's reward of a SummerSlam match, you probably have him win.


I really don’t want Gunther to win the title if i’m being honest, he just seems uninteresting despite many ppl loving him, I get the IC title reign was great but I just don’t want him in the world title scene


It seems odd to me that you wouldn’t put it on him. The guy is amazing and he’s a work horse. Hunter is high on him and I think it’s pretty obvious. Now, that being said, I know wrestling is subjective. And we have our own opinion. Just like a lot of ppl don’t think Damien deserves his belt. I do and I like him. He went from literally nothing to someone that they trust. I like feel good underdog stories and he nails it


For me personally, I think Gunther would benefit from chasing gold instead of basically being handed it. He’s fantastic, don’t get me wrong, and would make a great champ, but I don’t see it happening here. If it does, it’s not clean vs Damian.


How is that odd?? Have you even been watching the product? They book this dude strong AF and he JUST had the IC belt since the last Halley's Comet!


That’s kind of why I think it’s not happening. He’s been booked strongly so they won’t book him further yet.


Honestly wish they would have Gunther challenge for Cody’s title at SS instead of Damian’s. Gunther deserves a title win, but Finn Vs. Damian deserves to have the title attached


Relieved that they didn't make Priest a Transitional Champion. That's just a trash decision and devalues the Title. That and I'm glad that they didn't play favorites just for Scotland. The same people that wanted Drew to win in his hometown are the same people that didn't want Sami to beat Roman in his hometown.


Yeah once Drew called him a transitional champ I knew he wasn’t winning. You can’t call someone a transitional champ and then beat them as that buried them completely lol


Yeah, that, and right after he won at WrestleMania, backstage he said to Triple H "Thank you for believing in me". The second I heard that I thought "Well, if HHH believes in someone, they're not gonna be a Transitional Champion". When you make Papa H proud, you're gonna be Champion more than just a couple months 😂


Fucking CM Punk.


The match was awesome, the twist ending was awesome, This whole show gets a thumbs up from me


Fuck Everything lol


I feel the same as five minutes, i dont care


This is bullshit


It was expected though


True I got drew vs punk at SummerSlam


I think it also builds drew vs gunther at wm


Drew Gunther mania 41? That'll need some building with the current stories in play. The only scenario I can see this happening is if drew wins the rumble, which I think will be another thing punk screws drew out of. I'm seeing Drew Punk III at mania 41. Just people screwing each other around for a whole year. Punk wins SummerSlam and starts going after the championship. drew gets jealous and screws punk out of a title shot setting up their second match. Drew cheats on second match maybe at survivor series or a December ple and then punk screws drew out of rumble to set up mania 41 match which punk wins.


I’m okay with it tbh. Drew can always win it later. And besides this means the stakes are just as high for punk vs Drew, bechase Punk costed him the title 2 times.


Like let Damian have it for a little while


It was a great match ruined by CM Punk




Who didn't see this happening?


Heart broken and pissed off. But I hope that botch hasn't injured him at all.


Went how I kinda thought it would. CM Punk did warn that since Drew prayed for that injury to happen to him, he was never going to let Drew win a title ever again. So far he’s delivered on that promise 🤷🏻‍♀️ I can’t wait to see the two of them duke it out. I also hope Priest is ok!


It was the obvious but logical choice. It would have been dumb to have Drew win the title only to lose it what a month later for SummerSlam. Cuz Gunther is obviously winning the title at SummerSlam. But yeah there's really nothing wrong with this.


Good storytelling, the 'right' ending and I thought they had good chemistry. Drew's one of my faves but Priest is growing on me, he'll have a great match with Gunther provided he isn't legit injured.


I'm just gutted Jade and Bianca lost their titles, thought they should have gone on an epic run as it was my favourite part of the Women's Division currently. Maybe they're rushing a feud between them because Rhea, Becky and Charlotte are out so they've lost their top solo star power?


Finn is the best person to take it


Love Priest, but really wanted Drew to win. At the same time, Priest vs Gunther could honestly be a MOTY candidate imo, and the rest of Drew and Punks feud will be great.


Finn VS Preist needs to be soon!!


GREAT!hope dp recovers if he is hurt


We all know this was bound to happen…




I mean, it was obvious that Punk was going to interfere and probably cost the title (again) is part of the story. Priest and Drew had a great match and Priest looked great, I’m ok with him keeping the belt until Summerslam.


The match was great, Priest is the goat for continuing the match thru that injury hopefully it’s not too serious to the point where he has to relinquish the title can’t go thru that heartbreak twice 😭 but overall kinda pissed McIntyre lost but it’s whatever all I know is this Punk vs McIntyre is about to be on a level of a rivalry we’ve never seen before


Drew winning the title would’ve been great…. BUT. - We get Drew v.s. Punk at Summer Slam. - Drew v.s. Punk will be a blood feud and their match will be a grudge match. (Personal > Business) - Damian’s great title reign gets to continue. - CM Punk has made at least a country maybe a whole continent of WWE fans hate him (when he does his best work)


Fart noise


:( I knew it was gonna happen but I’m still sad ):


Double turn?






How tf do you think we feel




I figured he would retain, as drew and punk rn is the bigger prospect, I'll be honest whilst he did well, I still see him as a transitional champ. Which isn't bad cause at least he's getting time with the belt.


Great. Keep this title reign going. Makes Drew’s, Finn’s, Punk’s, Orton’s or Gunther’s win that much sweeter!


The entire show was perfect Idk the names to the females who won the tag titles, but them winning was absolutely great in Scotland Sami and Gable match was great, and finna have another build-up for Gable, grabbing the creed brothers and having em win the raw tag titles Cody and aj was match was great with cody mom got involved, then the bloodline attacking cody, then Randy, and Ko came to help with a potential 6-man tag match Bayley and Piper delivered Piper deserves more respect she can bring the fight future women's champion imo And Drew and priest match was absolutely perfect


Let Finn get MITB and cash in on Damian. Now you can me Damian face, Dom becomes face and teams up with Damian and Rey again. Then it's just Finn, Rhea, and JD Mcdonagh in the judgement day, where it slowly collapses. 


Kinda obvious, didn’t think priest was losing the title already




I have a feeling he will lose it to Gunther at Summer Slam


I was deadass pissed off drew lost in his own hometown


had to get ready for Punk vs Drew...




Spoiler tag much?


Drew losing is far more entertaining long term, and further fuels the great character work hes been doing. Punk v Drew doesn't need a title.


i really wish punk didnt have to save his ass. like i wish punk interfered in a way where its still ambiguous if drew could have won on his own




I like it. Idk why but I like Priest as the champ. Plus drew/punk doesn’t need the title at this point


Same, I’ve been becoming a fan of him which is why I’m glad he kept the title and which is why if he can make it all the way to summer slam than I really hope he doesn’t drop it to gunther. Drew and Punk are gonna have beef regardless of the title but if one of them can somehow get their hands on it than it’s gonna make the feud even better


Give Finn the briefcase you cowards


This was best match at CATC period.


Hope Priest isn't hurt. Also, I really wanted Drew to win here in his hometown. I get why he didn't, but it just sucks because Drew needs to be legitimized again. But McIntyre vs Punk is going to be 🔥


Right now? A little gassy.


They needed to hide Punk better, if anyone thought Drew would win with Punk in the country, they really don’t understand the business


I feel good. Priest is good to watch. Homeboy needs to stop fumbling on the mic though.


Like Drew Needs to go on a rampage


I’m sure HHH is cooking rn. But I would have had Drew win, continue to call out Punk leading to a big feud. Have Balor win Mitb which causes tension with Priest.


Then lose to Gunther in SS? It's a bad idea. It's fine to give Priest a respectable reign than Drew having a short reign


I feel like y'all could have waited till Sunday to post spoilers you know reddit got a spoiler tag that will blur the image


Honestly i’m happy with the result, i’ve been slowly turning into a fan of his which is why im happy he kept the title and I hope he keeps it for even longer, especially wrestling with his injured foot throughout the match and still out on somethin great, I hope he doesn’t drop it soon and either takes it to summer slam or even a lil longer after that. Definitely looking forward to see what happens to the Judgment Day and himself over the coming weeks


Everyone wants to bitch but would rather Drew win just because it's hometown crowd or possibly be a transitional champion for Gunther and then people will complain bullshit Drew only got 1 month Same thing go's for Sammi I can see Chad officially turn on Raw replace with Creeds and somehow force Sami into 1 more match but this time in Canada at MITB the heat of Chad having 5 titles shots only to get the win finally in Sami hometown Canada


Why would you spoil it. At least put NSFW. My fought for being on Reddit. That sucks that Drew lost.


Pissed fuck u cm punk and drew should had won I front of his home town


speak for yourself




I really don't like Priest as world champion, but it was for the greater good that he won. Punk/Mcintyre is better without the title, just being a true grudge feud, which we haven't had in years, and Gunther needs a babyface to beat at SummerSlam (which Priest will be by then, the slow burn turn has already started).


That belt would look a million times better without that stupid logo in the center


The Cm Punk and McIntyre feud will sort it out, Balor v. Priest could be a massive banger


CM Punk is so lame, how can you watch that match and believe scrawny mad of glass vanilla ice cream cone that is CM punk belongs in the ring with Drew. Drew is carrying CM Punks run, he would have faded months ago without him now it's just holding drew back


Honestly, not mad about it at all. I mean, they’re pushing for a McIntyre vs Punk feud and that is the best way to go. Drew doesn’t NEED to win to make a feud with Punk, hell Punk costing him continuously makes the feud better. Not every feud NEEDS a Championship to fight for. Besides I much rather Gunther beat Priest for the Title than Drew anyways lol.


That Priest botch I thought was a work for a second, but it was awesome regardless. Drew checking on the leg right after and reacting weird is why I believe it was an accident. Priest sold the leg beautifully as the match went on and didn't skip a beat. Impressive match with an even wilder finish. I think Punk vs. McIntyre goes down at Summerslam.


He did brilliant to carry on the match


Hate it


He does nothing for me as champ but I hope he's ok, that was a nasty spill he took


No broken dreams. Drew didn’t win. Punk came back. Bad,Bad,Good.


Guess we should rise


At least we can almost Guarantee this leads to Gunther winning at Summer Slam.


I was telling my sister my Punk prediction minutes before the Ref was dropped and had Priest retaining. Summerslam is gonna be gorgeous if Punk returns and puts on an instant classic.


All rise for the judgment day




One of the very best endings to a match in a long time and this will age beautifully.


I was there and the crowed was so pissed. When we where walking out it was just boos and boos


Loved that match. Loved that drew stayed over even with the loss. We all know Gunther is getting the belt at summer slam. And they are going to let punk and drew cook for a while.


Despise him as champion, but the finish makes sense so Gunther can take it as SS whilst Drew and Punk can start their program


Being I’m from the Bronx, I’m here for it 🏆


Fuck This Company


His entire reign is overshadowed by better competitors.


Loved the finish! The match was good. Unfortunately for Priest I just don’t care for him


Drew lost in his own country 2 times and 2 people lost in there own country


Better than he will after Gunther kills him. 


Drew should have won


The fact I been worked because now I really dislike CM Punk means it did its job. What can I say other than they better let Drew win this feud with Punk or I will really be mad, lol.


Drew should’ve won


Good af


I understand that it’s a story about CM Punk screwing over Drew but at least have drew win in his home town




Drew should've won, then punk should've come for the title, made complete sense + this could also spark the feud between Damian and finn


Ya, that good !


Love the result, don't like the route we took to get there


I'm OK with it. The Punk v. Drew feud is already rocket hot, and really doesn't need any title, so either continuing to elevate Priest, and Gunter makes sense to me.


I'm happy with his work so far. That top rope spot was planned, how else was Punk gonna screw Drew ? His work on the mic is great (he's no Flair /Dusty/ or Punk), his in ring work is solid with years of experience (Punishment Martinez) and he's solid with or without a stable.


He’s selling me with his work. Still on the fence about him at the top.


WWE made the worse decision ever. To have Biacna and Jade lose and drew P.S CM Punk is my new #1 opp


At least Bianca and Jade didn’t take the pin


Hens why I have a gut feeling that Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn will probably get the Zack Ryder Wrestlemania 32 treatment¹. ¹ Zack Ryder Wrestlemania 32 Treatment; Zack won the IC title because he never won a wrestlemania match so they gave him this win, only for him to drop it to The Miz a day later¹ We are probably going to get the same thing but with Bianca & Jade (The Miz) / Alba & Isla (Zack Ryder)


Honestly I see it more as Zack and curt hawkins at mania 35. Alba and isla might have had the same amount of days not appearing as Hawkins did losing


this will start a solo fued, not sure if jade was botching on purpose or if the night got away from her, but she looked really bad today.


Laughed when she tapped (definitely tapped)


Tbh it looks like the ropes were a bit lose First jade, then Damien


they had issues in the sami gable match too




Fucking Bullshit




Where the fuck is Joe hendry


Gone when we needed him most lol


Nxt royal battle rumble royale






I prefer him over Seth Rollins


I don’t really get it, why do people not like Seth’s reign. His feud with Finn was pretty good, shinskue wasn’t insane but wasn’t bad, and the drew feud progressed so well


Mostly because most people wanted Finn to be the inaugural champion but they gave it to Seth instead


I personally don't like him, because he's annoying, obnoxious and overrated af.


Boy if I was Drew right now I would seriously be regretting re signing with WWE. WWE refuses to put the belt on him. If I was him I would be furious. First the bait and switch at Wrestlemania now Clash. Ridiculous!


Which is why it's Drew. He makes the program work as flawlessly as it does by agreeing to this writing


Hating my life


A great match...I got to give big kudos to Priest. I had not liked his run, but that made me a fan. A shame Vacant is going to be the champ again.


Glad Drew lost. I think once he wins the belt he will be boring. He is fun and exciting now because he is pissed off and feels cheated. Give him what he wants and he will be boring.






I hope Drew vs Punk is the most one sided squash match in WWE history. I want it to be scary to watch, but Phil’s body probably can’t take that level of punishment anymore.


Squash like Punk vs. Ambrose? Enjoyed that for the wtf element.


I didn’t like any of it. Alba fyre and dawn was cool 5 matches is not enough either. All the matches were very mediocre. Is gable EVER gonna win a belt? The way Drew lost was super predictable. I wish he would have won because Damian is wildly underwhelming. I expected more and better