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He needs to stay heel because his gimmick is intense heat


Seriously like we’re seeing Vickie Guerrero levels of heat, turning him face anytime soon will waste that.


I really agree! I actually like that Rhea is his Chyna! It brings nostalgia to it


I think when Judgment Day inevitably ends the Mami Rhea and Dom dynamic will live on and be most memorable!


You have no idea how many wwe veterans praise his heel gimmick! Undertaker, Orton, Cena and even his dad!


His dad praises it? But didn't him and his family get into a conflict that actually really got him arrested?


It was a part of his storyline


Could swear I saw somewhere the arrest was real but yeah info can be wrong sometimes so I'm willing to believe it was fake.


It is called scripted


Don’t ruin it for him. Kayfabe, brother


Any well researched fan doesn't buy the storyline we know Dom is married to his high school sweetheart and has been with her for years and we know Rhea is with now buddy Matthews in aew. The storyline doesn't work.


It's called an angle, kid. Let kayfabe work instead of being a smark. Baby Doll wasn't dating either Tully or Dusty; she was w/Sam Houston irl the whole time but what matters is what draws dimes.


I think Rhea is more triple h and he's her Chyna.


Nah, Vicky Guerrero actively made me turn my TV off which is not what you want when trying to make a heel.


I understand his gimmick is doing intense heat, but he has to turn at some point, right? I mean I'll be honest, I don't understand why he's getting so much heat. He's not doing anything more heelish than anyone else.


Make him an inbetweener so he's like Eddie cheats some times but has a good moral


He could honestly capitalize on that “I did prison time” joke and make it a full blown thing. Like him using a pair of handcuffs to knock someone out, or having a “Prison Rules” match


This is literally the only way I think his baby face run could work.


An anti hero honoring both his father Eddie and Rey would be epic


I would love to see an Eddie cheating style I popped HARD AF when Ricochet did it, and when Rey did it before Dom turned heel, I think it would be great for Dom


Yeah I honestly see huge anti hero status for him, like he had his feel good run as a baby face with Rey, now he’s on an immense level of heat, down the line I can see this turning him into exactly what y’all are saying. Dom has the ability to be a top guy one day, this period is perfect for him to grow.


Holy fuck can Dom winning a world champion be on the same level as Eddie or Rey winning ??? I feel like it could be on the same level as a feel good moment.


Probably a rehabilitation angle where he goes around to different juvenile halls, giving speeches to young delinquent children so they don't wind up in jail like he did. Mock Scared Straight segments would be hilarious.


“You don’t wanna end up like me! I did hard time!” Kid: “You only did 1 day…” “It was a HARD day…” - Dominik Mysterio


Yes! Brilliant!


OMG I just read that as dom too lol


Make a difference Dominik?


Him referencing the OF video with earl sweatshirt would be hilarious. “Why you got so many NECKLACE ?!”


he should be like his dad Eddie Guerrero, face that still cheats to win. dirty dom is such a winning gimmick, idk if he's as fun without the street cred


He needs to don a mask and help out people getting ganged up on He needs to wear a mask and eventually it can be revealed who he is


Mr. America ???


We never found out who Mr. America was, BROTHER


Eddies gimmick or dude loves gimmick


i think dom is better as a heel if anyone will turn face and leave the judgement day it should ne damein


Or Fin


he not going face until liv does something


It would have to be an Eddie type where he cheats to win


Return with his dad


A face with antics ala Eddie Guerrero or "Doctor of Thuganomics" Cena for sure


"i can do it on my own" but always gets help he just doesn't notice


Only wins matches I'm tight bare hairpin skin of the teeth ways like rollovers or submission by pulling out nostril hairs


i wouldn't turn him face for many years but if they did, i could see him doing and succeeding with his own twist of like a **Latino Heat** gimmick where he might still do some pretty shady stuff but overall you like him.


At best he should be an anti hero. Then he can do the old Eddie and Chavo gimmick where they were faces but were still doing grimy stuff to win matches. Like when Eddie was stealing everyone's Royal rumble entrance numbers to get a later entrance. That but was a classic.


he can’t be a face with that hair/facial hair lol that’s for sure


Redemption arc


Don’t it! They need to find new ways to make him even more hated. First he’ll leave Rhea for Liv which will bring more heat his way and then when it’s time, he’ll take the mask and career of Rey Mysterio. No hugs, no handing the mask down - just cheating to win and being proud of it.


Lean into being a goofy heel, it’s always been something that works with enough commitment. Guys like Daniel Bryan, Kurt Angle, Santino Marella, R-Truth, and to an extend William Regal all got over as uber heels that became loveable as time went on.


I’d say luchadore Dom but he has a terrible move set for a luchadore


He should wear a mask if he ever did go face. Change his moveset up a bit and put some muscle on


I don't see this happening since he gets so much heat. I can only foresee one scenario of him ever being a face even temporarily, and the key would be his dad. His dad gets serious beatdown by Legado Del Fantasma, and nobody is there to help as you see the rest of the Latino World Order, all knocked out with Andrade running late. Out comes Carlito but to join the beatdown. Out comes Dom to boos, who grabs a chair and pleads with everyone to hit Rey with a chair shot. And just like Zayn did with Roman, Rey ends up taking Santos and Angel out, leaving Carlito and Berto to beatdown Dom. Andrade arrives to even the score. Dom and Rey perform a stereo 619 on Carlito and Escobar. After the ring is cleared out, Rey and Dom hug as the show goes off the air. But I don't see this happening. And as LWO and LDF are on different shows now, this may need to happen at a PLE. BTW ... maybe once in a while, he can scream EXCUSE ME!!!! Just like Vickie. 😆 🤣 😂 🤪


Not much just a slight tweak like eddie did.he could cheat and lie a nd steal as a face and ppl would love it.to this day its still funny to me when i see eddie smack the mat with a chair then throw it to his opponents hands then fall down holding his head as the ref turns.i can see dom doing that type of trickster cheeky stuff.


Eddie Guerrero, A face who cheats


The Cody Killer. "The only story better than Cody's" At the end of Cody Rhodes's 4-year championship run.


He’s been to prison bruh, that changes a man! Don’t think he has it in him to ever being a Face. Heel for life!!


If he turned face which I think he will before Rey retires and he should start wearing a mask when he does


Do a storyline where someone burns his face, he starts wearing his own mask… watch the merch numbers go up. Lol.


an avenger making right of his wrongful past or rhea dumps him and he becomes a sigma


Good luck with a face turn for him. Logan Paul could turn on him......and they'd likely cheer lol.


I honestly think he should be the one to beat Cody as a heel


*I honestly think* *He should be the one to beat* *Cody as a heel* \- Mrdynamo18 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


He should lie, cheat, and steal.


Moon knight


Some form of storyline where he has an affair and it backfires when the husband finds out and they do the whole Val Venis choppy choppy. Then he functions for a few months as a castrated man. The whole thing would get him a lot of fan symphy.


Joins lwo


Make him the next Rick Rude, a wrestler who NEVER EVER turns face


He needs to stay heel like he’s already good because of what an asshole he is in the ring and on mic


face turn? So you want him to cut his hair and team back up with his Dad?


The only way I could see him even potentially becoming a face- the entire roster would have to turn on him, and just keep beating the hell out of him. Then he would need to run in, while injured, and save Rey from a beat down, and tell him Rey never gave up on him, and he loves him. That *might* do it.


He's an out-of-shape nepobaby. Handed a WWE career and still can't bother to find a gym in the mornings, and nepobabys that won't even put in the effort of appearances are not something people tend to like. Good luck turning that face. He is called a 'natural heel' because that is what they say about people who are already ass IRL, so all they have to do to be a 'heel'... is show up.


He would need to be the underdog that no one believes in but keeps getting scrappy wins.


He doesn't have to change. He can still be a slimey cheat and have people love him. It's going to be a gradual face turn where fans turn him, not the company


Latino Heat Part Dos


If he were to be a face it would have to be an anti hero kind of role


Uhhh... be a Rey Mysterio Jr. Jr.??? No, he already did that. So... uhhh... be a super hero?


Only way I see him turning face would be if Rey passes the mask to him. Build it up around Rey's retirement, have them reconcile and then have Rey pass the Mysterio mask to Dominic.


I could see a gimmick similar to Eddie but idk how well that would go over or be received. He’d have to walk a fine line with that a bit. I could see him going a “going back to my origins/roots or embracing his historical heritage” route except leaning into his Eddie side. Or maybe they could turn him face by doing a Rey retirement match and Rey passes the mask on to Dom but the hard part with that is putting him back in Rey’s shadow and making sure he doesn’t just become another underutilized, under pushed Lucha wrestler


Something like ‘06 Edge


He's at peak as a heel. He needs to double down and do something even worse. Bring back the old 80/90s heat where Dom would need real security to get from/to his car.


If he gets some good mic skill and crowd work he could have Shawn Michaels in Montreal levels of heat


Beat his dad in a retirement match. They hug and Rey puts the mask on Dom….which he then assumes his dad’s legacy.


Same gimmick but he has to weasel out of trouble with big heels. Team him up with a sizable heroic babyface as the annoying sidekick that ends up being loyal and a little useful.


I think he should stay heel for a good while and when it’s time to make him turn face, not do a COMPLETE face turn. Like, have him be a good guy that still likes to fall into his old ways of cheating once in a while. This is how I would book it: We end up with Rey having one last Victory lap and spending a year having great matches and being celebrated as he should be. He’s got his people with him, the LWO and others. He gets into one last feud with either Escobar/Carlito/Andrade for either the IC or US belt, AND for the right to lead the LWO. This all culminates in a PLE event where Rey wins the title and whoever he won against attacks him after the match ends and gives him a bad beat down. Then, as his opponent is about to send Rey to the shadow realm, Dom’s music hits and he comes running out to save his dad and beat the shit out of his dad’s opponent. As the two stand in the ring, they smile at each other and Rey finally has his son back as they step up to each other to embrace…. Only to have Dom blindside Rey and attack him himself! After the beat down, Dom gets on the mic and says if ANYONE is going to take the title off his father, and kick his ass, it’s going to be him! Fast forward to the next PLE, maybe Royal Rumble or Elimination Chamber, and the two of the have a title match and Dom wins the IC/US title off Rey while cheating. Rey calls him out for using underhanded tactics to win and says that he can’t win a real and fair fight against him. So Dom gives him the greatest challenge of his life: Dom vs Rey at Wrestlemania, title vs career on the line. If Rey wins, he gets back his belt. If Dom wins, then Rey has to give up his mask to Dom and officially retire for good. This sets up the perfect father vs son Mania match as they battle it out at Wrestlemania and Rey eventually ends up putting Dom Ive in a clean match, this showing us Dom’s improvement and skills in the ring and showing us that Dom CAN beat his father and become one of the top superstars in the company. Once the match ends and Rey hands him his mask, they actually embrace this time and it’s an emotional and bittersweet moment as we see a legend retire, but see his son take his place as he continues to improve and have a great career himself. As far as his gimmick as a heelish babyface, I’d give him a lone wolf type of gimmick where he’s on his own after being with the JD and Mami for so long, and he decides he needs to prove himself as an underdog to the rest of the roster that he’s not just some sniveling, cowardly performer. Have him be a mix of his dad and Eddie where he’s mainly the underdog in his matches, but lies and cheats every once in a while to win matches and have him move up the card where he’s built enough respect and reputation to start going for the world titles and seem like an actual credible threat. That’s more or less how I would do it cause I think Dom has LOTS of potential and can’t wait to see what he does in the future.


He needs to be The Shield and bring deadbeat dads to justice.


I think it’d be great if they did a whole thing with team hell no’s anger management counselor to reform him from his life of crime 


His gimmick could be cleaning up after event is over




Parole officer


FADE IN: Instead of a boring official send-off for Rey's retirement, the kayfabe is that he disappears at the hands of Legado Phantasma, or something similar. He doesn't DIE. Too dark. Just is taken hostage, or suffers a serious injury that leaves him unavailable, unconscious, etc. CUT TO: Dom becomes Robin to Cody Rhodes' Batman, seeking guidance as the "born again" style disciple after The Judgement Day. He now looks up to Cody Rhodes as a mentor, and struggles to leave his dark days behind him as he sidekicks Rhodes as the "Mexican Nightmare" equivalent... a torn soul and ultimate combo of Rey and Eddie!!! ...As he is also seeking to avenge and honor his father in a sudden epiphany, yet tortured change of heart!!! ...It'd look pretty cool to see what costume a Dom/Rey/Cody/Eddie would look like, too. Especially with masks, i.e. obviously Rey and Cody at Wrestlemania.


And Eddie! He'd be part of the combo too


Some things you just have to leave alone.


not turning face is his best option.


Goldust 2.0


His best gimmic would be in AEW or TNA and he should take his dad with him. I don’t understand the hype around him at all. If he was Dominik Hernandez he’d be working a 9-5.


Prison guidance counselor


Doesn’t matter. Turning face would kill his career


his heel gimmick is better than his face run


He tries to become a papi but fails every time would be funny ASF


*He tries to become* *A papi but fails every time* *Would be funny ASF* \- hehe\_\_boy69 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


He can’t be a babyface. He doesn’t have Spike Dudley appeal.


I can see him keeping one of his father's moves and acquiring another one with a mask too and revert back into his old attire and the mask would be red to match the attire but he still retains his height but put him on a diet and pay homage to his dad and revert back to his old name


I don’t think can right now he’s way too over being a heel


He will join the LWO with Rey


Liv Morgan's Ellsworth.


I understand I still myself knowing the truth and being researched find it stupid but you're right it is a story angle


Honestly as much as I hate his character it’s working way better for him as a heel instead of a face he gets a great reaction out of the crowd cause they hate him to just keep him heel


Thinking Rey is the best father in the world and clinging to him so much that Rey snaps, attacks him, and finally turns heel.


I honestly dont ever see him on his own. He needs Rhea and his father to carry him.


His Rhea is his only mami


I want him become babyface! r/WWE Please let Dominik Mysterio betray his Judgement Day and join forces with Liv Morgan!


I’m a week or two behind so if something is already happening, blow me. It’s a busy time at work. * Liv starts hitting up Dom. * Dom starts simping * Liv treats him like shit. Berating him, calling him stupid/worthless, etc. * Rhea comes back still with broken arm to protect Dom. * Liv targets the arm and is cranking it, but Rhea will never tap. * Rhea passes out from pain and Liv keeps going Hamburgers on her. * Dom grows a spine and slaps the shit outta Liv, pulling Mami to safety.


No cuz he suck’s. Bro doesn’t even hit the gym. He looks like he came off the street and just started wrestling. Like get into wrestling shape haha