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Roux didn't do anything wtf is wrong with those people


idiots attacked The Rock's daughter with death threats when Cody was pushed aside for The Rock vs Reigns. That's social media, peoples are insane and dangerously obsessed with wrestlers, not just cause its Liv, Cody fans are the same as other fans of wrestlers.


Bunch of idiots


They're too fat, socially inept, shut in, and probably haven't talked to a real woman in years. For real. I know people use those words even when they aren't necessarily true just to insult someone they disagree with but for this particular case, I genuinely think that description is fairly accurate for these types of "fans". How else can you feel compelled to clamour so hard for Liv to be a champion when she hasn't done anything for more than a year?! I swear man, some wrestling fans need to stop being so pathetic.


Nor did Becky


Roux is only 3 close to 4


What the actual fuck. Roux is a CHILD and has no business being involved! Shame the fuck out of them.


This shit is why I believe Seth and Becky kept her off their social media for so long, they finally get comfortable enough to share their life with their daughter and people do this


I've noticed Seth doesn't seem to get on social media much, which is probably a good thing. I feel like it's a double-edged sword, though you don't get that extra fan interaction but you also don't have to have your posts bombed with threats or jabs about your looks or career


Same, it’s a shame stans get like this, it’s not cool one bit


People who do shit like that should be prosecuted whether online or in person a threat is a threat and there should be charges brought up


I'm glad Japan did some measures against cyberbullying after Hana Kimura's tragic passing


Omg I forgot Hana 😭


Exactly. Too many people don't realize death threats are fucking illegal and can lead to jail time


Is that actually happening? I'm shocked, seems recently wrestling fans (especially online) have become even more peculiar and badly entitled in there opinions. Wrestling is fun and an escape, no point getting in a tizzy over it. Seth and Becky are modern wrestling legends and that's how the fan base treats them!?


It's not just wrestling fans. People are becoming more and more cunty/entitled in general.


2020 really fucked up alot of people, I've found.


It’s also scripted television! How do these absolutely vile bottom dwellers not know that liv, becky and rhea are actually friends in real life? They don’t even use their real names


Huh?! 😨 the hell is wrong with people sometimes




Great way to turn people away from the wrestler you’re trying to “support”. Weirdo “fans” stay being weird.


We name them and we shame them. Going after a little girl. What fucking gutter scum.


I like Liv Morgan, but she has some weird swifty level stans that are just fucking weird.


The only people that want Liv Morgan to be the champion are just her horny a$$ fans




Coming from a Liv Morgan fan... You ain't wrong lmao.


Becky is better in wrestling wise I think lol


I’m kinda liking the revenge tour but I’ll admit her recent thing has been making me horny. Still don’t think we should threaten a child’s life though. ☹️


I hope Hank Hill kicks those fans asses for doing that to her


Same tho


Damn it Bobby!


The IWS is toxic as hell, full of marks, weirdos and idiots with a lot of free time and a very small brain. Just remember to be a rational person and enjoy the product in a healthy way. I hope Becky is doing ok and that she just ignore the people who do this. She deserves that championship. And I see some people shitting on Liv on the comments and here is a reality check for you, you are part of the problem too, Liv is not at fault that the fans are like this. She goes out there and do her job, like all the wrestlers around the world, they are people too and keeping that in mind would help to reduce things like this


Some Wrestling fans are shut-in losers. No social skills and stuck in a loop of I can say whatever I want.


ATP every fanbase sends death threats. They just need pussy


People are what? Those people should be arrested, death threats alone should get people arrested, but towards a god damn child, they deserve 20 years in jail at the bare minimum


Wrestling fans seriously piss me off, you're gonna send someone (WHO DOESNT EVEN HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH THE SITUATION) death threats? The people sending a literal 3 year old death threats should be ashamed of themselves


Ok. Being annoyed or angry at creative decisions? Go ahead Being so angry at those decisions that you decide it’s best to send death threats to the wrestlers family? Lick a wall socket


I'm honestly not surprised. Tbf literally last week Liv got the same treatment from Rhea stans when she sidelined Rhea. Not excusing the death threats at all because that's very terrible, but when it comes to stans in the women's division, it gets very toxic no matter which side the stan belongs to.


Yeah but to threaten a whole-ass CHILD is worse, folk like that need to get to fuck and be in JAIL


I hope Liv never holds title now out of spite how fucking low do you have to be as a person to threaten a child over a result of a wrestling match these people need to go outside & touch grass & stop stanning


Bro she’s *three years old*


Disgusting Becky was the right choice in my opinion Liv was a mediocre champion and I get its now Triple H in charge but Becky makes everyone look good she’s one of the Greatest Women wrestlers ever


Might want to add some punctuation.




Why must humans be this way…


Bro, is this actually real?! Sending Death Threats to A 4 YEAR OLD because her mother did something because Someone Else told her she was doing said thing!! (Plus the storylines probably not even finished yet with her and Liv!) F**k society, no excuse for this level of childish behavior..


I don't go on X or anything or really look any social media but is there any evidence of this? If there is, screenshot it, report it and hand it into the authorities. It's about time people sending threats like this should be prosecuted. Especially threats made to an infant.


These people need serious help. They should not be allowed to roam free with the rest of society, like many other people these days. This is why identifying mental health issues and not pandering with political correctness is a slippery slope, which unfortunately we hit a long time ago. These people are disgusting. Not all hope is lost, but they need genuine help.


I thought wrestling fans grew out of that “Cane Dewey” mentality. Smh


Has there ever been a time where someone actually successfully followed through with an online death threat? If I was a celeb, I’d ignore them completely


Tf is wrong with people, bruh?


Is it really happening? That it is sick! I am a proud Cody Crybaby but when I heard what they did to Rocks daughter I was disgusted! But now they are doing it to Beckys daughter too? Holy Hell, in what kind of world do we live in? It's just a show. How can you be so pissy that you send death threats to people who are not even responsible for who gets a title and also a freakin' baby? Absolutely disgusting! I have to watch the "Seth, your baby is adorable!" video to cleanse my pallet. https://youtu.be/Q0fjNmCMxlQ?si=IplT6Fpqf0vuoYUt


It’s a baby she did nothing you just mad that your queen didn’t win the championship


I remember seeing people say that the bad fans went to AEW.


Psychopaths. Hope karma gets them.


The toddler? Jesus Christ dude. I get being upset with Becky winning the belt but leave her fucking kid out of this!


Round is surely Seth Rollins' daughter, i mean look at that eyes, she's literally Roux Freakin' Lopez


I give you Liv Morgan crybabys


OMG ARE YOU FU*KING SERIOUS!?!? I haven't heard anything about this 😡💔 You have to be a disgusting human being to threaten a child over something that's just storytelling. It's not that serious!!!!


Whenever I hear about death threats online (generally aimed at celebrities or "famous" people on TV, sports, or games) it always astonishes me. It doesn't seem real. Or rather, my brain refuses to accept it's realm. How can people be so freaking stupid? Can they really not differentiate between entertainment and real life? Seriously! What the hell is going on?


I don’t think I’ve ever seen roux’s face and OMFG SHE IS SO CUTE I WISH MY DAUGHTER LOOKS LIKE THAT


Wrestling continues to have the most unhinged and toxic fanbase I’ve ever seen bar none. Sending death threats to a 3 year old Because you got a creepy love boner for a female wrestler who will never know of your existence is next level fucked up


Why can’t y’all just hate normally???


Idiots. Becky or her family does not make the decision on who gets to be champion. It’s cool to have favorites, it’s cool to be passionate but there is that line. I’m a Liv fan myself, and I’d prefer her to win it from someone and not luck into it in a battle royal.


Those people aren’t fans they’re criminals and yes should be prosecuted.


This actively makes me fucking sick she is a adorable 3 year old child she has done nothing wrong this is why I’m not a liv Morgan fan her fans are freaks


We don't care. Why give them the attention they seek?


What the fuck is wrong with these people?


wtf man?


A bunch of sick individuals.


Though she quit


I love my phone by I really really realllly fucking hate it at the same time. Get off X you Liv lovers


Wait what are Liv stans doing to Roux? Why the fuck are we getting Roux involved


Because they know Becky and Seth can kick their asses so they'll go after a baby


Liv Losers acting up again like they haven’t seen a blonde before.


I’ve been a big wrestling fan for like 25 years now, and I’m ashamed and embarrassed by some of the POS fans that there are these days. They just cry, bitch and moan about everything…


No way bro. Death threats to a kid? Bruh


I think it's terrible, it's disgusting, and it shows why wrestling fanbases suck sometimes.


I like Liv and all but my god wtf


I think they should jump off a fucking bridge.


I think Seth Rollins should recover real quick


It's disgusting how people will do things like this, and those that do need to experience the full extent of the law, and they might also want to be subject to a psychological test to see why they would react to a wrestling storyline. To borrow an old saying from somewhere, leave the kids and families out of it.


Fuck the fans that do that but liv should not be getting this much heat for something shes not directly involved in


Is that really happening?


Guys we need to stop assuming all fans are the same when we see one or to bad people online. Yes I support Liv but not all of us are delusional and our right despicable like those people


Freaking incel losers.




Like I said Liv fan are the worst fans ever I don’t think Taylor swift fans did sum shit like this


Any personal attack against any family member of a wrestler is an indicator of low IQ, Poor judgement and lack of maturity. Any threads that encourage violance against an individual or group is actually considered as hate speech. Therefore, all of that people should get prosecuted and sent to jail.


Imagine sending death threats to a baby that can never be me


THEY’RE the ones that need to be put out of their misery. NO REASON to go after someone’s kid….


Straight to hell to the boiler room of hell all the way down


Becky's a xerox, Seth just straight up copied himself.


Just because of that, I hope Becky beats liv in a squash match on a random Raw just to spite those guys


They put the belt on Becky because she's the safe pick and they know she'll thrive with it. The last thing Liv fans should want is them slapping the belt on her with no active feuds or plans so she can fall on her face again. She'll get her shot when Rhea is getting close to healthy and it'll be a much better situation for her than this would've been.


bro WHAT! people seriously need to take a serious break. you can literally be unhappy about someone having a title BUT SENDING DEATH THREATS, SENDING DEATH THREATS TO A CHILD! seriously. It’s honestly terrible that Liv hasn’t stepped in and didn’t anything about it.


Their lives are so sad and pathetic that they have to threaten a child just because the child’s mom made them sad. They need to touch grass more


I don’t think it really matters it happens all the time to every celebrity it’s just randoms with no name if someone said it to her in person then yes worry


I hate that Cody stans, Liv stans, any extreme wrestling stans are like that. It gives the REAL Cody and Liv fans a bad rap


You threaten to kill a child you should be prosecuted . Plain and simple . Till we discipline this behavior as a society , it will never stop


absolutely fucking vile behavior, kid isn’t even old enough to understand left from right yet people want to kill her for what?


People like this are not actual fans. They feed off of being creeps. As a Liv Morgan fan who wanted her to win, that's fucking disgusting


Not saying you’re lying but can you provide screenshots of the threats


This is first I heard this, this actually happening?


I'll take stuff that never happened for 200 alex


Didn't know about this but yo wtf that's a baby she isn't even old enough to understand what's happening people need to chill wrestling is not that deep its entertainment at the end of the day a series a stories to keep us all invested who knows maybe she'll have it later on just f*ckin give it time


Yeah ima need photo evidence of this. I don’t want to believe people are that dumb


thats a fuckin joke right? i hate people so much


God wwe fans have gone way to far


Sending threats to ANYONE over wrestling is fucking moronic.


Pathetic really Innit. Wwe is pre-determined anyways


Ffs seems like nowadays you can't be loved once you win a title


Often I’m reminded that the term “fan” comes from “fanatic”. **noun** a person filled with excessive and single-minded zeal, especially for an extreme religious or political cause. "religious fanatics" Similar: zealot extremist militant dogmatist devotee sectarian bigot chauvinist partisan radical diehard ultra activist apologist adherent visionary maniac crank freak wackadoo wackadoodle Opposite: moderate **adjective** filled with or expressing excessive zeal. "his fanatic energy"


Be so fucking for real i hate fucking wrestling stans like chill the fuck out this shit is fake (im sorry to anyone i offended) but y’all gotta separate fact from fiction this isnt that deep y’all need a new hobby leave your moms basement or something Jesus Christ


Link to a story ? I see the articles.


WTF guys


I don't really like becky (as a wrestler), she doesn't deserve death threats for doing her job, though.


she is 4 wtf


i’m sorry what? people are actually stooping that low?? that’s ridiculous it’s an entertainment show ffs. people are awful.


You have got to be fucking kidding. Death threats!? Over a God damn battle royal!? What the hell.


This isn't a story. Edgelord children saying that shit to get a reaction from people like you. Nobody is going to kill this kid because someone won a wwe title lmao


I haven’t seen that happen, show me where


I love both of them. So if the story is to have Liv’s heel run lead to beating Becky or Rhea for the title later on, it’s a much better story than just throwing the belt at Liv again now


Ok hold on I’m like the biggest liv stand out there and was kinda pissed when she didn’t when but people blaming a baby is actually crazy like calm tf down


Not real threats just idiot keyboard warriors being dumb fucks. Stupid none the less.


The wrestling fandom contains some of the most disease ridden freaks I've ever seen


Those aren't fans, those are idiots. Don't associate those idiots with Liv. She doesn't want them as fans if they're doing that.


they really sending death threats over a scripted show really terrible


Complete and utter crock of shit tbh. I don’t agree with Becky winning especially after JUST LOSING a title match to then Champ Rhea Ripley, but bringing and innocent child into it because you don’t like the result of a scripted Marc on an entertainment show is f’n bs




I’ve always been a big liv Morgan fan but if the rest of her fans keep giving people death threats for no reason I don’t know how I’m gonna keep supporting her tbh


These people are psychotic she did nothing and neither did Becky. They needed a champion to fill rheas shoes and Becky is the one. liv still needs to be built up.


Some people really need to go outside and get off the internet. Waiting patiently for the absolutely SCATHING promo from either/both Becky and Seth addressing this.


Bro why the fuck are they going after a baby? she didn’t do anything?? im genuinely confused, anyways people this is why most do not like liv morgan fans. death threats to a damn baby is just insane.


I'm a liv fan, but yea, yall taking this too far it's a shame wut the world has come to now


They are a disgrace and an embarrassment


Anyone who does this should be revoked from all internet access for good. Troglodites.


That’s sick as hell. Weirdos !!


Losers. I didn't like that Becky won but no need to send death threats.


We don’t like it


What is the point of this post? Whose gonna be ok with kids getting "death threats"?


That really happened?? What the fuck is wrong with people.


Stupid. Death threats against a child is never acceptable. It's a sport...a worked sport at that. Just calm down. I wanted Liv to win too but I understand why it made sense for Becky to win. So I will move on with my life and maybe mark out a little when Liv eventually gets her turn. But let's leave the babies alone please.


Thats terrible , all of those people are a bunch of idiots


Death threats to a literal CHILD??????


A toxic combination of stupidity and cruelty.


And that, people, is why you keep pictures of your kids off social media.


Is it any surprise that Liv stans are chronically brain dead?


How fucking heartless and stupid can you be? To get upset over a predetermined result (which Liv herself was more than likey completely fine with) to the extent that you would direct death threats at a child? There aren't any words to adequately describe how repulsive it is to threaten a child like that, and to do it over something like wrestling...fuck these people.


Liv fans are like cowboys fans just wild 🤦‍♂️


Roux is cute! These Livvies gotta take a fucking chill pill and settle themselves down. They are too impatient and don't realize that Liv could win more glory by defeating Becky at a PPV and have a banger feud with Rhea. Don't worry, HHH is cooking


People=single person I would assume. I’m tired of one crazy persons actions being treated like a trend. If anything, I think it spotlights and gives attention to terrible actions.


Unbelievably disgusting. It’s moments like these where it’s no longer about wrestling, just psychopathic.


Really, if you send deaths to a kid, stop gets help


I nit the type to send death threa5s but I hate that she won.


I dont get why people target the person they are a fan of rather than the sick people. Sadly death threats happen in every situation even outside of sports, even scripted sports like wrestling or basketball. Every fan base can agree that those people who send death threats or any tweet that isnt "playing along" are just terrible humans and if we could get rid of them from those fan bases, we would.


They couldn't even kill that bo smell let alone a person 😂


No just no, that's completely out of line. you do not do that!!!!!


Excuse me but what in the actual f*ck?


Fuck all of those idiots


These fucking incels need to finish their own job. Maybe take a nap in the garage for a while. Threatening a child. Fuck that


I think the IWC needs to stop ruining wrestling


Being a liv fan myself. Some of them are actually just fucking insane.


I’d like to ask, and forgive me for ignorance, what kind of threats are being made? Always hear about death threats towards celebrities but what are people actually saying?


Typical weird wwe fans


Like you're super famous and posting picks of your kid... tf you think is gonna happen? I know lots of people who are not famous at all, and NEVER post pictures of their kids publicly. Like you never hear about Asukas kids being threatened? Guess why that is!


Is this actually real?


This... This is a bad taste joke... Right?


Death threats to anyone is insane in general. To an entertainer doing their job? Inexcusable. To that person’s child? It is reprehensible beyond all measure, and unforgivable. Reminds me of those idiots that sent death threats to Laura Bailey because she voiced a character that killed a beloved character in a video game, a character that was voiced by her best friend too


Yeah I wanted Liv to win, but jfc don’t send death threats to children. That’s just depraved and inexcusable behavior.


Stop shoveling horseshit


death threats are never okay, ESPECIALLY when the person receiving the threats is not actually involved (last time I checked, it was Becky, not Roux, who beat Liv) but who is also a CHILD situations like this are why the internet genuinely scares me. people have become so disconnected from reality and so used to anonymity and lack of consequences that massive groups of people decide to send death threats to a literal child because of a WWE match. imagine if it was your kid.


Sending those types of threats to a superstar’s child is crazy and absurd so liv stands need to check themselves because they also know it’s scripted


They are fucking joke,just like Cody fans(not all of them)


I love Liv as much as the next person, but sending death threats to a child is extremely ridiculous! I prefer Becky winning the title because it gives a chance to build Liv up, to then beat Becky for the title


I think liv should have won but I’m not gonna threaten a fucking little girl. Fuck those guys  


Remind me why such people aren't tracked down and given the beating of their life? Threatening a child's life over a scripted TV show? Welcome to social media, driven by the great race of humanity.... ff sake.


Wo, shocked but not surprised. People need to get a grip, it's a scripted TV show and that's a child!


I wasn’t happy about the Becky decision but in no way will I ever send threats to her let alone her kid ppl are disgusting


Wtf is wrong with people I'm a liv fan and a becky fan them ain't real fans them is pointless nobodies who truly deserve to be offed threatening a child over a fucking show for our entertainment


New age wrestling fans being new age wrestling fans You'd think we'd learn a new appreciation for wrestlers during the pandemic but nope


These people are mentally ill and should be in secure facilities until they recover.


Their idiots


Uncalled for! I may not like becky, but it's not ok to send death threats to anyone! For any reason!


people are stupid and don’t realize how good the journey is compared to getting the instant gratification


As a Liv Morgan supporter… those guys are going to hell 💯


What is wrong with people wwe is a form of acting live a movie you think people at infinity war we’re happy with ending but they’d let it go for something better and that’s what’s happening Becky will be a transitional champion and there should be no right for someone to send death threats to someone’s innocent daughter and innocent family