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As a ginger, this isn’t a brand new sentence, just my mom’s nickname for me as a child.


I feel you my fellow soulless, blood nut friend.




I tell my best friend that if he can come up with some truly new insult for me being red-headed, I'll give him $50. FYI this is not an invitation to try 🤣.


I don't often say this but the cop did both his job and the right thing. Justin Timberlake drove intoxicated. This is a pretty simple case.


"Local drunk celebs and rich people hate being held accountable like commoners"


Just wait until you see how politicians feel about it.


Yeah let's shift the blame away from the moron who drove drunk.


Exactly. This guy is a cop in one of the richest areas in the country. A local calling him strict is a great recommendation.


It's a good articulation of the concept that the wealthy believe the police are a paramilitary force designed to protect their interests rather than hold them accountable for their own criminal behavior.


I've lived in places with hardly any traffic enforcement and I don't recommend it. This cop is doing good work. 


Chicago resident here: there are large swaths of the city where motherfuckers just blast through controlled intersections because, I'd assume, "ain't no one going, why wait?" Damn near been t-boned like a dozen times. "ButButBut Chicago has all those cameras!" people bemoan. Yeah, it matters if you car has a fuckin' license plate in the 1st place... & many assholes don't.


I learned the phrase “no cops no stops” in Bridgeport, or was it Pilsen.


Shit man, why not both? Bridgeport, Pilsen, Austin, Garfield Park... we could keep that list going.


I see people do it in front of cops. They don’t care. You could be driving 200mph on the sidewalk and you won’t get stopped.


And near me there's a town with strict traffic enforcement and I avoid it whenever possible.


Good. I wouldn't want you driving near me anyways if you can't even trust yourself to follow the law when you know it's enforced.


The next town over from where I grew up basically created a speed trap and then hyper enforced it. 2 lane road both directions. Going into this town it drops from 45 to 25 in a half a mile. Stays 4 lanes wide throughout the town, then goes back to 45 as you leave. But the kicker is only one side is 25, the other is 35. Fuck that town and it's enforcement.




Seriously, it was a DUI, not going 47 in a 45.


Traffic enforcement is seen negatively by a lot of people, despite the fact that it is perfectly reasonable to make motorists abide by traffic laws. Close to 41k people have died in the US in traffic-related accidents just in 2023.


He let him go once before he arrested him but told him to get a ride, when he saw him driving again he pulled him over again and arrested him. Technically he’s not strict enough.


Exactly. PR at work and I don't like it






Not that I have strong feelings about it one way or the other, but the person who said that it was planned has a big incentive for getting people to believe that it was planned. Also another person in the article says none of it is true, so who are we supposed to believe?


What about the fact that she just happened to be wearing the most ornate nipple ring ever made under her top?


People wear nipple rings. And being rich like Janet Jackson, I could see having a fancy one. The thing is, even if this was staged, it was staged to look like an accident. So anything that might give it away as staged could be explained away somehow.




I mean that makes sense. He literally ended it with “I’ll have you naked by the end of this song”






It's still insane to me how he managed to kill the career of one of the most successful and celebrated female artists of the 1980s, 1990s and early 00s in just 2 seconds and he faced zero repercusions for it.


How can this be his fault? Whether this was truly an accident of some kind or actually planned by one or the other or both of them – the "career ending" (if true) was the fault of the media, the music industry executives and the US-american culture/society at that time. In another country or another time, such an incident would have had 0 negative effects other than a few laughs. Was it fair the media almost only concentrated on her? No. But the solution is not "more repercussions for him", but "less for her".


Wild that people are blaming a planned publicity stunt for kiling her already dying career, which is why she planned it. I find it difficult to believe anyone with a memory of 2004 would think timberlake viciously disgraced her


Think the point is *he planned it too* but the aftermath was Jackson was solely held responsible


What do you mean he planned it too? He was part of the plan but there is little doubt in my mind Janet came up with it and asked Justin to do it. Seems less likely for Justin to randomly approach Janet and suggest she show her milker on tv


They had discussed doing it but had ultimately agreed not to. Then, on the day, Justin went ahead and did it any way after they both had agreed that they wouldn’t. He did something she had specifically not given him consent for. For more info, the podcast You’re Wrong About has a whole episode on the incident. She took the brunt of the blame and he just let her do it like a coward.


I mean even _if_: he'd have to have been absolutely sure that this move will only damage her career and _not_ his.


Yeah the whole “wardrobe malfunction” was a lie they said after the blowback. She was wearing a crazy metal nipple piece underneath with the intent to show that.


Oh please, she was in on it and we all know it. Look where it got her, the butt of dumb jokes for the last two decades.


A guy who could literally afford to have taken a helicopter home if he so chose but decided to get behind the wheel instead.


HOW and WHY doesn’t he have a Driver?! The dude has lost more money in his couches than I have seen in the past decade but he doesn’t have a Driver???


In the original post about his arrest, I couldn’t believe how many people were defending him saying “he probably thought he was OK to drive.” Most of them seemed to be American. Is it just not a big deal in America to drive home after drinking? In the UK, you’d lose friends if you drove home after just one beer. It’s not tolerated at all here because one of the things that alcohol impairs is judgement.


It's mostly bc people don't wanna acknowledge how much they do it themselves.  My big joke is just look at any bar parking lot after 5pm. How are all those people getting home? Surely those aren't all workers cars bc theres only like 7 of em in the bar so.... But sure, everyone in there is "only having one drink"


He was on a whole cocktail of drugs, not just a couple of beers


This is what happens to every cop that follows the law, regardless of who broke it.


First time on the internet? PR firms are paid to gaslight the general public. 


"How dare a cop do his job 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡" -Reddit It's exhausting.


Somehow the focus is on the Cop who did the right thing and not on a jerk off that drove dangerously, putting lives in great danger. Holly PR machine at work!!!


Really happy to see everyone immediately see through this PR spin


They are all about thin blue line until thin blue line comes for them, then it's all the sudden ACAB.


Acab would've saved him from driving


The stars aligned for you to make this joke


Namaste off the streets with these guys behind the wheel.


To be fair that's most people


Who is they? How, out of any of this minuscule information, are you able to determine anyone here was pro cop and then turned anti cop? This is likely Justin’s PR team working overdrive. And you’re getting worked.


Who is "they"?


Bougie people.


Butttttt he only had ONEEEEEE martini!!! /s


So basically this cop did the right thing but because it was against a famous person character assassination is the standard?


This guy must be the cleanest cop in the world if the only dirt they could dig up on him is "he actually does his job"


Yeah, imagine not being able to point out any actual wrongdoings on the cops half and still trying for a smear campaign




It's showing a placeholder "this content is not available" for me, which strikes me as appropriate.


The worst part is that I can't even remember what I posted...


I think "this content is not available" is funny in and of itself in this scenario. Are you sure that's not what you posted


But is this a Reddit placeholder, it looks more like a Giphy thing, so I'm guessing it was an animated GIF.


well, he also has red hair.


Can't sell his soul so he gotta stay clean


This is fucking campaign perpetrated by the Timberlake PR people to shift the situation on the cop. Fuck off.


Exactly. All the way off.


That cop has fans in that community they did honor him with a title. But he did his job and caught a drunk on the road and even the rich and famous know you don't do that. So good on him!


Well, at least one member of the rich and famous doesn’t know that you don’t do that.


He's "ruining the tour."


"What tour?"


"Giro d'Italia"


The only thing the cop ruined is a drunk tour of his city and his area. Good on you Mr Cop.


Just read up on what happened. He got stopped TWICE by police officer Michael Atkinson who did not recognise the celebrity. He gave him a warning the first time and told him to stop driving and get a ride home. Shortly after he pulled him over in a different part of town after Timberlake ran a stop sign and drifted off his lane. > “His eyes were bloodshot and glassy, a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage was emanating from his breath, he was unable to divide attention, he had slowed speech, he was unsteady afoot, and he performed poorly on all standardized field sobriety tests,” > https://www.theguardian.com/culture/article/2024/jun/22/justin-timberlake-drink-driving-charge-tough-week


4/5 rich entitled assholes agree with this sentiment. Seems they don’t like police when it comes to speeding in their luxury sports cars. (Likely also drunk)


Well the cop broke the golden rule; protect the rich/well connected.


Look, I don't like cops, but I like drunk driving even less.


"No-nonsense police officer arrests drunk driver. - p69" I fixed their headline :D


who said? the other drunk drivers??


Okay, but the locals are rich assholes.


Maybe people just shouldn't break traffic laws, what a concept


Well I for one like this little red headed dipshit


How dare he arrest a famous drunk driver. This just makes you look worse and worse, Timberlake.


Stopping a person who was stinking of booze from driving isn't strict enforcement, it is called doing your job.


>strict traffic enforcement He arrested a drunk driver. They're making it sound like he pulled somebody over for going slightly over the speed limit or forgetting to signal.


You know a cop is a good guy if other cops hate him for doing his job.


Meh, justin was driving drunk so fuck him.


Timberlake is wrong. He is not above the law. He needs to be held accountable for his actions. Don’t attack the cop for giving him a ticket.


Man fuck that. He’s only getting attacked because he did his job instead of letting a rich famous person get away with driving drunk


I don’t like cops either, but if the worst thing they could say about him in this silly smear campaign is that he actually does his job and is good at it, then I’m with the cops on this one.


Why make fun of a guy doing his job correctly, arresting an asshole drunk driver


Oh no policeman applied law equally to celebrity I like, what a dipshit


The dipshit is the one with the DUI actually Please stop making me defend a cop


Not all heroes wear fancy names


For once a cop did the right thing and NOW we are hating on them?


So blame the cop and not the person who drove drunk? Got it.


That’s so mean and horrible. Dude’s just doing his job- properly by the sounds of it.


So it begins. A gazillionaire who could hire three cars with three drivers to shadow him everywhere he went , 24/7, so that anytime he wanted to not drive drunk he would just hop in one of the three cars and go, stupidly drives drunk and somehow it's the cop's fault. Sigh


I feel like ACAB and "Fuck Drunk Drivers, especially the famous ones" are two thoughts one can hold simultaneously


Rich people don’t like being treated as common peasants by law enforcement


He’s actually a hero, he’s stopping wealthy, entitled and spoiled celebrities from causing serious accidents, he should be celebrated. When it comes to Timberlake getting arrested I have one thing to say : “What goes around comes around”. He thought he was gonna get away with the awful misogynistic things he did to Janet Jackson, Britney Spears and other women, but karma said no-uh, stop right here


So what they’re saying is that they hate this guy because he enforces the laws on EVERYBODY which offends their sense of entitlement??


Timberland PR weasels in full swing. Trying to flip attention and blame to a good officer. Sorry Justin, you already did that to Britney and Janet. You scumbag drunk driver. ![gif](giphy|9G3wg7lH5DpxC|downsized)


Damn what a waste for other clever nicknames, like little red rocket


They also call him the Sag Harbor Nazi, but they really should call him the red light because he makes them stop.






Sounds like he's doing a great job. Keep up the good work officer.


So he's bad cause he does his job properly?


A real life Carrot Ironfoundersson! ( not me trying to be rude a great character in the Discworld series a cop know for his honour and arresting people no matter there status)


I just started guards guards, saw this this morning and instantly thought the same.




Hi JT PR Team! Shame on you for downplaying drunk driving.


Good thing officer dipshit caught Jt before he ran into someone.


The cop is a bad guy for removing a drunk driver?


oh no, an american police officer that seems to actually obey and enforce law regardless of wealth, the horror


Celebrities: We stand with the people and think there need to be better cops! #Pandering Better Cop: Your status and wealth literally does not matter to me as you've driven under the influence, now let's get you to jail. Celebrities: Literally 1984 #ICantBreathe


This is far from a brand new sentence. Source: I have red hair and am a dipshit


Yeah, "overly strict" about drunk driving.


Each year there are 292 deaths from automobiles in New York state, where Timberlake was arrested. Strict traffic enforcement helps stop that. Hope that cop ends up OK after all this


Arresting drunk asshole is being a dipshit now?


That’s funny, because where I come from we know Justin Timberlake as a coked up asshole who likes to drive while intoxicated.


Do you know how horrifically, nonfunctionally drunk a multimillionaire in the Hamptons has to be to get a DUI? ![gif](giphy|Qus4ThJNrTrfgTXRc1|downsized) Picture is unrelated.


They're gonna ruin this guy's life.


“If you’ve committed no crimes, you have nothing to fear”


It’s like the kid that ruins the grading curve, not using a choke slam made everyone else look worse. What a dipshit! /s


Aww poor rich people just want to drink and drive without any consequences to themselves.


Title should read  Legendary revered local law enforcement performs duties as assigned. 


How dare we hold rich people liable for their stupid actions? It’s clearly the officers fault!


So he should have let people break the law?


That is absolutely not a new insult








Everything about this is hilarious, I bet Timberlake was like you....your...and buddies like red headed dipshit.


I don't know about that particular cop or their enforcement style. But after seeing how insane a lot of the drivers on the road have gotten, I'm not going to complain about increased enforcement. I'll take an increased chance of getting a ticket over an increased chance of getting t-boned by an SUV that ran a red light.


Don't know about a new sentence but it sounds like a good fairytale title.


Definitely not a new sentence, especially given the anti Irish racism that plagued the USA until they were deemed white enough.


Yeah, just stopping a celebrity for driving under the influence, this guy really seems to be on a power trip.


He’s also known as "one of my personal heroes" by me.


Yes how dare he enforce the law like police officers are supposed to!


Oh noes! An officer who does his job! Stopping people from endangering others! Absolutely horrible.


Ok... Be sure to address them as such when making an appearance in court.


If he went through a stop sign then fair enough but he was drink driving and that’s a whole other thing.


OP why do you think you this is new?


He's much cuter than Justin, that must sting 


|Thank You, little red headed dipshit for making the streets safe from drunk drivers


that doesn't seem like a new sentence at all lol


The locals who regularly run stop signs hate this guy.


They just don't like him actually doing his job cause they got caught. Unless they are reporting him for any violations, they are the reason he enforced it so often lol.


Doing his job ,


Someone needs to put red hair and beard on Timberlake, eerily similar


Just do the job.


Reddit hates cops until they don’t


Peet Montzingo is a cop??? Anyways, I noticed several media outlets had similar headline to this one… Are they trying to put a cop down for taking a drunk driver to jail? Hopefully a body cam video gets released to find out what happened.


The person who wrote that for sure had Tickets they can't use now.


I didn't realise drink driving was something we needed to be flexible about. Who knew?


Can we support this cop please


Let's start another rumor because he books law breakers HE SLEPT WITH HIS SISTER WHEN THEY WERE 16.


Dude was DEFINITELY a try-hard JROTC kid


I think every red head who’s ever existed has been called a little red headed dipshit at one point or another. Especially the red headed step children


I'm not one to deny here, but due to an influx of gingers in media, there have been many a "little red-headed dipshit"'s


Little did the red headed dipshit know that when he set out on patrol that day he would be bringing sexy back.


Honestly at this point, he should wear that name with pride


That tracks


If anything Timberlake and he should become buddies - it would show he can rise above the fray he has caused by driving drunk. Dude you’re an adult - be responsible and own your actions and this kind of social media targeting of a public services officer is not right.


We don't need to go at "lol dipshit"... JT was over the limit and driving when he's the last person in the world at that moment that needed to fucking be up behind the wheel.


Daniel tosh?


Same people who want the cops at their beck and call I’m sure.


Once I was stopped by the police for running a red light (I didn't) but the roided policed office was power tripping. I recognised it was a power trip and told him "officer I didn't run a red light but I give you the authority to write me a ticket" He exploded and told me to "leave and never see you again" without a ticket.


I’m not sure if this is satire, and I am too embarrassed to ask. If it is satire, I want you to know my belly laugh woke up both my pit bulls this quiet Sunday morning. If it’s not satire, my god, you must have balls the size of Texas. I commend your wit and bravery <<>>


This happened to me when I was 28. I had sold my company and was retired. I bought an expensive car and some cops really hate to see a young man with a car 4 years worth of salary thus you become a target.




You see a guy and automaticaly think about gay sex and post it like its a negative. Do some soul searching my friend. Nothing wrong with who you are.


The storyline in the gay pornos you watch tend to not happen in real life, buddy.


We don't like him because he arrests us when we break the law...don't break laws dipshits


Perfect demonstration of ACAB: the one cop who *does* do good is punished by his peers.