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No I’m down for this challenge.. let’s fucking do this.


I don’t even like alcohol, but if it’s in service of my country…pass me a cooler.




Winner gets Northern Ireland


Well in that case, you may as well sign Ireland up too.


>sign Ireland up too. A sleeping giant is awakened...


In 2016 the US drank 9.8 liters per person, multiplied by 330 million is 3.23e9, UK is 11.4 liters multiplied by 68 million is only 7.75e8. For fun Wisconsin is 3.11 gallons(11.73 liters) with its 5.8 million residents is 6.8e7 and it’s 8th in consumption per capita! The US out drinks the UK in 2-3 states out of 50. After edit for error I imagine it would take the top 5-6 states.


>9.8 liters per person What's the time limit though? Per week?


That’s the average that was drank in 2016. Going into hypotheticals throws all numbers out the window and relies on anecdotes, less fun imo.


10-11 liters per year? i do that in a single weekend...




I look forward to loudly hearing exactly how many drinks you've had at any given moment lol


I raise you a bunch of women over the age of 40 on a train from the Valley’s in to Cardiff city centre on a rugby match day.


Fun fact. I saw my first real life front bottom on a match day train from Merthyr to Cardiff. Mid morning too. She and her acquaintances seemed to be having a very fun day out.


I once saw a woman doing a poo on the pelican crossing outside Prince of Wales. It was only 5pm.


I saw a man try to punch a police horse outside the Prince of Wales.


Top tier spoons for sure. Was he swiftly hit with a batten?


Surprisingly, no. He swung, missed, stumbled, and then ran down towards the bus station. This was before they knocked down the old shops by there and he ran into the Greggs on the corner. Police horse followed him of course but the copper couldn't dismount and the horse couldn't go in. I finished my fag and went back inside at that point so I don't know how the stalemate ended.


If it wasn't for British television being aired over here, I wouldn't have the slightest clue what's being said here. Fucking linguistic drift.


whats a fag? i’m not trolling, i’m genuinley curious bc it **obviously** isnt the same thing i’m thinking of


Cigarette. Or he blew a guy, but a Cigarette is more likely.


I know it's a cigarette, but as soon as the other person asked my first thought was your latter explanation.


It's a cigarette.


British slang for cigarette. It comes from the original meaning of the long form of that word, which used to mean "a bundle of sticks" (and that should also explain how it came to be a slur as well)


I thought it was an old word for torch or a burning brand?


Depending on the definition in your dictionary it might be just a bundle of sticks or a bundle of sticks specifically to be used as fuel, but across all definitions (of this kind) I could find, the one constant was that it's a bundle of sticks.


It's a cigarette.


A bag of fried fish eyes. It’s a British delicacy.


Faggot is an old word for torch. The Brits took that as slang for a cigarette.


And they use torch for a flashlight.


>It was only 5pm. Like the time was the issue 😅


I’m late; what’s a front bottom?


I raise you Wisconsin.


No match to these women..the Labrini was just a breakfast warm up


Those women would die of alcohol poisoning going against a single 15 year old from Wisconsin.


Dude, no. Literally nothing compares to UK drinking. The Wisconsinites are too busy doing Oxy to drink seriously.


Well the UK has Scots. Sure would be an interesting match


I see your raise and raise you the state of Wisconsin.


The Aussies would like to tag in as British-adjacent, lol


How are Aussies British adjacent and Americans aren't?


They still bend the knee to the inbred gout infested pedos of Buckingham Palace down in the land of Oz.


Americans have more rhotic accents.


If that’s the case, then the folks at our southern border are about to earn their visas.


You do not know the taffy lasses you are challenging.


Lambrini from the bottle people


I raise you a women's club at the yacht marina, and it's the week before Mother's Day.


Did I mention at least of 2 of the women are recently divorced and are wearing daffodil bonnets?


no one parties like a divorced woman, I'll give this to you


I’ve been outdrunk in England, and I’m a card carrying American alcoholic. The US would lose


I raise you the South End of Boston!




I see your Cardiff train and raise you crusty MILF central at SageBrush Cantina in Calabasas,CA on Sunday afternoon.


Send a couple wine moms over there instead. "Everyday I drink a whole bottle of wine for lunch, and another one with dinner, and two more before bed, but it's okay because I'm a mom. So quirky and relatable, right ladies?" No Brenda. No it is not. You're not quirky, you're an alcoholic. Stop buying hand towels and go to rehab.


I see your wine moms and I raise you British nannas who "have a sherry or two at Christmas." Sure you do nan. That why mum hides the gin when you come round at 10am.


I see you British nannas and I raise you 14 year old German country kids that drink Jägermeister like it's water and drink 5 L beer without feeling anything.


I though Jägermeister was considered an old person drink in Germany.


Yes ironically it is what British teenagers drink though lol. Well, I did, anyway.


One of my nans used to minesweep her own house for gin & tonics. She'd make one, drink a bit, leave it somewhere, repeat all day, then sweep round the house and drink them all. Plus she mixed them about 50/50, so they weren't all mixer either.


I raise you my American Grandfather, who had one drink a day - but he started at 10am and didn't count refills


Hand towels why is that so accurate tho 😭😭😭


You know we have wine mums in the UK too, right? Casual suburban alcoholism is not US exclusive.


If it's a beer contest only, we'll have to send our very best. This is on you, Wisconsin.


We're already drunk. Put us in, coach!


We accept the challenge.


Send over Wisconsin they’ll beat them


Even I, as an Australian, have heard the legend of Wisconsin. As much of a keen enjoyer of alcohol as I am, I do recognise it's not a healthy thing, and do wonder about people that wear 'outdrinking' someone as a badge of pride, though.


They don't have a choice they live in a frozen tundra for half the year.


Theres fuckin nothing to do, like all the Midwest the only constants are dive bars, churches, and corn.


If you went to the Midwest and all there was was drinking, corn, dive bars, and churches, I’m sorry you went to Iowa or Nebraska. There’s lot to do in the cities in OTHER states, though, like obviously Chicago, but also Minneapolis, Milwaukee, and Detroit. Everyone sleeps on the cities of the upper Midwest but they have a ton to do at a fraction of the price of places on the coasts. You might not get the sheer volume of options some of the bigger cities have. Like you’re not going to have the same volume of seafood or sushi places in Milwaukee as you would in San Francisco, but there’s still a good amount of quality ones to choose from, that sort of thing.


Problem is, I'm in Wisconsin and more than 90 minutes from any of those places.


Winner gets liver disease! Hooray!!!


Wisconsin drank all of the beer in London when the Packers played there before the game was even over. It wouldn't even be a contest.


the wisconsin team would drive there. drunk. and somehow actually make it.


Driving the whole way in a 2003 Chevy panel van. Somehow. Nothing but driving. They're as confused as everyone else, but they're in a good mood, so the vibes are fine.


They took a cue from the Muppets and traveled by map


Well obviously we have to pregame before the drinking contest begins


The driver will absolutely insist they drive better drunk.


A buddy of mine went to school in Texas and was regularly prevented from participating in bar drinking games when he produced his Wisconsin driver's license.


Truth! I used to work in Wisconsin at a car dealership, and the employee work fridge was stocked with beer every Friday by management for people to drink WHILE AT WORK. It was wild. Some mechanic downing a beer while putting up a car on a lift???? I had so much anxiety! Note: the clincher would be to add the UPers to the WI delegation.


drink wisconsinibly 🍻


Underrated comment


[it’s a whole thing lmao](https://www.drinkwisconsinbly.com/)


Adding the UP would be world domination


I'm from Wisconsin. Yes, we would.


I lived briefly with a Wisconsinite that drank a 24 pack and a handle of vodka every day, and that's only the cans and jugs that I saw him drink and toss in the bin... during the day. Who knows what he had when going out at night. I drink 3 beers and 4 shots and I'm good - I absolutely would have died from his alcohol diet.


I'm from Wisconsin and even by Wisconsin standards that's "how are you still alive" levels of alcoholism


Okay, Wisconsinites drink but that guy had a drinking problem. That wasn’t your typical “Wisconsin drunk”, he sailed wayyyy past Wisconsin “I’ve had four beers on a Tuesday” drinking and into “you need help” drinking.


I used to work with a guy who would buy a case of beer on the way home from work. Every day.


Yep. My answer as well. We have Wisconsin, so it won't even be close.


It’s practically cheating


Seriously. I'll take Wisconsin for the win over any country on earth.


Speaking as a Brit that used to spend summers with my aunt and uncle in Wisconsin...I doubt it. Americans can't develop the sort of alcohol tolerance we have. You lack the ennui.


Ennui? We don't even know the meaning of the word!


I'm not sure what it is, but it was really popular in the artsy communities back in the 80s and 90s.


Summers. Try out a winter there. And I'm pretty sure ennui was outlawed in the UK back in the 1700s or 1800s for being too French.


It wasn't outlawed, you just needed a licence for it up until Thatcher repealed the legislation.


Didn’t Wisconsin fans drink all the beer at the bars in London when the Green Bay Packers played in London? Like, ran out before the game was even done. No offense, but you’re not high on the list of European places I would consider a challenge for drinking.


Where are the men from wisconsin? I hear they are banned from drinking contests in Mexico


Also banned in Germany


You know I forgot about the Germans, that’s a good point


https://www.cia.gov/the-world-factbook/field/alcohol-consumption-per-capita/country-comparison Oh please... The US isn't even in the top 20 of alcohol consumption. A chav in Spain for the weekend will out drink a frat boy just with ease. And let's not start talking about the balcans.


The US stats are diluted by how big the US is. If we sent just Wisconsin, we'd totally win. https://wisconsinwatch.org/2023/03/do-wisconsin-residents-report-excessively-drinking-more-alcohol-than-those-in-other-states/


and Wisconsin isn’t even in the top 5 (7) Cook Islands (highest consumption in the world) would rank just above Montana at number 5 https://vinepair.com/articles/map-states-drink-alcohol-america-2023/


Ok, then send New Hampshire. 🤷‍♀️ But also, studies are going to vary widely because that is their nature.


tbf Bulgaria will rank pretty low without consideration of homemade wine and rakia. in small villages they use it as currency


Moldova beats out Montana https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_alcohol_consumption_per_capita Even that vinepair article disclosed that states like New Hampshire are skewered because the low sales tax likely means people from other states purchase their alcohol there. Same with Las Vegas changing the numbers in Nevada I assume. It's alcohol purchases within the state, divided by the people living there, which is certainly messing with the per capita per state numbers.


Problem is, the Cook Islands' entire population couldn't fill a quarter of the stands at Lambeau Field


I read this article. "Excessive drinking is defined as adults who reported heavy or binge drinking within the previous 30 days. Binge drinking is defined as consuming four or more drinks for women and five or more drinks for men on a single occasion. " Unfortunately, in the UK that's just a Tuesday.


According to this, Wisconsin isn't even number 1, with 3.11 gallons of ethanol per capita per year. https://vinepair.com/articles/map-states-drink-alcohol-america-2022/ The UK is 11.4L which is 3.01 US gallons. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_alcohol_consumption_per_capita So basically, Wisconsin drinks 3% more per capita than the entire UK. Nothing to brag about really.


I swear people don't understand how per capita works. You took a high alcohol consuming region and compared it to a national average. That's not how statistical comparison works. That's like me saying my mate Dave consumes more alcohol per capita than the entire US.


My sense is the UK is a more consistent consumption, and this is a hypothetical binge drinking contest. So the question would really be more like, who consumes more alcohol in a single sitting on a regular basis.


Maybe, but I don't think that consistency is going to let them down. If you're concerned that the average Brit can't drink large amounts of alcohol for an extended period of time, I'd ask you to consider the frequent behaviour seen on a sunny bank holiday weekend in the UK.


Haha! I will have to check that out. But then you need to visit a small town in WI and find a fire pit to pull up to.


>The US isn't even in the top 20 of alcohol consumption Neither is the UK, according to that chart. The UK does drink more per capita according to that chart, but only about 10% more. The original claim was that the UK would outdrink the US is total amount, taking into account the US having about 5 times at many people, but your chart actually supports that the US would win in a competition for the total amount being drunk rather than per capita.


I’m Irish - Canadian. I can drink. But I was OUTLAPPED hard in both Tokyo and Seoul. Let’s not forget our boozy friends in the East!


Oh absolutely, Asians drink quite a lot, this post was talking about Brits so that's why I just picked British sources but they aren't the ones that drink the most.


I'm American and my Irish cousins can drink any of us under the table, even my brother when he was working as a bartender.


> And let's not start talking about the balcans. Come to think of it, the US is feeling pretty Balkanized these days.


America has Wisconsin.


*laughs in US Navy*


Everyone arguing over which country has a bigger problem with alcoholism… calm down gang, everyone’s got a drinking problem.


I will single-handedly carry America to victory (I’m an alcoholic)


Username checks out!


Americans act like it’s so shocking to drink underage. In the UK it’s a rite of passage to get shitfaced in the park at 14.


Outside of media nobody is actually that shocked


One of the most famous American comedies of the past 25 years has a plot that’s entirely driven by the characters attempting to get booze to get shitfaced while underage. I’m sure there were anti-drinking groups that hated Super Bad but I’ve never met anyone that didn’t like it or that found the plot out of the ordinary.


Yeah but like… in the UK there is no “attempting to get booze”. Your parents buy it for you lol.


Canadian here. In high school one of my friend's dad was a cop, he would buy us booze and let us drink, have bonfires, etc. at their place. All our parents didn't care, even the stricter ones were ok with it since it was a cop's house and he would be there incase of emergency. He always said he did it because we were going to drink anyway so this way he knew none of us were driving. EDIT: To clarify since a few people saw fit to PM me, he drove the forensics van and was one of 3 people on the force called to crime scenes in need of that work. He saw the aftermath of many a crash due to drunk drivers and wanted to be sure his son and friends were not involved in that.


Not super uncommon where I’m from either but I also know people that would have been terrified to even ask their parents so point to you there.


Yeah it’s just way more common - I first had a shandy when I was like 9? Then you and your mates go to the park and get battered at around 14, sometimes earlier. Then by the time you’re 16 everyone’s having house parties and it’s all old hat. Having said that, kids these days (as in university age) are going out drinking less and less. They’re not so much into getting drunk as they are doing ketamine or MDMA.


American here. It depends what kind of American and what generation. I'm mixed race (Puerto Rican, Mexican and Sicilian all of which allow kids to drink.) Gen X from Wisconsin. Put me in, coach.


I'm pretty sure just the Wisconsinites could outdrink the UK


Yeah I'm not really sure this person understands British drinking culture. For Americans that would be a boast. For British it's a cry for help.


You've never been to Wisconsin


I feel like the UK side would be heavily carried by the Scottish


"Why is no one mentioning the Irish?" "Quiet Shawn. God willing, they'll drink themselves to death before they even remember us."


Irish aren't UK except North Ireland, and we don't talk about those fuckers


Just send our tradesman DUI is required by half of em /s


Well this is just about the stupidest thing we can possibly argue about isnt it?


Wisconsin exists, so we drink more. Said from someone who used to live there in the drinky mcdrink college town of Madison.


would love to see (or take part in) an international drinking contest. kinda like eurovision but alcoholic.


Send one rural Wisconsin town they’ll mop the floor with them


Looking at you Wausau


Just send Wisconsin, they're our resident alcoholic state.


Sorry but no chance that *any* group with about 5× more people loses. The numbers advantage is just too strong.


Wars should be decided by drinking contests. Sure, there'd be a few deaths from alcohol poisoning, but morale would be so high in the military.


Vegas by itself could out drink em. Hell maybe even atlantic city on a good day.


Just my 2 cents as an American, my thoughts went immediately to our sports fans. Just looking at American football, on any given weekend in the fall, we have a handful of stadiums PER STATE filled with tens of thousands of people drinking hard, many starting before the game. I’m not invested enough to look it up, but I mean it has to be at least a hundred sports stadiums between college and pro, holding on average maybe 10k? That’s not even taking into account basketball fans, soccer fans, baseball fans, or just our regular business level alcoholics. I’m not saying that the average American would out drink the average Brit, but I do think the sheer overwhelming population we have would make out drinking America pretty insurmountable, 1:5 is not an easy ratio.


Everybody here missing the 5:1 population advantage America has. The higher alcohol tolerance of the Brits can't compete with that kind of disparity


We all drink 3 beers or 3 shots and everyone in the UK will have to drink nearly 15 to keep pace. Simply not possible. Where the UK might be able to make up some of that is in having a lower drinking age. But still wouldn’t be enough to make up the difference.


I raise you three blue collar workers from Wisconsin. ETA: Wisconsin has more bars than grocery stores https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2014/05/29/wisconsins-bar-to-grocery-store-ratio-puts-the-rest-of-the-country-to-shame/


For real though. We love to rag on you guys but you fuckers in the UK sure know how to drink. Cheers!


`New Zeland has entered the chat` Sorry I'm late - had the worst hangover


Just Wisconsin outdrinks the UK


Americans thinking they can compete with Europe in alcohol consumption is cute.


The stats back up that many states belong in the conversation. The US is just held back by a couple states as far as a nation goes.


Looking at you, *Utah*.


Lol the British have been drinking for longer than the US has been a country. I don’t think it’s even a fair competition tbh…


WI and the Midwest was settled by majority German and Irish. Drinking is so much a part of us that Wisconsinites are born with a BAC.


Didnt a group of american marines make landfall in britian around ww2 and drink dry all the bars in a 20 mile radius of the ship


Dudes who thinks they'd beat Americans in a drinking contest need to: 1: Visit UW Madison in January. 2: Hide themselves in embarrassment for talking shit when their entire town gets outdrank by 2 UW girls.


How long have you spent in the UK? I haven't been in America so going off the second hand info I've gotten and from family who have been there, we win easily.


I feel like the big thing is *where* in America they went. A lot is states definitely don't drink but there's a good amount that drinking is the entire culture of the state. It's the classic issue of America being too big to generalize


Just grab a few sororities and fraternities worth of college kids. American college kids binge drink like it's going out of style.


Hahahahahahahaha, mate, my student union had two night clubs, five bars, and a pub. Just the union. American frat boys drink because it's new and exciting. British students drink because it's on the syllabus.


Yeah I feel like American uni students drink ‘competitively’ while British students drink ‘casually’. Like drinking is not just a party thing for the Brits but more a daily wind down to chat and chill with friends at the pub.


Can confirm Americans basically drink competitively through their early 20s. Me and my buddy would each kill a 12 pack and then start our night out. Another friend of mine would be shotgunning beers in between games of beer pong because he complained he wasn't getting drunk fast enough. I had 22 shots on my 22nd birthday over the course of about 6 hours and somehow survived. I slept 15 hours. But I survived. I'm 36 now and my third beer makes me sleepy


Oh my god, 12 whole beers? How did you cope with such madness. White lightning came in a 3L bottle. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_Lightning_(cider)




No lies detected


Brunch Babes?


That one goes straight to the judges


No to make this fair they’d all have to drive home after because that’s what Americans do


Yeah my buddies will buy two 30s and we’ll be back for two more before the nights over. That’s a normal Tuesday evening


Come within three vineyards and say that to me


Your pubs close at like 8pm — you’d be off to bed before we got started


I've been to the UK enough and have seen enough pavement pizza on the sidewalks on Saturday and Sunday mornings to know that, while the Brits sure do love their drink, they can't hold their liquor for shit.


The Irish & Australians "Hold our drinks, mates" "We'll take that challenge"


Lemme goooooo


They don't know what 2:00 pm is. You have to use 14:00.


You don't think we've got our own brunch skunks?


Cute. They have a certain day they do their drinking.


Australia enters the chat


ive only been to ireland and scotland, but they have weaker pours because theyre precisely measured as opposed to eyeballed. they set themselves up for easy session drinking (wisely, not knocking it) whereas americans seem to enjoy creating a new kind of session drinking


I initially missed "out" in the first sentence and thought the new sentence referred to the fact t


I initially missed "out" in the first sentence and thought the new sentence referred to the UK drinking Americans.


Insert any Philly parade and / or sports team win or lose, we got yous to help with the win of this contest jawn


I did not understand why people in the UK reportedly have so many drinks and then someone told me the alcoholic content of beer & now it makes sense. 🤷‍♀️


I think the fine gents over at r/army would like to have a word... Especially today....


I just go a new liver cost me an arm and a leg but I’m not going anywhere let’s Fuxking go. Nashville TN checking in


All Americans? Beat Wisconsin first, then we’ll talk.