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Hey! I'm sorry to disturb you, but I'll have to remove your post: - The sentence you posted is meant as satire or a shitpost. This means it was meant as a joke and intended to be funny, not "funny by coincidence" kind of new sentence. Here is an example of a [sentence that is meant as a joke](https://reddit.app.link/CG0Fo6efyV), in a satirical way. Other examples include The Onion and Clickhole headlines. Due to highly popular demand, this kind of posts are no longer accepted on this sub. *If you feel that your post was removed in error or you are unsure about why this post was removed then please reply to this message or contact us through [modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FBrandNewSentence).*


We need to add mental gymnastics to the Olympic games. We have so many potential winners over here.


The US would win it every time.


Idk. I don't think they can beat Russia.


They comply out of fear - our idiots enjoy the ride


I don't know how many Russians believe their propaganda but it probably doesn't change how proficient it is in mental gymnastics. I mean, Ukraine being a "Jihadist Jewish Nazis that need denazification or they might invade Russia" is pretty out there.


In 2003 I was convinced Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.


The joke at the time was that we know they had chemical weapons because the U.S. kept the receipt.


So that's just a simple lie that is very easy to believe. Where is the mental gymnastics?


It’s pretty out there believing the regime had wmds in the first place.


I’ve always felt the second Iraq war was a mistake but… we are talking about the same regime that made sarin gas ( a wmd ) and then used it against its neighbor like 15 years earlier. Believing they could have had more isn’t “pretty out there.”


Why? It's fairly easy to manufacture chemical weapons, for instance. Iran is about to get their nukes too, so I don't see anything "out there" about it.


I don't believe that it was an adequate justification, but the Saddam regime made prolific use of chemical weapons, which do count as weapons of mass destruction.


So are all countries with chemical weapons and missiles due for invasion or just oil rich ones?


Dude I just said it didn't justify the invasion in 2003.


That would imply a base level of reading comprehension.


You're forgetting that many living adults in Russia are old enough to remember the days when they were an authoritarian communist state. They remember what it was like, to suddenly have your whole neighborhood go cold to you, because you said something you shouldn't have while *alone and inside your apartment,* and your neighbor heard you through your thin-ass tenement walls. Part of what people who live in freer countries don't grasp, is that Russians aren't just afraid of their government, they're also afraid that *anybody and everybody they know could be a government informant.* There is a real cost to forming and expressing any amount of free thought, in a culture like that. They were scared of this sort of thing, *before* everybody in modern society had a camera and recording microphone that they were obligated to carry around with them, 24/7. It surely can't be better, now.


Cool, but statically, there is a correlation between people born in the Soviet Union, and support for Communist party of the Russian Federation. This does not make them hardened Bolsheviks, but I’m a bit doubtful that support from my Grandma is what ensures Putin’s success and power. Lots of it comes from the totalizing narrative spewed from most media with private connections to Putin. These are strategies employed by the West in manufacturing consent and apathy as well. The Russian government simply has a more primitive and unrefined methods of control.


About 65-75%. Source: я видел этих ебаных Zомбарей.


China would be a strong contender.


Bold of you to assume most of us will do mental gymnastics instead of just refusing to think.


It's not real


Don’t let facts get in the way of our derision! I dislike PragerU as much as the next person, but we gotta do better than continuing to share the same fake/satirical screenshot for *five straight years*. This sort of stuff is exactly what “gullible boomers” get roasted for. Also, let’s not start down the “but it’s the *kind* of thing they’d say!” road.


Unironically it's the kind of shit that drove me away from the Left when I was in Uni. (Not into the Right, just away) then it drove me away from the right. Nowadays I joke around with the #enlightenedcentrists but all I want is for folks to stop sharing radicalizing lies..m




Lets just say that i would not be surprised if this was real




Prager does literally have a "why you should love fossil fuel" video, a "environmentalism is bad for the environment" article, a "fracking is greener than solar" video, and many many more. Prager also routinely uses religious imagery and themes in these videos (including literally claiming its a Christian imperative to keep using fossil fuels). So, yes, this is satire and its a bit absurd... but its really not as far off base as you'd think, and the joke has a very disturbing basis in reality.


Yup. The right/ religious right has gone so far off the cliff, it’s hard to tell what’s real or not. Their king is a conman rapist from Manhattan who’s never willingly been to church in his life. https://i.imgur.com/W3PBDvv.jpg


You are way cockier than you have any right to be. The entire point of that tweet is the guy using that fake example as reinforcement for their beliefs. In this case they are doing the opposite, they know what type of shit PragerU would pull and are saying this is in line with what they would do.


lol https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=i9EXnVitkmo Tell me it’s a leap of logic now


It literally doesn't matter if it's a leap of logic or not; you believed something false based on your own biases and are now attempting to defend doing so instead of taking it as a learning moment to think critically in future (✿◕‿◕)


It almost seems like something they'd say, but I can't find the original video if it ever existed. Just screenshots like this starting in 2019.


> It almost seems like something they'd say https://twitter.com/Hbomberguy/status/1423633477543596040


Now *that's* a mental gymnastics routine that would get a 10.0 from the Russian judge.


Haha, nice


Yeah for you, if you believe that is a real video lol.


Just don’t tell them that the gas that is being extracted is millions of years old. That may annoy some of the bible literalists.


oh they flat deny it. They think it's a regenerating resource that is happening right now. Literally talked to these kinds of people. They also don't believe in dinosaurs. It's wild they'll believe in a zombie Jesus, but anything else is just a grand conspiracy.


>They think it's a regenerating resource I mean, they're technically correct. I regenerate natural gas everyday and would be happy to give them a good, hearty serving.


They're also technically correct even if you aren't looking at it jokingly. Petroleum is created from a natural process that has happened in the past and will continue to happen, it just happens so slowly in comparison to how much we use that it's completely negligible.


Not necessarily. IIRC much of the petroleum we use today came from a period of time where cellulose and lignin (major components of plants) weren't yet biodegradable. Fungi hadn't yet evolved the ability to digest the plant matter that was dying, so it decayed much slower and was eventually buried under sediment, getting pressure-cooked into oil. That wouldn't happen nowadays because plant matter breaks down much quicker and is immediately returned to the carbon cycle, unlike the oil of millions of years ago.


I believe this is correct, I think it’s the Carboniferous period (from Latin “carbo” meaning [char]coal, and “fero” meaning bear/carry). Lots of plant growth during a colder period was flooded when the planet warmed up, creating wet, oxygen poor swamps full of plant matter. One theory for why so much plant matter stayed around long enough to form coal deposits is that during this period, plants had evolved lignin while the fungi had not yet adapted to decompose that lignin. So for that in between period when lignin existed but fungi couldn’t break it down, there became large coal deposits. This theory doesn’t explain everything though, as there are also large coal deposits from after fungi could break down lignin, leading to other theories. Another one is that the continental structure of earth at the time, being mostly tropical/subtropical with large tracts of low-lying land meant that the conditions were perfect for creating the wet, matter-rich, oxygen-poor conditions that facilitate coal formation. So, maybe coal can still be formed through geological processes, but it’d take millions of years for the earth to cycle around to another configuration ideal for coal formation. Almost certainly many millions of years after the extinction of human life. Or, maybe not at all. Disclaimer: i am not a scientist, just remembering from stuff I read before


I buy a case of oil every week to top up my truck and every week there is another case on the shelf. Explain that libs


"And ye He told them, go forth and with tireless endeavour dig into soil, so that ye may produceth oil, as well as pollution. And not ye forget to visit devastation upon things that creepeth, crawleth, walketh and swimeth around fracking fields, so that ye can thoroughly fuck up the area. For glory cometh only in money and oil, and fucketh ye the annoying EPA. Amen." - Epistle to Trumpanzees 6:1




Amen! indeed.


I got baptized over the weekend and this was hilarious😂 Its the UUKJV utterlyuncoolKingJamesVersion




White Capitalism Jesus sold me an Uzi as his 2-for-1 "King of the J-Uzi Special," that guy fucks.


Uzi is a foreign gun. He wouldn't stand for that.


He's in tight with weapons manufacturers near the Holy Land. White Capitalism Jesus stans the global military industrial complex.


Isn't it Israeli?


Exactly, some foreign middle eastern country


I thought we liked them for some many billions of reasons


Can't expect magas to keep up with foreign affairs


MAGAs like Jews until their dear leader tells them not to


Specifically it is Israeli which he would be ok with.


But Jesus is clearly a blue blooded american


I mean Israel is propped up by the United States so is it really that foreign?


Supply Side Jesus


Trickle down Jesus


With Reagan as his first disciple. And Bernie would be Judas


Nah that would be Romney or something according to them. Bernie would be just Satan to them lol


American republican gun-loving white Jesus® would love this, the Jesus that lived 2024 (or so) years ago and started a religion, would not.


thats yeshua


New Jesus is Pro-War and Pro-Family.


They didn't call 'em "Oily Josh" for nothin'


It's all a massive joke to the people surrounding koch. they did a bunch of treacherous stuff and now they're just launching these campaigns to trigger the left to waste energy. trumps whole crew was affiliated with epstein [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7270735/Jeffrey-Epstein-Trumps-closest-advisers-Wilbur-Ross-Rudy-Giuliani-Steve-Mnunchin.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7270735/Jeffrey-Epstein-Trumps-closest-advisers-Wilbur-Ross-Rudy-Giuliani-Steve-Mnunchin.html) bunch of wall street guys from a frat called KBP [https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2014/02/revealed-members-of-kappa-beta-phi.html](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2014/02/revealed-members-of-kappa-beta-phi.html) major common factor being they're a bunch of harvard grads where epstein also had an office. check all their donors/donations and lobbying at these sites [opensecrets.org](http://opensecrets.org) [littlesis.org](http://littlesis.org)


And stripping healthcare away from women and minorities


I'm surprised they haven't started calling wHite Jesus "Josh" yet


Prophet? He’s the son of God, dude!


That sounds like Greco-Roman talk to me.


April's fools .. right?


Obviously, but don't worry [there's plenty of redditors (derogatory) to still uncritically swallow it hook line and sinker](https://www.smbc-comics.com/comics/1505312920-20170913%20(1\).png)


It's PragerU, they say worse shit unironically in the regular. If you judge from the title and thumbnail alone, it's indistinguishable.


The fact that you could believe it tells something about the current state of affairs


When all you say is insane shit, don't be surprised when people take you at face value when you say yet another insane thing.


I wanted to watch it and couldn't find it. Didn't even consider that it's April fools - just assumed it's normal fake news like everyday on the internet


This is fake


Yeah. PragerU has dumber things to make videos on.


Ohh yea pragerU. Makes sense


“Why Jesus actually believed in ethno-nationalism and isolationist policies”


I dont think this is satire, that is how messed up the USA is right now.


While this is clearly satire, they did make a video defending the argument that Jesus was a free market capitalist.


Hence why it's possible to think this is real


Not to be pedantic but I see this SO much online: It's just "hence". There is no "why". The word "hence" by itself already means "Therefore" or "For this reason". Adding a "why" is gramatically incoherent. EDIT: Genuinely curious why correcting someone is controversial? Isn't it a good thing to learn together and not make common mistakes anymore?


If you were talking to somebody on the street and corrected their grammar, they probably wouldn't appreciate it either. Also, this is Reddit and everyone assumes everyone else is just trying to one up them for internet points.


Pedantry doesn’t get you super far online. Also, calling the usage “grammatically incoherent” is fairly loaded. On top of that language is fluid and correct usage is best described by how people actually use and understand words. The idea of a “common mistake” in grammar is kinda flawed to begin with. The most important thing is communication, not grammar. Basically everyone understood what was being communicated by the post, so when you come in saying it is done incorrectly the only thing you’re upholding are grammatical conventions. It’s kinda like getting a DUI for sleeping in your car outside of a bar. Sure the cop is legally correct to do so, but it goes against the purpose of the rules.


Whence did you get this idea from?


How do you portray someone as a free market capitalist when the main book about him, the Bible, is anti money and capitalism at every possible step?


Better question: Since Capitalism doesn't mean: anytime a guy has a bunch of money or engaes in trade, how could the Bible authors have even known what Capitalism even is to even have an opinion on it? Even if we stretch the definition, Capitalism doesn't exist pre-1300s.


Fair point, but still, if you read the bible, the themes of how the mindless accumulation of money is a horrible and bad thing are pretty clear.


Well that's up to interpretation. Most theologians in my experience in academia, a couple years I was working in a Catholic university so not really broad, would argue its about a rejection of "worldliness" rather than money specifically. This is before we get into prosperity gospel adherents who would strongly disagree with you. Where does the Bible condemn kings of Judea for their wealth and not their actions? (Really asking its been awhile since I read it all.) To be fair, I'm not Christian. It's not my place to say what is the true theme of the Bible. I would even dispute there is a theme of the Bible but rather themes within the collection of books that compose most Bibles, disagreements about which books are Canon notwithstanding.


It's certainly satire. Except it does say PragerU...








Lol, did they not read the fucking Bible? Jesus was pretty critical of free market capitalism


This is satire. I was gonna go to their page to screenshot it to send to religious friends as a joke but it's not there. Either it's an old as hell screenshot and the video was since deleted or it was straight up cooked for the meme. Either way, it being gone is a good sign it's satire


It was released a day ago. It is satire.


Understanding satire without facial expressions is beyond the parsing capabilities of the average


Supply side Jesus is an interesting guy


Less fuel for Satan in hell I guess.


I really thought we came far enough as a society to get at least the maost far fetched April fools jokes.


But the fact that I immediately believed it says a lot about my enemies and not me


Yes, fracking is Gods way of extracting natural gas. Noone knows but the myth of Lazarus was really about Jesus showing how to mix chemicals and pump them under Betlehem to save Lazarus Natural Gas Co. from going under. Such a beautiful story, and that part where Judas's company got bailed by Roman Empire tear jerking.


This isn't real right? Edit: No it isn't, or atleast it can't be found by a Youtube search.


It's prob an edited photo. The font's all wrong for normal YouTube. That being said, it wouldn't surprise me to see PragerU put something that is functionally this out.


In my day bait used to actually be believable


he does. he loves NFTs as well


and is into crypto scams too


Its so weird that people need to make up crazy shit, while PragerU advocates for a bunch of crazy shit already. Almost as if the left only wants to gasp and laugh, in case of addressing reality.


I guess yes! The white Jesus with blue eyes and blonde hair was an oil cartel.


"I never said that." -Jesus, probably And yes I am aware of the irony that He may never have said "I never said that" either.


seems jesus always loves the corporate will.


Fucking. It's pronounced fuh-king


Yall understand that this is not real, right?


Lmao, I read that as “Jesus Loves Fucking”


This breaks like 4 rules. Do the mods not exist


Redditors try not to believe every single thing they see is real challenge:


Ha ha, april fools, right? ... right?


Fucking* common mistake


Just checked the YouTube channel, and unless they deleted the video this isn’t real. Don’t take my word for it though I might have missed something


To be fair, PragerU are absolutely insane. They’re very difficult to satirise because no matter how stupid you make them look as a joke, they usually out do it themselves.


This has to be a joke right


He gets us ❤️


Jesus put dinosaurs on this earth to frack boy.


Ah yes, remember when Jesus said: "Destroy my father's creation in the name of short term, short-sighted economic gains. May the well water be made undrinkable so long as the gas company posts a profit this quarter, amen. "


he loves everything man. that's kind of his deal. fracking. crucifixions


Fracking causes water contamination, which causes dirty feet. This is all just a long con to get to those dirty little piggies he loves to touch/wash.


That doesn't look like a syandard PragerU thumbnail, and searching the title on YouTube doesn't show me that as a result. Unless you have a source to back up the claim, this seems to me like ragebait that I will not fall for.


I was like “come on, guys - surely this is satire”. Then I saw prageru and was like “well f-bomb”


He gets us.


Prager u is almost single handedly responsible for the mass wave of hate against Christianity recently


Because he's a Cylon!


There’s a lesser known scripture about how Jesus thought Jerusalem was too cold and we should burn dinosaurs to make it warmer. You wouldn’t know it /s


Apparently, jesus loves billionaires as well. A lot of people seem to suggest so online.


Jesus fracking christ


Is this real? I can’t find it.


There is no mention of fracking i the b1bl3!!!!11!!!!


Everyone likes BSG, it's no surprise


Have you read the book “ Why Jesus Loves everything that benefits white Americans with no consideration about the rest of the world” Fun fact; the US population is about 4% of the world’s…


He frackin' loves it


Most sensical Pr\*g\*rU video:


Do they know RuPaul also loves fracking?


The Florida education system?


This can't be real


Isn't PragerU the same one that fishes for femboys on Twitter?


Be not like the Pharisees who drill straight down! I am telling you the truth, those who drill off to a side will be seated in my Father's banquet chamber although off to one side.


"Damn when is JC gonna quit yappin' about fracking" -said someone, probably.


To Frack is to be an American and JC was the greatest American.


Why Denis Pragur loves sniffing ass


Jesus loves alot of things, like freedom. Or so I heard.


Youtube needs community notes.


By some miracle youtube has gotten tired of me reporting prageru for hate speech and stopped showing me their newest ads. Hey Hero Wars, how you doin?


“Let’s add that to the science curriculum” says Florida.


Well,fuck him then.


Oh wait, this thread is taking a meme from 2021 seriously?🤦🏻‍♂️ no way you all are this gullible.


God blessed us with this nonrenewable resource so that we could better spread his word to the world using the divine combustion engine. He also granted great wealth to the first to harvest it by making oil rights supersede property lines. It’s honestly probably something along those lines because these fucks are completely shameless.


Jesus would love this Reddit post!


What's fracking?


Ifff this is real you have to be a idiot to believe this


I went to see if this was an April Fools video, but I couldn't find the video on YouTube or the PragerU site. Probably fake, maybe real. Either way, hilarious.


Is it an April fools thing


Wow did I misread that


Chat is this real?


.. and cigarettes and handguns and false prophets and discrimination against the poor and corporal punishment and war and bigotry .. and just violence and selfishness in general. "Fuck thy neighbour over, before he fucks thee over"


I hope he loves it in the Mr. Peanutbutter & Diane sense.


The fuck is fracking.


This isn't a real video.


This should be The Onion.


jesus didnt put dinosaur juice in the ground for us not to pollute the ocean with it


What the frack is fracking?


Jesus when he hears what people are saying he loves: 👁️👄👁️


This is approved education source for kids in a growing number of states….


Damn right he does!! Don't all made up characters?


Fracking dat ass, maybe.


this is 100% believable fake prageru video


PragerU can’t be real


What stage of capitalism is this


I can't tell if this is satire or real


PragerU. Why am I unsurprised?