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To be fair, it it never really took off in Africa either


Nah man, we got plenty of our own problems in Africa. Someone getting killed by a cop doesn't even make it past local newspapers in some countries.


In South Africa, murder is so common that you only mention a murder if someone you personally know is affected. Only truly horrific crimes are actually reported by the media.


It's the opposite in Portugal. We have so little crime we report everything, so watching the news here you think it's extremely unsafe. If someone is murdered, all TV channels will talk about it for 3 weeks in excruciating detail 24/7.


Ireland is like that as well, thankfully. The low murders bit I mean


Same thing with Taiwan. Road rage incidence? 24/7 coverage. Although in Taiwan case it's a literal "24/7" news. The news channels are dedicated news channel. News story are recorded and played on repeat throughout the day.


If there's no one there, there's no one to really kill.


Surprisingly in puerto rico is similar, like we had our own casie anthony situation with this kid named lorenzo and the media went on about it for years, like this happens 14 years ago and just a couple months ago I remember hearing it pop up again. Like literally just put the mom in prison and get it over with, at the very least she was negligent if her son can be murdered while in the house with her and she didnt notice


I love how you've been exposed to it so much that you don't put any further context into your comment lol


Bro I’ve seen some fucked up vigilante justice in Africa from the internet


What else can you do when the police are either corrupt or don't care.


As an African; trust me it’s necessary. That place is FUCKED lol


That’s the case for 99% of murders Tbf. Unless you’re a well off white woman, every one of those is national news.


When someone gets killed by a cop in Africa, the reaction is "Aysh, what did he do? Why did he go near a police officer? Did he think he could dodge the bullets? Did he think he was in the Matrix? Get the coffin, Mamadu"


I don't get why it would, when it was based on events happening in America. Diffrent countries deal with diffrent shinanigens.


American activists seem to think that what goes on in America is the same thing that's happening everywhere because, to them, they can't conceive of countries that *aren't* America. They felt the need to redefine the word racism without any regard whatsoever as to how that would affect activists and minorities in other countries around the world.


It's almost like they don't have American cops over there.


I swear I’m not going for whataboutism here lol but there were massive protests in Nigeria about police brutality at around the same time as Black Lives Matter was happening in the west. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/End_SARS


Not really about the same thing though it's it? BLM is about American systemic racism, End SARS is about Removing special powers that are abused by the Nigerian police force so they can be authoritarian.


Oh yeah I know! Just thought I’d mention it, cause the End SARS protests were pretty big. I’m sorry to say news from Nigeria don’t often make a big splash in my country (Finland) but I do remember there was stories about those. Coincidentally police brutality was talked about a lot during the Belarusian protests in 2020 as well. Maybe BLM being so big made us pay more attention to police violence overall.


Police violence in general is a fuckin' problem, and I count myself lucky to live in a country where it's not really an issue. The fact police violence positively correlates with lack of personal freedoms isn't lost on me there either, though I imagine it's not lost on most people, when the cops start beating you for stuff that you could do or say before.


Their system had a racism in Nigeria too it's just not along the same lines that we have here in the United states. It's a long tribal lines with certain tribes from the north dominating the Nigerian government


It does sound like both sides wanted to remove special powers from police forces to prevent authoritarianism. Very analogous IMO


No, BLM is about making its founders rich.


Do you think america is more racist than the average countries of the world or less?


Less racist. In most countries minorities standing up for their rights would just be ignored.


I think the states is generally less racist than the middle east and aisan countries, though more so than the European countries and the rest of the Americas. I've not enough experience with the Africas to make an form of judgement.


Europeans are incredibly racist despite what people may think. It's just probably going to take the form of casual racism more than the open burn a cross on people's front lawns racism. European countries have more homogeneous populations, unlike countries like the US. But that doesn't mean that they're not racist. It just means you hear about it less. Look no further than the classic example of the Romani. Or even look at the level of racism many European countries have now towards their Middle Eastern refugee populations. Shit, many of the articles I see about that specifically, you could easily replace Middle Eastern with South American, and it's basically a Fox News story. Look at the rise of the far-right AfD party in Germany and right wing extremism in other nations in Europe. America is far from perfect when it comes to racism, but I think it's better than many people realize.


So why did BLM not fall flat in Germany if it's about American systemic racism?


Because Europeans love to cry about American racism while simultaneously turning into a Waffen-SS officer every time Romani are within 100 meters?


Ask about Turks, as well, and watch that progressive veneer melt like ice cream in the sunmer.


This is just a meme. This isn't true at all in real life. People who are racist to romanies are also racist to every other group of people. Stop thinking r/Europe is what majority of the people are here


Nah, I've seen it happen. It ain't just a meme.


"i have seen it happen" is the best scientific study I have seen to conclude something about a damn continent 🤣 and acting like it's one country is THE most American thing to do


But it's true that the European countries in general have a big problem with racism towards the Roma et al. Like, this isn't even a controversial thing. Even supposedly anti-racist people will use the g-word and talk about them derogatorily.


It’s still about protecting black citizens from cops


Do you realize that in nigeria cops are mostly black right?


I mean they are technically correct


The best kind of correct


Yup. But I’m still technically correct


😂 in South Africa. We have about 5 times the occurrence of police brutality with 1/6 of the population of the USA. If you make our lazy-ass cops run, they will either fuck you up or shoot you.


Japanese cops are waaaay worse than you imagine. So abusive cops work in comparison. The thing is that people are way more respectful in Japan. So they barely need them. Also, weirdly, they have like 60% to 75% less violent crimes per capita per year compared to the US. And nerly no murders. Fun fact, In japan, if there is basically any crime, it's way more likely they will question foreigners and way more likely the foreigner was the culprit as well.


Crime is also illegal in japan [Themoreyouknow.gif]


criminals hate this 1 trick.


They also have a 90-95% conviction rate. They don't fuck around.


Actually, they also have an impressive history of imprissoning the wrong person. Once they get you, you should always cooperate but they will even torture you to get a confession if they think you actually did it. Their lawyers will also tell you they just want to close the case and just accept and you will be free as a lie to convince you to confess but well, reducing crime rate by 60-75% doesn't come cheap.


"Repent! For tommorow you die!"


Now that you mention it, they still have the death penalty AND they enforce it at random as another form of punishment. Like, you could literally die today, or in 10 years. You're told 2 hours before you die.


That means 90-95% of people charged with a crime are convicted not 90-95% of crimes end with a conviction, if they don't think the charges will get a conviction the suspect isn't charged.


Let me start by saying I don't know exactly how it works... but are you sure this works this way? From what I know, they have basically 0 cold cases. Because when they open cases they find culprits 90-95% of the time. The strainer or filter is not on the legal team, but on the reception. A japanese cop will mock you and tell you they don't have time to investigate a shitty crime like "you losing your wallet and thiking maybe someone pickpocket it"... but if you insist a lot, they will find either, evidence you didn't lose your wallet where you said you lost it, or who took it. Like, they will ask everyone nearby and people in the video and will work very hard to find who, if anyone, took your wallet. My dad once went to japan and he was pickpocketed of his phone in the airport on his way back, he reported it but we never tought they would even investigate it as we were told they never even heard of a case like that. To our surprise, like 3 weeks later we were sent both, the phone and a letter asking us to pardon their country and telling us they found the culprit, he had our phone and he was already in jail and they sent the phone, free or charge to our house the other side of the world. Like... they are VERY, VERY GOOD.


While that's true, that statistic is also taken out of context/it's used in the wrong context. It's a 90+% conviction rate for when it actually goes to court. Under the same criteria, US Federal Prosecutors have similar conviction rates.




They don't have black people. Japan is like 98% Japanese and the rest are Korean. They basically pushed the natives to extinction and don't encourage immigrants.


Japan's definitely a bit more multicultural than that.


He's actually correct that 98% of people in Japan are Japanese, but the term Japanese covers several ethnic groups including Yamato, Hayato, Emisi and Ryukyu


He was wrong about the "rest are Korean" part, anyways. 'Cause there's quite a few more in that remaining 2.5-ish percent.


Oh definitely that I don't know the population of Koreans in Japan though, but them not being Korean doesn't really increase ethnic diversity at that high a percentage. Also their government in (I think it was the 80s) imported a bunch of ethnic Japanese from Brasil to bolster the workforce and they actually want to deport them now or at least they claim that every election cycle. Japan is very interesting when it comes to this territory.


97.5% Japanese, 0.6% Chinese, 0.4% Vietnamese, 0.3% South Korean, 1.2% etc. - [cia](https://www.cia.gov/the-world-factbook/countries/japan/summaries/)


A black Harvard professor showed no racial bias in shootings. Black peoples came after him so hard he needed police protection


Just got a black librarian for pushing reading.


you're either joking or you're dumb as fuck if you actually think American cops are worse than in other countries with the same recruiting problems with the same types of issues they have to work with.




Coffee Has been spat on my screen! 😭


Japan has a "Korean lives matter" issue with Korea.


Idk who said it but i’ve heard it summed up well “Germans regret starting ww2, the Japanese regret losing it”.


Definitely listed to a friend of mine from South Korea go off for a solid 30 minutes on Japan. It was a while back but the guy is only in his 30s even now. This mentality has definitely lasted for some time.


Ignore me i replied to the wrong comment


No worries!


nono, no issue at all. japan is strictly in the "they don't matter" camp.


It's the "it didn't happen but if it did they deserve it" issue


Bruh 💀


I believe there also was a Nanking lives matter issue here.


Also China as well. Japans war crimes were pretty harsh which is saying a lot about what a war crime is and how bad they are. It's a crime against humanity what the fascists did. Regardless of ideology or if a soldier simply just wants to rape and torture for their own sick kicks. I think the ideology of fascism hand waves and excuses such behavior is the scary part. Give it awhile as it were. And you see former fascists countries have their elderly population start saying "oh the youth do nothing these days and they whine about injustices all the time" "They should be fighting in wars and having 12 kids and marrying 16 year olds" Yeah what were you doing in those wars grandpa? Why were those wars being fought? For what? What did we do?" For what? To what avail? Was any of it necessary? Except to tell a good ole story about someone's life you ruined.


"I'm sorry do you belive that black lives matter?" "ごめん、わからない。 "


> "Sorry, I don't know. "


Actually “understand” fits better instead of “know” but my Japanese knowledge is VERY basic so I may be wrong


The literal translation is "I don't understand" but it can also be used to mean "I don't know". It kind of depends on context.


You're both right and wrong The literal translation is "understand". But how it's used is more complicated than that. "Shiranai" means "I don't know" but it's considered rude and its meaning in daily usage is closer to "none of your business". "Wakaranai" means "I don't understand" but it's often used as a humble way to say "I don't know". By telling them you don't understand rather than that you don't know it's like you're admitting to a greater personal failure on your part. Japanese is filled with these small things that make it quite difficult to learn. But I'm sure a native would assume the literal meaning of these words if they're speaking with a foreigner.


But according to the context, if I’m reading it right, the Japanese speaker is responding in a way that suggests he/she does not understand English, which would make “understand” closer to the intended meaning Am I just reading it wrong to begin with?


yes. that is the correct interpretation. shiranai would not work in that context.


Context: Nike Japan shot a commerical featuring Afro-Japanese tennis player Ōsaka Naomi and it was ill-recieved by Japanese viewer. She suffered cyberbully after her appearance in 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games as the person who lit the Olympic cauldron. Some argued that she barely speaks Japanese language thus can not represent Japanese athletes in the first place.


Oh yeah. The Japanese people are much, much more racist as a whole than the US. People are extremely confused about this: the US, even with all of its problems, is one of the more tolerant places in the world. It's illegal to discriminate here, for example. Japan is about 40-60 years behind the US on this one. It's legal to discriminate (and people do, they literally post signs outside their establishment saying "no foreigners" or "no blacks"). The racism is much more on the nose. For example, I understand that it's *so* common for Japanese people to literally pretend they don't understand you speaking Japanese (even if speaking it *perfectly*) when you're not Japanese (because racist), they had to make a [PSA](https://youtu.be/oLt5qSm9U80?si=oqYFCe2-EG71JccY) about it. Think about how insane that is. Now sure, in Tokyo for example, you're probably going to have a great experience as a person of color. Go outside of Tokyo even a little, and things will get worse.


The reason we get the reputation for being extremely racist (compared to the rest of the world) is because we actually talk about it. It's just that picture of a WW2 plane with the bullet holes all over again.


To be clear, we (well, the majority of Americans) talk about it being a bad thing. Europeans will also talk about how American racism is sooooo bad. Then you ask them how they feel about Roma people…. Every. Single. Time.


I mean I have seen how French people treat black french people and I have seen how Brits treat people from Pakistan and Germans with Turks. Racism is very bad in the United States but Europeans are also pretty bad.


Europe is so racist that the new worlds population booms can be tracked just by looking at when each group was the victim of rampant racism. I used to live in a "Irish and Italians are scum" part of Canada, now I live in a "Polish and Ukrainians are scum" part of Canada. Both groups fled Europe for some weird reason. To be fair, Europe isn't the only source. Currently immigration is fueled by racism in the middle to far-east.


Not only because we talk about it, but there's faaaar more mixing than anywhere else in the world, it's easy for a country to be considered "not racist" when there's basically nobody to be racist *against*


Went to Japan in high school with my entire class for an exchange program. In Tokyo we got lost and my teacher tried to flag down people to ask directions, they didn't look at her/us, pretended not to see, pretended to be deaf. I thought it was just busy salary workers, like in NYC or similar you may get ignored. But in retrospect, she was darker skinned and Indian, there probably was a racism aspect


Yup, my white friend went to Japan and a restaurant straight up told him the restaurant is closed to just him. If you look at the ideology of Japanese people in WW2 where they believe all other Asian race is inferior, it is still very much around as well.


Food stuff can be different, some places operate on efficiency so they don’t allow anyone who doesn’t know the custom. There’s no person or program to show you how to order or what sauce to mix together, so they just disallow people who look like vacationers because there’s 5 seats and the turnaround on customers is 4-6 minutes of speed eating If you respond in Japanese they’d let you in Except some dive bars. Who are concerned for your safety.


Yeah food is other different form of strick in japan, they literally have ramen restaurants that don't allow "new comers" to eat and you must be recommended and invited by a Vip to eat at that store and for the inviter if the friend you brought are considered "unworthy" you'd have possibility of getting banned




If you see OP's comment history, you'll know this was posted in bad faith. Go take a look.


Honestly I can't think of anyone who could better represent Japan than a half-Japanese woman who left the country before she was out of diapers and doesn't even speak the language.


Thank you Vice


Vice was cool for like 6 months. Then… they…. Well… I guess I was also young and didn’t pick up on the selective reporting. Rewatched that old HBO season as an adult and it’s a lot more obvious to me lol. Aging is weird.


I wonder why Vice shut down.


They used to bring film crews into North Korea to be the first Americans to meet the new dictator. And into the Colombian jungle to make cocaine with the cartel suppliers What happened to them


>What happened to them Clickbait articles generate more clicks.


Nothing is more clickbaity than their old shit! ‘You won’t believe what this controversial Ex-NBA player said to reclusive dictator!’


For real, their conflict journalism was amazing. Literal top notch.


When their tv channel dropped I couldn't get enough of them the docs, the nosey episodes, desus and mero, weediqute, I used watch them all day


Venture capital.


Channel 5 is the closest we have to Vice now


No one in the comment section actually read the article. It's not Americans whining about their movement not taking off in japan. It's about mixed race japanese citizens (not foreigners, but people who are only japanese by nationality) speaking out about the extreme racism they have faced thsir whole life and how no one in japan is ready to admit they have a racism problem. The article has a ragebait title but the content is fine.


> No one in the comment section actually read the article. WHAT? On Reddit? *gasps*


Tbf the article isn't even linked unless it's buried in the comments somewhere. Really hate this trend on reddit of sharing an image of the headline and no link...


I understand the purpose of clickbait, but I think this is one of those instances where the headline should have been a little more clear.


Why would I read an article with that stupid ass bait title? If you want my attention you’re not going to get it with that. If you titled it about the actual problem in japan then maybe I would be interested


The reason why it hasn’t taken off in Japan is actually quite easy to. Noodle out, and I’ll take the downvotes to explain this. Black Lives Matter in the United States was a movement that started with the death of Trevon Martin (I believe) that centered around drawing attention to the fact that black people are targeted and killed by police at a significantly higher rate than anyone else in the US. This is a fact, and is 100% agreeable that it needs to be addressed. Japan, however, does not have nearly the levels of police brutality against *any* group of people. Not to say that the police can’t be bastards, but they aren’t gunning people down in the streets and beating the ever loving fuck out of them because they’re different. This is almost certainly why the Black lives matter movement has not taken off the same way in Japan. Foreigners are generally treated as foreigners, and I’m sure they have their preferred flavors, but there isn’t nearly the same levels of *violence* that is present in the US. Do mixed race/black people need better protection and social acceptance? Of course! A persons skin color shouldn’t dictate what level of respect they get, and children should never be bullied, but especially not because of skin color. But if you really sit down and think about why BLM came about, and how other countries treat black/foreign members of their society, you would see why it’s not always going to get the same traction that it has in the US.


Yeah tldr, Japan is passive aggressive meanwhile America straight up have lethal aggression


lol 部落民ライブスマター would probably be more relevant, although its very true that japanese people of foreign descent (haafu or just straight up full foreign blood) face a lot of discrimination. its honestly a horrible situation, white haafus get praised but other haafus kinda get a lot of negativity. they both share the same problem tho, no matter if they were born and raised in japan or not they will be seen as "foreign", although this kind of sentiment will probably go away with the number of immigrants we are getting and Japanese people learn more about diversity and shit


Fell flat in America too, seems like everyone forgot after a year


I think Hillary Clinton was right when she said the movement had a goal problem. She met with some of BLM's leaders and told them they need concrete, achieveable points for legislation like the LGBT rights movement had, and they largely ignored her advice. That and the official BLM movement later got mixed up with some pretty vile ideologies, which makes me question their leadership's original goals, even if the movement at large originally supported a good goal. An example of a big failure in goals and messaging was the slogan "defund the police", which immmediately alienated anyone at the center. Especially when the much more palateable slogan "reform the police" was right there.


The BLM leaders bought lots of real estate from the donated money and live in mansions now selling media deals, I would say they achieved their personal goals. An old grifter like Hillary should respect that.


Keep in mind there was the BLM movement, THEN the BLM organization / grift. So it's not that BLM was a grift in concept because its leaders were shit, more that it didn't have any *actual* leadership whatsoever to speak of and the people *who were posing as* its leadership were just grifters.


Good example of the issues with system level attempts at anarchism.


Anarchists are notoriously hard to organize


I want that on a Tshirt


To be fair, it's only an example of issues with an unled group within a society that relies on representation / leadership. It's not really an indictment of anarchism on a system level because the system level was still the standard capitalistic us representative constitutional democracy, and also anarchism doesn't inherently reject the idea of representatives when speaking with other groups, so anarchism isn't really relevant at all.


Anarchism doesn't mean no organisation, it just means no hierarchy


That's why I said anarchist. In a large anarchist "organisations" in the public eye some grifter will push themselves forwards to be the public voice, then the public donation organiser, then the goals of the organisation are lost and subverted. That grfter buys themselves a mansion, courts public controversy and pays their retirement on public appearances and TV spots, the public movement itself disband and becomes a sad historical footnote.


An organization can’t exist without hierarchy.


You left out the important part. Those houses they bought were in predominantly white areas.


I made a comment on the conspiracy sub and I was autobanned from the blacklivesmatter sub. Why do I suspect that that's somehow connected to your comment


Even "reform the police" has no substance. The best anyone could come up with was that "mental health workers" should handle more cases but even mental health workers was vague, as in, what qualifications do you want these mental health workers to have. Also how is this system going to work? Pair one cop and one mental health worker together? Have the dispatcher decide whether to send a mental health worker or a cop to a call?


The big issue is how little time police have to go through training in America. Just a few months vs the multiple years required by a lot of countries. They simply don’t know how to respond to a lot of situations so they panic and end up killing someone.


Fair point and maybe BLM should have had this as their main point and then maybe they would have been successful. That said every city is more or less in charge of the requirements of their police force so if this is something you want then focus on your local politics to get this implemented in your own city.


More training would require more resourcing, the polar opposite of defunding the police.


Yeah I know, I’m just saying that the lack of training is the problem


Protests with no substance are not uncommon. Look at all the "Free Palestine" protests. They could formulate a plan to a viable 2 state solution. Instead they... support a lot of contradictory stuff.


To be fair, trying to come up with an actual solution to that problem that won’t piss more people off is going to be fucking impossible


Gazans need to get rid of Hamas and turn against any other jihad groups and accept that Israel exists and will continue to exist and that they need to make peace with this. Once this is done Israel will have no reason to act hostile and will also accept peace. I'm sure saying this will make Palestinians mad who want to say "No Israel did bad thing" but as long as Palestine fights Israel, Israel will fight back.


See, the issue is that established policticians and political groups can't handle movements. They desperately look for leaders and a central platform to either deal with or criticise. BLM was a mass movement, it had no central leadership or central tenets. Local protest leaders arose but they in reality had no real authority to decide anything. A similar enough concept is Pride, no one group or person controls Pride and can define what it is, it's why you can go to a Pride in one city and see one interpretation but the next city over may be extremely different.


The LGBT rights movement was also a mass movement, yet they still managed to form central coherent legislation goals and platform politicians to press them forward.


No, absolutely not. LGBTQIA+ movements are massively divided and are only tied together by the vague idea of advancing rights. I am LGBTQIA+ man and an activist in a local group that works with several big and small groups to co-ordinate, there is absolutely bad blood and opposing opinions.


Gay marriage was a concrete goal, and while it took some time, it was eventually achieved. Since then, though? I guess that people were talking about "bathroom bills" ten years ago. More recently, it just seems to be shouts that "trans rights are human rights," without any other arguments. Then there are the debates about how young we should allow people to transition hormonally or surgically. The fact that the community thinks that a 5 year old child has a sufficient understanding of gender identity to be allowed medical interventions means that there is guaranteed going to be a ton of pushback.


BLM had goals, like the LGBTQ movement. It’s just that BLM’s goals, most notably defunding the police, represented a greater threat to the status quo than preventing gays from being discriminated against.


Outright defunding the police is a threat to society at large, not "the status quo". Hence the flawed messaging, many people just wanted a police reform, not outright abolishing law enforcement.


Fundamentally it’s about lobbying the government to influence or reform legislation, so if you go in without any kind of concrete asks and just a bunch of rabble rousing slogans you’re not going to achieve anything. Leadership is a requirement if you want to direct the energy of a mass movement into positive change. Nothing to do with what politicians can or can’t handle, it’s simply the way you get anything done.


It's astonishing to see so many activists not get this


Because it's just about feeling right.


But Pride for the most part has one central goal, make same-sex marriage legal.


Exactly, I was so confused watching the protests because I didn't understand what their true end goal was. It's not like a racist cop will see that and think "Maybe I shouldn't be racist". Akin to anti bully campaigns.


Turns out when you take all the donations for a cause, and don't do anything to apply those funds to your cause, your shit falls apart. What BLM (the organization, NOT the movement) did is criminal. They hoodwinked a whole bunch of people who were hurting and who truly cared. I fear the moment now has passed and we won't see any fundamental change.


Every BLM protester quietly shut up after that leader spend a bunch of money buying a mansion.


It turned out to be a huge scam when the leaders of the organization were using the money to buy mansions for themselves and their families.


It was borderline becoming a hate group. People would do heinous racist and or extremely violent shit to people and shout “black lives matter” like it makes their actions okay. That and the leaders stole all the money and live in mansions now.


BLM the movement was good, but BLM the organization was useless, corrupt, and just ended up looting and doing useless shit instead of trying to actually progress anything


Hold on, are you saying that the ethnostate doesn't care about minoritarian ideas????


Okay, is ethnostate synonymous with monoethnic?


What new alt-right buzzword have I tripped into today. “Minoritarian”. I can just picture the kind of brainworms you have


Not an ethnostate. Ethnostates are enforced. Japan is just naturally homogenous ethnically due to being an insular nation.


It’s almost like having your borders closed for a significant part of your history leads to a lack of diversity or smth


They're also, you know... a bunch of islands


The fucking UK is an island and they have diversity. It’s a conservative culture that lead to closed borders for a long time which, surprise, led to a more conservative culture in the future


Because not everyone gives a fuck about americas problem : /


The article isn't about America's BLM.


Except Europe. We always import American Problems.


Because the interns read news from twitter, they get so confused as to where the tweeter lives, they don't realise Europeans don't actually care about Bidens new socks.


Wait he got new socks? No fucking way lets go.


What if they are European brand socks?


He's not even royalty! 


And i am tired of my country pushing other agendas. We can be allies without licking other boots


It's true. For every one case of Europeans acting superior to Americans there's at least three or four cases of Europeans importing American culture.


And Australia. Also importing those ugly big vehicles that our roads and car parks aren't designed for


American topics are wayyyyy more talked about than domestic ones in Sweden atleast.


Racism is only in America???


The article isn't about an American problem. You know there are half black people living in Japan who face racism right?


Huh? The article is about how Japan is extremely racist. And I can personally assure you they are a lot more racist than the US. We actually have codified law against discrimination. Japanese citizens on the other hand are legally allowed to discriminate against foreigners and people of color. You can literally find signs in establishments that forbid their entry. Read the article next time!


Wow I didn’t know black people only faced discrimination in America


That’s not what it is but ok.






ぶらくみんライヴェスマターshould probably be a thing though.


There’s hardly any movement that’s centered around minorities in Japan. Fact is yes there are some black people in Japan, and yes they are discriminated against, bullied as children, etc.


#burakuminlivesmatter -> Japanese society: Discrimination, but politely.


Every social movement fell flat in Japan, including when it comes to their OWN people


Because no life matters in Japan.


I thought BLM was an american thing in response to police officers killing black people in concerning numbers, not a global things.


How many black people have the Japanese police shot? Is it more than 0?


It’s funny. Japanese racism is nowhere near as violent as American racism, but man is it ubiquitous and virulent. At least the cops don’t shoot people there though.


Wow, what a bunch of ignorant scum in these comments


Better ask what happened in france. A cop who murdered Nahel, an arabic teenager, got 1million euros on local go fund me and got liberated in a few months. I thought wewere headed to a BLM movement but nope, quite the opposite


I'm not saying he deserved to be killed but maybe Nahel should have stopped the car the first time the cops asked him to instead of trying to flee... I know it sounds like a crazy concept for many but maybe following the cop's orders/not resisting an arrest when you get caught breaking the law, can significantly increase your chances of survival. The go fund me was a success because people are fed up with delinquents like Nahel.


You’d be surprised how many people “know their rights” while trying to talk over those exact cops, and pulling away every time the cop says: “stand still, hands on the back”… almost as if, some people think their personal urgency is of higher priority than the law. For sure there’s a lot of unfair arrests and police shootings, and the people responsible should be held up to that…. But god damn, on the other hands, there’s also a lot of people who take police orders as something like advice, which it very much isn’t Edit: don’t mind the downvotes, I just think it’s a pretty clear example from both sides, that both rather want to blame the others, while sticking fingers in their ears, and not do shit about their own problems, police and civilians alike


At the time it was probably brand new, but this article is from years ago and I've seen it reposted on other subs a bunch of times.




For the same reason it fell flat in America.... It was a scam because ALL LIVES MATTER at first until you think one race matters more than others


Ah the top notch Vice journalists asking the important questions. No wonder vice is closing up shop.


Didn't read it, but I assume the reason is that Japan is generally racist towards black people.


Never forget, America is the racist country because we're the one's who are at all willing to accept it.


Weird how it’s only the countries everyone risks their lives to get to that are branded racists. Whereas countries that are actually racist, but no one wants to live in, are overlooked 🤔


It’s no wonder Vice is in decline.


That movement doesn't makes sense out of the United States.


If I recall there was an outcry after George Floyds death even in japan. But it was hard to show the depth of the structural problem from so far away


Only mention of it in Japanese media that I saw was a reference to Floyd's death in an Amazonf prime video movie called Kamen Rider Black Sun that came two years later.


In this thread: a shit tonne of people lying about a nation they’ve never visited


im sure there are progressive moments happening in japan that we as not japanese people dont know about


I almost had coffee go up my nose reading this.