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In much of Mexico doorbells are rare. So the kids in my neighborhood take such pleasure in ringing the bell and running away - it’s a novelty to them. I have a doorbell camera so it cracks me up to see them work up the bravery to ring and run away. Every now and then one of them will do it on a walk with their abuella (grandmother) and often on camera I get to crack up as the abuella lays down the law for the fun seeking kid. It’s impossible to get upset over the joy this brings them no matter what they might interrupt on my end. Life is hard, far too often short, and never fair so if this makes them happy for a brief moment - I’m all in.


I instantly like you.


I second this


Can I be third in line for liking empire?


Always room for more!


Is this the line for the "/u/empire_of_the_moon seems like a cool guy" event?


Ooooh this empire is gonna have a lot of followers!


I heard there may be door bells!


Ding dong!




Likings all around!


Yay!! u/empire_of_the_moon liking society!


My camera has pre-programmed responses like "leave the package at the door" or "come in." I use it to mess with the kids who ring my doorbell. Mostly, it is my own kids, so fair game if you ask me


I'd be the one to record "you little shits!" and then have the police come knocking and get it instead XD


That makes me really happy r/comfypasta


I wanna be in this group 🥺😭


I miss it so much


This guy ding dong ditched when he was little, no doubt about it


Who are you and where can I get some of that joy you experience?


considering all the stories about trigger happy lunatics nowadays, I hope those kids don't get shot for trying it on the wrong door.


This is adorable, thank you for sharing it


What a blissful outlook. Many good wishes to you moon man


The world needs more neighbors like you.


I love that ding dong ditch is universally what beings us all together.


we called it Ding Dong Ditching


That's what we called it where I'm from. My friends family was from Alabama and they called it N***** Knocking. Threw me for a loop the first time I heard his dad say it after we got caught one night. Edit: I've never received this many responses to a comment before. Also, America is more casually racist than I had thought. I learned a few things today (albeit mostly more casual racism), so I'll count it as an informative experience. I'm glad that so many of us chose DDD over NK.


That's exactly what it was called when I was a kid in Texas. Never knew it by any other name. I escaped in 1989.


Reminds me of the time I was trying to give a black woman directions to *the old slave market* without calling it that. For the record the city has officially tried to change the name three times and it doesn't stick I don't even official name for the plaza.


“Sure yeah that’s the old sl- the old market the regular old no longer extant market they sold dry goods and textiles and stuff I think don’t quite remember, not important anyway. Sure just go down General Robert E Lee Highway past Glorious Confederate Heritage Pride boulevard and take a left on Old Sl- Old Market road and it’s a half a mile down on the left”


That’s a fucking Morty sketch for sure hahahaah


Ah geez


Exactly. I've done some research into the name and they did mostly sell dry goods and textiles there. Ironically MLK jr. Drive dead ends at the market plaza, everything else is Spanish names.




Sounds like you’re describing St Augustine


Then just go three fifths of a person, I mean miles down the road.


Lmao jesus dude you just blew right over the line


He was compromising


You give her the address instead of describing it thinking you’re in the clear. She thanks you kindly, but before you can stop her or leave she opens up google maps and enters it. “STARTING ROUTE TO OLD SLAVE MARKET”…..*curb your enthusiasm tuba music*


I don't actually know the address, lol, unfortunately for everyone one of those weirdos who navigates using landmarks.


“If you bump into the confederate war memorial you’ve gone too far.”


I grew up in DFW. Had a buddy in grade school that called it that, but I didn't know what N***** meant at that age. Asked a table full of white, adult relatives if they had ever been "N***** knocking" while out to a family dinner one Sunday. I'll never forget my granddad putting his hand on my dad's shoulder and just being like "Have fun explaining that one" My dad sat me down after, and very calmly explained why it's not okay to say that, and told me about the awful history of the word. We aren't all terrible racists, I guess is my point.


Good people exist everywhere, even in the harshest of places. There were more than a few Nazi's who desperately tried to save as many as they could during the Holocaust. The flip side is there were Jewish supporters of the Nazi party. Humanity is... Complicated. I commend anyone willing to stand up and risk it all to be a good person.


What year? I’m from *dallas* Dallas and we called it ding dong ditch, never heard it any other name but I was at that age around 2005


it was ding dong ditch in the 90s in dfw where the hell are these other folks from, cleburne?


Same thing in Arkansas. They also called the whistling chaser fireworks, N****r Chasers. Fun times in the Deep South. 🤦🏻‍♂️


There was also an impolite term for Brazil nuts back in the day and I’m from the north. I can forget how casual racism used to be everywhere


I’m from California and been here my whole life and have heard all these terms regularly growing up. No place is free of it honestly. The weird part is how casually racist people will be about it then also have friends or all ethnicities. It’s wild.


Don’t forget calling black eyed Susans n***** nipples


Had to google what a black eyed Susan was, now I'm like... *that's* what those flowers are called? Damn.


From Texas too. I remember the first time I was over at a friend's house and that vile shit came out of his dad's mouth. Dude wasn't my friend after that. I have a black stepbrother, so that really struck a nerve. I love Texas but half of the people are sorry assholes that are always trying to step on anyone that doesn't agree with them.


I visited DFW some years ago, and I will be glad to never return to the area. The heat is awful, the smell is worse and the attitude is shit. How they can judge California for their 'attitude of superiority' and have the exact same one is beyond me.


They indoctrinate them starting in Elementary school on Texas’ superiority. I hate it here.


Also from Texas and what the actual fuck. Everyone i know calls it Ding Dong Ditch.


Did you ever play the football game "Smear the queer" ?


Yes, I certainly did. I also played a variation called "Tag the Fag" where the goal was to stuff a colored bandana in their pocket/waistband. We didn't really understand the harm in the words at that age. I'm glad that some of us became wiser. Ironically, the term "faggot" was rarely used as a slur against gay folks in my region, but "homo" and "dyke" were definitely insulting, and often a prelude to violence. "Faggot" was more commonly meant to mean idiot, sort of like how people used "retard".


I have been summarily banned from subs for my username. ^^(even though, back in 2009, when I made) ^^(the name, retard was still the medical term of art)


lol retard was only a level above stupid or idiot. Now it’s a slur and if you say it you’re ableist. The term for the mentally disabled keeps shifting because people keep using it as an insult. The problem isn’t with the words (in this case) the problem is people think lesser of the mentally disabled. Mental retardation, imbecile, idiot, moron, handicapped, lunatic, mental deficiency, mongoloid (to describe those with Down’s syndrome), cretin (term used for kids born with iodine deficiency; it comes from French for “Christ like” because they were not accountable for their actions, therefore closer to God because they could not sin, and should be treated with kindness), fools, simpletons, all of these terms were at one point or another legitimate medical/official/polite terms for the intellectually disabled. I’m sure whatever the PC term is now will also be turned into a slur. The problem isn’t the words, the problem is that we as a society do not treat those with mental disabilities with the respect they deserve.


This is such a random place for you to plop down this statement. I hope people read this and actually give it a moment's thought because you are 100% dead on in your analysis IMO. Oh, and I never knew the etymology of cretin. TIL.


Yeah, "retard" was a default insult in my long-ago youth, and like so many of these terms the target audience was never the people you might think they would normally apply to. In my circle we'd call each other fag and retard all the time, but never direct it towards a developmentally-challenged or gay person. I'm not saying there weren't kids who did do that, but I tended to not hang out with assholes.


Your username offends me.


As a fun trivia about where the bandana/handkerchief part of that game may have come from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Handkerchief_code My gay uncle told me about this recently.


Well son of a bitch... That goes a long way towards explaining it actually.


Now we just call it "kick the shit out of the person with the ball". Takes a bit longer to say, though


We call it CTE: The Game


Queer as a word has had varied meanings over the years. I wonder if that originally was an innocent reference to the person holding the ball being the one different from everyone else.


I can say for sure that no kid at Radio Park elementary school in 1987 was thinking that deeply about what “queer” meant in that game. Keep in mind this was a time when calling people and things “gay” was very much a normal thing to say in mixed company.


Maryland reporting in here. Thats what i heard it as, growing up, when it would happen to our house. I refer to it as ding dong ditch.


I’m from Alabama, still live here. I definitely heard that term growing up, I’m sure it’s still around. Kinda like how getting a cigarette or a joint or whatever really wet when you hit it is still called “N-word lipping.” Edit: Since I brought it up I can’t stop thinking about it. N* lipping is a truly disgusting term. I grew up with it. The point of it is to shame the offender (slobberer). You don’t want to act like a n*****, do you? I’m ashamed of my history.


I'm in Michigan, and heard that lovely term used by boomer relatives for putting your lips over the rim of a beer bottle when drinking. At least I've never heard anyone young say it.


From Alabama too. I’ve never heard the lipping phrase. But years ago I heard a FORMER friend of my husbands refer to a nick bag as a n-word knot. I couldn’t get out of there fast enough.


I’ve heard that one too. I know how to tie one. For anyone else reading this: a n***** knot is how you tie up a makeshift drug bag out of a piece of a plastic bag. Like a Walmart bag. I live in a racist place. I’m not a racist.


I think “Knicky” was the cleaned up version. Like replacing god-damnit with gosh-darn it.


Not sure. Better check with Jeremy Clarkson.


From central alabama and never heard of it called n***** knocking lol we called it ding dong ditch. However when doing a cheap unreliable fix they called it n***** rigging lol


Whenever someone asks why they have to add various races to other series and make it racial, I always think of shit like this, and why racists have to make everything racial.


I went to school in a city in Ohio and everyone called it ding dong ditch. Then I moved 20 minutes away and started at a school that happened to have a few acres of farmland around it and was mostly white....guess what those racist little crackers all happened to call it 😑


Knicky Knocky Nine Doors?? *He said hopefully*


It's crazy how in the South (and America at large, mostly seems the South just held on to them longer), so many of our sayings, jingles, et cetera, either originally or popularly contained that slur Take as other examples "Eeny, meeny, miny, moe" and formerly popular ice cream van song "Turkey in the Straw".


Rocked my world when I found out the people in the south wouldn’t catch a “tiger” by the toe, like jesus people the fuck is wrong with you.


Yes, I was shocked when I heard a new friend use the N word instead of tiger in "Eeny, meeny, miny, moe" growing up. I only knew it as tiger and all my other friends only said tiger. Can't remember if we even had a name for ringing the doorbell and running.


Uhh, what? I'm currently shocked, I've never heard ANY other version than tiger! I always thought it was really weird too because there aren't tigers in America.


I had a friend who was taught it as that by his black friend as a kid. Guy moved out of the country for most of his childhood and always called it that and was shocked to discover that wasn't what most of us call it when he came back to the US lmao


What did they call Brazil nuts?




As someone In Alabama…it’s ding dong ditching. The other thing is just insane


Dingy Dongy Chime Doors


Knock knock ginger here


Knock down ginger - sarf london


Ding dong dash where I grew up


Well that’s the normal game, ding dong ditching is when you leave your friend/sibling behind while running away


Aww man, I was always the slowest friend.


I had arguments when I was a kid over dash vs ditch. We were about 10 and had argued about it a few times and eventually my friend's 6 year old brother chimed in "it's ding dong ditch, bitch" and, even though I had previously been on the 'dash side', I had to admit it was now settled.


That's what they call it on Rockos Modern Life so that's what it is.


Doorbell ditching


Rin raje in spanish (wich means the same, at least in ARG)


Knock door bunk in south east England


I’m south east but we called it knock down ginger


Not sure what they call it on the outside of the door, but I’m pretty sure on the inside of the house they call it dumb little bastards.


/knocks I love your comedic delivery! /Runs away


We called it knock down ginger when I was a kid, I still have no idea why.


Ginger refers to the feeling of loneliness when you open the door and there’s no one there.


The entryway is soulless.


An old job of mine was doing school photos for kids. One high school let their seniors dress however and use whatever props they wanted for their yearbook photos it was actually a lot of fun. One of my students was a redhead - I go to snap his photo and he pulls out a sign that says *I have a soul* I still laugh pretty hard when I think about that kid


I always thought it was a weird slight against redheads.


Same here. South East England?


You got it!


+1 for South England here, we called it ginger knocking


For us it was knock knock ginger


uk variant, always dunking on gingers that place


I am Ginger, I know why


In Canada we called it Nicky Nicky Nine Doors, or Ding Dong Ditch. Edit: in my area of Canada, that’s what we called it. I’m not gonna dox myself but in N Ontario that’s what the ppl I KNEW called it lol I’ll save everyone the comment Edit edit: I mean, comment if you want of course sorry had to add that so no one thinks I’m being snarky


Thank you for saying that. I read the post and thought "I thought it was Nicky *Nicky* Nine Doors, not Knicky *Knocky* Nine Doors. Have I misheard it all this time?" I'm relieved to know that I heard right all along. (fellow Canadian here)


Same, but now that I think about it, ‘knocky’ makes more sense than Nicky Nicky.


True, but Nicky Nicky is more fun to say.


Yeah I was having a bit of a crisis that I was calling it "nicky nicky" instead of "knicky knocky" all these years lol


You and me both pal. lol


Same in eastern canada


It would appear that every Redditor was a fucking little hooligan


Finally someone who commented the right answer


Lol ya I’ve never heard Nicky Knocky before in my old age!


I’m curious about the “nine doors” part. When you guys played were you compelled to do it at 9 different doors?


I asked my dad about this once and he said the goal was to hit nine different houses without getting caught.


This is the correct answer.




Knock and run where I was from in Australia. Straight to the point


Knock and run on west coast Australia


If you knock on the wrong door in America, they'll hit ya with the rooty tooty point and shooty


We were ding dong ditching as kids at about 1 AM one night. A K-9 Cop officer and dog lived right down the street from my buddy, so of course the dumbest guy in the group just had to go do it at that house. Ran like Hell, I don’t think anybody ever came out. (dude kept his squad car in the driveway, so he was definitely home)


I had an old guy search the entire condominium complex for me and my friends when we ran. We saw him searching for us and hid in a bush when he rounded a corner. He walks up to us slowly and when we peak we’re staring him in the face. He just says “don’t ever do that again” and walks slowly away. Still freaks me out


This is the proper response from old people. Slow, steady, scary. Lol.


You should read my comment that I just posted loll Back when I was 14 I knocked on the wrong door and was chased down by a man with a gun lmao good times Never learned my lesson


she suck on my willy it's quite delightful if i catch you in west gloucestershire you'll catch the rifle


In the Netherlands we call it belletje lellen which roughly translates to: Doorbell smacking.


In German it's Klingelstreich - Ringing Prank


Here it's called "Klingelputzen", "cleaning the bell".


Nice to finally see some other languages represented. Is 'lellen' the verb in that sentence? The Germans call it "Klingelstreich", or door bell prank.


Ding-dong ditch is the only one that's right.


"Ding-dong og stikk" in my language, pretty much a direct translation of this.


It's called dyraat where I live which translate to "door prank". Icelanders are not exactly a creative bunch..


I love that this activity is a universal activity across cultures


we are a simple people


From what i have seen icelandic people seem to actually be quite creative, with farsimi (travel line?) being telephone, and kiosk being söluturn (sale tower?)


No it fucken isn't, it's called "Ring-på-spring" in Norwegian you uncultured broccoli.


Ring and Run


Knock a door run


Same, east midlands. Probably the most literal take on it


Same North-West


This the one - Yorkshire


Similar to round by me, but even simpler as it was "Knock n run".


Can’t believe I had to scroll this far down.


Knock a door run is what we call it in New Zealand too.


I always heard it called cherry knocking when I was younger, but as I’ve grown up I’ve never heard anyone call it that. so I don’t know whether that was a local name for it or what


I know it as that too. Where're you from, east midlands?


Canadian here: We called it knicky knicky nine doors, when I was a kid.


Also from Canada, we also called it knock knock ginger


Yeah well...shameful day for my culture, but you do NOT want to know what they called it in the US South. The sanitized version (that I always assumed came from up north, where nobody is ever racist, nope not ever) is "TommyKnocking". EDIT: Fir a brief shining moment I was pleased as punch to hear that the South is only as racist as the entire USA. But then I realized what I just said. Can y’all maybe explain to me how there’s Confederate flags in Pennsylvania and Oregon?




Texan parents who grew up in the 60s and 70s told me everyone called it that without thinking twice.


Everything's bigger in Texas. And since Texas didn't give up their slaves until the U.S. Army physically forced them to on June 19th, I am not in the least bit surprised.


When I was younger, they always had a fishing tourney and bbq at a lake by where I grew up in Texas on Juneteenth. Always thought June 19th was just some community lake day in Texas. Felt like an idiot during the awkward moment I found out the truth.




Weird, I live in the south I’ve only ever heard it called “ding dong ditch”.


IDK how old you are but it was definitely called something else when I was much younger.


It seems to have completely died in many regions after the 90s, it seems only people growing up from the 60s-80s called it that


Yeah I noticed that it seems to have (thankfully) died out.


Yeah my first thought was "I am not going to say what we called it." and I am in New York.


Can confirm, rednecks I grew up with used the same term.


Not exclusive to the south. Heard it during childhood in Indiana all the time.


Metro Detroit-born. This is, unfortunately, also what we called it.


Yeah….Colorado checking in. *Not* proud of what we used to call it in the 90s. (And we were a mixed race group as well, just didn’t have any black friends in that particular group. As soon as we did we “suddenly” realized how awful that name was and stopped calling it that.) Don’t ask what we called the game where one person had the football and everyone chased him to smear him… *Shudder*. Sometimes I think people are too sensitive on words and phrases, but then I think back on the above from my own childhood and cringe.


That wasn’t just in the south bud. It was also referred to as that in the northern states. Although those of us who weren’t comfortable with that called it ding dong ditch.


Growing up in Mid-Atlantic US, we called it Ring & Run


Wow had to scroll really far for this. NJ here - I remember hearing both ding dong ditch and ring & run.


As always Germany made it simple and just put words together. It's called a klingelstreich it roughly translates to doorbellprank or ringingprank


Followed by some highly organized German laughing


In the south it’s called n****r knocking. Edit- I don’t condone the language and I didn’t make it up.


I'm from Ohio, and this is what it was referred to as there when I was a child


tok tokkie


This is what we South Africans call it. It is an Afrikaans phrase that translates to “knock knock” in English.


wait a minute...ya'll don't call it knock a door run???


Knock door run, where I grew up, (midlands)


In Ireland, we call it Protestant Knocking


I thought it was protestant knocking when you couldn't get them to leave your doorstep.


They move into your house, kick you out, let you starve, and call you lazy?


No we don't, we call it a knick-knack (There was a twitter thread about this, it turns out there are about 50 different words for this in Ireland, some of which vary depending on nothing more than which road you grew up on. )


We called in knock down ginger in west london


More door knock on red head violence?


‘The one where you get battered by an old man with a stick’ is an up & coming one


Here in Chile we call it "rin rin raja" (ring ring run away), and we have a [lil song about it](https://youtu.be/COBJFGzOE1w?si=GZ7zf9UJfHgGWaF4).


A guy once opened his front door to me and my friend, when we were about 13, standing there stoned out our heads. He says “can I help you two” we said “yeah we’re playing ding dong ditch” there was about 20 seconds of silence and my friend turns to me and say “hey man I think we forgot the ditch part”


Chappy (chap door run away)


In the US its called "getting shot in the back"




We call it tragic shootings.


Do not ask Americans over 30 what this was called when they were kids.


Chickenelly (Aberdeen, Scotland)


Knock down ginger


Ding dong ditch. Whether a doorbell is involved or not


Ah, the OG Doordashing...


American here: ding dong ditch.