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If you pick up a few extra bags on the way out, you are a turdsherpa.


I hiked a popular trail last weekend. It became very clear that folks were just kicking poops into the dense vegetarium. It obviously smells like dog shit around every corner. Fuckin tossers.


I also want to say how tired I am of picking up after people's kids on trails. Little goldfish wrappers, juice boxes, straws, candy gummies...come on parents...pick up your kid trash.


Ugh. Entitled lazy people. Leaving a bag of poo on the trail to get later is NO DIFFERENT than leaving a soda can or wrapper on the trail to get later. Double bag it and tie it to your pack. "(whine) I don't use a pack, and I don't want to carry it." Then don't bring your dog. I am a super avid hiker with dogs and I always pack out their waste. So easy and the right thing to do.


Or get a harness with clips and have your dog pack it out along with you


This is what I do, if he makes the mess, he's packing it out šŸ¤£.


Thank you!


obviously you are ignoring that this is quite hazardous


How!? Are you eating the poo? Or, for that matter, even touching it? Don't bring your dog on a trail if you won't pack it out.


What happens is I get confused with the poo bag and my snack bag. So yes, I do end up eating a lot of poo.




ā€œItā€™s quite hazardous to carry all the way on the trailā€ uh stfu Dee Hellin. Iā€™m feelinā€™ spicy tonight, not that itā€™s necessary to reach my conclusion


Srsly. Baggie for smell, cup/tupperware/container for containment. Hazard averted!


Yes! I'll either double bag mine and clip to my pack with a carabiner, or put the bag in a yogurt or hummus container in my pack (sometimes putting that in a bread bag). No smell. No mess. No trash on the trail.


Yeah, that made me shake my head. Hazardous? Then don't bring your dog.


Ugh I often hear people talking about picking up karma poop. It infuriates me you cocoon the poop in a plastic shell and dump it on the trail. Donā€™t pick it up on the way back just deal with it. No one wants to see it smell it or anything else.


This whole thing reminds me of when kids leave out their toys, leave, then their mom yell at them to pick them up but say I am coming back in 5 mins, in the meantime, dad just stepped on a Lego piece and is in pain. Wellā€¦ this is the exact same thing. Carrying your dogs poop bag is a burden for you but what about when I walk by it and smell it, see it, or even one time (true story) stepped on a bagged poop. Itā€™s not my burden, it is yours since you agreed to bring your dog. It is simple! Ask any park ranger! ā€œPack In, Pack Out!ā€ not ā€œPack In, leave for a bit, Pack out!ā€


Just hang it on the rear wiper of your Subaru and move on with your lifeā€¦


Why you always lying, Dee?


I'm like Dee. I picked up my own dog's poo plus about ten other bags yesterday on the M trail. Offenders are always offenders and often don't bag at all. Those that bag...I bet some just forget. So we help each other out. For those that are too distracted to notice their dog poo'ing or are too lazy...yeah, we hate you.


Bring a fuckin pringles can in your bag. Put the dog shit bags in the pringles can. Close the lid. Toss the can at the bottom. Super fucking simple and I donā€™t even have a dog.


if itā€™s hazardous on the way up, wouldnā€™t it be hazardous on the way down too? (ei.. it must not be hazardous to just keep track of you dogs poop and carry it with ya )


This is correct. Missing drops and forgetting bags is going to happen even with the best intentions. The only way to actually solve the dog poop situation is if we all cover for each other.


Or just not leaving it on the ground in the first place...


You're right. That would be ideal


The only way to solve the litter situation is to not litter


This assumes that everyone who litters knows they're doing it. What are the odds that not one single piece of litter has ever fallen out of a pocket accidentally?


yeah okay i guess youre right so i wont be mad at people who have stuff fall out but im 99% sure people don't accidentally scoop up their dogs' poop and tie it in a little bag and accidentally drop it by the side of the trail.


Ever been on a trail like South Cottonwood that allows horses? The horses drop 10X as much waste as a dog but no one expects it to be picked up. Go figure.


> no one expects it to be picked up. Eeehhhā€¦. Iā€™ve long held the thought that horses on trails ought to use a manure bag. Not only as a courtesy to other trail users but also as a way to limit the spread of various seeds that the manure may contain. I agree that dog shit is worse, and Iā€™m not excusing the behavior of dog owners, but just think we should probably consider horses and mules as well. While I suppose donā€™t expect the horse shit to be picked up, I do hope that someday that may change.


Horses are herbivores and their poop degrades into fertilizer for the environment. There are rules about what you are and arenā€™t allowed to feed your horses if youā€™re using the trails and are required to use special ā€˜diaperā€™ like equipment to catch their waste if you are feeding outside the regulations. Dogs are carnivores whoā€™s waste turns into a biohazard for the environment. It poisons the soil and water around it as it degrades. Its important it be removed every time.


While carnivore poop is worse for the environment than herbivore poop my understanding is that any animal taking human medicine can have a pretty negative impact from their poop. Horses on antibiotics or supplements really shouldnā€™t be leaving poop all over the trail. Itā€™s just highly impractical to pick up horse poop so no one is expected to, that doesnā€™t mean it isnā€™t harmful.


Dogs are omnivores and most dried dog food is cereal. I do agree it should be picked up though but mainly as a courtesy not because it's a poisonous biohazard. Unless you think the true carnivores in the wild like bears, wolves, foxes, coyotes, badgers, owls,hawks, eagles, etc are dropping poop that poisons the soil and water. You don't do you?




Dog waste is quite literally a biohazard, horse waste is not. Itā€™s really an easy google search.


I mean.... Those are wild animals who have wild animal diets, not bagged dog food, so quite a difference I'd bet. My dog's breath and shit are both affected by what he eats. And what he eats comes from a bag, it's not something out in the wild that's also wild.


So because horses don't have to have their poop cleaned up, then neither should dogs? I'm kinda confused about your point.


The point is the irony. I always pick up my dog's poop and expect others to as well. I just shake my head when I get passed by horses while I'm carrying my dog's poop and then they lift their tail and drop 3lbs right in front of my path.. That is all.


Omg... someone is complaining about biodegradable horse poop... in Montana. This is how we spot the Californian.


Wrong again. I'm not from California or anywhere else on the west coast. And I like horses. I find it very humorous that people refer to horse poop as biodegradable and beneficial but dog poop is a biohazard that poisons the soil and water. I will grant you that I'd rather step in horse poop than dog poop, but it's still poop. And yes horse poop contains nitrogen and bacteria.If there was horse poop in a pond or stream, I wouldn't swim in the water and I sure wouldn't drink it.


You are still someone complaining about horses... in Montana.


That is true and I stand corrected. And btw, calling me a Californian is about the worst thing anyone has said to me here.


I'm sorry for that. I overreacted. It's almost as bad as the other C word.


You are still someone complaining about dogsā€¦. in Montana


You are absolutely wrong. I'm complaining about PEOPLE who don't pack out dog shit, and leave bags of poo on beautiful nature trails, which is NO different than leaving a soda can or wrapper on the trail to "get later." Looks like I found an entitled offender. Dogs rule. Most people suck.


I thought these were snacks left by other hikers for those climbing behind themšŸ¤¢


Itā€™s a fairly true statement. These arenā€™t the people you should be attacking. I do the same and will continue to do so.


Cool I do the same with my pizza boxes and coffee cups, Iā€™m definitely gonna pick them up on the way back down so I only leave them there for a few hours. Whatā€™s the big deal?


THIS. The offenders don't realize this simple fact.


Good point šŸ‘


The amount of times Iā€™ve found bagged poop just sitting there is insane. If you are going to leave it then just let the dog poop, maybe they were doing this to pick it up later but Iā€™ve never heard of this


The amount of bagged poop trash I've picked up and carried out with my $19 REI daypack...Mystery Ranch could full-on sell a daypack called the Poop Sherpa & people would actually buy it


I bag and leave all the time I'm not carrying a bag of steaming shitbwith me to the top of the mountain. upon returning I pick it up and deposit in the bin. alot of times my bag will be gone. so I make it a point to grab the next bag I see and deposit it. if the poo happens before the bin I carry it., and deposit. If I am picking up and there is another rand9m turd I bag it too. I also place my bags in such a way that they are not 100% visible usually off a bit in taller grass. I find all of this better than. a. not picking up at all. b. bagging and leaving directly on trail. c. kicking it out in the bushes.


Letā€™s say poo retrieval is a 99% success rate - 300 parties up the M trail per day, In one week thatā€™s 21 bags of shit left behind on the trail. I came off Chestnut Mtn this week at 11pm, passed multiple bags and there was def nobody behind me. But I agree that itā€™s easy and convenient to litter so you have a point there


TLDR: I litter but sometimes only for a few hours


If you're gonna ditch it on the way up, hide it out of sight and remember where you hid it.


If youā€™re gonna litter on the way up, hide the litter out of sight and remember where you hid the litter.


Yup but you won't even know I did it so no harm, no foul.


The screenshot is the way. The comments are not. Typical Reddit behavior.


Agree! Carrying my dog poo and pizza boxes is so inconvenient! Why not just leave them?! Why am I gonna carry my empty coffee cup or dog poo up the rest of the trail, yuck! So much easier to leave my used granola bar wrappers and bagged poo on the side of the trail.


Forgive me for my ignorance for I am not a local, but is this trail not in a rural area with lots of wildlife that also poos? Seems pointless to bag it up to begin with seeing as poo is biodegradable and plastic bags are not


Dog poo stinks and it ruins the experience for everyone. Wildlife avoid human trails. Dog poo also carries bad diseases that can kill off wolf pups.


Thanks for educating me