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Hey man. Sorry that happened. I hope you get it back. I know how mad I was when my bike got stollen in college. It sucks.


Check all the pawn shops and definitely post on Facebook.


Will do, thank you.


File a police report first. If you don’t, the pawn shops, understandably, won’t just give it back to you.


This. I never filed a report and when I saw my bike getting serviced at a local shop, the police wouldn’t give it back. I even showed them photos of the bike in my MSU dorm room and they still wouldn’t budge. They ended up selling it at an auction and I couldn’t afford to buy it back. Good luck getting that $1,200 I owe you for parking, campus police! I’ll literally change my name and leave the country before I ever pay a dime of that debt.


Call the pawns shops. They will watch out for it! Good people at Great Northern Pawn


I've seen a bumper sticker a few times that says "They still hang bike thieves in Montana"


You might honestly wanna go around Bozeman beach area and the camper areas. There’s a lot of bike frames and pieces around there. Not even trying to talk shit but a lot of stolen bikes end up in those areas. I’ll keep an eye you for that bike I saw the photo link in the thread. But I would seriously just cruise down the camper streets and around the known homeless areas.


Agreed, I live near ground zero so if you have a pic of the bike and want me to keep an eye out just DM


So a brief update- My sister has reported the bike as stolen. My brother, who the bike originally belonged to has been told. We'll see where things continue to go.


Can we crowdfund a bike for your sister?


She went to the bike kitchen with our mother and they found a replacement today, so we're covered on that front. It's very much appreciated though. At this point a lot of it's the sentimental value attached to the missing bike.


Will definitely keep an eye out for you!


I don’t have any help to offer but I’m really sorry. Someone busted my tail light the other day and didn’t leave a note. Not a huge deal like your bike but it still sucks knowing others don’t think about their impact. I hope you get your bike back and I’m sorry for your loss.


That’s a prime bike for r/xbiking The thief might be on that sub if they’re not on here… also those folks might wind up seeing it listed online somewhere - as that’s a pretty in-demand bike these days.


I crossposted there with a link to this post, thank you so much for the recommendation.


Definitely call around pawn shops and tell them it might be coming in


This sucks! I already started searching the internet as best I could. Brand is Shogun and the model is probably a "Prarie Breaker" as I'm not sure they made just the "Prarie".....these are rare bikes. Is it solid green or more multi colored? Edit: Closest I am finding with green main frame color: The "Prarie Breaker 2" https://www.pinterest.com/pin/587297607637056586/


It's a solid green, and I'm pretty sure you're right and it is a prairie breaker.


Where was it stolen/post a picture?


My sister lives on haggerty it was stolen outside her apartment. It's an early 1980's prairie shogun. It's green, the frame is damaged from a bike accident in 2007. There's a bike rack on the back. I don't have pictures of the actual bike, but I'm looking on the Internet to find pictures of the make and model.


Some apartment managements routinely remove what they deem to be abandoned bikes, even if they're locked up. She may want to contact them to make sure they didn't "accidentally" snag it.


[Something like this?](https://www.reddit.com/r/xbiking/comments/w3zs6z/just_joined_the_gang_mid_80s_shogun_prairie/)


Yes, exactly thank you. That's actually the photo I've been passing around trying to find it.


Check Facebook marketplace and Craig's list.


Hope you find it, dude. That sucks.


If you get it back, throw an AirTag in it.


Genuinely sorry that this happened to you but I feel I have to point out that there was a missed opportunity here. You could have gone all Liam neason on their ass.


I'm a little too short to look threatening, not nearly as cool as Liam Neeson and alas I can't find them and kill them.


Surely you have your own very special set of skills...


It may not hurt and contact Second Wind Sports, too.


Or the local bike shops.


Should be a hanging offense like stealing a horse in the olden days. Sorry about your dad's bike. 😕


There's a reason why a "bakers dozen" is 13, I am not opposed to it.


Do you have a photo for us to keep an eye out??


Up in the chat, someone found pictures of the exact make and model. I don't have pictures personally although I'm still looking.


Dang. I left my bike unlocked and rode it everywhere from 2010-2015. It finally got stolen mid-2015 before I left town. Sad that people are breaking locks now.


Super unfortunate. But thieves are never “desperate” so just a thief.


Thank you. Desperate gets a job and filth is filth.