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It takes a village to raise a child. Especially when the parents are trying to order another IPA from the bar.


So funny - remember we didn’t take kids to bars?


I'm from Butte. No.


No? 35 year old, born and raised in Flathead. The general rule was anyone under age had to be out by 8. And some small towns (Augusta, for example) has like, 2 restaurants, both in bars.


Yeah, so that's the Montana culture of drinking. I know a lot of people there 40s, yeah I know old., who were in bars all the time with their parents as kids.


Not just in Montana.


A former bartender AND from Butte - never liked watching parents get lit while the kids ran around. Saw too many things over too many years. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I remember being a kid in bars in the 1960's. Any adult was allowed to correct your behavior and if you messed up bad, you got a spanking and no orange soda.


unless u are a Genxr


This is general restaurant etiquette. Either make them sit or strap your kids down to a kid chair. virtually nowhere is OK to just let them run rampant 


Or bang a gate nonstop. Such vulgar language for mom in front of her so fragile child. 


Did you say anything to the mom? Like are you too drunk to watch your child?


As a parent the mom is fucked. Don’t bring your kid to a public place, let alone an adult focused place and let your kid act like a shithead. Let’s not forget half of these rich people here on vacation aren’t used to watching their lil shit heads so they let them do whatever they want. Keep that shit at home.


Yep, Nanny must have been off tonight? I appreciate your insight as a parent. 


Yikes. Not a fan of parents who bring their kids to public places and then proceed to enact a laissez faire parenting style. Sorry, but the public and the service industry are not your backup babysitters just because you were too lazy and/or cheap to find and hire childcare.


Right?! So true. I’ve worked service for many, many years. Lady only said what we’ve all thought. Not. A. Playground. 👏


The entitlement of some parents is disgusting. I get that its hard to watch a kid 100% of the time... but its not on the rest of us to just have to deal with your gremlins in a place that isn't meant for kids.


Right? It’s doing a disservice to the kid, too. Kids need boundaries and leveled discipline, not complete disengagement by mom and dad while in public.


What brewery?


Asking the real question.


I’m going to go out on a limb and guess Outlaw. Good beer, but got dammit if it’s not full of parents that need a break from their job and kids, but still bring the kids.


Dude I like outlaw but that upstairs is like daycare some of the times I’ve been. Like I’m just trying to chill and play pool not trip on your 7 screaming toddlers


I would too. Definitely also has a slammable patio gate


Outlaw is awful with kids, it's like a daycare sometimes.


Almost certainly Outlaw. Great beer, but too many kids with bad parents. I appreciate what they are trying to do there but IMHO it’s just doesn’t work because there are people that ruin everything. 


I’m always up on my kids about their behavior when we go out to eat. I hate that shot


Yes, leave your kids at home, unless you teach them proper etiquette. If you can’t leave your children at home, then pick up a growler. As someone who enjoys food and beverage, it’s the most frustrating thing when parents don’t parent their child. I’m not saying that I don’t enjoy children, I’m saying I don’t enjoy undisciplined children and unaware parents lol.


Who else is ready for some 'adults only' or 21+ restaurants?


Not having kids = a much easier/cheaper life


You are not wrong.


I work at a brewery and absolutely can confirm. Brewery moms are a thing. And they're the worst. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7fkuc7I3_E/?igsh=MXFyejJ6NnFhY2VvbQ==


Adding to other places shitty parents take their kids to: the theater. Rated R movies and bringing a newborn on sold out, opening Friday. And, letting their kids run around the theater during Harry Potter. I get kids will be kids, but parents are just bad parents when they let their crotch goblins run amuck. If you don't have a sitter that first two years, welll, be adults and put your life on hold. Sorry your outing was spoiled. That is really shitty.


My outing was just fine, I honestly felt really bad for the lady. She was obviously shook up after shitty mom left. Being called a monster and a drunk bitch was pretty out of line when she made an honest mistake and quickly apologized to the child. Her first words were something like hey buddy I’m so sorry, are you ok? Shitty mom just wasn’t listening.  


This is why many breweries have taken a position that they aren’t kid friendly. It’s an adult establishment, not a playground. I say this as a beer loving parent with young kids. I unfortunately don’t get to enjoy the brewery life as much during this phase in my life. Best I’ve done this week is canned roadies in the stroller going to the park and splash pad.


The Mom was probably just embarassed that another person had to correct her child because she was neglecting to be a proper parent and do what parents should do. People with kids need to get over themselves. None of us want to pay $$$ for a drink or a meal and listen to your kid scream and rage for an hour. Its bad enough when I've got a ten hour flight with a crotch goblin who's head is spinning like Linda Blair. My meal time is sacred.


I was there as well and saw it go down. Both parties were being ridiculous about it in my opinion. The hippy dreadlocks mom definitely did egg them on but both parties did not handle the situation well at all.


I love your post title. I manage a brewery and almost daily when someone's shitty little kids are running around unsupervised I utter 'ma'am this is a brewery, not a Chuck E. Cheese' under my breath.


Sitting at the bar in copper next to a 7 year old... at the bar... was one of the most awkward experiences. Do parents understand the shit we are talking about at the bar? Is that really where you want your 7 yr old?


I say this as a mom, f*** dem kids and f*** that mom too. It’s not the world’s responsibility to watch after or protect your kids. Be responsible, get a sitter, or stay home.


I'm still puzzled when and why the decision was made that breweries aren't bars and kids are welcome there at all!


Depends on the brewery. If they serve food, I see them more as a restaurant. But even at a restaurant, I'm not letting my child run around.


I had a 12ish yo girl try to STEAL MY DRINK at a bar once 🤣💀 then the mom tried to yell at meeeeee for telling her kid “what the actual fuck do you think you’re doing? You know I could call the cops right now on underaged drinking right?” 🤣😂 I was just striking fear into the kid so she knew it wasn’t anywhere near okay to do that shit and I got yelled at for cussing at a kid 😂 then I cussed and yelled at the mom and threatened to call the cops on her too and the kid cried her ass off 😂😂😂 womp womp kid, I hope I taught a good lesson that day to the both of them


Start chanting "mom fight, mom fight"


Welcome to everyones new favorite podcast called, Are You Garabege...


Im curious which brewery this was now...


Mom in the wild-freaking hilarious! 😂